jahovas witnesses knocking on peoples doors

If you say you are not interested we we still return as we may have literature on a subject that particularly interests you or can help you the next time.

Anyway, any genuine Qs im happy to answer :)
What would someone need to say to ensure that you didn't come back again? Without meaning to be rude, I can say with certainty that there is nothing in the JW literature that would interest me, ever, so I would love to know how to save everyone the trouble of repeat visits.
I don't know how it works where you are Larkspur but here each JW kingdom hall covers an area so if you don't want them to visit you can ring your local one and request that, they will then put your address on a list and your wishes will be respected.
Really, I have to look up the branch and call an office? There's not just a special code word I can use next time someone turns up? :haha: Thanks!
I was pumping gas one time when a woman (not JW) came up to me and started talking to me about God's love and tried giving me a pamphlet. I politely said, "No thanks. I am an atheist. I don't believe in God." She looked at me like I was the lowest form of scum on the earth and backed away and turned around and walked away in the opposite direction as fast as she could. It was rather offensive to me! I'm used to telling people "No thanks, I'm atheist." because I'm from the bible belt of the US, so I always did it as politely as possible because the bible belt is also big on carrying guns. (haha)
If you say you are not interested we we still return as we may have literature on a subject that particularly interests you or can help you the next time.

Anyway, any genuine Qs im happy to answer :)
What would someone need to say to ensure that you didn't come back again? Without meaning to be rude, I can say with certainty that there is nothing in the JW literature that would interest me, ever, so I would love to know how to save everyone the trouble of repeat visits.

Yes call your local kingdom hall or next time they call on u request to be put on the " do not call" list.
we have quite a few ppl of different faiths coming round on bi weekly basis...whilst i have no problem with it as they are only doing what they think is right and often used to invite them in when i was studying my relgious degree...they do seem to have impecible timing for knocking just as the baby gone to sleep.

one thing is recently they have been sending young teens round (although supervised) which fine with me but i know not every one as polite and i feel bad for the kids/teens who end up getting shouted at.
I just find it all doom and gloom!

Quite the opposite! Its a positive message we share thats what makes it a joy to do!

Whats all doom and gloom is turning on the tv and watching the news

Its nice to share some good news. :)
one thing is recently they have been sending young teens round (although supervised) which fine with me but i know not every one as polite and i feel bad for the kids/teens who end up getting shouted at.

Its not that teens /kids are getting sent out as such. They are out with their families. They just choose to work with eachother to hang out with their mates!

Whole families go out and work with eachother or others in the congregation, friends etc.

So u will see people of all ages / sexes. :)
I dont find them rude coming to my door, i just tell them im not interested and they go polietly. But what i dont like is when they literally chase me up the street (heavily pregnant with a toddler in the pram i can safely say they caught up :haha:)

A lady across the road from me has them at her door every few weeks, always the same guys and always invites them in. A few months ago i seen one of them a her kitchen window clearly doing the dishes, and the other upstairs hanging blinds :wacko:
Hahaha Shel, that made me laugh
I just find it all doom and gloom!

Quite the opposite! Its a positive message we share thats what makes it a joy to do!

Whats all doom and gloom is turning on the tv and watching the news

Its nice to share some good news. :)

Had a woman say something similar a few weeks back when she called, not sure what her aim of this was?
Also just wondering what do you actually hope to acheive from a visit?x
One of my friends grew up as a JW. I have a lot of opinions about the way she was forced to live her life, and I won't post them all here in case it was just her family's experience and not representative of the faith as a whole.

One thing I'll say is that they are very persistent. When I lived in Korea, I had Korean JWs come to my door to preach. I'm white, blonde and can't speak any Korean (I do know enough to say "no thank you" however) and despite my limited language skills, and obvious attempts to close the door, they still wanted to spend time talking to me. :)
I had an interesting experience. Two women came to my door and I answered not knowing who it was. I immediately recognized them as JW and tried to tell them that I am Christian and not interested. When my front door is open, one of my living room walls is exposed and I have a cross on that what and the bible verse " Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see" Hebrews 11:1

One lady started talking about the verse and then started quoting more scripture. I politely finished the scripture she was trying to quote and once again told her I was a follower of Christ and didn't agree with the message of the JW church. She asked me what I believed specifically and so I told her that I believed I had been saved by grace and Jesus's work done on the cross.

At this point things got very strange. The lady that had been talking to me ( the other woman remained mostly silent after exchanging pleasantries) leaned in, looked me directly in the eyes and said " So you think you're set then?". I knew she was referring to my salvation and I told her confidently "absolutely". The way she said it though was truly my hairs stand on end...
I'm not sure if it was just the woman I worked with,or it's the religions belief as a whole...but she was of the opinion of 'JW would be saved,whereas the rest of us would burn in hell'...now I know its about whatever brings you comfort,but to say that??
I'm not sure if it was just the woman I worked with,or it's the religions belief as a whole...but she was of the opinion of 'JW would be saved,whereas the rest of us would burn in hell'...now I know its about whatever brings you comfort,but to say that??

Most definitely not the whole religion hun. As far as I am aware JW's do not believe in hell, from what I remember (and this is a bit vague as my MIL was trying to explain it all to me in the days after Honey died, so didn't take it all in) they believe that everyone dies and remains in the grave until I think it is like Armageddon and then the good (simplistic way of explaining I know) will be resurrected, a certain amount will go to Heaven to be besides Jesus and the rest will stay of earth but earth will of been restored to a better, beautiful time, how it should be - paradise. Those that weren't good (again simplistic) don't go to hell, they just don't exist any more they remain dead and don't get experience heaven or paradise.

I am sure that is not 100% accurate but it gives you the general gist. Sorry if it offended anyone, it is just what I remember for my MIL telling me when she was trying to comfort me because she told me that as H had died as a baby it meant that she would be resurrected and have eternal life in paradise (it didn't comfort me, but I guess she meant well).
One of my friends grew up as a JW. I have a lot of opinions about the way she was forced to live her life, and I won't post them all here in case it was just her family's experience and not representative of the faith as a whole.

One thing I'll say is that they are very persistent. When I lived in Korea, I had Korean JWs come to my door to preach. I'm white, blonde and can't speak any Korean (I do know enough to say "no thank you" however) and despite my limited language skills, and obvious attempts to close the door, they still wanted to spend time talking to me. :)

Just wanted to say that my husbands mother is a JW and he was never forced in to anything, he has never practised in any religion and was always free to make his own choices. She celebrated Christmas and their birthday's etc. Pretty similar experience for my brother's best friend, he did follow the religion but was free to celebrate Christmas, Easter, birthdays and the like.

I guess there are extreme people in any religion but it is usually not the majority.
If the JW version of Armageddon does happen then I will be HAPPY to be atheist and stay in the ground. The thought of eternal life sounds exhausting, bury me and be done :lol:
My best friend is also no longer a JW. I have never found it positive really more so from the leaflets I got impression believe or be sinned? Il talk to anyone so long as the time is convenient buy they seem to knock at tea time x
I'm not sure if it was just the woman I worked with,or it's the religions belief as a whole...but she was of the opinion of 'JW would be saved,whereas the rest of us would burn in hell'...now I know its about whatever brings you comfort,but to say that??

Not at all.

Its not up to us to judge who will be saved and who will not. God reads peoples hearts. Just because u are baptized JW doesnt guarantee salvation. Only God can judge.

And hell is just the grave. The bibles use of fire is symbolic so it represents death with no hope of a ressurection, eternal destruction.

Jws dont believe the bible teaches this nor will anyone burn in hell forever.

We believe There are many who never even had the opportunity to learn about God who will be resurrected to a paradise earth.

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