Happy 36 weeks Van....eeek!!
I'm so excited we'll soon be labour watching!
lucy glad baby is looking perfect
Jami I'm glad that you've got insurance sorted, that would be a nightmare to worry about. Boy you are really going through it
SanJan glad that they were able to place the cerclage and bed rest has been successful...praying LO stays snug for a while longer. Big hugs for this week. Angelversaries are really hard
Jojo yay so grateful for good news all around!
Bselck I was having those same feelings. We wanted another LO so that our youngest would have a sibling close in age, but now I feel a bit like I'm rushing her out of what little babyhood she's got left. I feel incredibly blessed, no mistake there, but just a twinge of...guilt. With my older boys though it was like magic once #2 arrived and they were the best of buddies. So I know it's just hormones playing with my mind/heart.
Good luck at your scan Everything
Sorry to hear about the sore bum florida, I do hope it eases before delivery as that's bloody painful to deal with.