IVF in june/july 2012

Good morning ladies!

Lots of replies since I was on yesterday! Love it!

raelynn - I wasn't aware of the TESE either until you explained it...that sounds terrible for your DH. It does still sound hopeful though so wishing you all the luck in the world! I really hope they are able to move your dates up for you to be able to celebrate on your July vacation!! :)

oneof14 - im not familiar with the climara patch either but im assuming it's like the BC pill? im excited for you to be starting your cycle! I don't have an exact ER date either...it is "estimated" for the week of 6/13 so next week already for me!!

Afamilygal - thanks! I'm super excited that we're getting into the home stretch now and hopefully will be finishing up late next week or so! YAY for you!! You're getting started today now it sounds! Here's to hoping everything is in the clear at your baseline today! Yikes, traveling?! As in on an airplane? I'm not sure how that will work?

amylou123 - Wow! You had quite the experience with traveling during ivf! Kudos to you as I would have went crazy with all the stress!

Mohawk1919 - Yay for getting the go ahead and all the money savings for the meds!!! That will help tons!! We're lucky enough to have our meds covered with just a co-pay and we're still waiting to see what appointments they will cover but we have to pay out of pocket for the actual IVF itself. We actually are doing a shared risk plan where we get 3 fresh cycles and any remaining frozen cycles that result from the fresh cycle(s) in addition all for the fee of $15,000. Then we're just paying for meds and monitoring/appointments on top of the fee.

MissAnnabelle - Welcome! I'm new to this post (and back to BnB) too but glad to have you! I have had a few side effects with the lupron but seems like most people don't have many symptoms from it. I had a few hot flashes and headaches the first few days and a bit of bloating. I have been curious about diet as well...I am having a hard time knowing that most ladies gain an average of 10lbs just from one IVF cycle...if it works and I get a BFP i'll have no issues but i'll be so bummed if it doesn't work AND I have 10lbs to lose on top of it. :( I'm curious if anyone else has any diet tips and such...I normally workout every morning at 4:30am but was told to stop once I started stimming. Now i just walk to and from the bus instead and that seems to help my mind/mood a bit

I am so excited that I came back to BnB and have all of you ladies to go through this with! Best of luck to all of us!
Thanks! :)
Gosh, I didn't know that you could gain 10lbs! Oh no! lol
I have been reading about raspberries for fertility. Taking spirulina for health...yady yada.
JMC - wow, next week already, how exciting. I hope Im right behind you on our way to BFP!!!
Good morning everyone. I went and had my US and BW done this morning. My doctor said everything looks good to start my stims on Saturday :) YAY!
MissAnnabelle - I know! I've heard sometimes more than 10lbs per cycle?! Has anyone else heard or experienced this??

oneof14 - I know! It's coming up quick! It's very exciting...im excited for you girls to quickly follow me!

MsTX - YAY!!! Doesn't that feel good to finally get going?!
Hey ladies! Here is my information"

Me- 37 yr. old, never been pregnant, stage 2 endometriosis, AMH 0.3, FSH 10.3
Hubby- 40 Yr. old, no children, SA normal

Our RE has given us little hope (5% chance) of conceiving due to my AMH being so low. He has agreed to go ahead with our first IVF (we have had 4 failed IUI's). For the IUI's, I used Clomid and Follistim. I ovulated 4-5 eggs each time which he says makes me a poor responder??? I thought that was a good number of eggs?! Anyway...on to this cycle.

I have had a cyst since our last IUI in January. So every month since we have been told we have to put off the IVF until the cyst cleared. This month (yesterday) we found that the cyst was still there, but now only measured 14mm. Nurse drew blood and called yesterday afternoon saying we were cleared to start stims. My estrogen level was 33 (on cycle day 2), so they determined the cyst was not producing estrogen. Here is my protocol for IVF:

20 units of microdose Lupron (apparently bc of my low amh?)
150 units of Menopur
1 mg. Doxycycline
1 baby aspirin

300 units Follistim
100 mg. Doxycyline
1 prenatal vitamin
0.5 mg Dexamethasone

Does this seem like a good protocol for low AMH? I am so nervous about the whole process. I am not sure what to expect...we have waited so long to finally get the go ahead for IVF. I am trying not to get my hopes us given the poor prognosis from my RE. I am just confused as to why I might not respond well to these meds when I thought I had responded well for the IUI's.

Anyway....any advice you ladies could give me would be SO appreciated! Also, if there are any other Low AMH ladies out there I would love to hear about your experience and/or protocol.

Thanks ladies! Baby dust to all of you!
Jmc- my cousin has done egg donation 3 times and went through all the meds w/o the transfer and gained 10lbs every time. She is the only person I've known who has gone through this but it seems extremely common from what I have read.
I am so excited to get things going!!! It has gone by pretty quickly so that is nice.

Wantingachild- Welcome! I do nott know much about low AMH but I read a lot of success stories with women who deal with that. Good luck to you!
I'm excited to hear about all the upcoming cycles!! good luck.

Jmc- I've been through one fresh IVf cycle and didn't notice any weight gain. I also did a frozen embryo transfer (less meds) and didn't gain anything there either. I'm sure it's just different from woman to woman or cycle to cycle- we'll see how this cycle goes for me.

The no exercise part is pretty annoying, especially since the bloating made me feel pretty gross. The nice thing about having the cycle is July is being able to go to the pool and swim laps. My doc said that his concern was the possiblity of ovarian torsion due to the impact during running. He said that swimming laps was fine for me.
MsTX, yay for stimming!

I'm still fighting for my dates ladies! Our plan of the 1st week of July has some issues because if we run into the 4th for ER our fertility center will be staffed but urologist probably won't be so that causes problems if we need a TESE. Also the beta tests (if I end of pregnant) would run into our cruise. Our nurse said if we were vacationing on land it would be ok because we could get the beta done at another hospital but we'll be on a ship so that isn't possible. I did my begging again and asked if there was any way to push it forward another week (end of June) and again the fertility clinic says that will be fine but our urologist had give them the dates for TESE July-September. Our last meeting with the urologist he said he just wanted to wait at least 3 months and June 21 would be the 3 month mark so our nurse said she would call them and ask if these dates would be ok. More waiting for me. Praying the urologist is agreeable to the new dates I just have a sinking feeling they won't be as flexible as our fertility clinic. I would love to get started right away but if not at least I know I tried everything!
alrighty! this is one hot thread- love it! ♡

Raelynn, thanks for the info on the TESE- poor guy, that's got to be tough. I'm sure it will work though!! I have a bud whose husabnd has some issues and they did ISCI and they ave a brand new gorgeous little boy!! Im sure you are in very capable hands, FX!!

amylou- terrifying story! egads! you poor dear, that would have sucked, I have doubled checked the lupron is in my bag. this is going to be interesting- Ill have to inject myself in the bathroom of the restaurant today to do it at the right time! egads! but you know, I am so grateful to be doing all of this, I can manage it. its only until Sunday and it is already DO hot here, so it will be a blessing to escape the heat for a spell :)

Oh yeah, and FYI- I call my IVF nurses all the time. I baked them my special chocochip cookies yesterday to say thank you for all their effort. I really appreciate those women.

mohawk- YAY to the help!! thats great news!!

miss annabelle- hi!! everyone is welcome, this is a great thread- we are glad to have you!! I start my lupron today- we might be very close in cycles together! :) I heard the worst was hot flashes and head aches BUT we can take tylenol extra strength if it get's to be too much. GL!!

ah poop, I need to go but Ill try to respond to the other ladies soon!
hope there are no problems on the plane with the meds. I have a little cooler and a letter from the dr. wish me luck!!
Morning ladies....I just wanted to check in quickly before I have to start work! I only have a couple minutes so can't do my normal lengthy reply :( Just came from the doctor and don't have much info yet :( The nurse only measured 3 follicles for now since there are so many that are "right on the edge" as she worded it. She said the 3 she measured are 10mm or over but there are many more that are on the edge of growing too so it's too early to tell. They will call me when they get my e2 level back if they want me to up my dosage of menopur or follistim. Otherwise I go back Saturday at 9am for another check. If they up my dosage then it might be earlier but she said she thinks later next week will be my retrieval....we shall see! Have a great day girls
Raelynn- So sorry you are struggling with your dates. I hope you can get it all worked out!

jmc- Im sure those ones that are right on the edge will catch up soon! How exciting that your retrieval is right around the corner! I can't wait, i'm right behind you girl!
Morning everyone! How is everyone doing?! So happy it's Friday! I'm feeling a bit bloated and starting to get a little uncomfortable with my growing follies....I am excited to see how they are doing at tomorrow's appointment! I am ready to be done with the stimming part...I have a few good bruises from the menopur shots so far...wow those puppies sting!
YAY to the stimming Ms TX!! hows it going so far?

and I hope you guys arent right about the 10lb thing- yikes! what did they say makes you gain so much weight? the drugs?

jmc, horray for the retrieval- I am so excited for you!! will you be the first of us on this thread to go in? wahoo! you will be our first BFP!!

sorry to hear about the eggs but it sounds like a good plan. what did your e2 tell them? have they changed anything up yet??
sorry to hear it is uncomfortable. I am a little scared of that. I have such intense ovulation pain and thats on normal ovulation! the last one there were 3 big ones and 2 more little ones and I was SO uncomfortable. I shudder to think what it will be like one there is more!! can you use a heating pad or anything?
and BOO to the shots stinging... :( not long now though hopefully!!! FX!

well I am in Colorado now and it is SO beautiful! I started the lupron yesterday (did it in the bathroom of the rental car place. aherm- not the best place but it did the trick! :) )
it is making me feel SO tired and my head hurts muchisimo. ouch. TG for Tylenol extra strength! :D
xox hugs to you all!
Afamilygal- Im not sure yet. I have been on the lupron for 12 days now but don't start my stims until tomorrow. I take my shots at night so I think I sleep through most of the headache. I always wake up with the slightest headache but I also quit drinking coffee as of 5/18 and I am used to having it first thing every morning so it might be a combination of the two. I usually eat and take my vitamins (prenatal & juice plus) and it clears right up. I will keep you posted after my stims start. Hopefully it won't be too bad, but I am like you when it comes to ovulating. I can feel every little ache and pain. I am extremely in tune with my body so I am hoping it won't be too bad. After 2 ruptured ectopics + surgeries I think I will be able to manage the pain ok.
MxTX- you will definitely have to let us know how your first few days of stims go for you! Good luck, you will do just fine! Remind me...are you doing menopur? That one is the trickiest or was the trickiest for me due to having to mix it. Now my hubby does all that and I just inject it! Much better that way :)

Afamilygal - Ugh I hope the 10lbs isn't right either but i've read a lot that most people do gain it but then some say they didn't notice it at all. Hmmmm. I believe it's from the meds...and im sure no excersize doesn't help anything at all...I feel like a whale already! Today I can feel my ovaries much more than yesterday so I hope that's a good sign!

I believe I might be the first for retrieval! I still don't have a set date yet but i'm excited to hear what they see tomorrow! They didn't call with my e2 results yesterday so I kept my med dosage the same

I don't ovulate on my own so I don't get O pain but my cramps before AF are TERRIBLE!!!

You made it on the plane with your meds ok then I take it?! What a relief! I'm sorry it's making you so sleepy and your head ache....it gets better after a few days...at least it did for me! The good thing is that I am sleeping like a baby since starting all of this which is so nice!
i started lupron 10units 10 days before the expected end of my cycle as well as 8mg of medrol (supposedly improves egg quality) . got my period a few days late which was fine cause i was planning on delaying out a week or so to aim for an ER on june 11.. got a 2nd bleed from the lupron a week later (lovely no one warned me about the bleed from the atrophic lining). on june 1 i started 150 menopur in the am and 225 gonal f at night (though actually the first day i did the reverse cause the nurse wrote it down wrong... grr). and continued lupron 10 in the am and medrol 8 at night. def getting big bruises from the menopur. had us yesterday which showed the largest follicle at 17mm , e2 of 600 something and about 6 or so follicles on each side. got blood drawn again this am and go back for us in about 10 min,. i have to go tomorrow too and likely will do ER mon or tues.
Ladies, I am officially a June IVFer! I have to start by saying our nurse is awesome! She fought for my earlier dates and I'm so glad. Apparently the urologist has a lot of vacation time soon so she kept trying until they found a day that would work for them too. I'm set for my pre-ivf eval blood & US on 6/13 (my birthday!) and should be starting stims on 6/16. ER is predicted for 6/28 right now. I have crazy appointments next week to get in my mock transfer, injection class, and blood & US. I'm going to be on a different protocol than I though. I'm a "high responder", my AFC was around 42 or something crazy like that, so I'll be on the antagonist protocol with lupron trigger. I'm so excited but nervous too!
I am taking Bravelle, menopur and lupron.
Btw I flew with my lupron and syringes. Had a letter but no one said anything in San Francisco or Philadelphia.

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