IVF in june/july 2012

hi to raelynn and stacie!
Freedom is who I use too. :)

Amylou- Im with you on the accu front. mine was talking about diet too and I'm like you- I have a good diet and exercise regularly. I am pre diabetic so I have to cut a lot out of my diet and there's no way Im going to cut out dairy too. crazy people... I believe that diet is a huge part of peoples health and general well being but I also believe if you have a well balanced diet then unless there are serious allergies and it isn't a problem- you should be relaxed about it.
I dont like it when they get very hard core about it. we are going through SO much already! like we need to make it that much worse. sheesh!

well good luck with the search to find a good one, Im looking too.

Ms TX- is tomorrow your scan to check for cycts? yay! getting that ball rolling!!!

Im enjoying the non injecting side of life right now and my caffeine withdrawal migraines are mostly gone (TG- OW) my last BCP is on the 14th so I have some time still.
Im torn between feeling happy that Im not in the thick of it yet and frustrated cause I want to get on with it! :) silly... Im dreading that 2ww. thats got to be extra hard...

I keep having horrible dreams that it doesnt work or there are no eggs, etc. not fun. Ive started doing yoga again to help relax me. so far it has helped a bit! :)

so where do you girlies stand on the 2ww after transfer? would any of you go on holiday or travel at all during that time? or is the plan to stay as still as possible?
Hello everyone! Is it ok if I join? I just started my stims (follistim and menopur) on Saturday so looking for some girls to join me in the long process! You all seem so nice and I haven't been active on the site in a couple years due to all of the heartache but im sure you are all familiar with how that feels!
Hello everyone! Is it ok if I join? I just started my stims (follistim and menopur) on Saturday so looking for some girls to join me in the long process! You all seem so nice and I haven't been active on the site in a couple years due to all of the heartache but im sure you are all familiar with how that feels!

Welcome! That puts you 1 week ahead of me. How are you feeling so far?
Thank you MsTX! I appreciate the welcome! I see you are on your first IVF as well...scary stuff huh?! I feel like it's been hurry up and wait for so long but now it seems like it's almost done! I should have my ER the week of the 11th I believe! I am feeling ok overall but have a few side effects so far...the lupron makes me a bit of a crazy person it seems....and the hot flashes were bad the first few days but now im better. The menopur stings and bruises me. I had a few headaches from the lupron as well and now that im doing all 3 (menopur, lupron and follistim) im not sure which is making me tired but I am! Plus I feel bloated and pretty hungry! That's all though ;) How about you?
It is scary but I'm really hopeful! I guess that us how you have to be huh? I have felt great on the lupron but the birth control made me really hungry and my boobs extremely sore! I'm very sensitive to any medications and I've never really been on birth control, maybe a couple of months ever so I really felt different from that. I have had a couple mild headaches but nothing to complain about. I guess we will see how it goes when I start my stims Saturday. Hopefully I don't get too hormonal or crazy. I have heard about the Menopur burning. I have to mix all mine together and take them as 1 shot. Is that how you do it or in 3 separate shots?
Hiya jmc! so exciting for you- it has begun! :)
sorry about the luprong doing funny things to you.. :( how long are you on it for?
are you doign the long protocol?

sorry to sounds so green but can someone tell me how this works. My Dr's office is working on my protocol now and are going to 'be in touch' probably soon but I just dont know what to expect!

can someone tell me how it works? You start on BC and then you take lupron before or after the pill? and when is Af meant to start in all this? I was under the impression that meds started on cd3 but Im beginning to think perhaps the lupron is started earlier.
and is lupron injected? is it subQ?

Thanks in advance!
Hiya jmc! so exciting for you- it has begun! :)
sorry about the luprong doing funny things to you.. :( how long are you on it for?
are you doign the long protocol?

sorry to sounds so green but can someone tell me how this works. My Dr's office is working on my protocol now and are going to 'be in touch' probably soon but I just dont know what to expect!

can someone tell me how it works? You start on BC and then you take lupron before or after the pill? and when is Af meant to start in all this? I was under the impression that meds started on cd3 but Im beginning to think perhaps the lupron is started earlier.
and is lupron injected? is it subQ?

Thanks in advance!

It really depends on the protocol. For me it was BC for 3 weeks and I started taking the Lupron for the last week of it. That I take for just over 2 weeks. When you stop the BC you will have a period and then you start your stims. The BC is to help rest the ovaries before you start stimulating them to produce a bunch of eggs at once. The Lupron keeps your body from maturing just 1 egg like your body would do on a regular cycle. They give the ovidrel shot to mature all the eggs instead of just the dominant follicle. Sorry if I'm rambling but I believe that is correct. Right ladies? The lupron is injected with a tiny little needle in your stomach. It is very painless and easy so far! I hope this helps some :)
That matches everything I have been told so far MsTX!

Funny, I also had side effects from the birth control. Thankfully they have died down. My stomach was a mess the first few days.

I left my message with our nurse tonight and she is supposed to be back from vacation tomorrow to give us our schedule. I'm so anxious just to know when our key days are. Hopefully she'll let me know my official meds too since I'll need to get them soon.
My fresh IVF cycle was last July so it's been awhile. I think the protocol really depends on the clinic and the patient's details. I started on OCP for a few weeks, had my baseline appointment with blood and ultrasound on the last day of taking OCP then start the luperon (twice a day subQ injections) a few days after stopping OCP. Some people at my clinic started the luperon before stopping the OCP though. Then I think I started FSH and HMG (menopur and gonal f-I think it was once a day subQ injections for both) a few days later. I think I stopped these meds about 2 weeks later, the day before the embryo retreival, and then did the HCG trigger shot that evening (in the middle of the night). Then I had progesterone suppositories for the next two weeks.
I had to do seperate injections for each med and my stomach was all bruised up after a few days.
Jmc- sorry to hear about the side effects, hopefully they won't last too long- I do remember being very tired and having sore boobs and hot flashes.

I just made the payment for my upcoming cycle today. I'm hoping to start my baseline appointment on June 20th or 21st. I'm really anxious to get started since I feel like I'm jsut sitting around and waiting now.
My doctor told me that I need to reduce stress at work and do whatever I can to relax, including massages. I tease my husband that I now have a prescription for relaxing and massages!
Good morning girls!

MsTX - I am also really hopeful and that is very important to stay positive during all of this! It is so stressful! I'm glad you're doing well with the lupron! I have been on birth control for so long...I hate it. I have PCOS and endometriosis though so if im not on birth control then I have TERRIBLE cramps and really long cycles and then I also gained like 30lbs when I first went off b/c trying to get pregnant right after we got married. Ugh it's the pits! You mix them all together?! That would be better if you ask me! I have to do two seperate shots in the am (lupron and then menopur) and the follistim in the pm

Afamilygal - hi! Yes it is VERY exciting that finally after all this time it's all coming to a conclusion...hopefully soon I should say. I am doing the long protocol and have been on lupron since 5/21...the doctor said i'll stay on it through my stims so I believe that means the whole time??

My protocol sounds just like MsTX and raelynn it sounds like! I was on BC for about 3 weeks then started lupron 5 days before taking my last BC pill. So I took them both for 5 days then continued the lupron until they told me to start the stims which was on 6/2. I spotted a little a few days after stopping the pill like a normal AF should be. I definitely understand how you're feeling...i'm trying not to obsess and am at the mercy of the doctors...I just hope I can trust them. My shots have all been in the tummy so far so that's nice!

raelynn - How exciting that you're going to get your schedule soon! Have any of you gals heard of Alexander Twin pharmacy!? They were the best for pricing when I checked around...Freedom is better if you're using gonal f but Alexander Twin was better for follistim when I checked a few weeks back.

amylou123 - thanks for the sympathy :)...It's weird how the drugs affect people differently...some have no side effects and some say it's terrible! Ohhh yes I almost forgot...I have a couple bruises also...and my tummy feels and looks pretty bloated already...yikes! It's a little tender to the touch as well.

How exciting that you're starting now!!! Making that payment is always a bit of a kick in the stomach though hehe. I should take your advice on the prescription for relaxing and massages!! :)

I just came from my first estridiol (sp?) blood check. No ultrasound today but have appointments for e2, u/s and physical on Thursday morning! I'm anxious to see how many follicles so far!
I left a message for my nurse last night knowing that I'd be working today but still no call back yet. I'm so impatient just to finally have our dates! I'm finding it really hard to be patient. We're trying to fit this all in before our cruise at the end of July and hubby wants some recovery time if he needs to do another TESE so that just adds to my impatience...
Hey ladies, I wanted to give you an update that I stared the climara patch last night, the nurse said I'll probably be on the patch for 2 weeks. I will get AF next week and have to go in for sono & b/w on day 2. I guess they will let me know about stims (menopur & braville)

How are you ladies doing w/the Stims?

Rayelynn, are you currently on BCP/ Or are you waiting for your protocol altogether?
I'm on BCP right now. 2 more weeks to go. Our nurse called while I was at work and spoke with hubby. They're reworking our calendar because the original ER date was going to be July 17 (no idea why it is so far out when I'll be done BCP June 17) but that is only a few days before our vacation and hubby wants some heal time before vacation since he may need to do another TESE at the same time as ER if our frozen samples don't survive. Trying to be patient again while I wait to see if they can get earlier dates approved for us or if we'll have to wait until August now :nope:
When did she say you they would give you a revised date? I didnt get an actual date either and my DH will be traveling, so I am praying that ER will be on a day when he is home. All this waiting can make anyone crazy! ! What protocol are you on?
I'll be on the long lupron protocol it seems (based on the info I've been given so far). I talked to our nurse again tonight (she probably thinks I'm crazy) but I wanted to see if there was any chance to get us in at the beginning of July so we can have try #1 before our vacation. That way we can either celebrate or have a much needed recovery trip. She said that should be possible but we have to await approval from the higher ups. She's going to email me our calendar as soon as our dates get the approval. I have to stay on top of things though since our window will be so small. Have to call to book my mock embryo transfer tomorrow and get in touch with our insurance to see if there is any coverage for the fertility drugs. Hopefully it all falls into place!
helllloooo ma darlin's!
lots of msgs since I last typed which is fun to come back to! :D

thanks for the info ladies! The nurse actually called today and it looks like I will be on the BCP for 18 days only (a little weird) and I go in for the first u/s baseline tomorrow to start Lupron on Thursday morning.
Kinda sucky but I have to go away this weekend (that part is nice the sucky part is traveling with the meds) how does that work? do you take it in your carry on with a Dr's note?? does it need to stay cold?? hmmm... how does this work?

raelynn- sorry about the crummy timing- hopefully it will resolve itself and work out perfectly. but these things have a funny way of getting crazy quickly. :wacko: I really hope you dont have to wait until August!![-o<
sending good vibes your way!! in the meantime, Can I ask what TESE is?

amylou- yuck to paying for it, but YAY to moving forward with it!! Im excited for you! :happydance:

jmc- Horray to your 'stuff' on Thursday- hopefully there are a good amount of follicles getting going in there! Ill X my F&T for you! (cross my fingers and toes) :winkwink:

oneof14- never heard of the climara patch - is it estrogen? (good grief I sound so green about all of this dont I?) I really hope your dates are ok too. we are just slaves to this aren't we??

have I missed anyone? I hope not!
I had a wonderful yoga class today that made me feel so good. My back has been acting tricky so this was just what I needed AND Im getting a massage on Saturday!! (YAY!) :headspin:
but thats it for moi. looks like Ill be on lupron for 10 days, then add gonal F for 10 days then hopefully it is go time! I meet with the IVF nurse tomorrow to go over it all. SO happy to be moving forward!! hip hip, HORRAY!

I cant wait for us to get our BFP's! I want us all to be moving on to the first Tri together!

big hugs to you ladies!! xo:kiss:
TESE is Testicular Sperm Extraction. Hubby has non obstructive azoospermia which means that, for whatever reason, his body does not produce sperm like normal. He's had two semen analysis's with zero sperm found so we opted for a TESE for a urologist to go in surgically and extract small tissue samples hoping that there were sperm found in the tissue. We got lucky and they found sperm in 3 out of the 5 samples taken. They are still miniscule amounts (think less than 100 rather than the thousands normally produced) but hopefully we'll be successful with ICSI. We have our samples frozen from the TESE he had in May but the urologist will be on standby the day of ER to do another TESE in hopes of finding another few fresh sperm to use if our frozen ones don't survive the defrost.
Afamilygal- I'm having flashbacks from my cycle last year with traveling. I brought my meds for a quick weekend trip to Chicago with my in-laws. Unfortunately we realized at 1am that we forgot the lupron. My dear sister in-law (a physician) spent most of the night calling every 24 hour pharmacy and hospital in the area to see if we could get lupron in time for the 8am injection that I needed, but we had no luck. So I jumped back on a 6am plane after being in Chicago for only 7 hours to get home to take my morning injection so the cycle wouldn't be messed up.
Other than our craziness with forgetting the meds, taking them on the plane was easy. The airlines have clear instructions online but no one at security seemed to care at all. We brought the meds in an insulated lunch bag and put the syringes with the meds in my carry on.

Yay for the massage!!

Raelynn- It's good to hear that you call your IVF nurse as much as I call mine-I'm sure they must be used to the anxiety from all the women going through this process. I called mine twice today to ask random questions. I'm really amazed with all that the nurses handle- between scheduling, helping with medication basics, calming nervous energy and answering questions- they are pretty amazing.
Ladies - thanks for sharing all your info and posts

Had a good day today - got the go ahead with potential dates for our July IVF
Cycle - and also found out that our out of pocket expenses for
Meds will be minimal - thanks to donated meds from a good friends previous IUI cycles - and our coordinator is supplementing a pod portion of the rest with samples
So we are looking at $800 at the most as opposed the the $3,000 we first planned on
Our insurance will not cover anything IVF related and
Since my husband is a genetic carrier for cycstic fibrosis - we have no choose but to do a sperm aspiration - hence why we need to do IVF

Deep breaths and one day at a time - right - today was day one of my birth control pills for 2 days and starting the lupeon next with a long therapy treatment

Looking at July 13th for the egg retrieval ad possibly 3/5 dates after that for the implantation

I wish all of you ladies on here the best of luck with your cycles
I was at an IVF class this evening and stayed for a support group afterwards -
Lots of great info and insight / will share some suggested books/readings with you next time
Good morning ladies. Can I join too? We are TTC #1 IVF with ICSI with a retrieval day of July 9th and an approximate proceedure date of July 11th. BCP until the 22nd and Lupon on the 18th. Super nervous, but very excited and I haven't been this optimistic in over a year!
Has anyone expierienced any side effects with the lupron? My system is sensitive and they had me double up on my BCP for the first couple of days, during which I had a terrible headache and nausea. So, I am getting anxious about the stronger medications.
Is anyone doing anything different or particular diet wise to prepare? Any suggestions/advice is appreciated :)

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