IVF in june/july 2012

YAY raelynn!!!! How exciting!!! At least having all of the rushed appointments next week will keep you busy and feel like you're getting closer by the day!!

Hi drsquid! So you are ahead of me!! I like that...im not normally the "leader" or first to do something in a group so im glad you're here hehe :) Keep us updated and good luck with ER!!

MsTX - tomorrow's the big day for you to start!!! Good luck and let us know how it goes....
hi ladies,

im doing my fet this month hope to have et 26th.

good luck to us all
went for my us today.. the biggest got bigger but not enormos and i have a ton of little ones. cause my e2 is only in the 800s it suggests a lot arent muture. if it is still going up today then we will keep stimming for a trigger monday and ER weds, if it flatlines then we will trigger for tuesday. kinda excited and bummed.. excited caues there is a chance for a bunch more eggs but bummed cause im worried that the big wwill go overripe without maturing the little ones,
went for my us today.. the biggest got bigger but not enormos and i have a ton of little ones. cause my e2 is only in the 800s it suggests a lot arent muture. if it is still going up today then we will keep stimming for a trigger monday and ER weds, if it flatlines then we will trigger for tuesday. kinda excited and bummed.. excited caues there is a chance for a bunch more eggs but bummed cause im worried that the big wwill go overripe without maturing the little ones,

Ill be praying for your other follicles to catch up and for lots of good, mature eggs for you!
Ok so I officially took my first combo shot tonight. 2 vials of Bravelle 1 vial of Menopur and 5 units of lupron. I have to say I thought it was going to be worse than it was. I only used 1cc of sodium chloride so I thought it was going to be a lot more to inject than it actually was which was nice. It did sting for the first minute or so but I had mentally prepared myself for worse so I was very thankful it was better than anticipated. I am currently laying in bed with heat flashes which is making it hard to get comfy but this is the first time I have had them. Hopefully they don't last long :/. Anyways, I just wanted to update you girls on my progress. I'll keep y'all posted and look forward to reading more about your experiences.
ms tx. i find it stings while im injecting the menour but goes away right away. leaves bruises though

thanks guys.. my e2 jumped to 1400. doc dropped me to 150 gonal and go back for us monday. hopefully that means my little eggies are plumping up nicely. kinda annoyed for the delay but if it means more good eggs..
Hi ladies!! I'm so glad your first big injection went well tonight MsTX!!! I'm sorry for your hot flash though....I remember that too...the first night I was sweating all night and couldn't figure out why! Not sure if anyone has already suggested this but I found that if you mix the shot and then let it sit for about 5-10 minutes then it doesn't sting quite as badly.

drsquid - yay!!! You're right in line with me i think!

I had my u/s this morning and things have progressed a lot from Thursday's appt. She measured like 23 follies I believe and most were 13-16mm! No wonder im so uncomfortable!! The nurse had me make an appt for Monday morning but said that they might call me once they got my blood results...sure enough she called and said the doctor wants me back tomorrow at 10am and to reduce my follistim tonight to 50iu and only do 1/2 my menopur shot before the appointment tomorrow morning. She originally said she thought my ER would be Wednesday but now im not sure if the change this afternoon means it'll also move up to Tuesday....will find out more in the morning it sounds like!!! I'm sooooo excited! It's odd that they don't seem to ever tell me how many follicles or what my e2 results are like most of you seem to find out...I am just going with it though....I hope tomorrow that they tell me my ER will now be Tuesday! I'll update after tomorrow's appt!
jmc- i ask. also im a radiologist so i pay attention while he is measuring. we have argued over sizes before =)
MsTX - Glad your first combo went better than expected! Hopefully the hot flashes were a 1 time thing! Side effects are no fun!

JMC111- How exciting that you'll be going for ER soon! Hope everything goes smoothly!

I've been driving myself crazy all weekend debating what to tell work. I know my boss will be supportive with anything but I don't know if I want to come right out and say I'm doing IVF since I don't want any questions but I need to say something since I'm going to all these appointments all of a sudden. Decisions, decisions!
Good luck everyone- Sounds like things are getting very close for a few of you. I'll be starting my luperon on Tuesday so I'll be a bit behind.

Raelynn- good luck with figuring out how to handle it at work. I struggled with it a lot also. Although from my experience and from what I've heard, if your boss is a generally reasonable person then hopefully s/he won't ask insensitive questions...hopefully...good luck!
raelynn - im not sure how your relationships or environment is at work but I actually just accepted a new position with a new supervisor the week we decided to move forward with IVF so it was less than ideal timing for work wise but I found the best way was for me to just be completely upfront about it and actually explain how IVF works and it's been great since then! There was no way I would have been able to keep all of the appointments a secret since im such an open person to begin with so I just told him and he's been great about it and asks questions and understands that im probably not going to feel the best after retrieval and such...

Big news today!!! Went back in for e2 and u/s and she counted at least 27 I believe....but some were still smaller like 12ish and such so not sure how that works. The largest few were 19ish. I found out I had to come back in today because my e2 went from 500's on thursday to 1600's on saturday so today the nurse called me this afternoon and said he's moving retrieval up to Tuesday!!! So doing my trigger shot at 8:30pm tonight and then going Tuesday morning!!! Soooo excited and nervous and anxious....and many more feelings....So transfer will be Friday or Sunday! Perfect! I can't wait for you girls to join me!! Let me know how you're all doing!
That is great news jmc!!!

Does anyone else get really lightheaded right after your shot? Just for like a minute or two? I did the first night but it was very faint so I didnt think anything of it and last night, I thought the same thing was happening until I started getting light spots in my vision and I almost passed out. I have never passed out before but I could tell that was what was going to happen. I ran to the couch and laid down for about 2 minutes and was perfectly fine, no hot flashes either! I think I will do them all either sitting or laying down from now on just to be safe.

raelynn- Good luck with telling your work. You might just say you will have some doctors appointment coming up and they will be running some tests on you on specific days and times. That its personal and you will keep them posted as you know. Just keep it very vague. Im not really sure how to deal with that since I haven't been working since 2006. Best of luck!

drsquid- Any updated today?
today for us. The little ones grew and the big ones aren't enormous so we are good. Waitin to hear about trigger dose and what time I go on Weds. Of course doc had to ruin it by saying .... We don't know what the quality will be. Grr good thing I like you stupid doc and know you talk without thinking but.. He needs to work on this negative thing. Also waiting to hear from my lawyer apparbetly we got assigned a court room now I just gotta find out when I need to show up. I'm in a bit of limbo right now. Have to update him that I won't be there weds and might be iffy Thursday.
Thanks for the suggestions for work everyone. I opted with vague and it was no big deal especially since I have the sick time I can use.

I had my mock transfer today and all went well. Dr told me everything was 'not just good its great' so there should be no issues come transfer time. I'm assuming that since they imaged my ovaries too they'd know if I had any cysts at this point... Hopefully nothing crazy pops up on the baseline Wednesday and I'll be good to start stims Saturday.
That is great news realynn! Yay!

drsquid- Don't let your Dr get you down. They couldnt possibly know the quality of any eggs until they get them anyways. Some look perfect and arent at all and others dont and happen to be the one that sticks.

Im still waiting to get a call about my E2 levels and dosage tonight. It seems like they are taking forever! They close in 1 1/2 hours so i'm thinking I will call in the next 30 minutes if they haven't called me.
raelynn - im not sure how your relationships or environment is at work but I actually just accepted a new position with a new supervisor the week we decided to move forward with IVF so it was less than ideal timing for work wise but I found the best way was for me to just be completely upfront about it and actually explain how IVF works and it's been great since then! There was no way I would have been able to keep all of the appointments a secret since im such an open person to begin with so I just told him and he's been great about it and asks questions and understands that im probably not going to feel the best after retrieval and such...

Big news today!!! Went back in for e2 and u/s and she counted at least 27 I believe....but some were still smaller like 12ish and such so not sure how that works. The largest few were 19ish. I found out I had to come back in today because my e2 went from 500's on thursday to 1600's on saturday so today the nurse called me this afternoon and said he's moving retrieval up to Tuesday!!! So doing my trigger shot at 8:30pm tonight and then going Tuesday morning!!! Soooo excited and nervous and anxious....and many more feelings....So transfer will be Friday or Sunday! Perfect! I can't wait for you girls to join me!! Let me know how you're all doing!

oh my GOOOSSSSH!!! I only just signed on since we got back late yesterday and found this- so I assume you are having/have had the surgery already!!! EEKK!!!! so excited! dude- I am SO EXCITED for you!!!!
I hope all goes well and they get a ton of eggs. WOW to 27 follies by the way- you go girl!!! :)
and the transfer is Friday or Sunday?!?! YAY! oh honey, please let us know how you are doing as soon as you are feeling up to it. big hugs!!!
amylou- I only started my lupron on Thursday so you arent far behind me at all. :)

Raelynn- YAY to your 'great' uterus!! :D Im sure you'll be stimming in no time! ;)

DrSquid- MsTX is right, you wont know til the eggs are out of you- Im sure they are plenty fine, your Dr is a little negative nelly isnt he? My Dr is the opposite which is good for me since I can be very pessimistic. he keeps me from going to the dark side ;)

Ms TX- any word from the doc yet? sorry to hear about the hot flashes, but it sounds like perhaps it has passed already? I sure hope so. What about the dizzy spells? maybe you should take the shots sitting down then lie back after you are done for a few minutes (dont get up right away) hopefully that will make a difference. dont faint! :)

as for moi- nothing new here, just hum drumin along :) back from Colorado back to insanely hot Texas. (phew!) I have my u/s and stimming on Friday. YAY! moooovin' on up!
hugs to you all xo
Yes, they just called and said that everything looks great! I keep doing what I am doing for the next 3 nights and I go in thursday morning for an US and BW. That seems like forever away and I am so anxious to see how many follicles I will have!!!
Yeah he Has this weird negative age thing. The sperm I used the 4 iui rounds turned out to be garbage and he was like... No I still think it is your eggs. Meh whatever. Quite frankly that is better for me cause then in like... Hah I'll show you, whereas if he was all mr positive I'd likely be the pessimistic one. Anyway my e2 came back at 2640 (from 1400 sat). He is having me trigger at 10:30 pm tonight with 5000 of hcg for a 9:30 am retrieval on wednesday. I asked about local but they seemed to think I was crazy (though I didn't ask my doc).

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