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IVF/ICSI/FET Round 2 (or 3, or 4, or 5, etc.) ladies trying again in 2011

u get plenty of rest hun n ive got everything crossed for u whens your otd?
Thanks Ann :hugs: OTD is Thursday 24th March, but I intend to start testing from next Saturday (19th).
How exciting Isi :) I hope the little embies burrow in nice and warm for the long haul xo
Hi everyone!

Glad all has gone very smoothly Isi, can't believe you are pupo with quads!! Good to hear you are taking it nice and easy. Good luck hun, you really do deserve it :hugs:

Good news Ann, bet you are getting excited now, you will be a pupo princess before you know it!

Angie hope you are feeling ok? Thaw embies, thaw? How many will they we taking out to defrost? All the luck in the world.

Hi to our prego ladies, Sila and Kat, hope you are both holding up ok. Any sickness/symptoms to tell us about?!

MSG and Doodar, hope you are both doing ok, love and hugs to you both.

AFM... the new job is going well thank you. Am very busy but the days are flying by so hoping that it'll be no time at all until I will be starting ICSI again, yay!! Had a dream two nights back that I was going for a scan and then looked in the mirror and had a big baby bump. Had the scan and saw the baby. I know its probably because i'm on here too much but I like to think of it as a sign!! Woke up wishing it was real. Also was winding on the sky+ and randomly pressed play and the character said 'pregnant'. And that was it. Bit surreal! And finally my DP had a fortune cookie which said inside 'after lots of waiting your greatest wish will come true.' I hope this is all pointing to a good outcome!!!! (Keeping up the PMA!)

Much love ladies, Lolly xxxxxxxxxxx
Wow! So many signs Lolly!!! Definitely enough for me to have mega good vibes for you! Can't wait for you to start. Glad the job is also going well!

Thanks Kat :hugs:
Thanks Ann :hugs: OTD is Thursday 24th March, but I intend to start testing from next Saturday (19th).

fx for a :bfp: same day i go in for ec:happydance:
lolly glad your liking your new job n heres hopping u start icsi very soon
Hiya everyone

Isi - how does it feel being an official PUPO? Hope you are having a good rest. Wishing you all the luck in the world!

Doodah- how did your appointment go hun?

Ann - yay you've got going! How are you feeling on the injections?

Lolly - all of those signs wow! Glad you are keeping up the PMA - shows just how strong you are!

Angie - good luck with your FET. What tablets do you have to take? Never heard of that. Acupuncture is fantastic isn't it? I have pent a fortune on it over the laast year but I'm sure it really helped me to cope with all the stress.

AFM - my scan on Thur was all fine - baby measured 7 weeks 3 days and the heartbeat could be seen. Got another scan next week and am then just seeing the midwife for routine treatment like everyone else! Feel a bit green around the gills but am loving every second of it as it reassures me everything is ok.

That's perfect Silarose! So happy for you! And feeling green is definitely a good thing :D. Girl, surely now you can put up a ticker :winkwink:

As for me, I'm good. I leave hospital this afternoon. Gotten loads of rest so far and hope to get even more in the coming week. I think one of the reasons I'm so relaxed is I'm truly, honestly open to any outcome. I'm not stressing at all and am just generally enjoying time off work. I pray it all works out in the end.
Hi Ladies!

Thanks Sila-so happy to hear the scan went well, thats so great!! Funny how we'll actually enjoy sickness and other symptoms because it reassures us. Can't wait to have my head down the toilet :rofl: You must be so happy! Just wondered where you had your treatment if you don't mind me asking? Im taking progynova, 3x2mg tabs a day but i can take them all in the morning. If i get side effects such as nausea or tiredness i can take them through the day. They are just to thicken my lining and to prevent ovulation apparently!! FET seems to be a lot less stressful! :coffee: I really like the acupunture too but you're right it costs a fortune but we have got ICSI funded by the NHS so we're very lucky!

Isi-have you had a nice few days resting? Is that what they normally do in Lagos? Im just wondering that if they think its beneficial im def going to have 3 days rest after ET? Im glad you're feeling positive and its so go to be stressfree as possible. I got really stressed through my last cycle, I didnt realise how bad at the time but looking back i was awful. I think the only time i was ok was at my acupuncture sessions....:sleep: Wishing you so much luck for your wee embies!!

Ahh thanks Lolly-yes im praying for my little embies to thaw properly, we have 4 and they thaw 2 first and then if there is a problem with those 2 they will then thaw the other 2, so if i manage to have 2 after thawing they will replace both. I can't wait to be PUPO again :happydance:
So good that you're enjoying your job and I love the signs you're getting. There has to be something in all of them!!! When do you think you will start your next cycle?

Ann- how are you feeling? Are the injections going ok? Thanks for the support!!

Kat, hope you feeling great. Have you many symptoms?

AFM, as said before, im feeling pretty relaxed, not being too hard on myself. Ive had my dads 70th party last week and had lots of family over from Scotland, Ireland and America so been keeping pretty busy. They've all gone now so can relax a bit! Ive told a few of my family members about what we're going through and im surprised to hear how many people are affected by infertlity. And the support they give is great too! Sometimes i think I should try not to tell anyone and other times you want to tell everyone! Well down the pub last night with loads of family and friends and everyones asking me to have a drink and leave the car there and its so difficult to say no and then because im not drinking, they think im pregnant!! :dohh: I think it might be easier not to go out for a few weeks.
Well we're going to see the Wizard of Oz tonight in London :wohoo: so looking forward to that. Sorry to go on and on.

Hi to anyone ive missed.

Sounds like you've had a fun but hectic couple of weeks, Angie! It must have been great to have family from all over the world. I agree that's its sometimes nice to share with others this infertility business, as some can really give good support. Others, unfortunately, just don't have a clue :nope:. And tell me about how annoying it is when people interpret your not drinking (or weight gain in my case, since I don't drink anyways) for pregnancy :dohh:. Talk about added pressure. Yeesh! So so glad you've started acupuncture, and that the FET is far less stressful than a fresh cycle. Rooting for you hun :hugs:

I wouldn't say a hospital stay is standard practice here in Lagos. Its just that my FS has been my Ob/Gyn for the past 3 years, so he sort of has added interest in my case (why I didn't use him for my first cycle totally beats me :dohh:). So when I asked if it was okay to stay a while (given that I wasn't 100% sure I'd be able to close my eyes to housework at home and get good rest for the first couple of days, especially as I had a 2 day transfer, and also since he has such a lovely clinic with amazing nurses), he said yes immediately. So it was as a result of me request, not standard practice. I leave for home in about 2 hours, and I think I can afford to patter around the house a bit. I don't return to work till the 21st.

Have fun seeing the Wizard of Oz :happydance:. In my 1 year of post graduate education in the UK, and occassional summer visits, I have never gotten round to seeing a West End play! Maybe next time. Have fun sweetie!
Sounds like you've had a fun but hectic couple of weeks, Angie! It must have been great to have family from all over the world. I agree that's its sometimes nice to share with others this infertility business, as some can really give good support. Others, unfortunately, just don't have a clue :nope:. And tell me about how annoying it is when people interpret your not drinking (or weight gain in my case, since I don't drink anyways) for pregnancy :dohh:. Talk about added pressure. Yeesh! So so glad you've started acupuncture, and that the FET is far less stressful than a fresh cycle. Rooting for you hun :hugs:

I wouldn't say a hospital stay is standard practice here in Lagos. Its just that my FS has been my Ob/Gyn for the past 3 years, so he sort of has added interest in my case (why I didn't use him for my first cycle totally beats me :dohh:). So when I asked if it was okay to stay a while (given that I wasn't 100% sure I'd be able to close my eyes to housework at home and get good rest for the first couple of days, especially as I had a 2 day transfer, and also since he has such a lovely clinic with amazing nurses), he said yes immediately. So it was as a result of me request, not standard practice. I leave for home in about 2 hours, and I think I can afford to patter around the house a bit. I don't return to work till the 21st.

Have fun seeing the Wizard of Oz :happydance:. In my 1 year of post graduate education in the UK, and occassional summer visits, I have never gotten round to seeing a West End play! Maybe next time. Have fun sweetie!
silarose glad your scan went well gdluck at the next 1

lsi make sure you get lots of rest at home whens otd?

angie whens et glad your not stressing yourself out

afm ive had a headache from hell 2day i had my first injection last nitght at 6pm the hubbys mother did it as i hate needles :cry: 2nd injetion due at 6pm 2nite :happydance:
Hi Isi - thanks, the last 2 weeks have been great fun and the show was great too, you should try to get to one when you're next in London. Even just seeing the theatre is an experience in itself. They're so old and have got so much history, we were home early though as i need lots of sleep now!!
Your FS sounds great and i know what you mean about being at home and seeing all these things that need to be done!! I really think i did a bit too much last time after ET so im going to be strict with myself this time. How are you feelng now? Did i read that you were starting to test on Fri? I so hope it has worked for you this time, ive got a good feeling for you. :thumbup:

Hi Ann - im not exactly sure when my ET will be. Ive got a scan on Friday and if my lining is at the right thickness, they will then start me on cyclogest (lovely!!) and set a date for my ET probably for 5 days after as my snowbabies are 5 & 6 days old. Im sorry you've got bad headaches. It might be a silly question but are you drinking enough water, i was told 2-3 litres a day and to include some milk in that, it really helps i think! How did you find the injection, it doesn't hurt too much does it? Its weird but it actually now feels like we're doing something so its kind of exciting! Have you felt like this too?

Hope all you other ladies are good!!! :hugs::hugs:
Hiya everyone

Isi - glad you are feeling relaxed about your outcome - that can only help. Your Dr sounds lovely - so great that he will go that extra mile for you. Good luck hun.

Angie - i had my treatment at Herts and Essex and they were good. I'm like you and wanted to tell people at times, but keep it to myself at other times. The thing that put me off talking to people was the fact that i felt that so many people just didn't understand. I felt that some people thought I was fussing over nothing. I've lost count of the things others said that upset me e.g. why not go for adoption? do you really want to give birth it hurts? Nobody was being mean but how could they 'get' it if they haven't been through it.I still feel a bit traumatised by it all to be honest!

Ann -sorry about your headache. They are awful - I found paracetamol and water helped. Hope you feel better tomorrow.

Hi everyone else - any news?

AFM - I'm still feeling tired and queasy - not complaining though!

Hello everyone I've been following the posts but haven't had anything to report until today. Went for my second scan (7w5d) and everything looks good, the heartbeat is going strong at 155 bpm. I'm wrapped because last week my IVF doctor told me it was "about 120" on the internal scan and I was worried it was too low but now I've had the propper reading I feel much more comfortable and my bean is the right size too (1.25 cm so tiny)...

Hope everyone continues to go well and if you get the chance say a little prayer for a friend of mine who went through IVF last month, did all the drugs at the highest concentration of Puregon, but only produced one egg so she chose to cancel the cycle before collection. Now they are checking her eggs as she had bad quality last time (the eggs of a 60 year old woman and she is 29) and she might not be able to ever have children. They are investigating her egg quality now and she will try again next month but it may lead to bad news again...

Just a little prayer for her would be great from ladies who know what it's like to go through the IVF roundabout rollercoaster....
Thanks Angie :hugs:. I really pray I get good news this weekend! Glad you had fun at the show. Will be praying and rooting for you when you get your FET started :happydance:

Anne, hope the headaches are gone sweetie! When is your next scan?

Tired and queasy is awesome, Silarose :hugs:.

That's great about the heartbeat, Kat. Will say a prayer for your friend.

:hi: Lolly, Doodar, Wrighty and MSG!

Nothing much from me. Was just recently confused on whether the front or back door is best for cyclogest, as its so messy from the front :blush:. No real symptoms besides the progesterone cramping and occassional boobs tenderness. I did wake up with a runny nose this morning, but could be totally unrelated. So, I've been watching back-to-back movies and treating myself to ice cream :winkwink:. Will test on Saturday at 10dp2dt.
angie yeah im drinking plenty of water 4-5lts a day i injected myself last nite i woke this morning to a big bruise :cry:,

silarose :thumbup: @ the tired and queasy

lsi gdluck with testing on satday, im at the clinic on thursday:thumbup:

afm im drinking loads of water but still got headache from hell, i also feel so bloated i could pop lol ive got a nasty bruise on my tummy of my injection last nite but apart from that im getting excited for ec in the 24th:happydance:
Sila-Im at the bridge centre in london and was wondering if you were near. Just had a thought we might be at the same clinic, I dont know why!?! Ive not really told anyone this time, they know its coming up but don't know when. Family know, i work with them so its great that i can be flexible with work.. Your symptoms are great so when are you going to present us a ticker so we can check on your LO!!:thumbup:

Kat-Hb sounds great, its great to have your worries taking away from you. Heres to a happy and healthy 9 months for you!!!:baby:

Thanks Isi- its great to have so much support on here! Im so excited for you for Saturday, im so [-o< for you!! The runny nose sounds great too!! Fingers tightly crossed :hugs:

Ann-Wow thats a lot of water!! Sorry you are getting bruises and headaches! My oh did my injections (always from an angle) and they were fine. Perhaps you can ask the clinic for tips on Thursday.. is that your first follie scan? So exciting! Do you know what day transfer you are having? Good luck for thursday!!:hugs:

Hope you are doing well Lolly, it wont be long now :happydance:

Hi to anyone ive missed. Hope you are ok doodar, wrighty and MSG

Hi Everyone!!

So much is happening on here!

Isi, how are you getting on? I hope that the signs are all good news! I know what you mean about the progesterone pessaries! Yuk! Good luck to you :haha: Babydust my lovely!

Ann, sorry to hear that you feel a bit icky at the moment. Hopefully the headaches will subside as you get used to the meds, that's what I found last cycle. But then the bloat arrives. Hope that EC is here before you know it!!

Kat thats lovely news, you must be so over the moon!

:happydance: Sila for the :sick: Haha, what other forums would celebrate morning sickness!!

Angie? How are you doing? Excited that all is real, at last!! :happydance: So much love to you and future beanie, sticky vibes!

AFM... feeling lil bit down of late. Impatient is the word!! And keep having strange dreams. Feel that it is always on my mind, even when I sleep. The new job occupied me for 2 weeks but now i'm mega back down with a bump and getting scared I won't cope if it fails again. Sorry to bring everyone down. Think i'm just :sleep:

Love to you all, Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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