IVF/ICSI @ Liverpool Womens Hospital

Hi everyone

Hope you're all doing good.

Lianne, tons of luck with first injection, they do get easier after your first couple and remember the ice it def makes a difference.

Jasmeen, tons of luck for egg collection, cant wait to hear your news,

Afm, day nine of injections, af is a little bit heavier than normal, had a few headaches and my stomach has been a bit off but other than that doing well. Cant wait till my scan and hopefully can start stimming.

Hugs to all.
lisabaldwin said:
Hi, I noticed your comment about Liverpool. We are starting IVF in feb, we have 2 choices, Manchester or Liverpool, we are from Preston. Please can you keep us updated? Also, we have been referred from preston hospital and can u please tell me what happens and how long it takes before you are actually having the treatment, best of luck.

I am also sorry to hear of your loss

Lisa. xxxx

Hi lisa. Welcome to the thread.

Like you im from preston and was refered to LWH in february. I was also given the choice between manchester and liverpool, my first question, and what swayed my decision, was which one has a higher success rate and was told at the moment it is Liverpool. It was at that moment i decided i was going to Liverpool. I got my PIE (patients information evening) in march. I was given all the paper work and information about the blood test. I had my tests in April. We then had a joint consultation to discuss the best treatment for us and that took place in June. I then had to ring back on day 1 of my cycle, for various reasons i had to delay the start of the cycle and eventaully started in october. Im due to have my EC on friday.

I have found Liverpool to be quite helpful, my only concern is that i have not seen the consultant since June. I may see him on Friday when i go in for EC, i dont know. I would have prefered to see him more to ask him more questions but this forum has really helped with this. I would have been so lost without the ladies on here they have been a god send. :thumbup:

hi ladies i to am from preston. I was reccommended liverpool by my doctor and never had a problem with them. my friends however also went to liverpool and transferred to manchester because they had a terrible time with them, shes having her eggs collected tomoz. i started my treatment jan and was pregnant by middle feb. it all happened rather quickly after being referred there last october. x
motherhood is great, cant believe hes 8 days old now. settling into a routine :). for something that sleeps so much, theres not enough hours in the day hes keeping me busy. hope ur well hun x
Hi ladies, hope everyone is well whichever stage you are at.

Just a little update it was as I expected a chemical pregnancy blood test come back at 11 so all done. We are devastated but happy in the knowledge that it did implant if just for a short while so we can cross that off our list of things to worry about. The clinic advises to wait at least a month before going again so we will probably enjoy Xmas and then look at starting on day 21 of January period. We are going to do a full cycle to ourselves this time and if that doesn't work we will go back to egg sharing. I don't care if this takes us 10 cycles it will not beat me xxxx

Good luck to everyone and no doubt I'll pop in every now and again to see how everyone is doing xxxx
Hi ladies..... Well im back from LWH after a terrible time. The sedation was brilliant but after i woke up the pain was awful. Im usually quite good with pain but this was on another level. It was so bad that it was making sick, i was there for 2 hours after the EC, they ended up giving me an anti sickness tablet. Eventually got home and i went straight to bed with a hot water bottle. Pain is bareable now.

After all that we only got 5 eggs, i was hoping for more. They better fertilise now cuz i dont think i can do this again.
thanks Isabella just done first injection so glad its done feel better knowing it was bearable now the next few weeks don't feel so daunting. got my baseline on 30th. can't wait now feel like its really happening glad you've not had too many bad side effects xxx

Hi everyone

Hope you're all doing good.

Lianne, tons of luck with first injection, they do get easier after your first couple and remember the ice it def makes a difference.

Jasmeen, tons of luck for egg collection, cant wait to hear your news,

Afm, day nine of injections, af is a little bit heavier than normal, had a few headaches and my stomach has been a bit off but other than that doing well. Cant wait till my scan and hopefully can start stimming.

Hugs to all.[/QUOTE]
Hi yasmeen
sorry to hear egg collection wasn't brilliant for you. i'm sure you'll get plenty of embryos for transfer tomorrow.

I got my follow up appointment through with the consultant today. we go on the 22Nd of december. we'll make the decision after that as to whether we'll stick with liverpool or go to manchester x x
Yasmeen- I am so sorry to hear that :-( i know you will be devastated but on your next cycle they will most likely do ICSI which gives a much better chance so please hang in there. You will probs start around same time as a few of us so we are in this together x

Bugs- I am sorry that this has happened but like you said, you have proven u can get pregnant and that is great news! we will start all over in the new year and pray that we get our BFPS. We are all here to support eachother which is great x

Jane- Glad all is well and good luck for telling your parents x

Cvaeh- Hope you are doing ok and gearing up for next yr with us :) x

Foxey- I am glad motherhood is all you dreamed it could be and i love u popping in as it gives us all much needed hope x

Melbram- Hope all is going ok with u x

Babies and lanny- how are u girls doing? x

Hi to Laura, Del, nici and all the gang x

AFM-I have been very low with grieiving my mum and sad about treatment not working but today is a sunny day and i feel lucky to be alive and have my health and for the ppl in my life and the joyful memories i have so im off xmas shopping and for a spot of lunch with my dad as dh is at work till 8pm. Hope everyone has a nice wkend and stay strong ladies! we WILL get our babies xxx
Thanks for that Sarah, i am absolutely gutted. I cant understand why, they said out of the 5 eggs 4 were not mature enough and the one they had didnt fertilise. We did have ICSI. At the moment i am so emotionally drained and still in pain from yesterday i feel like giving up. Im not sure if i can do this all over again
Thanks for that Sarah, i am absolutely gutted. I cant understand why, they said out of the 5 eggs 4 were not mature enough and the one they had didnt fertilise. We did have ICSI. At the moment i am so emotionally drained and still in pain from yesterday i feel like giving up. Im not sure if i can do this all over again

sooooo sorry hunny!! sending u huge hugs xxx
Yasmeen- You will be able to do it all over again. I felt the same after our poor response and then my BFN but the overwhelming desire to be a mother outweighs everything else so i will keep going intill we get that bfp. Keep strong and next time they can increase meds and maybe change protocol xxx
I'm bot having ivf at lwh but I stil wanted to wish u ladies all the luck especially aq ur story made me well up xx
I'm bot having ivf at lwh but I stil wanted to wish u ladies all the luck especially aq ur story made me well up xx

Thank you Goodies and i look forward to getting to know you on the other thread:thumbup:xxx
Yasmeen-so sorry to hear your news. you will get through this. when we got our zero fertilization on our first cycle i thought we'd never do it again but we did and got one special embryo. i'm still devastated that it didn't work but i'm sure we will all be cycling again together in the new year.
So sorry babydust,sending u a big hug xxx u will find the strength to carry on hun,I know It's hard Xxx

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