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IVF/ICSI/FET Round 2 (or 3, or 4, or 5, etc.) ladies trying again in 2011

Wishful.....thanks so much for the well wishes. Do you think you'll try cycling again soon?

Hi Isi, well everything is up in the air with me at the moment. Since we got pregnant naturally with our little angel we dont know what the story is with my tubes now. I have my first appointment this friday since we lost our baby and we will be getting the results of why this happened our baby, that's only if they found any cause!!! The doctor will be putting me in for another dye test to check out my tubes again. Dont know if one or both partially unblocked, completely unblocked or perhaps (fingers crossed) they went into spasm in september when i was getting my lap and dye done and maybe they are both opened. I have also booked dh in for another SA to see whats happening with his swimmers. Perhaps they are getting stronger. So for the next few weeks we will just be getting more crappy tests done. If all is well we will keep trying naturally and if not it will be back to icsi for us :( Cant believe that we are starting off on this journey again. We thought all the testing was behind us :(
Wishing you loads of luck Wishful!! I pray you get your natural :bfp: soon. That you were able to the last time has to be a good sign. You're in my thoughts hun :hugs:

Hi lovely ladies....hope everyone is well. I went for another scan yesterday, and saw and HEARD both heart beats. It was so beautiful and surreal. So happy but still so scared. I pray everything stays wonderful.

Angie sweetie...sending you loads of :hugs:

Ann.....hope you're okay lovely!

Sila and Kat....hope you're both doing great!!!!

:hi: Lolly, Doodar, MSG, and everyone.
Isi, how wonderful! I bet you were sobbing, I nearly am now!!! Lovely, I pray everything continues to go well and healthily for you and baby twinnies!

Sila, Kat, hope you are both well. Have you been telling people now?

Wishful, lovely to hear from you. I really hope you are doing ok and like Isi said, you get a natural BFP. Good luck on Friday, I hope you get some answers and positive outcomes from such a sad situation. My heart goes out to you and I'm sure you will have your happy ending.

Angie, Ann and Doodar, I hope you are foing ok and getting plenty of TLC from your nearest and dearest. take care lovelys.

AFM.... Well I started panicking about IVF funding today having heard horror stories of it being cut left right and centre. (We sadly cannot afford to go private so NHS has been our lifeline) So I rang my clinic and thankfully all is ok. The lovely nurse talked to the doc and after chatting with me she has decided to get the ball rolling! Very happy but she left a voicemail asking me to go in a 1 tomorrow. Struggling with the timing due to work so going to ring them back in the morning to try and go monday (I know... you think I would be running there!!!) But of course I will go if needed! Its just my new job don't (and won't) know about IVF and so would have to think of something and i'm a bit pathetic and don't like lying! Also my boss tomorrow (I have 2) is quite scary so a bit nervous of telling her I have to leave early with only 3 hours notice!! But its just tough, if hosp can't rearrange then I will be there!

I will be collecting a prescription for norethisterone to induce a bleed as I generally don't get AF... went nearly a year without one once! And also they want to take some more bloods (as they always do!!) to do an indepth look at one of my hormone levels. Apparently they do this after a failed cycle to ensure that the dosages etc are perfectly suited to me and my body to get the best possible outcome. Sounds very positive. I'm praying all is ok, last time had in depth bloods I had to have an MRI and they diagnosed PCOS in addition to existing endo! Why is it we always expect the worst?!!

So, once I get my bleed, usually after 10-14 days I ring back and arrange to start DR! Keep your fingers crossed for me ladies that it's really happening this time :happydance:

All my love,

Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxx
Wow Isi brilliant news, bet it feels so surreal. I'm so happy for you. :thumbup:

Lolly yay!! for funding, bet that's a huge relief. Gosh it's come round really quickly, bet you can't wait. It only feels like yesterday when you posted that you would have to wait 10 weeks and now its here :happydance:.

AFM we have decided not to go ahead with the immune testing this time round and we are going to give it one last shot at a natural fet. Aside from the huge cost, it also scares the hell out of me and hubby really didn't want me to do it. So we have decided if the next shot at natural fet doesn't work then we will go for another fresh cycle with immune treatment (might have to remortgage the house to pay for it but hey!! it will be worth it) hubby has also agreed to have another surgical extraction if we do a fresh cycle so that is gives us the best possible chance, rather than using the frozen sperm. Sooooo I really really need AF to arrive like today!! now!! so I can get a cycle in before we go away next month, otherwise we are going to have to wait until June and I'm just too impatient for that. AF is due on Sunday (we left it too late to cycle this month) so it means next month AF is due on 15th, which would take my transfer to the day after we are due to fly out on holiday (which is obviously no good because I wont be here) so I need it to fall a couple of days before, hence why I need AF to arrive early this month, so I can book in next months cycle. Why does she never co-operate. I'm keeping everything crossed that she hears my pleas and comes before the day is out.
Congratulations on your decisions Doodar, wishing you all the luck and sticky beans in the world, can't wait to hear the next journey that I'm sure will be a successful one for you xox
Have everything crossed for you Lolly! Will be cheering you right on. Here's praying the days speed right by! :happydance:

Doodar, I'm so glad to read you two have such a wonderful plan! I pray you don't have to go through the stress of the tests and a fresh cycle, and that the natural FET brings you your sticky, forever babies :hugs:. But that's so sweet of your DH to offer to go through the stress of another op. It can't be easy. Praying you two get your blessing soon :hugs:
hi ladies im ok we got an appointment 16th may so just go from there
Best of luck ann can't wait to hear what they say xox
Hey Ladies, how you all doin?

Still no sign of AF, so guess I'm out for next month. Will have to wait until June. Although June isn't an ideal time because we have a house move and if AF arrives on time then it could mean that house move falls on same day as first scan!! oh well at least I will have other things to keep my mind occupied lol.

Well I'm off work today so I'm going to do a bit of retail therapy!! Holiday clothes shopping yay!!

Have a good day ladies. x
Retail therapy must have been fun, Doodar :hugs:

I know how you feel about the delay, but just focus on the bright side about starting a bit later than you'd hoped. I remember I really wanted to start this cycle in January, but had to postpone it because of my friend's wedding. Who knows how it would have worked out if I'd done it then. I'm really praying and hoping for you this next try, Doodar. If anyone deserves a :bfp:, its you :hugs:

How are you getting on, Lolly?
Hi Isi!!

Lovely to hear from you, its all been a bit quiet on here lately, but think everyone is so busy, or alternatively resting up with babies on board :happydance: How are you feeling? I still can't believe you are expecting twinnies :cloud9: So exciting!!!!

I am ok, going to the hospital this afternoon for blood test and AF prescription. I'm not sure if they will tell me when to start taking it or if I can choose (within reason) I guess I will know more later and will let you ladies know! Getting a bit scared but just keen to have some concrete dates to be working towards, even if I have to wait a couple more weeks! Will feel happy just to see the nurses today also, makes it seem more real. Hoping for second time being a charm, just like you :hugs: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I know what you mean, Lolly! Its always great to get some clarity. I can't wait for you to have your exact dates, so you can have something to look forward to!!!

Good luck babes!
Hi Ldies!

Hope you are all well, here is the stroy of my day from hell :haha:

Well had my appointment yesterday.... Sorry I didn't post to update you all last night but had a headache no amount of drugs would have touched!! All is all it was a good appointment, it was just everything else involved in the trip that went so terribly!! So here goes....

Went on my own for the first time. Told DP that it was only for a prescription and blood test and not to use his hols, I'd be fine. You would think I would know my way by now but i'm so cr*p at directions so I used my satnav. Half way there I realised I didn't recognise where on earth I was and looked up address. It had switched the oxford road for one in wigan not manchester!! Anyway lucky it recalculated the route and I carried on, on new (very busy!) motorways and came in from other side of manchester. When was nearly there it told me to go right and I was pretty sure it was left. Risked it and was correct, was soooo smug! So get to the carpark and its been converted to a warden controlled staff only carpark so I panicked. Luckily the warden saw my face and came over to direct me to a nearby multistory. Meant had further to walk but was ok. Got to the clinic and sat in the waiting room. That was when I started thinking the worst and my stomach started knotting up. Silly huh?! Anway was all ok, had bloods, got prescription and told to take it to pharmacy and start taking AF meds on thursday and got booked in for injection teach and to get DR drugs on May 16th at 7.45am :happydance: So... then went to pharmacy in different hospital. Woman asked if I paid. Said 'no not for this one' and she asked me to tick why not. Have done this before but couldn't remember so asked her to help me and said why (for ICSI) She said in the snooty-ist voice EVER 'ummm yes you do have to pay for THAT', told her I had had 7 prescriptions previosly and had never paid. She replied that 'I would have has to pay', so told her I hadn't and had asked the woman before and she confirmed I didn't. She said that that would simply not have been the case and I would always have had to pay. I told her I wasn't bothered about paying (i'm really not, I am so grateful for funded cycle what on earth is £7.80), but was not lying and had never paid. She looked at me is disgust like I was trying to pull a fast one. She said if I didn't pay she couldn't doispense the medication. I shoved a tenner at her and she shoved the change back. B*t*h!!!!! So got the meds and went on my way back to carpark and paid for parking. Had parked on floor 3. Went to floor 3 and could I find the car, no I couldn't! :dohh: Walked for a bit and was suddenly on floor 5. Took the stairwell back to third floor and walked and suddenly was on ground floor. It was the strangest layout!!! The floors sloped but then curved in the middle-basically when you thought you were going up you were actually going down. Then started doubt whether I had parked on floor 3 so started looking in them all. Couldn't find it, had been 35mins by this point. Was on the verge of tears so rang my mum who calmed me down. She talked to me while I kept walking pressing the fob for my door unlock. Finally something clicked, had taken 50mins to find :blush: Unreal!!! So drove down, put the card in machine to lift barrier and said that my time had expired and had to pay again. There were cars behind me at this point so was stuck and had to leave car there blocking everyone in and walkin back to paystation to pay again. Soooo embarrassing. Off I went home. Following satnav, again a way didn't know. Following this lorry down the road when he cut a corner doing an illegal uturn, I just followed as didn't know the road and thought that was the right way. Suddenly had everyone starting/beebing/road raging at me. Just awful. Wanted to cry my eyes out there and then!!! Told DP all this last night and he of course thinks i'm a proper goon!!!! :haha: I am!! IIts kinda funny now but last night I just wanted to go bed!! My back and shoulders were trobbing from being so tense and my head was pounding. But all in all the good new is I start next month. Phew, what a day. And moral is, never go to appointments on your own ladies, always have a friendly face to hold your hand :flower:

Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxx :hugs:
Wow Lolly! The things we do to get our babies huh! I wonder what the hell was up with that woman and paying for the drugs...
Hi Lolly,

What a day! I bet you’re so glad it’s over……hopefully that’s all the trauma over in one day for your next cycle – the rest will be a breeze! Try to be kind to yourself this weekend and over all the bank holidays - tell your DH that as he couldn't come with you yesterday that he needs to book you in for a massage to make up for it!

I finally got my AF last Friday, so after a couple of weeks DR-ing I start stimming on Friday. This cycle has seemed different and I feel a lot calmer about the whole thing. Also (so far) no buserelin side effects – no headaches, only one night sweat and generally feel fine 9although I ddi test it with too much wine last night!). The only difference I can see is that I’ve been drinking tons and tons of water, maybe up to 3 litres a day – but if it works who cares?! Hopefully should be looking at collection on the 4th May.

I’ll keep everything crossed for you, May 16th will come sooner than you think, I should hopefully be near the end of my 2WW by then, so I’ll be thinking of you (and probably close to losing my mind as they’re putting 2 back in!).

Once we’ve all got what we want, we’ll look back at all our crazy behaviour and laugh….I can imagine you telling your dreadful day yesterday to your kids and just think about how special it will make them feel that you did all of that for them!

Liz x
Wow, Lolly!!! I just want to reach through my screen and HUG you. Gosh, what an experience. You need to some major TLC this weekend. The good thing is that you're closer to the prize hun :hugs:

Good luck with your stimms LizzB!!! Being cool and calm is really the best way to go. Wishing you a lovely :bfp: in a few weeks.

I had another scan this morning. Babies are measuring spot on and everything is well :cloud9:. My next scan is on May 11.....the nuchal scan.
Thanks ladies!

Luckily I have de-stressed after mondays experinece. DP was very lovely about it but swear he thought I was a bit of a plonker!! Think it was the horrible woman tha upset me most. You just don't expect it when you confide something like that to a healthcare professional, bu then again who am I kidding, sure we all have similar stories on that front over the years!

Hi Lizz, thank you so much for your kind words. Really good luck with this cycle, we have seen from many that second times a charm :hugs: Good on you for drinking all that water. Its not easy is it. And when the nurses say your bladder will get used to it they are lying :haha: What a lovely idea to tell my kiddie/s about the fateful day!! We will all have so many stories to tell them! Good luck to you and keep us posted with your progress. All my love!!

Hello Isi, wow thats just fab news. So lovely and am so happy for you!! Hoping I can follow in your footsteps this time. We are away at my mums this weekend so TLC defo omn the cards. After the 8 hour drive that is... :dohh:

Hi Kat, hope you and bubba are all good. Time is flying now, although not sure if it feels that way for you or not?? Hope you are staying happy and healthy :hugs:

All my love to everyone, Lolly xxxxxxxxx

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