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IVF/ICSI/FET Round 2 (or 3, or 4, or 5, etc.) ladies trying again in 2011

OMG Ann - that sounds awful! Brilliant outcome though yay!

Wishful - good to hear from you. How are you doing hun?

How exciting Ann and Angie :) hope those little ones snuggle in nice and tight. Ann my bean was an 8-cell and they had to have two goes at putting it back because it got stuck in the catheter! I thought that would mean the worst but in fact it was fine. Just goes to show the IVF journey is never ever smooth...

Look forward to hearing about your scan Isi xo
Wishful - good to hear from you. How are you doing hun?


Hi silarose. Every day is hard and I wish with all my heart that i could be given my baby back but that's not going to happen so I have to learn to live with the heartache. I went back to work and went back to play football. It helps to keep busy.

I hope you are all keeping well. I check in almost every day. I havent forgotten any of you and i hope your journeys have a happier ending than mine. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to you all
Wishful hunny, you will definitely have your happy ending! I have no doubt about that. You're in my thoughts and I pray with all my heart you get your :bfp: soon, for your forever baby. I know I pray everyday that mine is/are sticky baby/babies! I know we will all have cause to smile in the end :hugs:

Angie, how are you feeling hun? Hope you're getting loads of rest and letting those beanies snuggle in! When's your OTD?

Ann hun, hope you're also doing great and aren't feeling too sore. Get lots of rest sweetie! When's your OTD as well?

Lolly, do you have any dates now?

Sila, Kat, hope you and the babies are doing great!

MSG, Doodar, hope you're both well.

I'm okay. I turn 5 weeks tomorrow and oscillate between zero symptoms and feeling rather nauseous. But I think I am symptomless more of the time. I'm also incredibly bloated so I already look rather pudgy!

Blowing everyone loads of hugs and kisses!

Wishful - good to hear from you. How are you doing hun?


Hi silarose. Every day is hard and I wish with all my heart that i could be given my baby back but that's not going to happen so I have to learn to live with the heartache. I went back to work and went back to play football. It helps to keep busy.

I hope you are all keeping well. I check in almost every day. I havent forgotten any of you and i hope your journeys have a happier ending than mine. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to you all

Hi Wishful

I am so sorry for your loss. It must be so heartbreaking! I'm glad to hear that you are keeping going with work and football - that shows that you are strong honey, and those things will help. I know that things are so tough now but I have every faith that you will get your happy ending. Look after yourself xxxxxxxx
Hi Angie and Ann our thread PUPOs - how are things going?

Hi to everyone else too x
lsi and silarose im doing good i just keep bloating so im drinking plenty of water and resting as much as i can my OTD is 5th april :happydance:

angie my pupo buddy hows things with u?

:hugs: 2 every1 else
So sorry about the bloat, Ann!! Get loads of fluids, okay :hugs:

How exciting!!! Your OTD is on the date of my first scan :happydance:. I pray we both get good news!!!!

Im good thanks girls, had a couple of days of not doing anything, staying in watching tv/dvds, ventured out yesterday, for a drive in the country, walked the dog and went for lunch, sitting in a lovely little beer garden catching some rays!! Just walked the dog today and may pop to the supermarket later! Feel really lazy but just want to do what I feel is best. Im doing a few bits around the house, hard not too but i really am doing the minimal!! Im feeling a few twinges down there and having a few mad dreams (which i cant remember) but sleeping well and just chillin really!! Feeling relaxed!! Also impatient but i guess thats pretty normal!! My otd is Sunday 3rd but i may test Sat. Any thoughts of testing? Any enablers out there? :haha: Never heard this term before until we had some American cousins visit a few weeks ago. I like it :thumbup:
Hi Ann - how are you feeling? Fellow pUPO princess? What are you doing to wile away the time?
Isi-cant wait til your scan. Im excited so you must be going crazy :yipee:
Kat and Sila - hope you are feeling fine and dandy :flower:
Lolly-The countdown will begin soon. How are things?
Wishful-im so sorry, i can only imagine what you are going through! I know you will have your baby one day soon :hugs:

Sorry if ive forgotten anyone

Hey ladies how you all doing? Just thought I would pop in and say Hello. Not much to report my end really. It's been a bit hectic. We put our house up for sale and it sold the next day, which kinda blew me away coz I didn't expect it. So it's been a mad. Nothing much happening on the ivf front, waiting to have immune bloods taken in 2 weeks time and then have to wait 5 weeks for the results, what a killer that's going to be.

Hope your all keeping well. Good luck to all the pupo ladies :dust:
Lovely to hear from you Doodar, hope the results give you some answers and am thinking of you and I just know that you will have your baby as soon as they sort out what is happening in those first few weeks xoxxox
morning ladys how is every1 2day? im having a strange day i feel alittle silly but since i woke this morning ive done nothing but cry and i dont know y
Lovely hearing from you Doodar :hugs:. Thinking of you as you go through the immune testing. I know you will get your babies!!!!!

Angie....sounds like you have the PERFECT 2ww plan :thumbup:. Just be sure to keep resting and chilling. As for early testing, I'm not for any testing anytime before the equivalent of 10dpo.....which would be 7dp your transfer...so I think Saturday might be a good time to test. So so excited for you sweetie :hugs:

Ann, maybe its a good sign :winkwink:. Just make sure you're resting and drinking loads of fluids hun!

Nothing much on my end. My symptoms are strongest at night....but very mild during the day. I'm so anxious for my scan next week. I am going to refrain from any more tests or betas this week, as those will just make me go INSANE!!! Just have to keep praying all is well with my baby!!!!!

Kat - ive just seen that your 10 weeks today! :headspin::wohoo: thats a great milestone, how you feeling?

Sila-hope your okay, are you not going to put a ticker up? Hope your good and thanks for the kind thoughts :hugs:

Doodar-I know it may seem like a long wait - this whole thing seems to be a lot of waiting but at least then they'll be able to put things right and you can go into the next cycle confident :thumbup: this site is great for when your waiting isn't it?

Ann-sorry to hear your feeling rubbish today, but like Isi says perhaps its a good sign. I remember reading on another thread that emotions were a good sign for you to get your BFP, the hormones play mad :juggle: if it helps perhaps write down to us how your feeling then you might not feel so bad!! The 2ww is def the worst...................apart from that how are you feeling? Any other symptoms?

Isi-yay for your scan next week!! Im busy wondering how many beanies you may hve there. :happydance: ive been reading your journal to catch up on how your feeling!! thank you for being excited for me, i think i may do a test sat evening as my OH is at work saturday daytime and I want him to be there. So i guess its best to not wee or drink for a few hours before i test if its in the evening? Does anyone have any tips on evening testing?

Afm, i have been feeling a few things, the first few days i had kind of mild discomfort round the uterus area, nothing painful but noticeable, a bit like mild period pains and the last 2 days its more bloatedness and a few aches which have spread abit to my back and tops of legs. I know this could all be the progesterone or my head :haha: but im gonna try and write a few things down...im not obsessing too much tho and im surprisingly relaxed compared to the last cycle...anyway enough about me. :flower:

I have a couple of friends round this afternoon so that will be lovely, hope you are all okay

angie i feel ok in myself just wish i could stop :cry: lol i keep getting pains in my boobies apart from that im ok, when will u start testing?
Ann-Its so difficult because everything we experience, we wonder if its good or bad!! I think sore boobs are a good sign though but also lots of women dont get any signs ...... i think i will test on Saturday, do you think you will start testing early?

was thinking bout friday lol i got a test u can use 5 days b4 ya period is due so gona try that then test everyday til tuesday lol
i was thinking sat but now im thinking maybe a bit earlier! ooh what test is that? Is it a FRER? :hugs:
Evening ladies!!

How is everyone?

Hi Doodar, lovely to hear from you. What an anxious wait, but then again maybe if they pick something up in your tests it will be better as then at least you know what the prob may be and can get something done about it. Sending you all my love and hope you are managing to stay as strong as you can.

Wow, its all so exciting on here at the moment! Angie and Ann, hope you pupo girlies are ok. Sorry about the :cry: ann, hoping like many have said its the preggo hormones kicking in!! Angie, you are so calm, hope I can be like that next time. First time I was a wreck and that didn't help anything. Hoping your symptoms are a great sign. We could have some more BFPs on here v soon :happydance:

Isi, bet you are counting each day for your scan. Have a feeling you may have two, don't know why... Imagine, wow, would be so happy for you. But no matter what as long as healthy all is perfect. What symptoms are you getting in the evenings then? Any sickness?

Sila and Kat, time is really ticking on now, how exciting! Hope you are both holding up ok symptom/energy wise and taking good care of yourselves.

AFM... was going start treatement in 2-3 weeks but (why is there ALWAYS a but???) clinic closes over easter so looks like may now. So we have planned a week to Cornwall in 3 weeks and DP has just got Leeds festival tickets to cheer us up!! Its not till august, hoping to be pregnant by then :happydance: Can you imagine trying to get comfy in a tent, maybe not the best plan he's ever had... can only wait and see...

Lots of love to you all,

Lolly xxxxxxxx
i was thinking sat but now im thinking maybe a bit earlier! ooh what test is that? Is it a FRER? :hugs:

its called predictor hun:happydance:

lolly fx everything goes ok in may, fun u should say about tents i bought a big 10man tent last yr and we have a few camping trips booked :wacko: can just see me in augs 16wks pregnant tryng to get up n down on an airbed :haha:

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