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IVF/ICSI/FET Round 2 (or 3, or 4, or 5, etc.) ladies trying again in 2011

kat what a great pic hun

angie hows things with u?

lsi them tests look good carnt wait 2 hear what your beta is

afm im having a chilling day ready for ec in the morning lets hope i get lots if eggs 2mor :happydance::happydance:
Just wrote a long post on my iphone and just lost it bummer!!!
Here i go again,

Isi-your tests look great, really clear. What a bummer you have to wait for your results but im sure they'll be great :thumbup:

Ann-Sending you lots of thoughts for tomorrow, Cant wait to hear your report, im sure it will be great :happydance:

AFM-ive had a bit of a wobbler this evening, just started to feel negative and worrying about my embies thawing. There was something on tv tonight about ivf and i got my sister and mum and a friend calling to tell me it was on and my sister said that it was about new technology that wont affect me 'yet' not until i fail 4 or 5 times. Cheers sis, thanks for thinking positive for me......i just got upset over it all :cry: had a bit of a cry as i wondered why us, why is how we;re conceiving on telly for everyone else to see!! I don't know what came over me, this is all so shit sometimes. Im just going to have a cup of tea and a hobnob and see if my pma will come back :wacko:

Sorry to rant and put a downer on everyone, rant is officially over!!!!

Hope you are okay Sunshine, nice to see you. How are you feeling?? xx

:hugs: angie im sure everything will b fine ul b pupo in no time:hugs:
Sending loads of :hugs:, Angie. We've all had those moments. I have no doubt in my mind that your embies will thaw beautifully. Can't wait for you to be PUPO in a few days sweetie :happydance:

Good luck with EC today Anne! Thinking of you!

Thanks Mrs. Sunshine :hugs:. I pray I make it to my first scan!

As for me, brown gunk has stopped and still tested positive this morning. I get my beta later today. Will update as soon as I do!
Ahh thanks ladies, your comments have made me feel so much better, i know we've all had the same thoughts. I feel much better today :thumbup:

Ann you'll be having your ec now :thumbup: getting loads of eggs :happydance:

Isi-cant wait to hear your beta result.

Kat- heres a :flower: for your lovely upside down baby :hugs:

i'm ok angiemon, things are starting to get a bit easier, still having really bad days, but i know i've got to expect that

i'm sure your embryos will be thawing nicely, i've noticed quite a lot of fet success stories, i hope yours will happen soon :hugs: what day is your transfer?

it is hard everyone knowing what you're going through, my next cycle i'm not gonna tell so many people, its so hard when things go wrong, i'm just going to be really vague about things
hi ladies well ec was ok i just feel alittle deflated out of 9 follies i only got 6eggs :-( just hope n pray they all fertilise got to ring clinic at 10:30am
6 eggs is a good number, Anne!! If you read back on this thread, you'll see that some of the :bfp:s did not come from a lot of eggs. Don't worry about a thing sweetie! I pray you get 100% fertilisation!!!

My 14dpo HCG was 111. Not sure if that's low or high....I reckon average. Might repeat tomorrow.
lsi last yr i had 21 follies 15 fertilised but only 2 made it to transfer so im just abit worried at the momment i think its cos ive had a long stressful day, i was in a&e last nite till 11:30 with my son how jumped off a wall they dont knw if his foot is broken so its bandaged up hes on crutches n bck at hosptial in the morning :-(
Hi Ann, try not to feel deflated. I think sometimes the more eggs you get, the less quality they are so try and think positive. :thumbup: I hope your son is ok. Im sure you'll get good fertilisation report tomorrow :thumbup:

Hi Sunshine-this whole process is hard isn't it and i know it feels awful now. Im so sorry! It will get better :hugs: My ET is due on Thursday (I so hope it goes ahead) x

Hi Isi-I dont know much about beta scores but im sure you've googled it :dohh: how are you feeling?
Evening Ladies!

Ann, I'm sure you 6 eggs will be :thumbup: quality! Like angie said, its always quality and not quantity. I know how you mus feel, the more and the better chance etc etc... But this site has taught me that that often is just not the case. Good luck for tomorrow.

Isi, I hope you are feeling ok. I'm not sure about beta numbers i'm afraid, i'm sure sila and kat can offer you some reassurance. Also saw your piccies, amazing lines!! Rest up hunny.

Kat, what an beautiful picture of your little one. So sweet being upside down!! You must be so happy.

Angie, I'm sorry you have been feeling so worried. I'm sure your frosties will thaw very nicely and I will soon be reading about the crazy 2ww symptoms!!

Sila, I hope you are well :happydance:

Hello and massive hugs to everyone else

Lolly xxxxxxxxxx
Ann I'm sure your 6 will be wonderful and get that one which will become a BFP... I guess that means a 3-day transfer so you'll be pupo sooner :) That's what happened to me when I only got 8 and now I'm preg xox
Good luck Anne! Let's know the fertilisation report sweetie :hugs:

I still have brown spotting. It's so so frustrating! I'm going to get my beta done again today. Gosh, I never imagined how nerve wracking this all is :wacko:
is feeling abit better 2day ive got 5 little embies :happydance: et is 9:45am fri:happydance:
Hi Ann - :happydance: that's great new, you must be so happy!! :flower: roll on Friday xx

Isi- how are you doing today, did you get another beta. I'm sure your fine, it sounds like old blood. God this is non stop worry isn't it. :hugs:

ann thats a great fertilisation report, i only had 4 eggs, and still managed to get a bfp, so you've def got an excellent chance, good luck for friday

angiemon, good luck for tomorrow :hugs:

isi the brown spotting is old blood and prob just implantation, i got it last round and it cleared up after about a week :hugs:
My beta was 340! Gosh! I'm so relieved!!

Thanks for the reassurance, Mrssunshine :hugs:

That's great news Anne :happydance:. So you'll be PUPO by tomorrow!!!

Angie, I'm so looking forward to tomorrow for you :happydance:. Such a big day for the lovely ladies on this thread!

Lolly, thanks for the lovely words hun :hugs:

Hugs to Kat, Silarose, MSG and everyone!

angie gdluck with et 2mor :happydance:

lsi great beta results:happydance:

afm im still resting very painful belly 2day just hoping my embies are good quailty for fridays transfer
Hi everyone

Crikey I've had some catching up to do!

Ann - 5 embies is great! I am living proof that quality is more important that quantity and there are loads of other ladies who have the same story. Good luck for Fri hun - fx'd for you!!!!

Kat - ahhh your little one is so cute. I've got some photos too but not sure how to scan them.

Isi - great betas!! Try not to worry about the bleeding - it's brown and like others have said it sounds like old blood. I think that's common early on.

Angie - glad to hear your feeling better. The ups and downs are awful but I'm sure everything will go well for you.

Sunshine - good luck with your cycle.

Lolly - how long until your cycle now? Hope you're still enjoying your new job.

Hello everyone else!

AFM - I'm fine and have now had 3 scans - last 1 at 8 weeks 1 day showed baby was fine. However it also showed a big cyst on my ovary which can be bad for me (dr said it can make the ovary twist and that this could mean I need surgery - though I think that would be worst case scenario and doesn't necc happen). think they are going to keep a close eye on me and I'm feeling ok about it at the mo as the dr said cysts can often resolve by themselves. I'm hoping that happens to me xxxx

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