Ivf oct/nov/dec

Lucie - that's great news!! Hope that your numbers continue to rise well!! Xx
Wow, Lucie! Fingers crossed that everything is ok and your numbers are doubling! :dance: I'm sorry you are dealing with the stomach flu, though! Ugh! What bad timing! I hope you feel some relief soon. :hugs:
Lucie!!!! Omg that's awesome news!!! :yipee: and look you thought it was all over! Maybe you had late implantation?
August - Sorry about all of the confusion and heartbreak you must be feeling. :hugs: Hope you get some answers soon!

Lucie - That is nuts! This has been a real dollar coaster for you! Hope you keep getting awesome news like this! :hugs:
Sweetness - where are you? Haven't seen you in a few days. Hope you are doing well!

Ash - glad to see you back! Gl with your upcoming cycle!
Lucie.. praying that you had a late implanter and it is sticking!

August.. sounds like a good plan!

AFM.. I've had an emotional roller coaster of an evening. My brother decided that he would tell me how he felt about me trying to conceive and raise a child on my own. Needless to say he was less than supportive. He basically said that I was messing with God's work and that by bringing a child into the world this way that I was damaging the child and that I would be a horrible mother! After some time I asked if he would at least be an uncle to the child and teach him/her to fish or drive the boat or paddle a canoe. He flat out said no, he would NOT be an uncle to any child I brought into the world through artificial means. Not something you want to hear 24 hours after hearing you had a BFN. I am astounded and saddened by his stance. We don't see eye to eye on each others lifestyles but I would move heaven and earth if he was in need so to hear those words come out of his mouth is devastating. He leaves tomorrow and I think I will let my mom take him to the airport. I'm not sure I can handle dealing with him again in the morning. So totally saddened right now.
Hi Ladies and Gent..

I got the official word this afternoon.. negative. I will make an appointment next week to find out what went wrong and figure out what we should do with my 4 :cold: Had some :wine: with dinner tonight.. yummy!

I am so sorry hun!!! :hugs: Big hugs to you!!

Hey, Ali. So sorry about your :bfn::hug: You really deserved the other outcome. Glad you have your frosties, though. I honestly believe you have a :bfp: in your future!
I spoke to my surrogate and my FS as well. Heartbeat was 127 - nice, good number. Perfect size for 7 weeks. All good until the next US two weeks from now. I feel a lot more relaxed - this looks like it's really happening. I started my preg diary (link below) and added my ticker. And here's a fuzzy pic of the US - not much to see - it's a scan of something that probably wasn't that clear in the first place, but it's beautiful to me. They are mailing me the originals which are clearer, but by the time they get to me, I'll probably have new ones, anyway!
Best wishes to all.

What a beautiful scan pic!! :thumbup: How exciting!! It will be nice when you get the originals so you can get a better view!! :winkwink: I am so happy to hear that everything is going so great with the baby!! :happydance::happydance:
Hi Ladies and Gent..

I got the official word this afternoon.. negative. I will make an appointment next week to find out what went wrong and figure out what we should do with my 4 :cold: Had some :wine: with dinner tonight.. yummy!

I am so sorry hun!!! :hugs: Big hugs to you!!


Thanks! I love doggies! At least they love you unconditionally! They are very comforting at times like this!

The test was negative and I'm to stop all medications, my follow up is on January 11... I feel like someone pulled my heart out of chest

I am so very sorry about the negative bloods hun!!!! :hugs::hugs: My heart goes out to you and your family!! :hugs::hugs:

I hope that there is still a BFP in your future since you are still getting positive tests, and that your levels continue to rise. I agree that it is a good idea to stay on your meds until you can find out for sure what is going on. I am so sorry about all of the confusion you are going through. :hugs: I have never gotten a false positive on a FRER personally so I think there is hope still!!

August and Ali, so sorry for your bfn's. :hugs:

Hi ladies and gent. The last two days have been nuts for me. After crying off and on all day Thursday, I woke up Friday to a bit more bleeding....and a horrible case of the stomach flu. Didn't use the crinone in the am because I thought it would be a waste. Went and for my beta done, got back, and spent the rest of the day either in bed or the bathroom, it was not pretty. I got a call from the nurse at my Dr.'s office around 7pm saying she didn't have the results yet, and would call this morning.

So this morning I get a message from the nurse- my beta was positive!!! She said it was 33 which according to her is an ok number. She told me that I need to to Monday for another test. We won't know until then what's going on. I'm just so confused right now.

I hope the bleeding stops and that you feel better soon!! :hugs::hugs: The fact that your beta was good is a great sign despite the bleeding. I hope your levels continue to increase and that you can go on and have a H&H 9 months!!! Big hugs to you and good luck hun!!! :hugs::hugs:
Lucie.. praying that you had a late implanter and it is sticking!

August.. sounds like a good plan!

AFM.. I've had an emotional roller coaster of an evening. My brother decided that he would tell me how he felt about me trying to conceive and raise a child on my own. Needless to say he was less than supportive. He basically said that I was messing with God's work and that by bringing a child into the world this way that I was damaging the child and that I would be a horrible mother! After some time I asked if he would at least be an uncle to the child and teach him/her to fish or drive the boat or paddle a canoe. He flat out said no, he would NOT be an uncle to any child I brought into the world through artificial means. Not something you want to hear 24 hours after hearing you had a BFN. I am astounded and saddened by his stance. We don't see eye to eye on each others lifestyles but I would move heaven and earth if he was in need so to hear those words come out of his mouth is devastating. He leaves tomorrow and I think I will let my mom take him to the airport. I'm not sure I can handle dealing with him again in the morning. So totally saddened right now.

I am so sorry that your brother is being so unsupportive right now hun!!! Big hugs to you!! :hugs::hugs:

I know this must be hard to hear when you really want and need support from your family. :hugs: Did you ever try explaining to him how much this means to you and how important it is to you to have a child of your own. I think you said you were around 40 before, so I know your biological clock is ticking, and unfortunatly women don't have forever to have a baby. Our time is limited and you haven't found the right guy yet, but I can understand why you want a baby despite that. I know for me personally I couldn't bear to look back on my life when I was old and gray with regret for never having a baby of my own, so I can understand why you are choosing to go the route you are going. I really hope that your brother will come around and warm up to the idea soon. Good luck and big hugs to you hun!! :hugs::hugs:
Lucie.. praying that you had a late implanter and it is sticking!

August.. sounds like a good plan!

AFM.. I've had an emotional roller coaster of an evening. My brother decided that he would tell me how he felt about me trying to conceive and raise a child on my own. Needless to say he was less than supportive. He basically said that I was messing with God's work and that by bringing a child into the world this way that I was damaging the child and that I would be a horrible mother! After some time I asked if he would at least be an uncle to the child and teach him/her to fish or drive the boat or paddle a canoe. He flat out said no, he would NOT be an uncle to any child I brought into the world through artificial means. Not something you want to hear 24 hours after hearing you had a BFN. I am astounded and saddened by his stance. We don't see eye to eye on each others lifestyles but I would move heaven and earth if he was in need so to hear those words come out of his mouth is devastating. He leaves tomorrow and I think I will let my mom take him to the airport. I'm not sure I can handle dealing with him again in the morning. So totally saddened right now.

Ali - I do NOT agree with your brother!!! I personally believe that God is a loving and benevolent father and he would not want any blessings withheld from his children. Sometimes we are allowed to go through hard times and we don't get what we want easily because it helps us to learn, grow, and become better people. But regardless of all that, if I were in your shoes I would be doing exactly what you are! I bet you will be a great, loving mom; which is giving a child more than a lot of children in the world have!!! Research says children just need one positive adult in their lives to grow up happy, healthy, and successful. Those words from your brother must have been devastating, but you are listening to your heart and that is what is important!!!!:hugs::hugs::hugs:
Lucie.. praying that you had a late implanter and it is sticking!

August.. sounds like a good plan!

AFM.. I've had an emotional roller coaster of an evening. My brother decided that he would tell me how he felt about me trying to conceive and raise a child on my own. Needless to say he was less than supportive. He basically said that I was messing with God's work and that by bringing a child into the world this way that I was damaging the child and that I would be a horrible mother! After some time I asked if he would at least be an uncle to the child and teach him/her to fish or drive the boat or paddle a canoe. He flat out said no, he would NOT be an uncle to any child I brought into the world through artificial means. Not something you want to hear 24 hours after hearing you had a BFN. I am astounded and saddened by his stance. We don't see eye to eye on each others lifestyles but I would move heaven and earth if he was in need so to hear those words come out of his mouth is devastating. He leaves tomorrow and I think I will let my mom take him to the airport. I'm not sure I can handle dealing with him again in the morning. So totally saddened right now.

Talk about kicking you when you're already down!! I'm so sorry you had to listen to that nonsense. :hugs: I hate when people pull out the God argument. I've had someone tell me it was against God to do IVF. I truly don't believe that at all! I hope you won't take his rant to heart. I have no idea why he would say stuff like that but it's so far from the truth! You will be a great mother!! If anything your child will know how much he/she was wanted and how hard you worked to bring him/her into this world. Unfortunately we can't pick our family but we can choose our friends. I've had way more support from my friends on this journey than my family. I choose to focus on the good people in my life and hopefully the others will come around. If he doesn't want to be a part of your child's life, his loss truly!!
Ali - I am so sorry your brother is being so unsupportive, especially right now when you need family. What he said was not right and you have to do what is right for you. Big :hugs:
Ali - I am so sorry your brother is being so unsupportive, especially right now when you need family. What he said was not right and you have to do what is right for you. Big :hugs:

We just had a talk and I think I now understand his comments for last night. He is single as well and as we all know it is much more difficult for a man to have a child. My brother doesn't have the means to do what I have done and I think he is jealous that I'm doing this. I reminded him that it takes a village to raise a child and that he can take as active a role as he wants in raising my children. He apologized for last night and said of course he would be there for me and my children. Whew crisis averted! We are a close knit family and I think we will get through this. Off to the airport to drop him off. Thanks for all your kind words! :hug:
It's very easy for those who have experienced no trouble having children to sit up on a high horse and dictate what God does and does not feel about such things. There was no assisted reproduction in the Bible - such things were not even imagined, but there are plenty of examples of people wanting children and doing whatever they could to get them:
Genesis 16:1-2 Now Sarai, Abram’s wife, had borne him no children. But she had an Egyptian slave named Hagar; so she said to Abram, “The Lord has kept me from having children. Go, sleep with my slave; perhaps I can build a family through her." Abram agreed to what Sarai said.
That was hardly unusual for the time. In that case, it got complicated because Abraham's wife eventually succeeded in conceiving on her own, but both of Abraham's children were blessed - the one conceived by a surrogate (Ishmael) Genesis 17:20 And as for Ishmael, I have heard you: I will surely bless him; I will make him fruitful and will greatly increase his numbers. He will be the father of twelve rulers, and I will make him into a great nation.
- and the one conceived with his wife (Issac - the father of the Hebrew people)
Note that God chooses to bless Ishmael despite the fact that he was conceived in an unusual way - and nor was it even God's idea. If God chose to bless Ishmael, I do not see how it is biblical or Christian for someone to deny anything to a child today because they were born in unusual circumstances.

The story of Samuel is another one showing that the Lord understands the pain of infertility.

1 Samuel 1:1-2 There was a certain man from Ramathaim whose name was Elkanah. He had two wives; one was called Hannah and the other Peninnah. Peninnah had children, but Hannah had none.
And there were nasty people in the Bible times as well:
1 Samuel 1:6-7 Because the Lord had closed Hannah’s womb, her rival kept provoking her in order to irritate her. 7 This went on year after year. Whenever Hannah went up to the house of the Lord, her rival provoked her till she wept and would not eat.
There were no fertility clinics in those days. Hannah went to the temple for help:
1 Samuel 1:10-11 In her deep anguish Hannah prayed to the Lord, weeping bitterly. And she made a vow, saying, “Lord Almighty, if you will only look on your servant’s misery and remember me, and not forget your servant but give her a son, then I will give him to the Lord for all the days of his life.

I think all of us understand the deep anguish Hannah was feeling. And in verse 19 we see "the Lord remembered her" and she became pregnant. I imagine that some who wanted to take a literal view of this story would say that you must simply pray and hope for a miracle, but they are missing the point. Hannah doesn't just sit at home and pray for her baby - she goes to the place where she thinks she is most likely to get help and makes large sacrifices of goods every year in hopes of getting her child. How is that different from going to a fertility clinic and paying them a large fee as so many of us have done? Hannah does everything in her power and in return, the Lord blesses her with the son she asked for. She braves the scorn of not only her peer, but also the High Priest Eli (who initially thinks she's drunk, because she's praying so fervently, but only mouthing the words, not speaking them out loud).

I hope this didn't come across like a sermon and I realize everyone has their own faith, but I find the quickest way to get people who come at me with their own selfish and narrow interpretation of what God might want is to hold the Bible up to them. They might argue about how you are reading it, but at least they can't deny that you've gone to the scriptures to help in making your decision.
Ali- I'm sorry your brother said those things to you but am so happy that you have talked and made things better!

Chase- thank you for your post. It was very inspiring- just what I needed today!

August- how are you? Did you test today?

As for me, we are still in limbo. I was going to take a hpt this am but chickened out. I had nothing but a little spotting yesterday and now this am there is a bit more. I just feel like I'm on some sort of twisted see saw. I go from being happy and optimistic one minute, to sad and depressed the next. There's really nothing I can do until my beta results come in tomorrow, and I hate not being able to do something! The good news is dh and I returned home late last night so we are back in the warm Florida weather! I'm making dh take me to see Les Miserables today. It's my favorite musical (we have tickets to see it in March) and I've been dying to see the movie since it came out Tuesday. We just weren't able to go before today.

I hope everyone else is doing well!

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