Ivf oct/nov/dec

Whisper I would wait a little longer but completely up to you and when you feel time is right.
Hi Girly - I'm glad you at least have a plan of when to do your next cycle. Will it be frozen or fresh?

I'm so sorry that you are also feeling insecure. It's enough to have to have to deal with the ups and downs of IVF. Is your hubby supportive? It sounds to me like you are blaming yourself which is easy to do but it's the wrong thing to do!
I'm 30 and with the grade blast I put back in I have a 72% success but there still has to be almost 30% that fail. No rhyme or reason, just bad luck! I'm hoping I'm in the 70% but I have had one failed cycle! It's a horribly stressful process but please never blame yourself or your body!! It is NOT your fault!!

With regards to signature at the bottom. If you click on user cp at top of page, then find edit signature down the left. Just make sure you hit save when you are done.

Just got a call from the fs ... Two of my embryos made it to be frosties... Unfortunately due to the speed of me going from iui to ivf dh and I didn't have the funds to do it :cry: the fee that my fs charges is way to high and way to sudden and I feel like a crap of person for not being able to do it :cry:

On the other hand the tech informed me that these two embryos were of lesser grade then the two that were transferred and therefor the fs believes that I should be ok with the two the I transferred...

Please don't judge me. I feel like crap all on my own but I just needed to vent with others. We really had thought that the other three would have never made it due to the rush of having a 3 day transfer but obviously I was wrong :cry:

August, no one is going to judge you. This is a very personal decision. I can totally understand the money part because we are completely out of pocket too. It's really been a stretch on our finances. I'm praying that you won't even need frosties since you will get your BFP with twins!!
Just wanted to give everyone a little update on me!!!!

I am 7dp5dt :) the last couple days have been really hard for me. The bloating got worse accompanied by nausea, dizziness, cramping and light spotting.

This morning my FS decided to do a blood test and just informed me that it was positive!! I am PREGNANT!! :cloud9:

It's very early and I am in total shock! Just crossing my fingers and praying the spotting stops and my baby(s) continue to grow :)

Yayyyy Hold!!! Congrats!!! :happydance: :happydance: So exciting!!
Hi hope everyone is well wanna so happy everything is looking well. Sweet when's your next scan??. Mobaby I'm thinking of you hope your ok . August so sorry about freezing your embryos I know how expensive this process is I was quite lucky my first fresh was nhs not sure if I have to pay for my frozen or comes under one cycle. Chase it is so refreshing to hear about ivf from a mans point of view hope your surrogate is doing well. Does anyone know how I put my signature at the bottom as everyone else has there cycle details at bottom of page and I don't know how to do that. Spoke with the hospital today who advised me to phone back at new year to get a date for fet I'm doing medicated cant believe it takes 2 months I want my frozen babies in now I'm not listening to my doctor this time and putting two back. I'm also thinking about trying acupuncture with next cycle. Dh still upset with me for testing early I know this sounds pathetic but I'm scared he's going to cheat on me now or leave me because my body didnt take I know this is stupid to think that I guess I'm just getting insecure. Hope the tww ladies are coping well can't wait to see all the bfps. I hope this thread is still going when I'm doing fet I would be lost without you girls and chase sort of got used to talking on here. Michelle hope all is well and baby is doing good.

Girly - I know it's hard but you can't blame yourself. There are so many reasons why IVF fails and a lot of the times it's a sperm problem so the husband is at "fault" but really it's no one's "fault" it just happens. Your DH is probably upset that you tested early because he doesn't like seeing you upset. I know it's really hard for my DH because he can't fix this problem and he's used to being able to fix everything.
Girly-I'm doing good next official scan is Jan3 but going to have one of the er docs look today and/or tomorrow soni can see the heartbeats. Hope all is well with you.

Hold-what was your beta? And congrats again!

Also I feel that people should tell other people when they feel comfortable to. I mean everyone is different all have different issues etc. not one is alike. I have a lot have people tell people the day they find out then the rest 3 months later. Basically we all know what's capable of happening and Ro just be aware of it if you are going to tell early. But wish everyone the best of luck either way!
August - nobody here will judge you. IVF is such an expense and the freezing part is very costly too here in the uk! You have to do what is right for you! Your decisions. Your way!

Lotus - never heard about avoiding chocolate? What is that for? I've not had any tea/ coffee but have had chocolate pretty much most days!

My hubby and I decided to do token gifts this Xmas as we have spent so much on IVF. Not easy to find a gift for not very much!

AFM- I'm now 5dp5dt. Not got any symptoms so not sure if I'm feeling very hopeful but I am trying to stay positive.

The nurse told me to avoid it (and it's on the take-home instructions) because of the caffeine. I finally broke down and ate one chocolate dipped strawberry last night. I couldn't take it. :winkwink: I looked online and there was nothing saying avoid chocolate. In fact, it was the opposite! Some info says small amounts of chocolate can prevent preeclampsia and gestational diabetes. I think the study was eventually debunked, but at least nothing said it was to be avoided.
Thanks for the reply Lotus. I've had nothing else with any caffiene so I won't worry myself too much about the chocolate! Just so much of it around at this time of year!!
I drink coffe every morning :blush: however I drink more milk in the cup then coffee so fs said a cup a day won't be harmful ... Chocolates on the other hand I have no issue with because I don't like chocolate :)

I want to say thank you for all of your kind words regards my situation yesterday. It means the world to me.

I'm 4dp3dt and the trigger is out of my system!!!! Yay!!!! I don't feel any different today. I went shopping and I took a 4 hour nap, wrapped some gifts and now I'm just sittin back relaxing :) dh knows thy implantation can occur today or tomorrow so he won't let me do much. Lol

Ill read back and catch up on you all, for now huge hugs to you all
Thanks ladies for your kind words. Ever really hoping you get a bfp the odds are in your favour praying for you. Em260 maybe we will be doing a frozen cycle together after your surgery. Sweetness let us know how you get on at scan I love looking at your scan photos it gives me hope that I will see that one day. Lotus I think chocolates ok. Was never advised not to have chocolate so enjoy. Praying for bfps for everyone on tww.
Ok so they did a scan but sooooo hard to see anything because I'm completely retroverted like pointed to the floor and the ultrasound machine isn't the greatest. But we could see one tiny flicker and she couldn't find the other other because it was so fuzzy. So kinda a little nervous but i think I should just wait until my jan 3 ultrasound. Maybe I should hve waited so I wouldn't have been freaking. And my only sign is sore boobs at night only and tired
Sweet, I know it's difficult, but try not to worry too much. I'm sure your scan on the 3rd will go much better.

I hope you other lovely ladies and gent are doing well. As for I'm starting to worry because I've had no real symptoms I can detect. I know its early but I'm struggling with maintaining my PMA.
Sweet: Don't worry! All is most likely fine. Was your bladder full? This could cause the babies to be harder to see and identical twins will be harder to get on abdominal at this stage. Did you get measurements on the babies at all? Its a good sign you saw the flicker of the one. My friend with a retroverted uterus went in for a HB scan with doppler at like 11-12 weeks and they couldnt find it so they ended up doing transvaginal and all was fine. Dont worry! Stop freaking! (I know its hard not to) Are you consulting Dr. Google now?? If so STOP :) Good luck; I'm sure jan 3 all will be great.

Lucie: You are to early for any symptoms. Little bean is only just implanting :) bet you have a BFP real soon.
Hi All,

Just a quick hello, been super busy with Christmas preparations. I got a BFN yesterday and decided not to test again until Christmas. I do have some odd symptoms: thigh cramps, waves of uterine cramping and lower back pain, lots of watery CM (like I wet my pants wet sorry if that's TMI), and light headaches that don't last long, oh and waking up before my alarm, and exhaustion in the afternoon. What do you all think?
Mo- no bladder was empty and good that makes me feel better and no the doc didnt measure also prob cause its ER docs and not the greatest on US unless its a FAST exam in a trauma. But yes the doc saw a flicker on one and I kinda did quickly. It does make me nervous but I need to chill and def stop looking at dr google. Ughhhh but thanks for making me feel better about your friend. And our ultrasound sucks. But I feel pretty good except tired and my boobs only hurt at night. I still feel like i should have more symptoms esp with twins. What u think
Your bladder needed to be full :) my uterus is the opposite of yours; tilted way forward so even with an empty bladder it was easy to see (better with full). I bet all is fine! ER docs don't know a lot about OB ultrasounds either and the probe they use makes all the difference. sore boobs and tired are good. Mine never were sore with this pg or my last but I had a lot of nausea.
Mo- no bladder was empty and good that makes me feel better and no the doc didnt measure also prob cause its ER docs and not the greatest on US unless its a FAST exam in a trauma. But yes the doc saw a flicker on one and I kinda did quickly. It does make me nervous but I need to chill and def stop looking at dr google. Ughhhh but thanks for making me feel better about your friend. And our ultrasound sucks. But I feel pretty good except tired and my boobs only hurt at night. I still feel like i should have more symptoms esp with twins. What u think

It is hard to just relax isn't it? OMG I'm trying so hard not to stress about during this 2WW! I can imagine that it just keeps going, the stress and the worry. Well all I can say is this: what will be will be (que sera sera) and we just need to relax, enjoy the holidays and just have faith that things are going to be just fine. I had a friend that used to go to see this motivational speaker, and I used to pshaw his enthusiasm for it, but I do remember him saying that he would visualize his goal, and more often than not he attained it. So right now I'm trying to visualize me little embryos getting all comfy, for a 8 month nap. Sweet, I'd do the same, just visualize those 2 heartbeats blink, blink, blink, and the blood flowing to them and them growing each and every day. The power of the mind is amazing! :hug:
Mo Ali thanks that helps me a lot. I will have to visualize them flickering and beating and then I will stay off google. And yes the OB ones in the ER do suck. So I need to just stop. No more ultrasounds til my 9 week and 5 day ultrasound jan 3. I NEED to relax!

I'm also glad to hear about the symptom thing cause I really don't have any
Hi girls and chase!

Thank you so much for all the congrats!! I still am in disbelief!!

I hope to be able to get on tomorrow and catch up on everyone! I am so exhausted today!! I rode in a car for 7 hours in traffic to get to my family for Christmas. We weren't going to come, but my grandpa is not doing to well it could be his last Christmas.

I haven't decided if I am going to tell my family yet. Part of me wants to because it will be the only chance to do it in person. The other part of me feels its just so early. I am having huge waves of nausea, so might not be able to hide it. I did a digital this morning! My first ever positive pregnancy test :cloud9:

I think someone asked about spotting and HCG number... The spotting is pink and barley there today thank god! I choose not to know the actual hcg number. I am a huge worry wort, I felt it was best if I don't know what they are. FS agreed and if something is not ok then he will tell me and we will go form there.
Hold - what an amazing feeling to see the word 'pregnant!'
Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months!! Enjoy the time with your family. Xx

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