IVF/ICSI in Aug/Sept/Oct Updates on 1st page!

I bet she does maddie!!!! I expect lexi to be around 20 pounds at 9 months the way she's been growing. We start solids in another 2.5 weeks to!
Hi Maddie and kelly! Thank-you, jackson's left ventricle is enlarged and the left side of his heart is swollen, their not sure why, it could just be down to his prematurity and will sort itself out but if this happens a lot with preemies then they would surely be able to say for sure that's why. its because they keep saying their 'not sure why', that worries me slightly!
Your girls sound like they are both doing fabulously!
U know during the ivf and my pregnancy where I had SPD, i said that i would never do it again, but now I want to! I would rather not have ivf again but I can't see it happening naturally-so i guess you could say that we are ntnp too Kelly! DH doesn't know it yet but if nothing happens I would quite like to look at more treatment next summer or at least go and have an appointment to see what they say. I need to lose some weight though!

ps: good luck princess!
Wow St at least they've picked it up and are following it through. It's better that it's being picked up now than discovering it later on. Were ntnp too. We would love it to happen naturally. We both want more and if nothing happens by this time next year we'll speak to the clinic about using our frosties. It would be perfect to give Sienna a sibling from her batch if you know what I mean.

Kelly I loved weaning S. I loved her enjoying my food. She eats well. I'm still bf too but hoping to wean her off that soon. It's very hard now I'm back at work.

Hope everybody else is well xxxxx
:hi: girls!
It's lovely to hear from you st, jackson is adorable!!

Yep we're starting our new cycle soon! Less then 6 weeks! We've been matched to a new recipient and are now in the process of syncing our cycles (just waiting for bcp in the post!)

Lily is doing well tho! At just under 11 months she weighs 24lb 8oz, although shes actually lost weight now shes moving around loads and is into EVERYTHING!!
Cant believe shes 1 next month! Where has this year gone?! We're well into buying all her presents and planning her party, im excited but missing my newborn but she has been replaced by a very bright, loving, beautiful little girl <3

Hope everyone is well and I look forward to updating you on our new cycle :thumbup:
Lots of exciting times ahead this thread will be active again before we know it.

I'd like to not go back to the clinic and my husband definitely doesn't want to but I know he would for me but we will not do another fresh cycle. I'm still hoping for a second natural bfp. It happened once for us so I wonder if it could happen again.

I'm not eager to cut down on bfing I love it so we'll be starting out slow with the solids. Lexi will get breast milk first at her usually feeds then we'll offer some oatmeal after. I plan on bfing for 18-24 months though usually as they get past the 18 month mark its only mornings and nights.
Argh that's good Kelly. All exciting. I love bf too it's more than just feeding I think.

Princess how exciting that you'll be starting soon. I'm glad your all well. Looking forward to the updates xxx
Hi everyone, so great to hear your news.

St, he is adorable, hope everything goes well with the appointment.

As for us, Alannah is doing great, cant believe she is almost one, the yr has flown by. Funny today was her official due date. She is cruising and desp to walk she is taking steps with help but tries to push your hand away and do it herself, she is fearless! We are still bf and plan to till she weans, i actually got my cycle back 6 weeks pp despite bf exclu, never even pumped this whole time, crazy! but least we can ttc soon, we are moving the end of next month, cant wait as the new house is so much better for us, layout etc and bigger so we will be trying again. Hoping for a natural miracle. Alannah is just the love of my life i so hope we can give her a sibling or 6 hee hee.

Great to hear from everyone,

tons of luck princess.

hugs to all
Lovely to hear from you babies. How exciting moving house. Good luck. We want to move too....closer to parent's and in a bigger house. Xx
Hi ladies,

I love popping on here to see how everyone is getting on :)

ST- congrats on your little boy! He is gorgeous, you must be very proud?!

Princess- I can't believe your little girl is nearly 1! I saw that trasks girls were 1 the other day too, time is flying! Hope you have a lovely day :)

Hello to everyone :wave: Hope you are all doing well?becca, good luck with testing :)

Well I'm now 31 weeks, both twins are growing great, estimated weights are 3lbs 12oz & 3lbs 13oz as of last Tuesday! So I don't think I've got little bubbas in there! They are currently both breech, so hoping twin 1 turns soon.

Still can't believe I'm actually pregnant with twins, it's still so surreal. We have the nursery all ready & I sit I'm their thinking, this just doesn't seem real?! We found out the other day that our close friends are having a baby, and I got the instinctive punch to the gut feeling! It was so strange, it took a few seconds to realise, no it's ok, I'm ok. It really took me by surprise, does that go away at all, or will I always be floored by pg announcements?!! Crazy lady that I am!

Anyway, hopefully the next time I'll be posting is in around 5 1/2 weeks when the bubbas are here! Hoping they keep snug until then :)

Zowie it still affects me and probably always will especially with baby girl announcements. Just makes me think of all the moments I'll never have with Hannah. But it's ok and i'm ok to just catches me off guard.

you're going yp be having babies soon! did you find out gender or are you team yellow?
Nice to hear from you zowie....glad all well. Your babbas sound great. It doesn't bother me as much as it use to now as feel so blessed to have this bundle of joy xxx
HI! So nice to hear from everyone! It's nice to see baby updates and preggo updates...so glad it's working out for everyone. :hugs:

Jack is amazing. Turned one last week and is really trying to walk. Taking about 4-5 steps several times a day before he falls like a tiny drunkard. :rofl: Such a sweet boy. I'm back to work as of 3 weeks ago :sad2: but we're doing okay. I was blessed to have the year at home with him.
Nice to hear from you rosa! I'd say 4-5 steps is walking! That's how they all start out. Can't believe he's 1 already.

Lexi is 6 months as of today!
Arhhh Rosa that's amazing. How lovely. He's gorg. Glad your all well. Xx
How is everyone doing? Lexi is 7 months now and crawling all over the place the last few weeks. Things are getting more interesting.

I'm still waiting on af thought she would show this morning after some pinky brown when I wiped last night but notta. Could have been ovulation spotting as I was cramping a bit. I hate constantly being on panty watch wondering when she'll show.

I'm going back home for 6 weeks soon I leave on Sunday with the kiddos. Should be fun.

Princess how's your ivf cycle going?
It's awful isn't it Kelly. Were all well here thank you. Hope everyone ok xx
Hi all! How are we all doing? I'm fine and Jackson is great! 9 months now eek and 15lbs! Im back to work in 2 weeks :-( though only 2 days a week which makes it a little easier to face. I worry about jackson's development it seems being 10 weeks early has put him more than 10 weeks behind bless him, he can't sit up yet.....I know it will be in his own time I just feel a bit sorry for him like he could do more if he could sit up etc. He's happy as Larry though of course!! he doesn't know does he!
Zowiey can't wait to hear about the safe arrival of your babies!! Yes I still get that awful feeling when I hear someone is pregnant....although now its more kinda of Hmmpphhh...I bet they didn't try for long!!
Kelly hi! Wow Lexie is crawling! Jackson is a long way off! I got my first AF 3 weeks ago funnily enough, it was light and has only just stopped, it kept coming and going like it couldn't decide! I'm still breastfeeding too, though combined with a formula for prem babies.

Aww Rosa great to hear from you! Jack is lovely, one year old wow!!
Babies- Alannah is gorgeous! good luck moving house, that's great news xxx
Princess-How is the IVF cycle going, good I hope xxxxxxxx
Hi Maddie, how are you? We seriously need a bigger place too, baby stuff everywhere!!! x

ladies...Im feeling pretty down, is it possible to get delayed PND?

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