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IVF/ICSI/FET Round 2 (or 3, or 4, or 5, etc.) ladies trying again in 2011

angie yeah its my first follie scan on thursday im very bloated at the moment ec is hopefully 24th march with et 27th march x
Hi lovely ladies. Hope you're doing great.

Lolly, its natural to feel that way. Just keep your eye on the prize hun. How's your health now?

Angie, can't wait for you to start.

Ann, good luck with your scan next week.

Sila and Kat, hope your pregnancies are going great!

Just had some spots of blood on my toilet paper, very brief and its stopped now. I'm 7dp2dt (9 dpo) today, so I'm not sure if its not too late for implantation. Well either that or my period is coming early or its as a result of the scratching from the thrush I suddenly developed :shrug:. Only time will tell, I guess. I'm surprisingly calm. Whatever will be will be.
angie yeah its my first follie scan on thursday im very bloated at the moment ec is hopefully 24th march with et 27th march x

Hi Ann, being bloated i would say is a good sign for lots of good follies growing in there, good luck for tomorrow :hugs:
Just had some spots of blood on my toilet paper, very brief and its stopped now. I'm 7dp2dt (9 dpo) today, so I'm not sure if its not too late for implantation. Well either that or my period is coming early or its as a result of the scratching from the thrush I suddenly developed :shrug:. Only time will tell, I guess. I'm surprisingly calm. Whatever will be will be.[/QUOTE]

Hi Isi, you sound so calm, that is brilliant i would say :thumbup: I dont know much about implantation bleeding but a lot of ladies spot for the first few months of pregnancy dont they? Its so hard because all the symptoms are similar! Im really praying this is the BFP for you. [-o<[-o< for Saturday.

Afm, i have started taking my meds (last wed), i dont have to take much. I have a scan on Friday and then they should be able to book me in for ET next week :happydance: I feel good about it all and FET is so easy because there are no mood swings but i just hope it works and im worrying a bit about FET not having as good success rates so my mind is toing and froing again from positive to neg but mainly positive. Im so looking forward to ET. :happydance:

I hope everyone is ok

Hi Everyone!!

So much is happening on here!

Isi, how are you getting on? I hope that the signs are all good news! I know what you mean about the progesterone pessaries! Yuk! Good luck to you :haha: Babydust my lovely!

Ann, sorry to hear that you feel a bit icky at the moment. Hopefully the headaches will subside as you get used to the meds, that's what I found last cycle. But then the bloat arrives. Hope that EC is here before you know it!!

Kat thats lovely news, you must be so over the moon!

:happydance: Sila for the :sick: Haha, what other forums would celebrate morning sickness!!

Angie? How are you doing? Excited that all is real, at last!! :happydance: So much love to you and future beanie, sticky vibes!

AFM... feeling lil bit down of late. Impatient is the word!! And keep having strange dreams. Feel that it is always on my mind, even when I sleep. The new job occupied me for 2 weeks but now i'm mega back down with a bump and getting scared I won't cope if it fails again. Sorry to bring everyone down. Think i'm just :sleep:

Love to you all, Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi Lolly, thank you so much, your so sweet :kiss: I know its difficult to think of anything else and the waiting is so difficult. Being able to come on here and talk to other girls and reading other stories helps so much but we can't help our minds wandering to the worst. We all do it Lolly and you just have to believe that it WILL work for you and soon!!! Try not to feel down :hugs: have a kitten hug!! Im sure when i feel down my dog knows because he follows me round more than usual. He will be really put out when our baby comes along :brat:
lsi fx the spotting is nothing to worry about heres to your:bfp: on satday

angie gdluck with your scan on friday ul be pupo in no time

afm im just really tired n bloated feel like im going to pop lol, im excited for my scan 2mor hope my follies r grown big and plenty of them ready for ec on 24th :happydance:
Thank you Isi and Angie so much for the kind words. Sorry about that, I know you both are dealing with so much at the moment.

Isi you are in a good place right now, very chilled and calm, can only have a positive effect. Sorry to hear about the thrush. I am very hopeful for your cycle this time. All sounds positive to me. So much luck!

Wow Angie, can't believe it you will be PUPO next week, that's amazing! I can understand why you must be nervous about the unknown of FET, but think of Inky. She was the same and she got her BFP last month. Here's hoping and praying.

Ann, being bloated sounds good to me, hopefully lots of lovely follies! Good luck for your scan!

Hi Kat and Sila, hope you are both well.

Think i'm off for a dose of sex and the city! (Bet that read a bit dodgey for a second there!!)

Love to all

Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
scan went great 2day the clinic just phoned ive got 2 go bck on satday for another scan and now ec is tues 22nd:happydance::happydance::happydance: with et friday 25th :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Hi, all! Just checking in on you :) Isi, WOW, sounds like this may be it!! Crossing all for you!

Hope everyone else is well!
That's awesome news Anne :happydance:. So you'll be PUPO next week!!!

Angie, you'll also be a PUPO Princess next week! So excited for you :hugs:

Hope you enjoyed your Sex and the City, Lolly! Was it the series or the movie? Always a great way to unwind :wine:. Hope you're good sweetie!

MSG, so wonderful hearing from you! How have you been? What's been the progress with the adoption?

As for me, spotting stopped after yesterday afternoon. Not convinced it was implantation but I guess we'll know in 36 hours. How soon can I use a Clearblue digi? I'll be almost 10dp2dt when I test.
lsi i was 9dp3dt last yr when i tested with a digi and it came up straight away 1-2 fx u get that bfp hun

angie heres to been pupo next week

afm im so excited that ec has been brought forward im now off work til the 11th april
Thats great news Ann:happydance: you must have loads of lovely follies, did they give you an idea of amount and size?? Yay for being PUPO next week, i should find out tomorrow what day my ET is, hopefully if all is going well, ill be booked in next week too - fingers xed!!

Lolly - Great idea watching sex and the city and yes I did wonder what was coming at the end of the sentence when i read :haha: hope your feeling better now!!

Isi- your so close. Are you thinking about testing early or have you really strong willpower not too!! how are you feeling now?? :kiss:

Nice to hear from you MSG, hope you are ok. :hugs:

Hope you are ok Sila and Kat, and hoping we can all join you soon :hugs:

angie i had a few 16,14,13,12,11,10,9,7,6 carnt wait for my next scan then ec on tues
That's a great set, they seem to really grow after trigger too xx
That's awesome news Anne :happydance:. So you'll be PUPO next week!!!

Angie, you'll also be a PUPO Princess next week! So excited for you :hugs:

Hope you enjoyed your Sex and the City, Lolly! Was it the series or the movie? Always a great way to unwind :wine:. Hope you're good sweetie!

MSG, so wonderful hearing from you! How have you been? What's been the progress with the adoption?

As for me, spotting stopped after yesterday afternoon. Not convinced it was implantation but I guess we'll know in 36 hours. How soon can I use a Clearblue digi? I'll be almost 10dp2dt when I test.

Isi, doing fine here! We are kind of exploring our options. And, we are still ttc naturally of course. We thought about a domestic adoptions, but, I think if we go back to adoption we may do international again. For a variety of reasons. The china special needs adoption program is moving really really fast and is much less expensive than a few others. And, by special needs, it can be totally mild things like a repaired cleft palate or a mild heart murmur. Now, I just have to get dh on board. I think he has left this whole baby thing behind us.... ugh, how do men move on sooo fast emotionally?
scan went great 2day the clinic just phoned ive got 2 go bck on satday for another scan and now ec is tues 22nd:happydance::happydance::happydance: with et friday 25th :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Ive been at the clinic today and we are going to be PUPO together (finger xed my little embies thaw [-o< im booked in for ET on Thursday 24 :happydance::happydance:

Hope everyone else is ok. :hugs:
angie ive got everything crossed for your little embies to thaw nicely and been pupo :happydance:

afm im at the clinic 2mor at 9:20 for my last scan and to b told when to have hcg shot :happydance: then ec on tuesday :happydance:
Good luck tomorrow Ann, won't be long til ec :happydance:

Hey isi, how are you this evening. I've got everything crossed for you for tomorrow. Can't wait to see your BFP :hugs:

I'm pregnant :D

Got a :bfp: first on a FRER and then on digi. Pregnant 1-2 weeks. I'm still in shock. Dear Jesus, THANK YOU!!!
Isi - I'm not sure if u remember me from Jan, u were very sweet to me. I have been watching this thread since then while waiting for my treatment to start. Wanted say a huge congrats to u sweetie u deserve it. X

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