Jan/Feb Rainbows 2017 (10 Rainbows have arrived!)

Feeling pretty down today. I have no bump....hardly any appetite, and when I put my hand on my tummy I feel nothing. Like my uterus is getting smaller...but no more popping sensations. I have an appt Friday and I really hope my baby is ok and growing. :shrug:
Sorry I haven't posted in a few days. I think I unsubscribed by mistake. Glad to see so many good updates.

Cupcake- sorry you dealt with that :hugs: I know you must have been so worrisome. Can you be written off for lighter duty? Glad it's cleared up.

Ttc- congrats on a wonderful baby girl. They are abundant in our group:happydance:

Jojo- hope you had a great trip

Jlou- hoping you have a smooth next couples of weeks

Jami- I felt that way this morning but sometimes when my gi system is on top top shape my bump seems a little smaller.

Busy, vankiwi, and everyone else hope you're doing well!!

I'm doing ok. Been nauseous ad defiantly in loose dresses. I tried to wear shorts and I can zip them and button them but it's so uncomfortable. 16 weeks Friday and we are painting the nursery this weekend. I am just in shock we are here. Yet I'm excited. We are doing a brown/gold. I added a picture.


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Florida I love that colour. Hope you post a nursery pic when it's ready :thumbup:

Jami, I reiterate what Florida said - my bump shrinks when my digestive system is working better, so maybe you just have good digestion (and better abs than mine! :lol:). I remember going for a 20 week scan with one of my boys and there was another woman in the waiting room who had no bump at all. I thought she must've been going for her 12 week scan, but she came out before I went in and was talking about the baby's gender so it was her 20 week scan. I'm sure you are just lucky like her (lucky because you may avoid saggy belly and as many stretch marks as I'm expecting!), but not so lucky that it gives you another reason to worry. I'm sure everything will be fine hun but I do understand, and I hope your babba starts giving you little kicks and nudges real soon :hugs:

I think I may have felt the odd bit of movement but nothing certain. Hoping it will be definite soon! My baby is still so low when I find heartbeat on Doppler, I thought they move higher by now but he/she still seems very near to my pubic bone.
yes I should be glad....I don't have any stretch marks from my other kids. guess im lucky there. but I had gained between 10-15 lbs by this point with my other 2. just very concerning. my husband is still bummed about baby being a girl. I have been googling how accurate gender predictions are at 12 weeks. even though I am happy with a girl and I trust my sonographer...I just cant help for hubbys sake they were wrong and will tell me its a boy at this next appt. I just want him to be excited with me again. I wish I never found out :cry:
Anyone else constantly exhausted :( it's starting to get to me now, it's got to the stage where I can't even face sewing (usually my fave past time) - just doing house work is enough, I'm falling asleep at 9 (again, odd for me as I'm usually a 2am gal!) and sleeping like a log, I get up and can't wait to go to bed....when will it pass!?!?
that is so funny lucy...im exactly the opposite. I have energy from god knows where, and I cant sleep! I fall asleep around 10, then at 12:30 I keep waking up and stressing over silly things. my son plays soccer and my husband is the coach. I ordered the soccer uniforms and some were too small, so last night I was awake for 4 hours stressing over there daggum uniforms! so dumb. you would think id be tired now...but no. at work, got all my work done and now speeding through the internet bored. where did this insomnia/energy come from???
Wow wish I had more energy I feel exhausted all the time! I'm really stressing out now trying to keep busy and ignore it, have my first midwife appointment Tuesday! I'm at my mums at the moment and can't wait to get home and be in my own bed! X
Everything It'll be a ways off but I definitely will! I'm also still finding the lo very low down but I have found if I come up higher I can still hear her hb which o couldn't before. So there's that! I also think I may be feeling some movement but not sure As I'm very gassy lately :haha:.

Jami gender disappointment can be hard. Hope he starts to come around. And send some of that energy over to me lol

Lucy I'm tired 20 minutes after I get up. I'm never not exhausted.

Jlou hope all goes well at your midwife appt Tuesday!
Still tired over here as well. If I don't get it done in the morning hours, chances are it's not getting done :haha:

I hope you like your MW Jlou and that your appt. goes well.

Everything movements still aren't consistent for me either. Watch we'll be kicking ourselves in a a few months due to painful jabs :haha:

Florida that colour is gorgeous!

Jami I'm sorry you've been feeling down, it happens to us all :hugs: Hopefully the week hasn't been too hard on you and that you'll be perked by good news at your appt. tomorrow.

AFM: I had an appt. yesterday and baby's HB was lovely and strong, they kept kicking the doppler away-of course I felt none of this. We scheduled my 20 week appt, FX'd with the craziness of the kids heading back to school that the next month goes quickly. Oh and we finally set the kids down and told them they were going to have a new baby brother or sister. They were all very excited! We still plan on waiting until closer to mid-October before announcing outside of our little home.

Hope everyone is doing wonderfully! There are several ladies that have only popped in once or twice-if you're still reading along let us know how you are. <3
I love all these (mostly) happy updates! I had my first (12 week) OB appointment yesterday. It went GREAT! We saw baby, squirming and kicking in there. OB said my chance of miscarriage had dropped to almost nothing. The appointment couldn't have gone better! I scheduled my 16 week appointment and anticipate a call from the fetal medicine specialist to schedule a level 2 ultrasound due to my advanced maternal age. This process is such a blessing after all of the struggles and losses!
Fantastic news TTC!! I'm also considered advanced maternal age :haha: You just have to laugh hun
TTC congrats! :happydance: TTC and Busy, I'm also 'advanced maternal age' at 41. I had my 16 week midwife appointment today, and I have my first consultant appointment tomorrow. I was consultant-led with both boys as well due to a blood-clotting condition I have, but they're adding my age onto the list of reasons why I need a consultant now :haha:

I also have an ultrasound on my leg booked for Sunday morning. I've had some pain in my thigh and they want to make sure I don't have another DVT. The pain doesn't seem to be getting any worse so I'm pretty sure there's no proper blockage, just maybe something in a minor vein. Wish me luck ladies :thumbup:
Definitely wishing you luck that it isn't another DVT Everything
Hey ladies! I am still here! It has been a crazy week or so... We move into our new house this weekend and as of Wednesday, we now have full custody of my two step daughters (ages 13 and 11). This came as a complete shock when just last Saturday we found out their mother, who has been MIA in calling them for nearly a month, is involved with a new boyfriend who just got out of prison and her living conditions were sub par for the girls. (Her own brother called us to tell us to not send the girls back and to call CPS) it was so sad for them! But we're transitioning and they will start school September 6th!

I have caught up in the thread and TTC I am so happy for your healthy baby girl! Everyone else I will be able to cacth up more next week once were moved in but I'm thinking of you!!

Also, the 15th was my birthday! So here is the pic I posted of 15 weeks on the 15th!!


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Cute bump BSelck! Good luck with the move and your stepdaughters settling in to the family.

So nice hearing all these positive scan stories!!

I am also considered 'advanced maternal age' as I'm 40 and will be 41 when LO is born.

Still exhausted too. Have been since I got my positive test. Haha! I'm the same as you Busytulip and try to get anything that needs to be done done in the morning &#128515;

Still can't really believe I am pregnant, I think once we start telling more people it will seem more real!
Busy thanks! We are painting this weekend. We are getting excited. Glad again the guys are in the know and excited. My littles went back last Wednesday and I feel like it's flying now. When you're the chauffeur, chef, referee, Doctor, etc the days all blend into one lol. At this rate the due date will feel like one month away!

Ttc glad your spot went well and even though they gave you that title :)dohh:) it gets you an extra scan! I try not to look at what they say about me. Once I saw repeat spontaneous abortions as if it was I choice. I know it's medical lingo but sheesh!

Everything hoping it's not a DVT. Hope your appt goes well!

Bselck you've been busy! Happy belated and I'm glad you guys were able to step in and take your step daughters. I think step parents are amazing. Cute bump and happy belated!

Jojo i am still feeling that way. I think it'll gel real when I can feel the baby. We have told more people as we see them as it's no longer able to be hidden. I think it's a protection thing. Sort of like protecting your heart.

Afm: I'm 16 weeks today and have my second visit with the midwife next Thursday. Not really nervous. We'll be scheduling our 20 week scan that day and it is a little selfish but in thinking of taking s cruise around week 21-22. It'll be our last chance to have a get away just us 2 and we have had sex since bfp 14+ weeks ago! Maybe we'll feel comfortable then. Tmi I know lol.
Bselck your bump is lovely. Happy Belated birthday! Oh my you've been very busy. How very disheartening for your girls. I hope that they are transitioning okay. It's very sad that their mom is making poor choices, so thankful that they have you and their dad to lift them up and continue to provide them with a loving and stable home. Oh and a move to boot! Hope things go as smoothly as possible.

I feel that same way Jojo, it seems unreal.

Florida yes! The many roles we fill definitely help speed time along. I don't think a cruise is selfish at all, enjoy!
Hey gals :flower:
I'm so happy to see this is such a "lucky" thread. After so many losses this is a sticky one for all of us!!
I had my appt today and we heard baby's heartbeat!!. So she's still alive :) glad everyone else is doing well. Now 5 more weeks til next appt!!
Hey gals :flower:
I'm so happy to see this is such a "lucky" thread. After so many losses this is a sticky one for all of us!!
I had my appt today and we heard baby's heartbeat!!. So she's still alive :) glad everyone else is doing well. Now 5 more weeks til next appt!!
Fantastic news! How was your OH today? Do you think he has come to terms with the fact that you are having a girl?
Busy thanks! We are painting this weekend. We are getting excited. Glad again the guys are in the know and excited. My littles went back last Wednesday and I feel like it's flying now. When you're the chauffeur, chef, referee, Doctor, etc the days all blend into one lol. At this rate the due date will feel like one month away!

Ttc glad your spot went well and even though they gave you that title :)dohh:) it gets you an extra scan! I try not to look at what they say about me. Once I saw repeat spontaneous abortions as if it was I choice. I know it's medical lingo but sheesh!

Everything hoping it's not a DVT. Hope your appt goes well!

Bselck you've been busy! Happy belated and I'm glad you guys were able to step in and take your step daughters. I think step parents are amazing. Cute bump and happy belated!

Jojo i am still feeling that way. I think it'll gel real when I can feel the baby. We have told more people as we see them as it's no longer able to be hidden. I think it's a protection thing. Sort of like protecting your heart.

Afm: I'm 16 weeks today and have my second visit with the midwife next Thursday. Not really nervous. We'll be scheduling our 20 week scan that day and it is a little selfish but in thinking of taking s cruise around week 21-22. It'll be our last chance to have a get away just us 2 and we have had sex since bfp 14+ weeks ago! Maybe we'll feel comfortable then. Tmi I know lol.
Good luck with your painting this weekend. Your post has reminded me that I need to do loads of stuff (painting, decorating etc) around my house before LO arrives.

I don't think the cruise is selfish at all. If I had the opportunity for some quality time with my OH I would grab it!

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