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IVF/ICSI/FET Round 2 (or 3, or 4, or 5, etc.) ladies trying again in 2011

Hi Emerald Sarah!:hi::hi: So sorry to hear about your losses honey. I know what you mean about coping with other people's success. I had to sit next to a pregnant colleague today. I know she has had 2 miscarriages but I was still so jealous and burst into tears on the way home. Why does this have to be so bloody horrid!?

MSG - good luck at your scan tomorrow. I am sure you will have a good number of excellent follicles. The fact that you seem to have more than last time is a good sign. Are you doing anything to help egg quality? I am trying to eat healthily but just can't resist choccie and crisps. (I am buying natural/organic versions but I am sure that is not the idea!) Another thread suggested omega 3 helps and I take that too. Pllllease let this work for us!!!

Isi - af arrived late today (about 5-6 pm). I think I should count today as day 1 - what do you think? That means I start clomid tomorrow and stimmining on Sun. Would like to shout 'yippee!' but don't feel like it as have horrendous pmt and feel like screaming at th world argggghhh! How are you doing honey? You always have such lovely words for us all xx
Hi girlies,

Sila I know exactly what you mean. I have a collegue at work who's due date is two days before the date I would have been due. It tears me up every time I see her. She has been proudly showing off her scan pictures and I can't help but feel she made a direct beeline for me as soon she saw me to show them to me. I understand she must excited but if it were me I try show a bit of respect knowing that someone has just had a miscarriage a few weeks before.

Well girls I'm hoping AF shows her face tomorrow so I can phone the clinic and get booked in for my scan. No signs yet though, no cramping, nothing!! typical isn't it. I just want to get going with it.

Spreading some :dust: to us all. x

Sila my clinic told me if AF shows her face after lunch time then to count day 1 as the next day. I would double check with your clinic hun. x
im curious to know how much is IVF and or if you use insurance at all. My husband has an appointment with urologist at the end of the month but just curious how much does it cost for IVF i would appreciate your info thank you.

Doodar - I think that is really insensitive of her! The problem is that some girls who have never had problems don't 'get it' at all. I am sure she doesn't mean to upset you - but to be honest I can't really understand how she can think it is a good idea to do that! We got a lengthy email from my boss talking aout baby showers for the 2 preggo ladies at work. It's not just a collection so now I have to go out buying baby staff (again!) that's not for me. I can't bear it!

Oh and I think I will have to count day 1 as tomorrow as af isn't really here properly yet (though i was desperate for today to be day 1 for some reason!) Hope you join me in getting af tomorrow so you can get that scan booked lady!

Mummytorres - my last icsi cycle was around 6 1/2 thusand. I need loads of drugs though whcih pushed the price up and ivf is cheaper than icsi. xx
Hey, mommytorres! If you are here in the good ole U.S. you may pay between 8-12k for fresh cycle ivf and another 5-6k for meds. As I am also self pay now, my company is giving me a rate break of $8500.
Hi Emerald Sarah!:hi::hi: So sorry to hear about your losses honey. I know what you mean about coping with other people's success. I had to sit next to a pregnant colleague today. I know she has had 2 miscarriages but I was still so jealous and burst into tears on the way home. Why does this have to be so bloody horrid!?

MSG - good luck at your scan tomorrow. I am sure you will have a good number of excellent follicles. The fact that you seem to have more than last time is a good sign. Are you doing anything to help egg quality? I am trying to eat healthily but just can't resist choccie and crisps. (I am buying natural/organic versions but I am sure that is not the idea!) Another thread suggested omega 3 helps and I take that too. Pllllease let this work for us!!!

Isi - af arrived late today (about 5-6 pm). I think I should count today as day 1 - what do you think? That means I start clomid tomorrow and stimmining on Sun. Would like to shout 'yippee!' but don't feel like it as have horrendous pmt and feel like screaming at th world argggghhh! How are you doing honey? You always have such lovely words for us all xx

Hey, Sila! Well, I am not really doing much different, except I started eating a bit healthier and exercising somewhat regularly (these were both goals regardless of ivf). I am taking baby aspirin daily :) Oh regardin day 1/af, I started mine at 6p on Sunday night and my RE counted Monday as Day 1.
Hi ladies!!!

Emerald-Sarah, wishing you loads of luck whether you choose to do the FET or a fresh cycle. And if its FET, don't worry about them not going to blast. I've since learnt that the success rates for day 3 and day 5 transfers are not that much different. My failed cycle was a day 5 transfer, and I have decided to do a day 3 next time.

Woohoo for AF, Silarose :happydance:. Trust her to take her sweet time to make her entrance. Anyways, she can't delay longer than a day anyways. And then we can start counting down :thumbup:

Doodar, some people really are insensitive. I know its hard, but try to ignore her :hugs:. Hoping AF doesn't delay for you so you can start soon!!!

MSG, how's it coming along? When is your next scan?

MommyTorres, I think Silarose and MSG have hit the nail on the head. I don't live in the US, so really have no idea how much treatment there costs

As for me....I'm just trying to live my life, hoping the days go quickly by. So tired of it still being 3 weeks and however many days before our next try. Seems like an eternity :dohh:
Isi I understand my friend. The wait is killing me too. Af is nowhere to be seen. Why does she do this to us. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
I hope the days go quick for you hun x :hugs:
Sila & Doodar...you know what, I don't beat myself up any more about hating pregnant women, especially the insensitive ones who know your situation because I tell myself they deserve it! I may soon have no friends left (almost all of them are pregnant!) but I know if the boot were on the other foot I'd be a lot more sensitive than some of them are. It's a case of self preservation.
Hardest has been coping with my little sister being pregnant, as it's hard to have those feelings, but unfortunately sometimes you still can't help it :-(

God, I know that sounds awful, but just had a pretty awful Xmas after the icsi didn't work and it feels like every woman I know is pregnant (apart from my mum and gran!)
:hi: I am new here and I was wondering what is the process of the IVF and the cost in your country/state. I live in Bermuda and they don't do it here. My fs said I would have to look into it myself (choose the hospital, etc.) then let him know and it goes from there. Any idea?
Hi everyone

I am having a bit of a panic. I am starting my next round of ICSI. I was told to take the pill, then stop and wait for af, then take clomid on day 2. I stopped the pill on Sun and I thought af started on Thur evening but it was light so I didn't count that as day 1. Overnight and on Fri morning I defo got bright red flow - I filled a reg tampax in the morning (sorry tmi). I thought 'yay' this is day 1 and booked my scan. However, on Fri afternoon it was very light. Last night I got a bit of flow and small clots when I went to toilet in the night, but today it is very light again. I have taken my clomid today as I think it is day 2 - but now I am so unsure. My periods are normally REALLY heavy and this one is different. Like I say - there has been red flow but much lighter than normal. I seem to remember the nurse sayingxxxxxx that the pill could make your period lighter but I am not sure. I have had to take the clomid today in case I 'missed the boat'. What do you think? I so hope I haven't jumped the gun - but I do think today is probably day 2! HELP!! I am in such a panic ladies xxxxxxxxx:headspin::headspin:
Hi, Sila! Mine has been the same way too ever since they started putting my on bcps then taking me off etc. They still considered the first day weird lightish day Day 1 and apparently my ovaries are responding as such so I think you are ok :)
Hi Silarose!

I'm sure everything is fine. I find that when I have a drug induced bleed that they are always much lighter than a natural one. I'm sure that there is nothing to worry about and would personally think you did right by taking the clomid. I would have done the same.

Good luck! Lolly xxxxxx
Thanks ladies! I feel reassured by what you have said. My DH was saying that it can't really be anything other than af which also helped me to calm down a bit. Think the hormones are sending me a bit loopy lol!

MSG - how are your follies getting on?

Lolly - how are you feeling after your injections this week?
Glad to hear youve calmed down Sila, good advice from your hubby to. Try and see it as a bonus that its light!! Think I would be!!

Injection was ok, thanks for asking, had almost forgot i'd had it done until thurs evening when the rage hit me!!! Ooops, poor poor DP :haha:

Oh Lolly I hope you feel better by now. It's awful feeling like that! My DH knows that kind of hormonal rage only too well. Like when a pair of shoes left out of place becomes the end of the world and such a huge issue that I fume for hours and hours!!!
Exactly!! Wish he could step in these shoes for couple of hours!! What was it thursday.... oh yeah.... some chairs that were out from the garage, shouted that they shouldn't be there then burst into tears because they were cluttering up the kitchen!!! Think he thought I had finally lost it!!! Gotta laugh at some of the stuff, only thing that keeps ya sane :haha:

xxxxxxx :hugs:
Thanks ladies! I feel reassured by what you have said. My DH was saying that it can't really be anything other than af which also helped me to calm down a bit. Think the hormones are sending me a bit loopy lol!

MSG - how are your follies getting on?

Lolly - how are you feeling after your injections this week?

Hi, Sila!! Well, I have been a bit silent on the follies because I am not sure what to think. After 4 days of stims, I only had two measurable follies (9.5 and 8.5) and then 10 others that were smaller than this. The RE office seemed to think this was ok but it still worried me. I have no idea about estrogen levels (they don't share those unless there is a problem, so, I guess it is ok. My next scan is monday and I am hoping we see many more in the picture. My protocol is long lupron... i am on 10 units of lupron right now, 375 follistim and 75 repronex. Do any of you have experience with this protocol??

I remember last time I had a scan around day 4 or 5. I think most of mine were too small to measure - they might have measured only 1 or 2 of them. I think what they have seen at your scan sounds good - I'm not a doctor but I would be pleased with that. It sounds like you have a possible 12 follies. The picture seems to change as you carry on stimming so you could have many more larger follicles next time. It's only natural to worry, but I honestly think it sounds like your getting on well.

I don't know anything about your protocol. I am on the short protocol which has different drugs altogether. I take clomid at the start of my cycle and started that yesterday urgh! Makes me feel like total crap! And stimming from tomorrow for me. I needed to stim for ages last time as my follies develop slowly.

Good luck at your next scan - let me know how you get on xxxxxx

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