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IVF/ICSI/FET Round 2 (or 3, or 4, or 5, etc.) ladies trying again in 2011

Oh Isi thats brilliant!! :happydance: Do you know when you find out how many beanies you have in there? :winkwink:

Ann-hopefully we will be PUPO together :hugs:Are you having 1 or 2 transferred?

Lolly - thank you, you are so kind. Won't be long for you now :happydance:

THanks Sunshine for popping in :kiss:

Hi Kat and Silarose, hope you are well and enjoying the first trimester :hugs:

Thank you everyone for your kind words of encouragement

sila glad everything ok with u

angie im having 2 et if they ok carnt wait to b pupo with u:happydance:
Hi everyone

Crikey I've had some catching up to do!

Ann - 5 embies is great! I am living proof that quality is more important that quantity and there are loads of other ladies who have the same story. Good luck for Fri hun - fx'd for you!!!!

Kat - ahhh your little one is so cute. I've got some photos too but not sure how to scan them.

Isi - great betas!! Try not to worry about the bleeding - it's brown and like others have said it sounds like old blood. I think that's common early on.

Angie - glad to hear your feeling better. The ups and downs are awful but I'm sure everything will go well for you.

Sunshine - good luck with your cycle.

Lolly - how long until your cycle now? Hope you're still enjoying your new job.

Hello everyone else!

AFM - I'm fine and have now had 3 scans - last 1 at 8 weeks 1 day showed baby was fine. However it also showed a big cyst on my ovary which can be bad for me (dr said it can make the ovary twist and that this could mean I need surgery - though I think that would be worst case scenario and doesn't necc happen). think they are going to keep a close eye on me and I'm feeling ok about it at the mo as the dr said cysts can often resolve by themselves. I'm hoping that happens to me xxxx

Hi Sila, we must have crossed posts, already 8 weeks how brilliant. Its good that they are keeping an eye on you but the dr seems ok so that should be reassuring. Thanks for your kind words, my fingers are well and truly crossed for tomorrow :hugs:
Hi everyone

Crikey I've had some catching up to do!

Ann - 5 embies is great! I am living proof that quality is more important that quantity and there are loads of other ladies who have the same story. Good luck for Fri hun - fx'd for you!!!!

Kat - ahhh your little one is so cute. I've got some photos too but not sure how to scan them.

Isi - great betas!! Try not to worry about the bleeding - it's brown and like others have said it sounds like old blood. I think that's common early on.

Angie - glad to hear your feeling better. The ups and downs are awful but I'm sure everything will go well for you.

Sunshine - good luck with your cycle.

Lolly - how long until your cycle now? Hope you're still enjoying your new job.

Hello everyone else!

AFM - I'm fine and have now had 3 scans - last 1 at 8 weeks 1 day showed baby was fine. However it also showed a big cyst on my ovary which can be bad for me (dr said it can make the ovary twist and that this could mean I need surgery - though I think that would be worst case scenario and doesn't necc happen). think they are going to keep a close eye on me and I'm feeling ok about it at the mo as the dr said cysts can often resolve by themselves. I'm hoping that happens to me xxxx

Hi Sila, we must have crossed posts, already 8 weeks how brilliant. Its good that they are keeping an eye on you but the dr seems ok so that should be reassuring. Thanks for your kind words, my fingers are well and truly crossed for tomorrow :hugs:

Wishing you all the luck in the world!!! Can't wait for you to be a PUPO. Let us know how you get on xxxxxx
Congrats Isi! That is a great number. Hoping they keep rising!! Did you tell your doctor about the brown gunk? Probably just old, but I also had some brown gunk after the EC because of the puncture holes that that fine needle makes...

Ann and Angie the next two PUPOs how exciting best of luck with your ET and for Friday with the transfer....

Sila sounds like all is well, no doubt your body will sort the cyst out like the doctor said.

As for me I'm not liking work at all at the moment I'm so tired every day and not really liking my staff they are being difficult. I'm counting down - about 26 weeks until I can go on Maternity Leave for a year yay!!!
Thinking of you today, Angie :hugs: :hugs:

Good luck tomorrow, Anne :happydance:

So sorry you're having a tough time at work, Kat! But maternity leave for a year!!!!!! How lucky are you!!!! We only get 3 months here!!!

I had my official blood test at my FS today. It was positive :D. He doesn't do a beta so no new numbers. My 1st scan has been scheduled for April 5th :happydance:

Oh, and I decided to just go for it with it the tickers :haha:
just a quick note to say yay Im PUPO with 2 embies, the first 2 they thawed, thawed nicely so now im making sure they're snuggling nicely!! :baby::baby:

Isi-congratulations. :happydance: i love your tickers by the way.....

Ann-good luck for tomorrow, :happydance:

Kat-yay for maternity leave :happydance:

:hi: to everyone, im off to rest now and watch some funny programmes :hugs:
Hello PUPO ladies!!!

How did you go Angie and Ann? I hope it went well and you have some gorgoues embies on board :happydance:

Isi, yay, its official!!!! Haha! I can't believe you only get 3 months over there though!! But anyway.... BFP, so exciting, and not long until first scan!

Hi Kat, works a b*tch huh? I hope next few weeks race by and then you'll be off with a beautiful bab y to look forward to!

Sila, hope you are ok. And hope you work out how to scan piccies onto pc soon, we need to see the little beanie!!!

Hi and hugs to everyone else!!! All my love, Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi everyone

Yay Angie you are a pupo ! Congratulations Hun ! I'm rooting for your embies all the way !

Good luck today Ann .

yay im pupo with twins:happydance::happydance: 7cell and 8cell didnt get any frosties just hope they snuggle in nicely had a bit of a chew they had to nip the neck of my womb so i had a bit of a bleed but they said it should b ok:happydance: otd is 5th april:happydance:

angie congrats on been pupo with twins 2 :happydance:

lsi im loving the ticker:happydance:
yay im pupo with twins:happydance::happydance: 7cell and 8cell didnt get any frosties just hope they snuggle in nicely had a bit of a chew they had to nip the neck of my womb so i had a bit of a bleed but they said it should b ok:happydance: otd is 5th april:happydance:

angie congrats on been pupo with twins 2 :happydance:

lsi im loving the ticker:happydance:

ooh that sounds sore! What happened? Hope your feeling ok? :kiss:

Yay, were PUPO together. :wohoo:, my OTD is 3rd April which i believe is mothers day. :dohh: I hope thats a good sign?

angie they had to keep a hold of the neck of my womb to put the embies bck in as it keeped moving bck and they couldnt get the catheter in :wacko:,
:yipee: We have two PUPO Princesses! :yipee:

Angie and Ann, I'm so glad you two are PUPO!! Wishing you all the very very best! Make sure you get loads of rest! Are you taking time off work? When are your OTDs? So so exciting :happydance:

Thanks lovely ladies. Its slowly sinking in for me. Just now praying everything continues to go well. Really can't wait for my scan in about 11 days!!
:yipee: We have two PUPO Princesses! :yipee:

Angie and Ann, I'm so glad you two are PUPO!! Wishing you all the very very best! Make sure you get loads of rest! Are you taking time off work? When are your OTDs? So so exciting :happydance:

But Ann, they did what to your womb?? Hope you're not in too much pain!! :hugs:

Thanks lovely ladies. Its slowly sinking in for me. Just now praying everything continues to go well. Really can't wait for my scan in about 11 days!!
Hi Ann - well they are in and thats the main thing :baby::baby: yippee

Hi Isi - thank you so much, can't wait for your scan. Do you think you have more than 1 :baby: snuggling away in there? Is your scan on monday 4th then? :hugs:
Yay for all the twinnies PUPO ladies!!!

Angie thats just gotta be a good sign! I hope you are feeling well.

Ann that sounds a bit nasty but the result is fab, snuggle in lil embies!

Good luck during the 2ww ladies, can't wait for some great news!

Babydust one and all xxxxxxxxxxxx
:yipee: We have two PUPO Princesses! :yipee:

Angie and Ann, I'm so glad you two are PUPO!! Wishing you all the very very best! Make sure you get loads of rest! Are you taking time off work? When are your OTDs? So so exciting :happydance:

But Ann, they did what to your womb?? Hope you're not in too much pain!! :hugs:

Thanks lovely ladies. Its slowly sinking in for me. Just now praying everything continues to go well. Really can't wait for my scan in about 11 days!!

hey hun they had to grab the neck of my womb n pull it forward lol, im off work til the 11th april so lots of rest these embies will stick lol, carnt wait to see your scan when is it?

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