Ivf oct/nov/dec

Just got a call from the fs ... Two of my embryos made it to be frosties... Unfortunately due to the speed of me going from iui to ivf dh and I didn't have the funds to do it :cry: the fee that my fs charges is way to high and way to sudden and I feel like a crap of person for not being able to do it :cry:

On the other hand the tech informed me that these two embryos were of lesser grade then the two that were transferred and therefor the fs believes that I should be ok with the two the I transferred...

Please don't judge me. I feel like crap all on my own but I just needed to vent with others. We really had thought that the other three would have never made it due to the rush of having a 3 day transfer but obviously I was wrong :cry:
Congrats hold! I am so happy for you.

Sweet -Stop googling! I had too; I had to realize everyone is different, so worrying about it won't change anything and enjoy being pg :)

Thanks mich! I never thought of it that way. Everyone is different. And I can't judge myself as I have never been preg before.
Thanks and that's awesome. I'm glad you gotto jump right back into and not have to wait at all!! Hope it goes well!!
August- No one here is going to judge you. This is a supportive place. :hugs: I totally understand the cost issue. We are paying for everything out of pocket and it is ridiculous. It's wonderful that you were able to do IVF at the last minute and get two to transfer! Good luck for that BFP!!!
Wanna- Congrats on the TWINS! :wohoo: Great news!!!!

Hold- Wooooo! Congrats on your BFP!!! :happydance: :happydance: What a wonderful gift for the holidays!
August- No one here is going to judge you. This is a supportive place. :hugs: I totally understand the cost issue. We are paying for everything out of pocket and it is ridiculous. It's wonderful that you were able to do IVF at the last minute and get two to transfer! Good luck for that BFP!!!

I know I thank god for you girls every second of the day :hugs: at least I'm prepared for if I need to do it again, which I pray never happens lol
@August, Sorry that you couldn't afford to freeze the embryos. This fertility stuff is sooooooo expensive and it is already so difficult to afford everything as it is, so none of us can judge you for doing what is best for you hun!!! :hugs: I am hoping and praying that this cycle will be a success for you and that you will not have needed the frozen embryos anyways!!! Good luck to you!!! :dust::dust:

@Sweet, I am nervous too so I know how hard it is not to want to go crazy with DR Google looking at stuff. The spotting spurred me into doing the google thing but it didn't really tell me anything that I didnt know already. Up until the spotting I managed to avoid Google though and was on good behavior. I am going to try to stay off of it again though.

Now that we have seen the heart beats and everything looks good with the twins, I am tempted to announce on Facebook that we are pregnant. I am nervous about it though, if this dag on spotting would stop than I would feel more confident about announcing it. Right now it is just dark brown stuff, like chunky brown pieces when I pee and when I whipe, hardly anything is getting on my pad really. I already told my family the good news this afternoon, but they knew about my IVF cycle so I couldn't keep it from them anyways. Have you prego girls said anything on face book yet about being pregnant yet or are you waiting still?
wanna not trying to discourage you but i wouldnt announce it on facebook. we saw the heartbeat 5 or 6 times and heard it 2 times and look what happened. seeing the heartbeat doesnt mean anything. also with the episode of spotting. My friend just found out she had a mc today at 8 wks (should have been 12) and she had 2 small spotting episodes after seeing the heartbeat. Doesnt mean you wont have a FT pregnancy. if after 8 weeks everything is okay then probably safe. After 8 weeks the chance for mc goes down a lot from what i understand. i know i sound like a party pooper. I imagine everything will be okay. If I ever have the chance again to be pregnant then I will wait until 12-14 weeks to tell anyone. its just to hard to go back and be like just kidding. Congrats on the twins!
wanna not trying to discourage you but i wouldnt announce it on facebook. we saw the heartbeat 5 or 6 times and heard it 2 times and look what happened. seeing the heartbeat doesnt mean anything. also with the episode of spotting. My friend just found out she had a mc today at 8 wks (should have been 12) and she had 2 small spotting episodes after seeing the heartbeat. Doesnt mean you wont have a FT pregnancy. if after 8 weeks everything is okay then probably safe. After 8 weeks the chance for mc goes down a lot from what i understand. i know i sound like a party pooper. I imagine everything will be okay. If I ever have the chance again to be pregnant then I will wait until 12-14 weeks to tell anyone. its just to hard to go back and be like just kidding. Congrats on the twins!

Thanks for the advice hun!!! :hugs::hugs: I can understand where you are coming from so I can see why you would suggest being cautious and waiting!!:hugs::hugs:
I just wanted to let you lovely ladies know that I am going out of town for a few days because my family is getting together for our Christmas get together to exchange gifts and everything. It is mostly for my nieces and nephews since I have 9 of them. We have a big family since my mom had a total of 6 kids including me. Three girls and three boys. Everyone buys my mom a ton of gifts though as well. I am looking forward to seeing my family for a few days. I probably won't be on B&B for a few days though and I am not sure if we will be back sunday or monday. I would of left this morning but the spotting stuff happened so we stayed behind another day so i could get checked out and make sure everything is okay.

I hope that all of you lovely girls have a wonderful weekend!!! :flower: Thanks again for all of your kind words and wonderful support through all of this!!!
@August, Sorry that you couldn't afford to freeze the embryos. This fertility stuff is sooooooo expensive and it is already so difficult to afford everything as it is, so none of us can judge you for doing what is best for you hun!!! :hugs: I am hoping and praying that this cycle will be a success for you and that you will not have needed the frozen embryos anyways!!! Good luck to you!!! :dust::dust:

@Sweet, I am nervous too so I know how hard it is not to want to go crazy with DR Google looking at stuff. The spotting spurred me into doing the google thing but it didn't really tell me anything that I didnt know already. Up until the spotting I managed to avoid Google though and was on good behavior. I am going to try to stay off of it again though.

Now that we have seen the heart beats and everything looks good with the twins, I am tempted to announce on Facebook that we are pregnant. I am nervous about it though, if this dag on spotting would stop than I would feel more confident about announcing it. Right now it is just dark brown stuff, like chunky brown pieces when I pee and when I whipe, hardly anything is getting on my pad really. I already told my family the good news this afternoon, but they knew about my IVF cycle so I couldn't keep it from them anyways. Have you prego girls said anything on face book yet about being pregnant yet or are you waiting still?

I haven't really told anyone outside of my family and a couple of close friends. I sort of need to start telling my boss and a few others because they will be able to tell soon anyway. I guess I have been pretty close-mouthed about it because of how anxiety provoking this whole situation is. I am currently struggling to decide if I'm going to tell anyone or just let them figure it out on their own! Probably pretty silly.....:blush:
Whisper-you have a lot will power. All our family knows and some of our close friends know as everyone already knew we were going through IVF. But we are waiting til 12 weeks to make it known. We don't have to worry bout Facebook because dh or i don't have Facebook.
Are you guys avoiding all chocolate? I was told to, but it is harder than I expected! I gave away some dipped apples from edible arrangements today only to receive choc dipped strawberries! It's like torture!
I am 2dp5dt and feeling some pretty solid cramping tonight. I hope that's a good sign! :dance:
Lotus, I'm not giving up chocolate. :haha: I'd be in real trouble if I had to do that! True story; my Dad was in WWII and back then the army (he was in the Canadian army - long story as he wasn't Canadian) used to give the soldiers a weekly ration of rum, cigarettes and chocolate. Well, he didn't drink or smoke, so he would trade away those things for the other soldiers' chocolate. But because the other soliders wanted the rum and cigarettes so badly, he'd always get a really good exchange rate and would make out like a bandit. So I come by my love of chocolate honestly!

Wanna, I responded to your news on your diary, but I would hold off making a general announcement until the end of the first trimester. That's what I'm doing, though it's hard to keep the news to myself when I want to shout it to the world.

Hold - congrats on your :bfp:! Hope everything continues to go well.

Sweetness - yeah, I've had to stop doing things like google. I'm a numbers guy, so I always want to know what the odds are but then I'd be focusing on the chances of something going wrong rather than them going right. So I just stopped all together. Every since one of us here is the result of a successful pregnancy and so is everyone else on the planet. I just keep reminding myself of that and not thinking negative thoughts.

August, I am sure no one is going to judge you. I chose not to freeze one of my embryos for various reasons and so I know how you feel. Despite the fact that this is my third round of IVF, I had never actually had any leftovers before and I felt really strange about choosing not to freeze. Like I was murdering my child or something - I had really not thought about how I would feel before I made that decision and it really affected me more than I would have expected. My previous clinic actually charged way more to freeze than the one I am using now. This one cost me $600 (that was a cost per frosty) but the one before had quoted me a much higher number - well, it wasn't them as they didn't have the facility, it was whoever they outsourced it to. And yes, this stuff does cost a lot but it's not like I have anyone to leave my money to otherwise (sorry nieces and nephews!) and this is what I want most in life. I would spend every penny I have if I had to.
Hold - I was just thinking about you! Brilliant!! Fantastic news on you BFP!!
August - nobody here will judge you. IVF is such an expense and the freezing part is very costly too here in the uk! You have to do what is right for you! Your decisions. Your way!

Lotus - never heard about avoiding chocolate? What is that for? I've not had any tea/ coffee but have had chocolate pretty much most days!

My hubby and I decided to do token gifts this Xmas as we have spent so much on IVF. Not easy to find a gift for not very much!

AFM- I'm now 5dp5dt. Not got any symptoms so not sure if I'm feeling very hopeful but I am trying to stay positive.
Hi ladies and gent :flower:

Just wanted to stop by and say I wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

I'm still reading and am so happy at all the good news on this thread. Lots of BFP's - Congrats.

Mo - I feel your pain and I am so sorry honey. Here's to 2013 being our year. :hugs:

AFM - I feel OK now about everything. Cannot do any natural trying till Feb due to the methotrexate but lots of practicing can't do any harm :haha: So just going to hope that not long after Feb I can come and update you all with some good news.

I wish you all the best with your upcoming pregnancies and IVF's :hugs:
JDH - heres hoping that Feb comes quickly for you! Can't wait to hear your good news in the new year!! So sorry for what you have been through!
I had an ectopic last year. It's not easy. Take good care of yourself!
Hi hope everyone is well wanna so happy everything is looking well. Sweet when's your next scan??. Mobaby I'm thinking of you hope your ok . August so sorry about freezing your embryos I know how expensive this process is I was quite lucky my first fresh was nhs not sure if I have to pay for my frozen or comes under one cycle. Chase it is so refreshing to hear about ivf from a mans point of view hope your surrogate is doing well. Does anyone know how I put my signature at the bottom as everyone else has there cycle details at bottom of page and I don't know how to do that. Spoke with the hospital today who advised me to phone back at new year to get a date for fet I'm doing medicated cant believe it takes 2 months I want my frozen babies in now I'm not listening to my doctor this time and putting two back. I'm also thinking about trying acupuncture with next cycle. Dh still upset with me for testing early I know this sounds pathetic but I'm scared he's going to cheat on me now or leave me because my body didnt take I know this is stupid to think that I guess I'm just getting insecure. Hope the tww ladies are coping well can't wait to see all the bfps. I hope this thread is still going when I'm doing fet I would be lost without you girls and chase sort of got used to talking on here. Michelle hope all is well and baby is doing good.

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