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IVF/ICSI/FET Round 2 (or 3, or 4, or 5, etc.) ladies trying again in 2011

I'm sooooo excited for you MSG and Silarose :happydance:. I wish I was starting as well!! Cheering you on, ladies!! Let's have some big fat :bfp:s on here :thumbup:

Wishful.....might be time for a ticker :winkwink:
Hi girls!! Just an update for you all. Just got the results from my first Beta hcg blood test and it's 602. The doctor said that's perfect. And YES it is a miracle baby because as far as they know I defo concieved the cycle after my failed ICSI!!!!! The clinic were as baffled as myself and my dh!!! All they could say was miracles can happen!!!Best of luck to evryone starting their DR soon. Baby dust to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Everyone!

Not been on for couple of days as poorly again!!! Grrrrr!! Hopefully get all the germs out of my system before start 2nd round of ICSI

Isi, I had my second Zolodex injection and routine bloods yesterday. Have final zolodex on 7th Feb and from there we get a date to start fresh cycle in March. Can't come soon enough, all the build ups a killer! It'll be long protocol again so looking like the EC and Et won't be until sometime in april. Seems so far away :nope: I hope you are ok, you seem so positive, I hope I can be like you!

Good luck mysillygirls, hope all is going as well as can be expected.

Hi Silarose, good news that hings are finally getting moving! Hope all goes to plan, sending you big :hugs:

Hello wannabeamum. What a rollercoaster of emotions you've been through. I agree with Sila, defo sounds like your wee man is better off with you and I hope the judge sees that. sending you all my love.

Hi and all the luck in the world to everyone having FET this month!!

Love from Lolly xxxxxxxxxxx
and, so, the bloat begins... hahaa.. started the injectables last night and am already feeling the bloat. Hopefully, that means some big ole follies are developing :)
Hey, just wondered how long you guys had to wait between your failed cycle ending and your follow-up appt? We got our letter through yesterday and it isn't until 22 Feb - that's two months gap. Seems a bit unfair to make us wait so long with so many unanswered questions...

Hi Lou, I think we had EC/ET at around the same time and Ive got my app on the 20th Jan and they said it would be that long because of Christmas and my specific FS is away the first week of Jan (we could have seen another specialist earlier if we wanted to) so I think 2 months is way too long. Could you not make a desperate phonecall to get a cancellation or something? I thought at the time, for me to wait a month was a good thing but now im already getting impatient so I can understand how you feel.
I did read that you were having problems with your cycle. Im not sure if Ive ovulated this month either, keep on poas but havent got smiley face unless I missed it. I suppose thats one good thing about waiting for app, hopefully have time for cycles to get back to normal.

I hear really good things about CARE, if i had a choice and lived nearer one of their clinics, i would go to one of theirs. My friend had a failed cycle on the nhs then went to CARE (Northampton i think) and she had twin boys just before Christmas!!

Good luck anyway


Well I rang yesterday all ready for a fight and they were happy to change it to next Weds, which is good. They said they usually like to leave it 2 to 3 months after the failed cycle before an appt, which I think is crazy. It's a long time to have all those unanswered questions swimming around your head... The old gyno has retired now so there's a new guy which I'm pleased about, as I wasn't so keen on the last one. It was just a case of saying we had a problem with the sperm so straight to icsi, no discussion over whether we can address the problem at all. He was also really abrupt. I think he was about ready to retire.
Re this cycle, I ended up getting a positive on the OPK in the end, although it was really late. It was around the time I started spotting, so I think maybe my ovaries are still recovering. I've heard of so man others on here though who've had crazy cycles that it put my mind at rest. The nurse said it was v common to not ovulate after a failed cycle.
Yup, I'm hearing more good things about Care each day. Yesterday I heard about one woman who'd had four failed cycles at her clinic (not sure which one it was) and then she went to Care Manchester and she's now pregnant with twins. I know it's no guarantee it will work, but I think it's important to have confidence in your clinic and I just don't have much in Leeds. They were nice enough, but just a couple of niggling complaints I can't get over.
Angiemon - When are you thinking of having your FET? Will you wait a while? I noticed you did the short protocol too. I did the SP and found it went in an absolute flash. In fact it wasn't half as bad as I was expecting. Not sure whether I'll do it again next time - I'll go with what they recommend.

Wannabmum - I'm shocked by how much you've been through. You really deserve a break and I'm sure that anyone in their right mind would let you keep your baby. It must have been heartbreaking for him to be taken away from you! Hope everything works out.
MSG....you started stimming today, right? Good luck hun :hugs:

Silarose....any sign of the :witch:? Hope she shows soon, so you can get started :hugs:

Wishing our FET girls for this month loads of luck, Inky, DingleyDell and Flower 18!!!!!

:dust: :dust: :dust:

Thanks Isi.... Wishing these girls and you the same too!!!:hugs:
Just waiting for my period...should be here by the weekend and I start things.... excited but very nervous for our FET. We just got back from Mexico over the holidays, we really just needed that time together to relax and get mentally preapre for the FET and have a last go at trying natural with lots of :sex: maybe I won't get my period afterall (wishful thinking) Anyhow, Hope all you ladies are doing well!

Congrats to the :bfp:!!!!!!
Hi girls!! Just an update for you all. Just got the results from my first Beta hcg blood test and it's 602. The doctor said that's perfect. And YES it is a miracle baby because as far as they know I defo concieved the cycle after my failed ICSI!!!!! The clinic were as baffled as myself and my dh!!! All they could say was miracles can happen!!!Best of luck to evryone starting their DR soon. Baby dust to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I'm soo happy for you, Wishful :hugs:. Such a wonderful miracle baby and a PERFECT beta!!! Wishing you a happy and healthy 8+ months!!! Please stop by from time to time to cheer us on :hugs:
Hi Everyone!

Isi, I had my second Zolodex injection and routine bloods yesterday. Have final zolodex on 7th Feb and from there we get a date to start fresh cycle in March. Can't come soon enough, all the build ups a killer! It'll be long protocol again so looking like the EC and Et won't be until sometime in april. Seems so far away :nope: I hope you are ok, you seem so positive, I hope I can be like you!

Hi Lolly! Don't worry, March will be here before you know it! I also feel my own cycle (starting in February) seems like decades away :wacko:. But I guess we just need to persevere :thumbup:. Praying everything works out for us. As for my being positive.....I'm just trying my best hun. I have to admit that, having failed once, I am more worried about it now. I am also trying to manage my expectations, so I don't get crushed like the last time. BUT, I realise we do have to keep up the PMA....so its PMA all the way :thumbup:
Thanks Isi.... Wishing these girls and you the same too!!!:hugs:
Just waiting for my period...should be here by the weekend and I start things.... excited but very nervous for our FET. We just got back from Mexico over the holidays, we really just needed that time together to relax and get mentally preapre for the FET and have a last go at trying natural with lots of :sex: maybe I won't get my period afterall (wishful thinking) Anyhow, Hope all you ladies are doing well!

Congrats to the :bfp:!!!!!!

Awww, sounds like you had a magical holiday. Good idea to take time away to regroup!!! And who says anything about wishful thinking! We already have proof on this thread that miracles DO happen.....so you might not be needing that FET after all :winkwink:
Hi, girls! I had my first scan this a.m. after two days of stimms. Everything is tiny at this point (which the nurse said was normal) but it looks like I have 12 tiny follicles. This is many more than last time so I am feeling hopeful!! I go back on Friday... :)
MSG - I ahve just noticed that we are both 37 and both got 5 eggs on our first go! I am on practically the same protocol as you too - though i take chlomid and don't have repronex!

12 follicles is totally amazing! I had 9 when they scanned me last week which is better than last time when I only had 6-7. I can't wait to get on with things - come on af show your ugly face!!!!
Silarose, hello! Have you started your stims are or you starting on Monday? I am nervous now....I went back and looked at my old posts and realized I had 10 follicles last time but the were really slow responding. Today's ultrasound occurred after 2 days of stims...does anyone else have any idea how follicles should look after 2 days of stims? last time, I didn't have an ultrasound until after 5 days of stims. THANKS!!!!

12 sounds really good to me!!!!

I am a slow responder and last time I had a scan after a few days (4-5 days I think) and I think I had about 8 follicles. I ended up with 5 eggs - well there were 6 but 1 was not used as too small. My eggs were slow growing too - I stimmed for about 3 days longer than most people. I reckon you will get a really good number from 12 follicles. Remember - if you get lots and lots of eggs quality can be compromised. I got a bfp with only 5 eggs last time so it really can happen. I honestly think you are doing really well xxx

I start on cd4 so am desperate for af to come - hurry up witch - whay don't you ever show when I need you?!
Sila, my follicles were also really tiny after 5 days last time. In fact, at the time the u/s tech thought i hadn't started stimming yet and when they found out it was day 5 they were alarmed. Today, she told me it was normal to have them this tiny at this point. My appt. on Friday will be the telling one. hoping they are larger! Sila, last time, on day 5 (which was my first u/s last time, in going back through my records), I had 10 tiny tiny follies. I only ended up with 6 that grew big enough. Of those 6, we got 5 eggs and 4 fertilized. Unfortunately, of the 4 that fertilized, by Day 3, only one was doing well. This is my biggest fear...that I have poor egg quality.
I am sorry for your loss on your last IVF. I hope this is it for both of us!!!
MSG, I had a day 6 scan last time, and my follies were also tiny. By day 8, I had 16 follies, so I think you are right on track. You sound like you are responding much better than the last time, and I will be praying with you that your eggs keep growing nicely! When is your next scan?

Sila, I am willing AF to come for you QUICKLY!!!! :happydance:
Ladies, do you mind if I join you ?
I have found myself back on the IVF rollercoaster again. After my last failed attempt I decided to take a break from B & B, as I was struggling to cope with others success. I hope that doesn't make me sound awful ! I of course am happy for other people but struggled.
Anyway I'm back and we start another round in mid February. Were still not sure whether to go for FET or try a fresh cycle.
I look forward to hearing all your stories and of course all our successes in 2011.
Ladies, do you mind if I join you ?
I have found myself back on the IVF rollercoaster again. After my last failed attempt I decided to take a break from B & B, as I was struggling to cope with others success. I hope that doesn't make me sound awful ! I of course am happy for other people but struggled.
Anyway I'm back and we start another round in mid February. Were still not sure whether to go for FET or try a fresh cycle.
I look forward to hearing all your stories and of course all our successes in 2011.

:hugs: Emerald Sarah!. No, you're not being awful. I felt the same way as well. It was so hard at first, seeing all the other successes.....but I just had to console myself that one day, it will be me. Ours will come hun :hugs:. We'll be cycling around the same time. How many frosties do you have? Mine are no good, so I have to do a fresh cycle. Good luck hun!
Thank you Isi Buttercup for your kind words xx
We have 4 x 3 day embryos stored, we would like to try and get them to blasto stage ideally, but our clinic won't let us because we have less than 5 embryos, I think they are concerned that the chances of less than 5 thawing and making it to blasto is low.
We have our consent signing on Monday so will discuss it further then and have a definate decision and plan of action as to whether we go fresh or FET. Either way we should start DRegging around Feb 14th.
Fingers tightly crossed for us xx

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