January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

Aww look at that Squidge in that picture 😍 too cute!

Has my last growth scan today, little miss is dinky in comparison to Logan! She's measuring 4lb 9oz at 34 weeks with a projected weight of 6lb 6oz at 39 weeks. All is ok with her, I however have borderline too much fluid so will have to see what the consultant makes of that next week. Besides that, all good :D
Sarah that is very dinky!! Cutie :)

Married, I'm going back to work in summer so earlier than everyone which sucks but I don't have a lot of choice not being paid any maternity leave, having moved houses last year our bills are much higher etc. But I work a lot from home so hoping to be able to do the odd day with baby here. Work are very flexible in that they don't mind when the work is done, as long as its done! But we shall see... I might win the Euromillions between now and then! :haha:
I’ll also be going back 2018!! Will aim for November but might be sooner depending on money. I actually went back early last time because I got fed up. Definitely could not be a sahm!! I have so much respect for anyone who can stay home but I just can’t do it.
If i have to go back to my current job i am gonna take the full year even though the last 3 months are unpaid. Mostly cause i dont want to go back. But ill be job hunting from August/September 2018 in the hope i find something more suitable. My ideal would be to find a job starting November 2018 but one which will require much less paid childcare as it is crippling.

My steriliser and bottles arrived today as did the back seat car mirror. The play mat arrived the other day. We still need to stock up on some nappies and hospital bag stuff but mostly done now. Only big ish thing to get is a baby monitor!

My mum has been storing alot of our stuff at her house and she is gonna start gradually bringing it over to us. Around xmas so the house is going to be absolutely bursting at the seams. The xmas tree will definitely be coming down boxing day!
Thanks Ladies! It was a good day, surprisingly busy but that made it go quickly and lots of people called into my office to say bye which was lovely. So so tired now though and glad to be done!

London, I keep saying the same about maybe winning the lottery and not needing to return, that would be nice!

Soph I do agree though about not wanting to be a sahm. I feel like I have a nice balance working 3 days a week, I get to go and do my thing and be respected as me, not just someone’s Mum and that in turn makes me really value my mummy days and appreciate being with him.
I'm exactly the same. I'm off until SEP 18 but weather I take it or not is an entirely different matter. I love my son more than anything in the world, but I don't have the patience to be a a full time stay at home mum. Working 3 days a week, as you do Daisies, I have time to be me in my own professional right and I need that. I've got friends that have got 4 kids that have never worked and are at home with them full time and I just think how does your sanity cope? Like I say, I love Logan to the end of the earth but there's only so much I can do children's entertainment before it drives me insane 😂 I must sound so mean! Working what I do however, means I value my time with him so much more when I do see him.

Payday today so going to order the last bits for my hospital bag I think, need a few more nighties and big pants 😂 sexy stuff!
I could probably do it once they are in school :rofl: and you have a 6 hour break each day!

I have had DD home all week and its been tough going just to entertain her especially with no energy to do anything.
I did some big pants shopping the other day. They’re not particularly attractive but they are comfy.

Woke up this morning and discovered some stretch marks. I never found any with ds until after delivery and they were really low down around my knicker line. These are much more central on my tummy and I’m not liking it at all. It’s not like I’ll be ashamed of them or anything - I’m a bikini girl and will still wear one, but these last couple of weeks are a killer. Between nausea which has reappeared, heartburn, pelvic girdle pain, broken sleep, exhaustion and now stretch marks I am well and truly pissed off with it all this morning.

Pregnancy is a miracle and a blessing, but it really takes its toll. Why do men get such an easy life?
Horrendous sickness and diarrhoea all morning. I suppose I should be grateful after 9 months of constipation. Feeling miserable
I'm so glad we are all winging together! :haha: I'm having a terrible day of it! Just as I got over my cold and feeling awful, husband brings home a dry cough and didn't stop all night! Spent all day feeling quite foggy and out of it along with inheriting this new enhanced cough which made me hurl...nausea all day too! So I totally agree...pregnancy is amazing but these last three weeks have been what feels like a make up for 32 weeks of feeling perfectly fine! :haha:

I nearly had a breakdown last night when my big food shop finally came at 9pm but all the fridge and meat as left on the van and didn't come back! So I was on the phone for 20 minutes getting a refund and having a winge about being pregnant and not wanting to visit their shop this week of all weeks :haha: oh it's just been a very poopy week!

Ahh so interesting to hear all your opinions on going back to work and when you are going back. I've been battling with the expectations and im finding it hard not knowing how I will feel! I go back September but only on half my contract for 3 months...so I'll be 3 days a week working 19 hours and still gett paid my full salary. So amazing as it is to have that benefit I'm worried it'll be a taste of a routine I'll love but can't afford!

Looking forward to next year if any of you ladies stick around being able to All talk about returning to work as the support will be invaluable!
It really is difficult at times isn't it. 2nd Tri is by far the best as it's when your not quite at that uncomfortable stage.

Compared to last time, I am significantly better off than I was back then, but I'm now really beyond the point of enjoying pregnancy. Every time I move in bed I'm grunting like a walrus on heat - my pelvis is now hurting quite badly and my breathing still is akin to an asthmatic mouse. So I really so sympathise with you ladies that are a few weeks on from me as I know the discomfort just increases :(
Right since we are all moaning.... heres my moan for today haha

I went to the consultant today as a follow up from my growth scan yesterday. The growth scan where I was told she was around 6 pound 9 ounces and measuring a good normal size mind you....

They measured my fundal height today and same with the last time they did that, I'm measuring a few weeks behind. Yes I have a small bump, a lot of people have told me that - and from what I've read the bump size has very little correlation with baby size, esp if its your first (as your body doesn't know how to stretch as easy with baby 2, 3 and so on).

So shes 'concerned' and wanted me to have an urgent growth scan to check the measurements. But at my hospital they wont do scans any closer than 2 weeks apart and as I had it yesterday and some days the scanning dept is closed Christmas, the soonest I can get one is 5th Jan. So not so urgent after all??

I'm just confused!! surely there is nothing to worry about? I have friends that have been the size of a house then have 6 pound babies but they didn't have any extra growth scans so why if the other way around?
God knowing my luck i'll still push out a 9+ pounder!!

Married - VERY frustrating about your groceries!
So they want you to have an 'urgent' scan... Which is having to be done at a not so urgent pace. Oooook then.

Bump size and baby size are honestly two different things. I don't know why they even bother to be honest with bump size half the time. I'm measuring massively ahead, I have midwife this morning who is going to send me for another GTT because of it. Although I had a growth scan two days ago which told me baby is on the small end of the spectrum... So it's going to be a wasted trip to hospital as they already know that I don't have a massive diabetic baby in there.

My only guess is they want to see if you have enough fluid in there? Which is something they should have checked anyway when you had the scan the other day. Seems like a massive waste of time to be honest.
ah ladies I'm so glad I'm part of this thread...its funny how alike we all are! I gave up my job when I had Ava but after 12 months I was climbing the walls. Don't get me wrong I love her to bits but I just felt like I lost myself and so found a job and initially went back part time and then eventually full time. I was lucky though as my mum had her 3 days a week so only paid childcare for 2...not sure what's gonna happen this time yet but I am 100% going back to work in 2019!

London - I'd try not to pay too much attention to their concerns -both growth scans and bump measuring were way out on Ava for me and I'm expecting them to be the same this time if I'm honest. They predicted her as 10lb and she was born 3 days early weighing 7lb 8oz, turned out I had a lot more fluid than they thought hence the big bump measurements. On Tuesday this baby was approaching 7lb with a predicted birth weigh on my section date of around 9lb...I honestly think he's gonna be about 8lb so will be interesting to see who is right. The main thing to be concerned about is that baby is healthy and growing which she sounds like she is so honestly try not to stress though I do appreciate its frustrating!

Aww Sarah, sounds like you have a wee little miss in there!

Well I feel like I'm being brave today...I've caught Ava's cold and have really swollen glands but I am still braving the masses and going Xmas food shopping, wish me luck :haha:
Londonkiwi that’s very good treatment to worry you but leav scan long. I’m sure it’ll be absolutely fine and they aren’t being cautious.

Felt better last night and today the sickness and dodgy tummy are back. THis better stop before Christmas
Bless you Wills. I went to the supermarket yesterday to pick up some hospital bag stuff anf stocking fillers and it was manic.

I had horrible braxton hicks and period type pains last night. I woke at 1 and was soo out of breath. Got a drink and managed to sleep until 7 ish.

No pains or anything today so not sure if its normal part of this late stage or if i over did it. My OH wants me to call the midwife but since i am not having any tightenings or pains this morning is there much point? What do you think.

My DD was breech for months so i never had the pressure of her head moving into position so maybe its just that?
Could well be the pressure of moving head down I remember that really hurting with Logan. I've not felt that same pain yet as little lady is still breech lol if you get it again, I would say to call though, even for your partner's piece of mind! If he's anything like mine, he will be pacing the walls worrying that your ok.

Ahh Soph :( I hope you are feeling better soon, that is not a nice thing to have so soon to Christmas. Take it easy and keep hydrated, that's the key, replace any fluids your loosing.

Wills, get well soon to you too sweet! Again, colds suck as there's so little we are allowed to take to alleviate them. Hope your shopping goes well! You are being brave!

Just been for my midwife appointment, was told little miss was head down two days ago, she's now firmly breech again 😂. My fundal height has evened out to what it should be for this week. If I hadn't had a scan two days ago, she would have sent me for another. She's leaving it down to my consultant next week to see if there's any more scans she wants me to have. Blood pressure is good, urinalysis is good and heartbeat is perfect so we're all ok this end!
well I'm back from shopping and luckily still breathing, its been crazy everywhere around here! We ended up popping into our local town centre for some last minute stocking fillers for DD and then hit Tesco around 11:30am to finally emerge around 2pm to head to M&S! Tesco was absolutely nuts and didn't have a single spare trolley! I've never seen anything like it, hubby ended up following a lady back to her car (with her permission :haha: ) just to have her trolley. Then they didn't have everything we wanted so ended up going to M&S for our Turkey and a few other bits where it was busy but much less manic. Hubby also bought me a lovely dressing gown for hospital so cant complain!

I had a quick nap for half hour and now I have to go and collect DD from after school club but that's me done for Xmas. I can finally sit back, relax and wait for this baby :)

Ah Jessy that sucks, I had BH a week or 2 ago and didn't realise how much they hurt as I never had them with DD. Hopefully its just baby preparing itself and not a sign of anything else but if there's any doubt I would give the midwife a ring.

Sarah - good to her little miss is doing well but fingers crossed she turns herself around!

Ah Soph, hoping you feel better soon hun x
JessyG I wouodbt worry too much about that. I’ve had similar symptoms and BH can make me so breathless. Totally understand worrying though there’s so many strange aches and pains.

Are you having a c section anyway sarahcake?

Hospital bag is finally packed!!!
Yeah I was going to say to Wills just then that it doesn't really matter if she does decide to turn or not really. C section for me regardless this time!

Glad you managed to get your shopping finished up wills! We still have stocking fillers to get here too. That's tomorrow's job.

Good work on the hospital bag! Mine is nearly done, just waiting on some nursing nighties to turn up and my lanisoh cream then we're all good!

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