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IVF/ICSI/FET Round 2 (or 3, or 4, or 5, etc.) ladies trying again in 2011

Hi Girls,

Please can I join you all.

I am currently on Day 4 on my 2ww, after I had ET on 12.01.11 with an 11 cell embryo and a 12 cells. 3rd FET. OTD 26.01.11.

Georgina x
Hiya Ladies,

Hope your all having a good weekend. Well AF is finally in the house :happydance:. Waiting on the clinic to phone to book me in for my first scan. Can't wait.

Sila I'm glad the panic is over lol bless you. Nothing ever goes smoothly does it. My cycles are usually bob on 28 days. AF was due Fri and she never came. Sat arrived and still no sign. I even dragged hubby back to bed for some :sex: to try and hurry her along, hubby didn't know what had hit him lol. Anyway it worked but was on and off most of the morning nothing like usual. I'm usually so heavy right from the off its normally flood gates open and that it, but not this time. Light spotting I never ever get light spotting ever!! so I started to do some sit ups to try and bring it on heavier. I'm glad to say she is in full swing now and I've never been so happy to see her.

Lolly glad injection went ok. lol the rage! can completely understand. I feel so sorry for my poor hubby. He must love me dearly to put up with it lol doesn't take much to set me off. Will all be worth it in the end hun x

MSG I wouldn't worry about follie size at this stage hun. From what I can remember my follies were still very small at day 4 and even up to when clinic booked me in for EC at very last scan my follies werent great sizes and I got 15 eggs so try not to worry hun. Your doing great.x

Welcome Georgina good luck for your OTD. Those embies sound fab. :thumbup:

35-Smiling Prices can vary quite a bit from country to country. I'm in the uk and our first icsi cycle cost just short of £7000 but that included hubby having surgical sperm extraction and all our drugs. I think it depends on what your circumstances are and the reasons for needing treatment but an average cost for ivf here is around 4 thousand plus your drugs. Hope that helps a bit.
Hey, just wondered how long you guys had to wait between your failed cycle ending and your follow-up appt? We got our letter through yesterday and it isn't until 22 Feb - that's two months gap. Seems a bit unfair to make us wait so long with so many unanswered questions...

Hi Lou, I think we had EC/ET at around the same time and Ive got my app on the 20th Jan and they said it would be that long because of Christmas and my specific FS is away the first week of Jan (we could have seen another specialist earlier if we wanted to) so I think 2 months is way too long. Could you not make a desperate phonecall to get a cancellation or something? I thought at the time, for me to wait a month was a good thing but now im already getting impatient so I can understand how you feel.
I did read that you were having problems with your cycle. Im not sure if Ive ovulated this month either, keep on poas but havent got smiley face unless I missed it. I suppose thats one good thing about waiting for app, hopefully have time for cycles to get back to normal.

I hear really good things about CARE, if i had a choice and lived nearer one of their clinics, i would go to one of theirs. My friend had a failed cycle on the nhs then went to CARE (Northampton i think) and she had twin boys just before Christmas!!

Good luck anyway


Well I rang yesterday all ready for a fight and they were happy to change it to next Weds, which is good. They said they usually like to leave it 2 to 3 months after the failed cycle before an appt, which I think is crazy. It's a long time to have all those unanswered questions swimming around your head... The old gyno has retired now so there's a new guy which I'm pleased about, as I wasn't so keen on the last one. It was just a case of saying we had a problem with the sperm so straight to icsi, no discussion over whether we can address the problem at all. He was also really abrupt. I think he was about ready to retire.
Re this cycle, I ended up getting a positive on the OPK in the end, although it was really late. It was around the time I started spotting, so I think maybe my ovaries are still recovering. I've heard of so man others on here though who've had crazy cycles that it put my mind at rest. The nurse said it was v common to not ovulate after a failed cycle.
Yup, I'm hearing more good things about Care each day. Yesterday I heard about one woman who'd had four failed cycles at her clinic (not sure which one it was) and then she went to Care Manchester and she's now pregnant with twins. I know it's no guarantee it will work, but I think it's important to have confidence in your clinic and I just don't have much in Leeds. They were nice enough, but just a couple of niggling complaints I can't get over.
Angiemon - When are you thinking of having your FET? Will you wait a while? I noticed you did the short protocol too. I did the SP and found it went in an absolute flash. In fact it wasn't half as bad as I was expecting. Not sure whether I'll do it again next time - I'll go with what they recommend.

Wannabmum - I'm shocked by how much you've been through. You really deserve a break and I'm sure that anyone in their right mind would let you keep your baby. It must have been heartbreaking for him to be taken away from you! Hope everything works out.

Hi lou,
Thats great that you've got you appointment next wed, mine is on Thursday!!! Im not sure if i ovulated or not this month (was POAS for a while but not sure if i missed it)I had great thoughts that perhaps i would get pregnant naturally, i had unusual spotting and was nearly convinced it was Imp bleeding but AF came right on time this morning. So unfair!! TTC takes over your life doesnt it?
Yes i found the SP quite easy too but i got quite panicky about scans etc due to snow and the what to do and what not to do dilemma..im in 2 minds about when to do FEt as if i start straight away (if i can) my dads 70th birthday will prob fall right in middle of 2ww and we gonna have a big family party but then i dont want to wait either, im not getting any younger, 37 in July so if I can ill prob choose to do it straightway. What do you think you'll do? Its good that you have a new FS, perhaps he/she will be easier to deal with and be a bit more open..
I know its a really hard process but try and keep happy not sad. Just think it wont be long until you have a baby in your arms, im sure of it!!

Hi Girls,

Please can I join you all.

I am currently on Day 4 on my 2ww, after I had ET on 12.01.11 with an 11 cell embryo and a 12 cells. 3rd FET. OTD 26.01.11.

Georgina x

welcome georgina,
hope the 2ww is not driving you too mad, you're nearly there!! Are you doing plenty of symptom spotting? How was the FET process? Im due to have a FET in the next couple of months. I had a failed ICSI cycle before christmas and have my follow up next Thursday so we'll find out when we can start the FET.
Hope your embies are snuggling in nicely!!

Hi Georgina:wave::wave:

Good luck hun - hope you get your BFP this time around x

And good luck with your FET Angiemon. Here's hoping this is an uber lucky thread xxxx
Thanks Sila, hope you are not having a panic anymore. It sounds to me that you are on day 2, and as you said the nurse said there will be a few changes so try not to worry..i know how hard it is, you want to do everything exactly right. Im sure your doing the right thing. I def would....
Thanks, Doodar for the positive thoughts :) I have another scan in the a.m. This will be after 7 days of stims...
Hi lovely ladies. So sorry for being MIA this weekend!!!

Doodar.....:yipee: for AF arriving! Can't wait for you to get your dates :thumbup:

Silarose....I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. Your new cycle has definitely started, is my vote!

35_Smiling....I live in Lagos, and over here, a cycle costs about $8,000 (that's the converted USD price). So that means you'd have to travel for your treatment? I hear India is quite affordable. Good luck hun!

MSG.....good luck with your scan today hun!! Rooting for you :hugs:

Lou....I know that feeling so well! I hope April comes soon enough for you hun! We need to have our :bfp:s :thumbup:

Lolly....glad your shot went well!!!

Welcome Georginaa :hi:. Wow......our first PUPO Princess!! Praying you get that :bfp: next week!

As for me, AF came this morning.....so my clock has officially started ticking! So come day 21.....down regulating, here I come :happydance:
Thanks Sila :hugs:. Now that your AF has come, have you been given a fixed date for your stimms to start?
Hiya Isi

Started stimms today. Am on a protocol where I take clomid days 2-5 and stim from day 4. Never heard anyone else talk about this kind of protocol - but it worked last time so fx'd it's the protocol for me and will work again. I feel really nervous - not about the drugs or anything - more about taking the test after the 2ww. Not sure how I will be if BFN. Somtimes I think I will be ok and other times I think I'll fall apart. Oh well - nothing else to do but get on with it eh?
Oh - I jsu can't stop weeing with these meds - sooo embarrassing when you need to nip to the loo every 5 min x
Silarose, I know how you feel about being worried about the outcome! I'm permanently worried about mine....but I am trying not to just let go and allow things unfold as they will. Worrying won't change it. Gosh, so exciting. So your EC could be next week :happydance:. Sorry about the constant trips to the loo hun :haha:. Funnily enough, they didn't do that to me last time.
Bad news, ladies. I hate to be a downer on the forum, but it looks like the stims aren't working well and I am on the max dosage. Two/three follies continue to grow but the others don't. It looks like I will be converted to IUI, which, due to my husband's low sperm count will most likely not work. They are having me come back Wednesday but this is what it looks like now. :( We are very sad... hope not completely gone but, have to be realistic.
Oh MSG :nope:. I'm so sorry to hear that. Praying and hoping things change before Wednesday :hugs:
Hi Girls,

angiemon - Transfer went very well, my 2 previous transfer's the had to change the catheter half way through but this time thry never so seeing that as a positive! Yes symptom spotting already!! OTD 26th but think I'm going to be naughty and test 23rd. You heard anymore when you are going to start?

MYS - Really Sorry to hear you will have to change your tx, keep positive Hun

Isi Buttercup - Thanks for the lovely welcome!

silarose - Hope the sde effects from te meds calm down soon!

I can't do any smiley's - donlt know why, just won't lt me. Big Hello to those I havnt mentioned!!! xxxx
Bad news, ladies. I hate to be a downer on the forum, but it looks like the stims aren't working well and I am on the max dosage. Two/three follies continue to grow but the others don't. It looks like I will be converted to IUI, which, due to my husband's low sperm count will most likely not work. They are having me come back Wednesday but this is what it looks like now. :( We are very sad... hope not completely gone but, have to be realistic.

Oh MSG sorry to hear that. I've had a cancelled cycle and it was awful so I know how you must be feeling. I'm praying Wed will bring a different picture (it can happen!). xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The doc office just left a message saying to come back Thursday instead of Wed. and stay on the meds. So...who knows...

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