Jan/Feb Rainbows 2017 (10 Rainbows have arrived!)

I don't have a Doppler I'm in two kind about getting one! I'm suppose to be having scans fortnightly but haven't had an appointment through yet! I've it's not in by the end of he week il ring my midwife and find out!
It's getting closer and closer to loosing my last baby. I think that's why im on edge! I might get a Doppler, hopefully it'll help! X
Jlou I feel the same!!! Still skinny, sickness mostly gone, boobs not as sore, very small appetite. Where's my bump? Or movements? ?? Or something? ? No appointment til the 26th. That's forever :cry:
I thought I felt baby a week ago but nothing since so I doubt it was baby now. I felt DS2 at 17 weeks so hopefully not much longer.

I'd be a lot more nervous right now though if it wasn't for my Doppler. I got mine off eBay when I was 11+3 ish, and I heard baby's heartbeat that same evening. I took it on holiday with me because I knew it would make me nervous if I couldn't check on baby for a whole week. It only cost me £18.50 including P&P and I'll probably get most of that back when I sell it on. Money well spent, I highly recommend.
I'd make sure they get your scans set up asap jlou. Doppler can be a blessing and curse. At 12 weeks I couldn't find the baby and I freaked out and went and has an emergency scan. Now that she's gotten bigger I can find her every time and it's definitely a huge help. Last week was a wobble week and I listened daily, this week only today. My baby is almost 7 so I don't even remember when I felt movement. Hoping soon but I'm thinking of you all ladies.
With DD I didn't feel her til 20 weeks due to an anterior placenta. With this one I also have an anterior placenta but felt movement at 16 weeks which I was surprised about! Now it's most days but could only be for a few seconds.

Sorry to all those having stresses. PAL is so hard!
HI ladies!!

I've just gotten back from vacation and we had a great time with family! I had my first meltdown over food while we were away... My brother and cousin went to the grocery store and all I asked for them to get me was pre-sliced cantaloupe. Well they came home with WHOLE cantaloupes. After explaining to me that the pre-sliced looked horrible and these were more fresh, I started crying. I just wanted a slice of cantaloupe now!! Lol they immediately cut one up for me and sent me on my way and after a few minutes I had to laugh at myself and apologize to them :haha:

Otherwise I have been feeling much better, I still just get completely exhausted with doing something small and must eat breakfast IMMEDIATELY when I wake up or my stomach kills me.

I've also been having stretching pains or sore muscles on my right side :/

Florida congrats on the news of your baby girl!!

Hope everyone is doing well! :baby:
I must admit, I'm super anxious about this genetic test. The results should come in later this week and I wish I already had them because it's nerve wracking!
I haven't felt movement now since I last posted, I'm becoming a little anoxious about it, which is frankly rediculous as it wasn't a constant movement and nothing I could really lay my hands on as being 'real' movement, I too may buy a doppler, it may help.

In stoll feeling mega sick, crampy and my boobs hurt more than ever....I was feeling consistent movement from 15 weeks with my son (anterior placenta) so il start to worry then if I'm not feeling anything
I hate this constant worry for us all, I'd love.to enjoy this pregnany
I'm definitely investing in a Doppler! I'm going to ring the hospital tomorrow and get my scans sorted! I'm not feeling pregnant but i know that's pretty normal, I've also been feeling crampy down below so that's worrying me! I just wish I could erase the negative and remember the positive! I'm just having a major wobble and can't get out of my head that it's going to go wrong! I was off work last week due to unbearable pain because of an ear infection! And I've heard from work friends the managers have been saying things! I'm not in the right frame of mind to deal with all the added stress so in dreading going back tomorrow xx
Speaking of dopplers - I finally found baby's heartbeat on mine tonight! It couldn't have been better timed since I'm n the midst of waiting for these genetic test results.
good morning ladies. felt for the past 2 days what im almost positive is my uterus. feels like a ball and if I lay flat it sticks out just below my belly button. is that too high for 14.5 weeks? I was so sure I felt baby moving over a week ago but for the life of me cant feel her now. im holding onto 16 weeks for feeling movements....seems to be a median time for everyone whos had multiple pregnancies to feel movement. my friend at work says shes feels betrayed by me lol. :haha: that I told her after I see the HB ill relax, not true. after 12 weeks ill relax, not true. now im telling her when I feel movement ill relax, she says she doesn't believe me lol. im sure everyone is so tired of my pessimistic attitude but I just cant help it!!! im going crazy!!! :wacko:
My back is agony and I'm having lots of cramps am I just being paranoid?? I'm in such a state!
Jlou I really know how worrying it is, there's still a lot of stretching and organs moving though so odd days of cramping is ok (I actually get worried if I haven't felt any cramping for more than a few days as it tends to come every 3 days or so for me).

Jami I'm the same. I am telling people I'm pregnant now but I find it difficult to say I'm having a baby, because I still am so paranoid that something will go wrong. I have relaxed a bit after 12 week scan and having Doppler, but there's still this doubt in the back of my mind. I'm sure my friends also think I'm pessimistic, but it's so hard being PAL to be positive.

Bselck, glad you had a lovely holiday and :rofl: at the melon! My friend reminded me recently about how we went camping together when I was about 26 weeks pregnant with DS1, and I had cried because they were getting their cat out of the cattery a day earlier than us when we got home! Crazy :wacko:

Lucy, sending you empathy and :hugs: I hope our LO's are all bruising our insides asap!

TTC, good luck for your results. I hope this week goes quickly for you and you get great results.
So I went up to a&e last night! They couldn't do much! The doctor was so rude and made me cry
Telling me that she doesn't check the hb and if in going to miscarry then it will happen! After speaking to another doctor I've been booked in for another scan! The cramps I can deal with i know they are common but this back pain is unbearable x
Bselck- glad you had a good time on vacation. I think we will all share a story similar to that melon story soon:haha:

Ttc congrats on finding baby's hb and going all testing comes back ok!

Lucy hopefully we are all pushing to the time where we will feel our baby soon! Msybe rent a Doppler? You won't need it much longer.

Jlou so sorry your having a go of things and that the doc was rude. Some doctors have no bedside manners. Hoping all goes well at your scan and also that your day going back to work was low stress.

Jami it could be! Sounds like the lo is growing well! It's normal with PAL to deal with anxiety and such. I try not to dwell on it and also not to beat myself up about it.

Vankiwi, everything, busy, and anyone else I didn't mention I hope you're all doing good and staying as stress free as possible.

I have been sort of coming and going from the site as sometimes it's hard to control the anxiety if you focus on it. I'll be 15 weeks this week so I'm just still chugging along. Sometimes I listen to her hb daily and I don't feel guilty about it. Trying to enjoy this pregnancy. PARL(pregnancy afte recurrent loss) is hell on the mind. So I'm trying to stay busy. Our older kids went back to school and I have an exam today. Fun times lol but it helps keep me focused on other things.
Awww Jlou I'm incredibly heartbroken you were treated that way. When is your scan luv? Praying you see your sweet little babe just dancing away :hugs:
Hope everyone is as well as they can be, looks like we're all going through a bit of an anxious time at the moment....
Think I'm feeling very feint movement again, ofcourse it catches me unawares, never when im sitting still so I can't be sure....mainly around my left hip and belly button. My uterus it huge now, feels like a bloody melon under my flab rolls :haha: so hopefully everything by is going as it should. At this stage it's supposed to be midway between pelvic bone and belly button, mine feels slightly over my belly button now, however I do know that It varies a lot from person to person....
I can buy a doppler for less than £20 so il probably invest!
Had my scan yesterday, baby was all ok! I've been given hormone pessarys for my cervix and antibiotics incase of infection! It's all been very stressful! I've spoken to my manager and explained that I need to be sitting more and doing less physically! So I've got lots of paperwork to do 😬
I just wish I new everything was going to be ok! I've ordered a Doppler so hoping that'll ease my mind! Hope you all well and your anxiety isn't getting the better of you! I'm really trying to relax abit! X
Hello ladies, I've been trying to keep involved in the thread but I've had a a busy few weeks added with some stressful moments! Started spotting on Monday, cramping on & off, had a few days off work as I'm not taking any chances, decided to keep an eye on things and they seem to have settled, I blame my job, I'm on my feet for 12+ hours running around like a headless chicken, putting too much strain on my body, just need to remember I have some precious cargo in there and need to take a step back sometimes.

I also have a doppler and I *think* I've started to feel baby move so that's reassuring. I'm going to be 16 weeks tomorrow, seeing the midwife too, will be going through my blood results. I'm off on holiday next week so can't wait to have a full 2 weeks off work, I just plan to relax and take things easy.

Jlou I'm glad you scan went well, hopefully the pessaries/ antibiotics help.

Hope everyone else is doing well and has a lovely weekend x

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