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IVF/ICSI/FET Round 2 (or 3, or 4, or 5, etc.) ladies trying again in 2011

It would be a complete miracle!!! First one of my tubes would have to unblock and then my dh's slow buggers would have to swim ;) I wonder what are the chances. I just rang dh and asked him to buy a test for me!!!
It would be a complete miracle!!! First one of my tubes would have to unblock and then my dh's slow buggers would have to swim ;) I wonder what are the chances. I just rang dh and asked him to buy a test for me!!!

:hugs: hun!! I don't want to raise your hopes, but I've heard of sooo many cases like that. Good luck babes :hugs:
wow that would be great if you got a BFP wishful then you wouldn't have to go through all this s**t!!! Sorry!!!!

Ive had a phone call from our clinic putting our app back for our fet, only by a few days though. Might give me a chance of my af to appear so it may be a good thing. I dont think i have ovulated this cycle but as its the first cycle since BFN, im not expecting it to be normal...this seems to be such a guessing game......
Dingley-am i right in thinking you are going for a FET?? Do you know how it differs from a fresh cycle? I dont know anything really and havent a clue when it is likely to start!! Do you know when you are starting or does anyone else doing FET know much about it?

Hiya everyone. We're booked onto open evenings for Care Manchester and Sheffield, so it feels like we're moving forward (v slowly) towards our second round. Still not had an appointment through for our follow-up appt though to discuss 'where it all went wrong!'
Doodar - I can't believe your employer has been like that! I thought mine was bad. It sounds to me like constructive dismissal (but of course you'd have to leave first before taking them to the cleaners).
I always say I wouldn't wish this nightmare onto anyone, but maybe some people I would...
Yeah my boss is a bit of an oddball. He hates paying anyone maternity leave, he gets a bee in his bonnet about paying people when they aren't there to work. Thinks everyone is out to rip him off. There is a big meeting happening next week so I will see how that goes and then take things from there.

Can I ask a question to those ladies doing FET are you using medication? Mine is an unmedicated cycle and from the reasearch I've done they aren't as sucessful as a medicated one. I'm starting to worry a little.
Hiya everyone

Wishful - I know it feels like it wll never happen to us but 'miracle' BFPs can happen! Don't want to get your hopes up either but have got my fx'd for you. I would have pos days ago as I am so impatient!!!

Dingleybell - OMG! They messed up big time didn't they?! Good luck for your FET honey. It does annoy me how we are at the mercy of the medical profession and they very often just don't get it right! I got really pissed off today I as I found out that my first (cancelled) cycle does count as one of my nhs goes. It pissed me off because they cancelled the cycle as I had a big lead follicle and some smaller ones. The dr told me that cancelling wouldn't affect my nhs funding and I would get that go/cycle again so it was best to cancel. I know that they could have carried on stimming me, lost the lead follicle and made the other ones grow. I always thought they didn't bother as I would get that nhs go again and there might be a better chance then. As it stands that's not the case at all! I was devastated when the cycle was cancelled and thought IVF wouldn't work for me. Then I was told I had to wait 6 months for my next cycle!!! I shouldn't complain as at least I am having some funded cycles - but I feel really pissed off that I wasn't given the right info and I think better decisions could have been made!!! I ended up paying for my second cycleas there was no way I could wait 6 months - I was devastated!!!! I didn't complain too much about this today as I thought everyone at the centre wouldbe pissed off with me and somehow give me worse care - I feel like my life is in their hands and I certainly don't want to rock the boat!

Doodar - I can't believe your work - they sound awful! It sounds a bit like constructive dismissal to me which I am sure is illegal. I agree that finding out your rights might be helpful - you have earned your right to medical and maternity leave. Hope you're not feeling too stressed honey!

Isi - I'm trying to join you with the good diet . I'm eating loads of fruit - but can't seem to stay off the chocolate (organic mind you!) I have put on so much weight over Xmas but as I'm not going out much I eat instead. It has to stop argh!!!!

Lou - sound like you're one step furter towards finding your perfect clinic and that BFP!!!

Hiya everyone else - what's up?

I went for a baseline scan today. She said I had 9 antral follicles which, although not great, is better than last time when the dr told me that I had 6-7. I can stop taking the psycho -pill early on Sun (thank the lord as it turns me into an anxious wreck!!!!!) AF will then come next Fri/Sat and I start clomid (woo hooo - more psychotic episodes) and stimming on day 4. MSG - I am really near you! I'm a bit worried as work has suddenly gone mad - but you know I am just going to have to turn things down - IVF is mor eimportant at the mo I'm afraid!!!!
Lou, that's definitely a step in the right direction :thumbup:. But you should push for the follow up appointment, as it sort of gives some closure to the failed cycle, you know. Wishing you loads of luck at Care!

Doodar, I've heard of quite a number of unmedicated FETs that have been successful. How many frosties will you be transferring?

Silarose, 9 is a good number. And I know what you mean about the "psycho pill" :wacko:. I am so not looking forward to the hot flashes and Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde personality switch that comes with those nasty DR shots. But I guess we just have to keep our eyes on the prize. And that's so annoying they didn't tell you the cancelled cycle counted :growlmad:. Thank goodness you have the resources to go self funded. I think I'd keel over and die if I had to wait 6 months! Over here, we don't have the luxury of Government funding, so everthing has been out of pocket. Means no holidays or unnecessary purchases for the DH and I, not until we get our baby/babies! And oooh, organic chocolates!!! How cool is that?! Are they as calorific as the gloriously sinful ones?

Don't worry, Angie. I know a few days delay can seem like eternity. But it'll come soon. Hang in there!

Wishful hun, did you test? Thinking of you.

As for me, I'm just willing the days in the calendar to race on until February. I originally planned to start this month, so would have started down regulating tomorrow. But I decided to allow myself 3 full periods. I also thought my best friend would be getting married in early February, when I would have been having ET, and I didn't want to risk combining the two. Well, turns out the wedding will be happening later, but decided to go on with my plans for starting in February. If the new date for the wedding falls at a time I can't attend, I'm sure she'll understand.
Ok I did a test this morning and I got a BFP. I'm in total shock!!! I just cant believe this. Like i have 2 blocked tubes. Maybe the failed ivf cleared one. I really dont know what to think. I did a ditigal test and it said i'm 3-4 weeks pregnant. Could it be wrong??? What the hell???? Oh my god, i'm actually afraid to get excited!!!!!
Ok I did a test this morning and I got a BFP. I'm in total shock!!! I just cant believe this. Like i have 2 blocked tubes. Maybe the failed ivf cleared one. I really dont know what to think. I did a ditigal test and it said i'm 3-4 weeks pregnant. Could it be wrong??? What the hell???? Oh my god, i'm actually afraid to get excited!!!!!

OMG! :bfp::bfp::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

I just so had a feeling about that you know!!! It's when you elast suspect it that good things happen!!!!!! Congratulations honey!!!!!
Thanks soooooo much silarose28. To be honest i'm still trying to take it in. Gonna test tomorrow morning again to make sure. I rang my clinic to talk to them about it and they said even though it is a natural bfp they will still take care of me for the first while. Have to get bloods taken on monday or tuesday and then 48 hours later. Jesus i hope this is real. When i did the digital the word pregnant appeared after a few minutes and i actually said to myself "this is the cruelest thing ever, the word pregnant appears and then obviously the word not comes in another minute. Then i nearly passed out when i re-read the leaflet. OMG please let it be real and stick!!!!!!
OH MY GOD, WISHFUL!!!! :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo:

That is absolutely fantastic! Ohmigosh! I'm so happy and excited for you :hugs:

Now THAT'S what I'm talking about!!! :D . Thanks so much for opening the door of blessings on this thread!!!

I think the next step should be getting your beta checked. Congrats love!
OH MY GOD, WISHFUL!!!! :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo:

That is absolutely fantastic! Ohmigosh! I'm so happy and excited for you :hugs:

Now THAT'S what I'm talking about!!! :D . Thanks so much for opening the door of blessings on this thread!!!

I think the next step should be getting your beta checked. Congrats love!
OH MY GOD, WISHFUL!!!! :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo:

That is absolutely fantastic! Ohmigosh! I'm so happy and excited for you :hugs:

Now THAT'S what I'm talking about!!! :D . Thanks so much for opening the door of blessings on this thread!!!

I think the next step should be getting your beta checked. Congrats love!

Thanks Isi. Still cant believe it. I'm going to do another test in the morning and hopefully if it's still positive i will go to my clinic on tuesday to have my beta checked :happydance: i actually cant get over this!!!!!
Congratulatios wishful think! You really deserve it and it's fantastic to know these things can happen, no matter how unlikely you are told it will be! It just goes to show that you never know what's around the corner... x
Im also interested in what we can do to help this cycle succeed.....Im hoping because christmas is over (which is always stressful really, getting ready making sure everything is done) this time of year will be more peaceful for all of us.
Im gonna be more organised with my diet this time too, I had EC and ET right when the snow was at its worst and i wasnt organised enough with food shops etc and then was scared to go out incase i fell over and ruined everything and the men arent the best at healthy shopping are they even if they get a list so im going to do meal plans this time and make sure there is no christmas chocolate in the house!! Also last time, it happened so quick, we had a lot to drink the w/e before seeing the fs (it was hubbys 40th) and then the fs said to start straightaway my cycle was due to start in a few days on the short protocol so obvioulsy that was a worry so a new year a clean slate i say.

Hope everyone else is starting the new year well and any information is good. What is everyone else doing??

Silarose - good luck in starting :happydance:


Wishing you all the best this time around, Angie. You're right, it's definitely harder to stay healthy during Christmas. I don't drink but I have a very bad sweet tooth, so that's not particularly ideal either. Trying to change my diet before I start next month.

Have you decided when your FET will be?

hi isi,
We have our follow up app on the 20th Jan so I wont know anything till then, when we first got the app I thought the time would give us a chance to have a think and settle but now I just want it!! I dont know if they will have any ideas of why our wee embie didnt implant. Did they give you any reasons in your follow up?
It wont be long now until you start. I havent done the long protocol (i did short) so im not exactly sure what its like. Is it a bit longer? How are you feeling about it all?
Hi Everyone

I've spoken to you all on various threads but thought I would join this one too if that's ok, seems a positive one! Especially after Wishfuls news! Congratulations lovely! What a miracle and such a happy start to your year! Praying for you, and hoping that you have started what is going to be a good year for all of us!

Lolly xxxxxxxxx :flower:

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