Jan/Feb Rainbows 2017 (10 Rainbows have arrived!)

Jami I put in a spoiler in case it's a trigger for someone else.
Jami she had obstetric cholestasis. She went on her ob and they gave her meds but they said she was the 1% it just doesn't work for. It's been rough on her.
Happy 28 weeks Jami and Bselck
And belated 28 weeks Jlou.

Hope you're all having a good week so far.
For those not on FB keep floridamomma in your thoughts please.
Thank you, m happy to have made it this far. I don't have Facebook which is why I'm not on there. What happened to Florida???
Will pm you because I'm not sure what she wants said here.
How can I get added to the fb group ladies? Iv obviously missed that somewhere haha

27 weeks and I feel like a bloody whale. I'm in so much pain, my back and bump constantly feel sore, I can't remeber being like this before :( I cannot get comfortable and everything is a strain, I'm grumpy too. Oh well, feeling lots of lovely movement now, so I'm hopeful the next few weeks fly!
BTW, I can't pm anyone my Facebook name cause I can't be found ;) il need a name for me to search to be added xx
I'll pm you my info Lucy. Also a big grump here. I think with holidays time should feel it's moving a bit quicker, I hope.
I can relate to the feeling not so great issue. People frequently ask "how are you feeling?" and I just reply "great!" because I don't want to be a debbie downer, but I have in this pregnancy (as I did with DDs) an issue with either BP or blood sugar in which if I stand for a long time I get dizzy and need to sit immediately. It's very annoying.
Thank you busy :hugs: Quick update as I'm on magnesium and it's doing a number on me. I went to the dr for my gtt, rhogam, growth scan, and appt. bp was high twice (150/100). Then protein if 2+ was found in my urine. I was sent straight to l&d triage for further work up. Liver and kidney levels all look good but protein still in urine so I was admitted. Started on labatelol (beta blocker) to lower bp. It's around 127-137/72-84. A whole lot better. Was given steroids to help develop baby's lung. Thought I was going home today. Given second steroid today and magnesium as a preventative measure to help if baby is early will lower chance of cerebral palsy. The mag is really taking a toll on me. Headaches, vision changes, nausea, exhaustion, the works. For now I'm here until tomorrow. I'm now under the care if high risk ob but they are all residents and it's someone new every 2 hours. The mfm and perinatologist are giving me no guarantees. They said headaches and vision changes plus protein means preeclampsia could be getting worse even though liver and kidney are ok. Sort of in limbo. Mag should be finished in 5-6 hours so just keep us in thoughts and prayers.
Oh wow Florida! Sounds like you're in good hands though. How stressful for you!

Busy - will pm you to be added to FB group!
Following you closely Florida!! 😘😘😘
Oh florida....how scary!!! I pray you can hang in there a bit longer and if not baby is born healthy!
Going home today. Baby put on monitor and showed accelerations within 20 minutes(actually less). I will be able to finish school but I have to monitor my bp and take labetalol 3x daily. I have fiorcet in case my headaches are bad. I am putting myself on bedrest when I'm not at school. We will be delivering by 37 weeks so we just went to only 8 weeks until she gets here. The 24hr urine definitely confirmed preeclampsia so just have to keep myself as unstressed as possible. I must keep an eye on my symptoms but I am praying we hang in there for the last 8 weeks.
Hope everyone is doing well. I had my 28 week appointment yesterday. Baby looks great, 2lb 8 Oz , but this pregnancy has been full of complications. ...so why not add another?? Now I have polyhydramnios. Or too much amniotic fluid. I'll be going every 2 weeks for a sono to measure the fluid. Dr said it could be from GD, which I had the test yesterday so I won't know for a bit, or a defect with baby's lungs. But her lungs had fluid so he doesn't think it's her. If it's not GD I just have alot of fluid and main side effect is preterm labor because waters get too heavy and break early. I have gained like 5lb in a week or 2 which concerned me, but he said it was all water and I will look and measure bigger than my dates because of extra fluid. Oh joy. He said good side is I'll lose most of the weight in water in the hospital.

Anyone have any experience with this?
I havent Jamie. But hoping all will be well and you can hold outcforcaxehile longer
I'm holding! I don't want her here too early...but I wouldn't mind 36 weeks!
Hoooked up in l&d. She's breech so that accounts for less movement plus anterior placenta. I think we are shooting for 36 weeks as well. I can't wait. This is too much stress.
Florida- glad you're hanging in there!!

Jami- just what u wanted to hear right! Ugh well hopefully they will keep u closely monitored and figure it all out!!

Most of the time we worry about low fluid right? And of course now you have to worry about too much!!

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