IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

I lied - no scan today. I was mistaken. Next scan is 9/1. But heard the heartbeats and they are great! one was moving around SO much, it's nickname is now 'Swoosh' b/c of all the swooshing on the doppler!! <3
Aw, Wish, bummer that you couldn't see them, but I'm very glad you got to be reassured by hearing their little heartbeats! <3<3

I love "Swoosh" as a nickname! I wonder if you'll have one super-chill baby and one super-active one!

Some 3 weeks til the next scan--I guess you get to see gender then, too?

Glad things are going so well for you! I hope your last week+ of work is not too busy. Excellent that you'll have a mini-break soon!

AFM, all 4 of my eggs fertilized! :shrug: With this clinic, every single egg they've ever ICSI'd for me has fertilized. At Cornell, I lost about 2/3 of eggs. I really do wonder about that... I really think the lab here is just better. So... I'm glad I'm here, with a protocol that seems to really suit me!
klik - 100% fertilization... that's wonderful news!! :happydance: I think you're right about this clinic's laboratory. I'm so happy that you/doctor finally found the right protocol for your follies. Are you doing 1 more round of egg banking?? xx

Wish - I LOVE "Swoosh" for a nickname!! Is it baby A or B that's wiggling around like an all star?? Ahhh... JUST DO IT!! :football:

HELLO Ladies <3
OMG klik!!! that's INSANE!!! I'm SOOOOOOOOO happy for you!!! wow, you have 7 tries so far!!! let's bank a few more next time (right??)!!! How are you feeling? you must be elated!
I agree - so weird that a world-renowned lab isn't keeping up with your home lab!

ah yeah, bummer we didn't get a scan. I felt worse b/c I told DH that we DID have one again and this is the 2nd appt he's come to and the 2nd one where it's only been a doppler and we thought it was a scan. But I think he'll come to the next one too.
Yeah, so far I think we have one crazy and one lazy (alternate nicknames??) haha! I like 'chill' better though. I think Swoosh was the one moving around last time too - so I think Twin B. Twin A was kicked back with its little arm up over its forehead last time, 'chillin in the hammock' style! Swoosh was also the one with the lower HB so maybe its a crazy boy!
Thanks, Boopin! I'm really still in disbelief... I'd like to bank one more set of embryos and then start transferring... so maybe we'll be transferring at a similar time!

Wish: thanks! Yeah, I have 7 tries here plus 3 at Cornell (not counting my 10 frozen eggs here which were always meant for number 2)... I think I need a couple more to stand a good chance at my age... Aw, shame your DH also came all psyched to see the babies but left with only the heartbeats... I'm glad he can make the next one! Crazy and lazy, lol! Ah, do boys have lower heartbeats? The things you learn!

So, all 4 embryos survived: 1 top-quality 8-cell, 1 high-quality 8-cell, and two compacting pre-morulas. I freaked out that they were growing too fast but the embryologist said you do expect them to start compacting at some point on day 3, so not to worry. But, you know, I worry. Still, they all survived and certainly none seem to have struggled to get to day 3... I'm so grateful to my body, and to my clinic here for running this protocol... I really hope we can get a baby or two out of all this... DP is starting to fantasize about 3+ -- help!
Oh, sorry, I also slandered Cornell: they fertilized 2/3 of my eggs, rather than lost them!
hahaha that's so funny that DH is now feeling so good about things that he's daydreaming about a whole lot of kids!! I love it! I'm really just so happy for you. Wow, those are some great sounding embies!!

and oh yeah, that's an old wives tale for gender prediction - I looked it up the other day. Anything until 140 is a boy, over is a girl. So we had 139 (of course, so could go either way) and 156. It's so weird how they've dropped since we got the first counts - though I guess not a ton. I just looked up my notes - they started out as 164 (A) and 157 (B). I think A has stayed right around there but clearly B dropped by almost 20. The doc said 139 was still completely fine and normal.

when will you find out if you will continue on with another back to back, klik? I hope you get to and your timing works out with Boopin!!!
wish- Congrats on the new job!!! I'm so happy for you, your old job was WAY too demanding of your time. Beautiful bump pic, although mine is so much bigger I'm starting to wonder what the hell is going on in there lol. It's like I got pregnant and my body went "OMG THERE'S FINALLY A BABY WE HAVE TO GET READY NOW!!!" :haha: I love the nickname Swoosh! Moobley was very swooshy at our appointment too. I'm worried he won't cooperate at the anatomy scan lol.

klik- Congrats on another 4 banked embies and 100% fertilization!!! This clinic really seems like a great fit. I have such a great feeling for you and for some reason I'm picturing your pregnant around the holidays. I so hope this is true! So now that you're done with this cycle will you be heading to France? I hope you can, I think it will be wonderful to give yourself a little rest.

boopin- Hey girl! Must check your journal for an update...

AFM, my appointment was quick and easy on Friday (minus the 45 minute wait time... this practice WAY overbooks!!!) Still, I love all of the doctors I've met there so far and they seem to know their stuff. I got to hear Moobley's heartbeat again and it was so nice to get confirmation that all is still okay in there. Anatomy scan is booked for 8/31. Can't wait!!!
I loved hearing the heartbeats too!! I love that Moobley was also swooshy hahaha

here is an updated photo - are you bigger than this?? (please excuse my 'just woke up' look - I try to get the pic BEFORE breakfast so I am of real size!)


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wish- Yup, definitely bigger than that! I'm not doing any kickboxing at the gym though :haha:

How is everyone doing?
girl, i just went to one class! I kinda feel bad - I think I made people nervous. If I go back this month, I'll go to the TRX class. Solo stuff!

klik - where are you at with the next cycle?

disney - how's Sarah doing? how are you doing? how's DD1 doing? :)

aster - anymore news on the adoption front?

amanda - I hope you're doing well!

boopin - I'm SO excited that you picked a donor and are ready for your HSG!!!

I'm doing ok here - trying to wrap things up at work before I leave forever tomorrow. I think we got over a major deliverable hump today but after a weekly team meeting with our client, I'm really nervous about some of the hands I'm leaving them in. I hate to say it, but the PM is just not connecting the dots and she NEEDS to. Other than that, my last tasks are to finish training docs for anyone new coming onboard. Shoot me now, I hate writing up docs like this!!
Hi ladies! I'm sorry for being absent. I've been following along with everyone's posts on my phone, but it's hard to reply one-handed. My days are mostly comprised of (bottle) feed Sarah, pump, feed Sarah, pump. If it's nighttime, I get to sleep 1-2 hours between pumping sessions. During the day, I'm helping to keep DD1 entertained as she's been home from daycare while DH is on paternity leave. He goes back to work next Thursday, so I'm on solo duty after that. I sooooo wanted breastfeeding to work, but we just can't seem to solve the latch issues. Even the lactation consultant that I've been working with suggested I just exclusively pump again like I did for DD1 if I'm up for it. I've been focusing on trying to build up my milk supply since it's low again. I'm supposed to pump every 2-3 hours around the clock until I reach 12 weeks postpartum -- at that point, I guess milk supply is no longer influenced by hormones and is just based on demand. We will see how long I can keep it up this time around. I pumped for a full year for DD1, but I have 2 kiddos to take care of now. I'm willing to make the effort as I want Sarah to get the antibodies from the milk (since DD1 is always bringing home all kinds of germs from daycare), but I certainly won't beat myself up if we end up going entirely to formula. We're currently supplementing with formula, which we had to do for most of DD1's first year.

DD1 adores her baby sister and has seemed to adjust to her new role as big sister fairly well so far. She seems to not listen to us more and more these days, but I'm guessing that's partly related to being three now.

Klik - I'm so happy that you are seeing such great fertilization rates with your latest protocol at your current clinic. I'm rooting for your success and wishing you the best of luck with solving the lining issues. :hugs:

Wish - Congrats on the new job! Your bump pictures are adorable! :thumbup:

Scooby - I'm glad that you like your doctors. I was so glad that my doctor was able to deliver Sarah despite her coming early. I've met some of the other doctors that are part of our medical group, but I don't know the others too well. It's so exciting that your anatomy scan is coming up! It's amazing to see the baby moving around, and they definitely look a lot more baby like. :)

Boopin - I saw that you picked a donor. That's soooo exciting!! :happydance: When domyou get started?

Amanda - I hope that you and your princess are doing well!

Aster - I hope that all is well on your end, too. :hugs:
I can't believe she's already going to be one month old on Saturday! <3


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Little Sarah's adorable!! I'm happy to know DD1 is adjusting well to being a big sis. <3 :hugs:

AFM - I'm looking at a Fall transfer. I don't know exact dates, but my de cycle will be starting soon. The donor's available now and ready to go (we paid the deposit to hold her). She's cycled once before at my fertility clinic. And 3 times at another. She's 24 years old and her AFC ranges from 24-32. Hopefully fx'd, we'll get lots of mature eggs with our retrieval. I'll be updating regularly on my journal as soon as I get my tentative cycle calendar. As of right now, I just finished lab work, mammogram, physical and a sh*t ton of paperwork lol. On Monday I go for my Hysteroscopy, after that procedure things should get moving. Check back on my journal anytime, as this is where I post my personal updates. Nice to hear from you Disney!! Miss you!! xx
That all sounds like good traction on your end, Boopin! :thumbup: I actually follow your journal - I just haven't always had the hands to reply. I'm still definitely here rooting for you either way! :dust: :hugs:
wish- Aww, don't feel bad! I think it's awesome that you've been exercising. Good luck on your last day of work today! I think you're going to be so much happier at the new place. :thumbup: 2 weeks until your scan, woohoo!

Disney- Oh my goodness she's adorable! It sounds like you've got your work cut out with that feeding schedule. I hope you're getting enough sleep! I'm so glad to hear your oldest DD is adjusting well to life as a big sister. I'm definitely looking forward to that scan! I've met 3 doctors at my practice and so far, so good. :thumbup: My one complaint is that they WAY overbook so the wait times are insane. Otherwise I feel like I'm in good hands.

boopin- I didn't catch this latest update on your journal, but I'm so excited for you! Wowzers, that is a huge AFC. I hope you get lots of embies to work with! Good luck with your hysteroscopy. I'll definitely be checking your journal to see what's happening!

klik- I hope you're enjoying the rest of your summer and that you and DP were able to go to France!

Amanda- Hope all is good with you and the babe. <3

AFM, our lease is up for my company in September and we still don't have a place to move into. My boss likes to cut things to the wire and it's making me nuts! I'm preparing either way, just organizing my desk and getting closed files packed away. I'm really looking forward to finding a place closer to my house, because our current commute is 45 minutes and about to get worse once they start construction.

I'm waiting for a call back from my OB about our spina bifida test. Hopefully all is good and I can check one more thing off my list. Starting to feel (maybe?) something going on in there... Back to being very tired at night and falling asleep on the couch most nights. :sleep:
Hello, dear ladies! Just got back from vacation yesterday... today, have been desperately trying to catch up on work and get life back on track again!

Scooby: hope the spina bifida test all went ok! I hope things continue to go as well as possible! I'll take a quick little peek at your journal to see the latest... Good luck on the maybe-company-move... I'd be stressed out, in your place... :wacko:

Disneyfan: You must be exhausted! :hugs: Very valiant of you, to so assiduously keep pumping. I'm really sorry about the latching issues--so frustrating... I'm 100% with you: don't beat yourself up if it turns out you need to move to formula. I hope you don't, though, and anyway your effort is already paying off as little Sarah has already getting antibodies from you! Excellent that DD1 has really taken to being a big sister! As for not listening, you know, now that she's a big sister she's got responsibilities too, and therefore surely the same sovereignty and independence rights as adults! :winkwink: Kisses to the girls... :kiss:

Boopin: That is an amazing AFC! WOW! If you add up all of our AFCs, I don't think we get even close to that! :haha: Anyway, I hope you get loads of embryos, way more than you know what to do with, because I hope the very first one takes, and sticks! :hugs: I'll take a quick little peek at your journal too... :hugs:

Wish: Hurray on last day of work!!! :happydance: I'm sorry the PM isn't getting it but, well, it's not your problem anymore. I personally find it hard to think of things that way, when I have knowledge and have put work into something, so I'm invested in it working, but, yeah, it really is someone else's problem now. So, does your vacation start now?! Lol, re. kickboxing, I can totally imagine people not wanting to punch and kick the pregnant lady! :haha: Or was it not contact kickboxing? If not, then what's their problem?! Anyway, I hope you find some fun way to exercise that doesn't freak anyone out.

AFM: drove to southern France and back with our pooch. DP bought a bodyboard and put the doggy on it--he doesn't like water (the dog, not DP!) but he tolerated being on the bodyboard. Then we'd make him swim towards me, or let him escape to shore. Poor thing, he doesn't really know what to make of the sea--all that water but it's salty?! Normally he'll follow us anywhere, but he will not go into the sea after us...

The drive was really long, both ways, but it was a good holiday nonetheless. On the way back we drove the Napoleon Route up until Grenoble, which made our drive much slower but it is SO beautiful it's totally worth doing (hint, hint, in case anyone's going to the French Riviera anytime soon--or to Grenoble, for that matter!)

Had my "clinical review" today (it's CD2) and, mostly excellent news. My doctor had been pretty freaked out, I think, by my gigantic (for my standards) cyst, which might have been in my tube. It looks like it's completely gone now, though there's a smaller cyst in the same area (but their composition looks different). So, hopefully, hopefully, I'll get to keep my tubes... There's still a chance that the smaller cyst we do see is a hydrosalpinx, in which case the recommendation will be to clip the tubes before a transfer--I'm really not prepared for that kind of loss right now... I'm full of admiration for Asterimou, who really dealt with that with amazing equanimity.

So, good news re. cysts but meh news re. this cycle: I have 3 haemorrhagic cysts from my retrieval last month so my doc has determined I should take a break. I couldn't really object to that: my ovaries do seem to be asking for a break... Also my AFC seems to be only 3 this cycle (though I kind of don't really believe that--a couple more always show up in time). Anyway, this cycle we shall be trying naturally, though DP does not seem to be at all excited by the prospect. TTC is no good for romance... :dohh:
Just looked at pics!

ZOMG, Disney, Sarah is soooooo cute! <3<3<3

Wish, that's hardly a bump! If I saw you in the subway/metro/tube/whatever, I probably wouldn't even get up for you (sorry!) unless you were wearing a Baby on Board button or somesuch...

:hugs: to all...
Hi klik!! I'm selfishly happy to have you back on bnb. :friends: KMFX your tubes can be spared. xx

I'm glad that you had a good vacation despite the issues with your pooch. I bet he's scared/reluctant of the sea because he can sense the creatures lurking below in the deep... LMAO!! :dog: :fish:

scooby - I'm sure at 17 weeks you're feeling fluttery sensations in your belly. They'll get stronger and stronger soon and you'll definitely know then. GL on your baby's SB test. Sending you positive vibes!! :dust:
Hey girls! Sorry I've been mia. I have been trying to follow along as much as possible though!

Disney, little Sarah is gorgeous! Glad that Dd1 is enjoying her new role. Your pump-bottle feeding routine sounds exhausting!

Wish, you look gorgeous with your bump! Absolutely glowing :)

Scooby those first fluttery feeing came at about 16 weeks for me, but some ppl I know felt nothing until 23 weeks. It's entirely possible you feel something! That being said, it is VERY irregular this early, so don't do what I did and panic if one day you don't feel much.

Boopin, yay for a Fall transfer!

Klik, best of luck this cycle :) your trip sounds amazing, hehe my dogs the opposite, he gets in the water at every chance!

AFM, We finally seem to have Brielle's reflux under control, and she MIGHT be teething? It seems early to me, but who knows. 3 months tomorrow. Honestly I still can't believe all of it. Her latest trick is learning how to do these high pitch screams lol.

So it's been almost 2 years that this group has been going and we've all been together. Honestly I don't know how I would have gotten through all this without you, and as odd as it sounds, since we don't even know each other by first names, (except me maybe lol) I really fee like we've definitely got a bond. That being said, would anyone be interested in joining a private Facebook group just for us? That way we might feel more comfortable sharing pictures, or stuff just knowing it's not as public? Totally cool if not, I completely get it, just thought of it the other day, so figured I'd ask :)

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