jahovas witnesses knocking on peoples doors

I've never had a problem with the Jehovah's Witnesses coming to the door, they all seem to accept that I'm not religious and there is nothing that will convince me to change my beliefs. Sales people etc, on the other hand, never seem to know when to leave. I had one continue knocking for five minutes after I told him I didn't own the house and could not therefore arrange to have a new kitchen fitted.

I've had a sign made up for my new house that says "If you are not expected, then don't expect me to answer the door." My front door has a spy hole so if the postman needs to knock then I can still answer to him. :haha:
My mums cousins invited some JW in once and started talking about devil worship....apparently they couldnt get out quick enough :haha:

I am often told i am going to hell when i am in town.
They have never been to my door but I have been stopped in the street to talk to them. I just explain to them that I am not religious and they normally ask why, but I have never found them to be anything but polite. I think it would bother me more if they persistently came to my door even when I explained that I wasn't going to be 'saved'.
I usually just say very nicely 'thanks for coming but I'm not interested :)'. Once though I was really flustered (pregnant) and I said 'oh I'm sorry, I'm an atheist I won't be going to an Easter sermon' and she looked disgusted, gasped... And walked off. Lol. ><
It doesn't really bother me I just make my excuses. I don't find it rude unless they has se me when I've let them no I'm not interested
My mums cousins invited some JW in once and started talking about devil worship....apparently they couldnt get out quick enough :haha:

I am often told i am going to hell when i am in town.

Lol this is what I was gonna say! When I go into liverpool there is always a man shouting quotes from the bible! Then trying to hand me leaflets!! Sorry but I'm not going to encourage that by accepting a leaflet. I just tell any Jehovah's witnesses I don't follow a religion they don't seem to mind. I found out the hard way if you act interested they come back
Our borough there is no cold calling allowed, so we don't have JW's coming to the door. My MIL is a JW and she drove me nuts with it (mainly because of trying to force her beliefs on me once H died) but as a group when they went out, they were always respectful and not pushy.

I use to live three doors down from a church, I cant remember exactly what it was but they were fab, plus at Easter and Christmas they would bring round gifts like Cadbury cream eggs, chocolates etc with the leaflets they left behind, they said it was cos of the inconvenience they caused during the year (parking was a real nightmare as it was actually a house that was just used as a church so our little street couldn't cope with all the cars).
I hate anyone knocking on my door. But I'm too polite to tell them I don't want their silly leaflets lol. Although actually when they knock they ask me to give the leaflet to my husband. Would love to see the look on their faces if I told them were not married, even though we've got 2 kids together :)
I don't find them rude as they are doing something that they truly believe in and because they want to help others. I don't like them coming to my door though because I could never just shut the door on them or be rude and find it really awkward telling them I am not interested and I personally don't feel anyone has the right to encourage others on what religion they should be. Some can be a bit too pushy and they need to respect that not everyone shares their beliefs and that it is ok to have a different religion or none at all.
I think it's good to remember that however "annoying" a JW is being it is because they care about you and just want to help :)
I get them a lot for some reason. Does anyone know their main believes? X
If you look on jw.org there's a tonne of information, FAQs & publications, and you can find out anything you want about what they believe, and also everything is backed up by the bible itself which is the basis of their teaching and faith.:flower:

I get them quite often were I live but I don't mind. They're very polite and totally respectful. I always take a leaflet and have a read just to be polite. I just think at the end of the day they truly belied they're doing something to help us and have no nasty intentions so I'm sure I can spare 5 minutes of my life to have a listen.

I don't like it but only because I feel awkward telling them no and that I'm not interested. I end up having a whole conversation with them which I find awkward in itself. In our old place the ones that came round were really nice but because I didn't say I wasn't interested the first time I think she thought she could convert me so came back each week or so. :)
I think it's rude to knock on someone's door and invade someone's personal space to preach about their religion. I am an athiest, could you imagine knocking on people's doors or preaching in the street that God doesn't exist!
I think it's rude to knock on someone's door and invade someone's personal space to preach about their religion. I am an athiest, could you imagine knocking on people's doors or preaching in the street that God doesn't exist!

But you'd be doing it to push your opinions on others for no reason other than because you want to, JW's believe to be faithful God wants them to spread the word, they're not doing it to be antagonising or self-righteous they believe it is their duty, so no I don't think what they are doing is rude, misplaced perhaps from someone who isn't a JW but I couldn't be angry at them about it, just as I wouldn't be angry at a Muslim woman for covering themselves or a Jew not eating pork, it's their belief system. If people find it that annoying you should put a sign on your door, if they ignore it then you have a right to be annoyed. I don't class knocking on someone's door as "invading your personal space" you don't have to answer.
I think it's rude to knock on someone's door and invade someone's personal space to preach about their religion. I am an athiest, could you imagine knocking on people's doors or preaching in the street that God doesn't exist!

But you'd be doing it to push your opinions on others for no reason other than because you want to, JW's believe to be faithful God wants them to spread the word, they're not doing it to be antagonising or self-righteous they believe it is their duty, so no I don't think what they are doing is rude, misplaced perhaps from someone who isn't a JW but I couldn't be angry at them about it, just as I wouldn't be angry at a Muslim woman for covering themselves or a Jew not eating pork, it's their belief system. If people find it that annoying you should put a sign on your door, if they ignore it then you have a right to be annoyed. I don't class knocking on someone's door as "invading your personal space" you don't have to answer.

I completely class it as invading my personal space! They're knocking on MY door! They shouldn't be doing that. If they want to spread the word then they should arrange seminars and what not at local community halls or their churches were people can voluntarily go to..... I'd hate it just as much if any one of any religion came to my door to preach.... why is it only JW that it?.... The fact that muslim women cover themselves and Jewish people don't eat pork doesn't come in to this. They are not coming round to my house to tell me why they do it.

Me being an athiest is just as much a belief as them being JW, I have my legitimate reasons for it that not everyone will agree with, just like they do have theirs. I'm sure they would be very offended if I went round to their house to tell them whythey shouldn't believe in a god, just as I am offended when they come round to my house;.
I think it's rude to knock on someone's door and invade someone's personal space to preach about their religion. I am an athiest, could you imagine knocking on people's doors or preaching in the street that God doesn't exist!

But you'd be doing it to push your opinions on others for no reason other than because you want to, JW's believe to be faithful God wants them to spread the word, they're not doing it to be antagonising or self-righteous they believe it is their duty, so no I don't think what they are doing is rude, misplaced perhaps from someone who isn't a JW but I couldn't be angry at them about it, just as I wouldn't be angry at a Muslim woman for covering themselves or a Jew not eating pork, it's their belief system. If people find it that annoying you should put a sign on your door, if they ignore it then you have a right to be annoyed. I don't class knocking on someone's door as "invading your personal space" you don't have to answer.

I completely class it as invading my personal space! They're knocking on MY door! They shouldn't be doing that. If they want to spread the word then they should arrange seminars and what not at local community halls or their churches were people can voluntarily go to..... I'd hate it just as much if any one of any religion came to my door to preach.... why is it only JW that it?.... The fact that muslim women cover themselves and Jewish people don't eat pork doesn't come in to this. They are not coming round to my house to tell me why they do it.

Me being an athiest is just as much a belief as them being JW, I have my legitimate reasons for it that not everyone will agree with, just like they do have theirs. I'm sure they would be very offended if I went round to their house to tell them whythey shouldn't believe in a god, just as I am offended when they come round to my house;.

You're misunderstanding their intentions and religion, Muslims and Jews don't do it because it isn't part of their religion, preaching is part of their religion they don't individually do it because they personally think it's a good idea they believe they have to do it, just as people pray, being an atheist isn't a religion, it's a valid belief system but you can not compare your views with the actions of JWs it's completely different, anything you do as an atheist is a personal decision, people are taking it too personally. Put a sign on your door, but don't take a personal dislike to their character for something that is a worldwide religion that they are taught to do, or at the very least understand they are not trying to be rude, certainly not offensive.
I think it's rude to knock on someone's door and invade someone's personal space to preach about their religion. I am an athiest, could you imagine knocking on people's doors or preaching in the street that God doesn't exist!

But you'd be doing it to push your opinions on others for no reason other than because you want to, JW's believe to be faithful God wants them to spread the word, they're not doing it to be antagonising or self-righteous they believe it is their duty, so no I don't think what they are doing is rude, misplaced perhaps from someone who isn't a JW but I couldn't be angry at them about it, just as I wouldn't be angry at a Muslim woman for covering themselves or a Jew not eating pork, it's their belief system. If people find it that annoying you should put a sign on your door, if they ignore it then you have a right to be annoyed. I don't class knocking on someone's door as "invading your personal space" you don't have to answer.

I completely class it as invading my personal space! They're knocking on MY door! They shouldn't be doing that. If they want to spread the word then they should arrange seminars and what not at local community halls or their churches were people can voluntarily go to..... I'd hate it just as much if any one of any religion came to my door to preach.... why is it only JW that it?.... The fact that muslim women cover themselves and Jewish people don't eat pork doesn't come in to this. They are not coming round to my house to tell me why they do it.

Me being an athiest is just as much a belief as them being JW, I have my legitimate reasons for it that not everyone will agree with, just like they do have theirs. I'm sure they would be very offended if I went round to their house to tell them whythey shouldn't believe in a god, just as I am offended when they come round to my house;.

You're misunderstanding their intentions and religion, Muslims and Jews don't do it because it isn't part of their religion, preaching is part of their religion they don't individually do it because they personally think it's a good idea they believe they have to do it, just as people pray, being an atheist isn't a religion, it's a valid belief system but you can not compare your views with the actions of JWs it's completely different, anything you do as an atheist is a personal decision, people are taking it too personally. Put a sign on your door, but don't take a personal dislike to their character for something that is a worldwide religion that they are taught to do, or at the very least understand they are not trying to be rude, certainly not offensive.

I am not offended by their religion and I don't take a dislike to their character. I have many friends, an ex house mate and ex bofy who are JW. My ex was even embarassed at having to spread the word by "doing the rounds" as he called it!..... Whether they believe that they have to do it isn't a legitimate reason in my book as it effects other people who do not believe in their views. Praying, not eating certain foods, fasting etc.... do not inflict on anyone else besides the person, so I have no issue there.
I think it's rude to knock on someone's door and invade someone's personal space to preach about their religion. I am an athiest, could you imagine knocking on people's doors or preaching in the street that God doesn't exist!

But you'd be doing it to push your opinions on others for no reason other than because you want to, JW's believe to be faithful God wants them to spread the word, they're not doing it to be antagonising or self-righteous they believe it is their duty, so no I don't think what they are doing is rude, misplaced perhaps from someone who isn't a JW but I couldn't be angry at them about it, just as I wouldn't be angry at a Muslim woman for covering themselves or a Jew not eating pork, it's their belief system. If people find it that annoying you should put a sign on your door, if they ignore it then you have a right to be annoyed. I don't class knocking on someone's door as "invading your personal space" you don't have to answer.

I completely class it as invading my personal space! They're knocking on MY door! They shouldn't be doing that. If they want to spread the word then they should arrange seminars and what not at local community halls or their churches were people can voluntarily go to..... I'd hate it just as much if any one of any religion came to my door to preach.... why is it only JW that it?.... The fact that muslim women cover themselves and Jewish people don't eat pork doesn't come in to this. They are not coming round to my house to tell me why they do it.

Me being an athiest is just as much a belief as them being JW, I have my legitimate reasons for it that not everyone will agree with, just like they do have theirs. I'm sure they would be very offended if I went round to their house to tell them whythey shouldn't believe in a god, just as I am offended when they come round to my house;.

You're misunderstanding their intentions and religion, Muslims and Jews don't do it because it isn't part of their religion, preaching is part of their religion they don't individually do it because they personally think it's a good idea they believe they have to do it, just as people pray, being an atheist isn't a religion, it's a valid belief system but you can not compare your views with the actions of JWs it's completely different, anything you do as an atheist is a personal decision, people are taking it too personally. Put a sign on your door, but don't take a personal dislike to their character for something that is a worldwide religion that they are taught to do, or at the very least understand they are not trying to be rude, certainly not offensive.

I am not offended by their religion and I don't take a dislike to their character. I have many friends, an ex house mate and ex bofy who are JW. My ex was even embarassed at having to spread the word by "doing the rounds" as he called it!..... Whether they believe that they have to do it isn't a legitimate reason in my book as it effects other people who do not believe in their views. Praying, not eating certain foods, fasting etc.... do not inflict on anyone else besides the person, so I have no issue there.

Well that's your opinion, which I understand, I choose to believe they do it with the best intentions therefore don't judge them individually for it. I don't see it as them inflicting their views, as I say I don't see them as doing to be self-righteous but them trying to save me because they believe I need to know their religion to be happy and be a good Christian (I'm guessing I don't know the ins and outs!) no I don't want saving because I don't follow that religion, but I respect their reasons for thinking they need to do it so don't get offended by it or judge them for it.
I do completely respect their religion, I completely respect any one's religion. Of course I wouldn't go out telling people that god doesn't exist! 1 for my own safety! But also it would be complete disrespect for those who have beliefs. I also would never be rude to anyone that comes round to my house the tell me their views, but I do however still feel that it is rude of them to come to my house to do this..... I feel the same way about cold callers in general. It should not be allowed!..... I understand where you're coming from in that it is part of their belief to help or save people, but I don't understand why they can't do that in a less invasive way such as by arranging meetings in local communities where people can CHOOSE to go if they wish?

I don't feel like I should have to put anything on my door as I don't feel like the should be knocking on there in the 1st place!.... Also, I live on a footpath so we have the door open a lot and my son playing outside so a sign doesn't always work.

I've also noticed that you are getting thanks from people and I am not so I guess I am in the minority. So I'm fed up of defending my view on it now. I'm out x

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