January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

I suppose that’s a relief in a way sarahcake that you were having one anyway. Do you have your date yet? Ohhh I’m going to order that nipple cream right now I forgot about it. Tempted to buy nipple shields too.

My sickness has been awful this morning and it’s caused my stomach to be so sore with period cramps. It’s constant and not in a rythym so confident it’s not the start of anything. Just annoying.
Hi Ladies
Not much to report from this end... just wanted to check in and say HI!
Ticked a few things off my to do list today.
Got out the big suitcases and packed away all my work clothes and summery bits that won't get a look in until atleast May next year.
Got some sturdy storage bags and packed away spare duvets and pillows - all now under one of the spare beds.
Feel a bit more organised!
Put a couple of bits to the side so basically everything is ready to go into the hospital bag. On my next burst of energy (prob tomorrow!) I'll get that packed and set aside.
Cleaned the fridge earlier and it's now stocked with so much food for over the next few Christmas days. I feel prepared to chill out and relax now.
Soph hope you feel better soon!
I hope you all have a lovely Christmas with your families xx
Happy holidays everyone! I wonder if we'll get any Xmas babies!!
So lovely to hear you are all preparing for baby and Christmas in equal measures!

Ugly cheap pants still to buy and something I can nurse in...debated the pyjamas thing a while wondering whether to bother or just wear my old nights top and cover up if I'm self conscious...I really am a private person and don't want these massively changed huge nipples and massive purple stretcjamrks on my stomach hanging out for all to see! :haha: I'm not really laughing it's seriously making me feel pretty low she I think of it so I try not to.

Christmas is sort of all set here. We are at my parents to Xmas dinner, then cheese and crackers at home for the evening and that's it! I dont eat much these days so didnt go mad with the treats this year. Still spent way more than i should have on gifts etc but it's done...and we have three full pay checks from myself to tide us over until the dreaded maternity pay!

Pelvic pain is still bad here too but in better news....I got over my cough and sinus grossness last Sunday....picked up an even worse cold on Thursday!!! So I'm pretty miserable and disgusting right now :haha: chances are it's not shifting over Christmas now so bring on this baby's birth so I can have some bodily relief in some form lol
I’m back with my moaning and unfestive spirit!!!!mhorrendous BH constantly last night and early hours of this morning and back to terrible diarrhoea during the night and this morning. My stomach hates me and I can’t see Christmas dinner going down well. Was sick all day yesterday so food is not my friend. Not sure if it’s a bug or my stomach will be like this for the next two weeks until baby comes!!!!!!

Hope you all have a lovely Christmas Eve and are less moany than me lol XX
Oh no poor you married and soph. My gross sinus and blocked nose seems to be here for good. Its been 3 weeks. Other than that just tired and sore. My OH just tells me to stop moaning. Thanks

Pretty much sorted for christmas. Our elf left last night and left DD a nice little box of chocolate coins, new cup for hot chocolate, jammies a story book and a colouring book together with a little poem i wrote last night. She was soo happy when she got up this morning.

3 more presents to wrap tonight and thats it!

Hope everyone is having a relaxing christmas eve!
Ahh ladies sorry to hear your suffering so close to Christmas too :( I really hope you feel better very soon.

Pretty much done on this end, just wrapping the final bits and doing the last minute card runs to friends and family but we're good besides that. My partner has gone out and bought a few bits for baby girl even though she's going to miss Christmas by like, a month lol I shouldn't complain, it's nice to see daddy excited, didn't have that the first time around.

I'll say it now just in case I can't get on before tommorrow but I wish you all the most wonderful Christmas. Have a fantastic time with your loved ones and I hope those with kiddies already, they have a magical time xxx
Merry Christmas everyone!!! Hope you all had a lovely day.

I’m so fed up of symptom spotting and have decided baby wiii definitely not come before c section and 40 weeks. Have been obsessing about everything cramp for days. Two weeks today and it’ll all be over anyway!!!!
Merry Christmas everyone!

We had a lovely day although i was dog tired by the end and been having horrible period pains every morning and night for a week now.

Have my consultant app at 9am tomorrow morning at which point it will be decided if i am having a c section or not.

Quite excited for 1st January as then i can say baby should be born this month!!!
I have an appointment at 9 tomorrow as well JessyG!

Can’t stop crying crying today I’m just so uncomfortable and fed up. It’s my birthday and I always hate it anyway because its never special as no one wants to do anything. Usually it doesn’t bother me and I gave up trying to organise anything years ago, but today I’m feeling sorry for myself lol.
Happy Birthday Soph! 🎈🎁

Hope you all had a merry Christmas!
My cousin who was due two days before me had her baby girl yesterday... Christmas baby! Waters broke at 3.15, 45min drive to the hospital and baby was born at 5.20am speedy! No name as yet. Baby girl number 3 and I think they were convinced she would be a boy so a little unprepared in regards to names.

I am also having period type pains in the mornings but thats about it, no other signs. Have the midwife on Thursday morning.
Merry Christmas ladies and happy birthday Soph!!

Had a lovely day yesterday (except feeling like utter crap) and had some lovely gifts including a really soft fluffy dressing gown to add to my hospital bag and some cute little baby bits and pieces! Today though this flu plus baby is killing me and I'm now down to about 3 hours sleep a night...I so want this baby out soon lol

For those with appointments soon I hope all is well...am sat here wondering which ones of us will have the babies first!! I've not got anything booked until my pre-clerking on 10th Jan ready for my section on 11th (if baby hasn't come out sooner by himself) but I am so counting down the days, I don't mean to moan but everything is such an effort! I'm putting together my moses basket and cot and getting his room sorted tomorrow and will then probably look at assembling my pram....anything to make these days go by quicker!
Thank you!!

Well it definitely won’t be me first. I don’t have so much as a twinge anymore. Even went a long walk today but nope not even a slight cramp. Section on 9th so we are going to be pretty close in dates Wills.
I will likely be last if i dont have a section. If i do have a section it will be around 39 weeks which is around 16th so that'd prob be the eariest for me!

I am dying a slow and painful death today. Sounds weird and i apologise to everyone but my lady bits are feeling sooo tender and sore when i walk. I have no idea if that means anything. I am so out of breath and i have been trying desperately to sort the house out after christmas and find homes for everything/declutter DDs room for toys etc. My whole body is sore and i feel like an whale!

Roll on January and holding this baby in my arms!
Hope all you ladies had brilliant Christmases. We had a great one, very tiring but loved seeing how magical it was for ds this year.

Jessy that’s exciting that you’ll have definite plans tomorrow - what are you hoping for them to decide on?

Soph, hope your appointment goes well too. Can totally understand you feeling crappy today. My birthday is 12 Jan and I always feel like that is a bit of a pain being kind of close to Christmas, but it’s nothing compared to yours.

I agree with you all that I am so ready for this baby to be born. My list of ailments is ridiculously long, I just want to be getting back to feeling some kind of normal with a tiny baby in my arms, rather than grunting and moaning every time I have to move!

I’ve been having plenty of braxton hicks, now in my back as well as tummy. I’d like to think it is signaling the start of something, but I think that’s just me hoping!

Midwife for me on Thursday pm. My due date is the 7th, and going to speak to her about going to a drop in clinic on the 9th for a sweep if baby hasn’t arrived by then, as my normal day to see her would be the 11th and as my birthday is the day after I don’t really want to have a sweep then, hoping for them to have their own special day!
Hope everyone has had a great Christmas!

Been at urgent care tonight as Xmas eve I coughed so much I have torn my stomach muscle. Been in agony today rather than it getting better.

So paracetamol taken so far and was told I can take codeine too...Not too convinced I should?? I see my midwife Thursday so will see if pain is still bad by then or if paracetamol is enough. Will get her opinion too. I also got a prescription for antibiotics for the viral chest infection but was also told to try ride it out as avoid taking it if I can. Oh my!

At work tomorrow and Friday...then that's it. So just need to try take it easy but hopefully over the weekend I can start to recover. Everytime i cough or move the muscle hurts to the point of tears so it was pretty bad today! On the plus side I'm 36 weeks now and things will get better eventually :)
Period cramps here as well as Braxton hicks contractions last night. I want to hold out until January but my body is not enjoying life right now. I have an ob appointment at 7:30am tomorrow and I'm currently not getting any sleep so it should be a fun morning.

Happy birthday Soph!
Same here impatient, almost zero sleep. My DD has a horrid cough again and was in bed with me. She literally stopped coughing for maybe one hour in the night so that was the only time i could sleep. My OH is back to work today so no nap either.

Gotta get my arse in gear for my appointment at 9.

Is anyone badly affected by the snow or power cuts.
The snow was coming down quite thick on the outskirts of London when I drove to the pool for my swim this morning. It's stopped now but Jesus it's cold!! ❄️⛄️

Married I hope you feel better soon!

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