January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

Lovely pictures ladies!!

I’m feeling so emotional today. I hadn’t wanted to go into labour before now because my husband is still away until 4th, but I’ve just realised I now only have a week for it to happen or it’ll be c section. I’m just so gutted at the thought I’ll never get to experience labour. It feels like such an important part of being a woman or mum and I hate the thought of not having it.
Oh soph i am so sorry you feel like that.

I must admit i dont feel any guilt at all at having a c section this time or feel like i must 'push the baby out' but i did after having the emergency with my first so i understand how you feel. Just remember regardless of how they come into this world, you are still a mum and a wonderful one at that. When is your section booked for 9th isnt it? Just think not long until you have that baby in your arms.

Happy new year everyone!
Oh Soph it's okay you'll have your baby in your arms safe and healthy so soon now!

I've had period type pain three occasions in 12 hours now. I know it could go on for weeks like tho but...this preview is very uncomfortable so god knows how bad actual labour will be for me :haha: husband is convinced it'll be here in the next week bless him
Thank ladies! I know I’m being silly but just wanted the excitement of something happening spontaneously and experiencing labour. I’m sure the elcs will be much nicer than the emcs.

Fingers crossed something happens soon marriedlaydee.

Can’t believe we are now almost at the end after all these months.
Happy New Year Ladies! Our babies will be here before we know it.

Soph, just think of the positives, come what may, by the 9th you’ll be holding your teeny baby. Regardless of how they make their way into the world you will have given birth and have that and the fact that you have grown them for 9 months to be mega proud of! It doesn’t make you any less of a woman or Mum at all.

I thought baby was coming last night. Started having fairly regular contractions from about 6.30pm. Started timing about 10pm and they got to around 5mins apart, 1min in length. Called hospital and said I wanted to go in to get checked. It was all totally manageable but with ds I got there 40mins before he was born and the car ride really scared me, I don’t want to have that again so would rather get there sooner.

Anyhow, went in, she examined me and nothing happening! Cervix thinning but not yet dilated so looks like I was being a drama queen!

I felt & still feel totally ridiculous at having a midnight journey to the hospital all for nothing. And now I feel like I don’t trust my instincts at all to know when the baby is coming.

Ugh, so over the waiting and wondering, I just want this baby to come and hopefully get to the hospital in a nice calm fashion to deliver him/her!
Happy New Year ladies!

Aww Soph, don't feel bad. Regardless of how the baby is born you have still grown a life inside of you which not everyone gets to do...its so special. I do know a but of how you feel though as I laboured for 12 hours with DD and then had EMCS and felt like I had cheated. Randomly, this time it was a joint decision between me and the consultant on an elective section due to the complications but I have no bad feeling that I might not go into labour again cos it hurts like hell!!

Married and Daisy - I think we are all getting so close to the end now and so fed up that every sign we want to be labour! Me included! Just think though ladies....by the end of THIS month we should all have our precious babies in our arms, I know I for one cant wait!

Daisy - don't beat yourself up over it, it could have been bad and regular BH, either way you were sensible enough to monitor them and seek help. Imagine it was labour and you didn't do either... I'm sure when it is time you will know so just believe in yourself.

AFM - I've been feeling really rough and sicky for the last 24 hours and noticed I appeared to be 'leaking'. I use the term loosely as I'm not sure exactly what I've been leaking (whether the baby is just pressing on my bladder) but I put a liner on just incase and since then its bone dry! Will watch and see what happens though as my stomach def feels a bit tighter and I've had the odd lightening kind of pain down below but again I think I'm symptom spotting as I want him out!!
Hey ladies! Happy new year to you all. I hope you all had a lovely time celebrating however you did :)

Soph, I'm sorry your feeling this way, I can imagine it must be quite tough wanting to know what that natural labour is like but knowing that it might not be a possibility. It makes you no less of a mum, and no less of a woman to have a baby via the sunroof, absolutely not, please don't ever think that. You, are as much as a mum as any other regardless how you choose - or don't choose how you give birth.

Being a mum starts from that first moment you find out your expecting. It's making that choice to carry on this journey and it's every other choice that you have made for baby's wellbeing directly after that fact. Those are the things that define a mother in my opinion, and those are things you have done without question. How that baby ends up in your arms at the end of that process is really, not that important in the grand scheme of things. I was induced last time as you know, and that labour was deeply unpleasant, so I have no qualms at all about my choice for a elcs :)

I'm totally with you ladies that are looking at things like is this the beginning of the end too 😂 I'm symptom spotting a million times worse than I was before I took that positive test. You should see my Google search history, It's an interesting place!

Hold on in there and do trust your instincts. Absolutely nothing wrong at all with you getting checked out Daisies, nothing at all :)

As for me, I'm still plodding along, baby is in an awkward position making it difficult for me to pee. At least that's what I'm putting it down to, urinalysis at the midwife on Friday showed no nasties so there's no UTI. Just been keeping myself busy with washing and putting away all of little miss's clothes and blankets etc. Went to IKEA the other day and bought her cot and little tallboy wardrobe for when she's ready to go into her own room! All beginning to feel very real! Weekly check over at the midwife on Friday and then repeat scan Tuesday with consultant Wednesday then we shall see after that :)
Absolute rib agony tonight and upper back pain! I'm not catching a break today! Feels a bit like how indigestion feels. Trying to hard to not groan in pain as I know labour will be a million times worse...I need to man up but I'm so uncomfortable!
Thanks ladies. Continued to have these back and tummy cramps all day today. Really hoping it’s my body starting something, and hoping that I’m not going to be in for weeks of this!

What’s the verdict on your waters Wills? Has it ramped up? What will happen if you go into labour - will you get straight in for a c section or see how labour goes?

Sarah - my symptom spotting is probably worse than prior to testing too. That month I was convinced I was out, maybe I need to channel that mindset, tell myself baby isn’t coming and then it might just prove me wrong! (Don’t think I’d be that lucky!) Do you have a date for your csection yet?

Totally agree with you on the aches Married. I keep telling myself to man up too, but the last few weeks are bloody uncomfy! At least the end is in sight!
Daisies I feel like today we are in the same place! I know this is just a preview of more intense pain to come though :haha:

On the plus side.. totally just been sick and had a miraculous 90% recovery on the rib and back pain! Wow. My body is in a weird place :haha:
It's so hard to put it to the back of your mind though isn't it! Your so far on now too that it must be driving you mental, I know it would be me 😂

No date yet, my hospital doesn't give out the dates until you are in your 38th week for the following week :-/ bit annoying I think as I would like to know exactly when! Everything is under control here, but I hate not having control over that aspect!
Only 3 more weeks to go sarah.

Daisies i think it sounds like this is the start of things for you. I dont want to get your hopes up but i think it is.

I was in the car tonight coming back from my inlaws and i was in agony my stomach and back were in pieces doesnt help the roads were bumpy and my OH doesnt drive very smoothly but i definitely wont be doing anymore drives in the next few weeks, it was horrid. At one point i thought i may have to go straight to hospital i was in that much pain thankfully my DD is adorable and kept rubbing my tummy. My OH on the other hand never even asked if i was ok.

Seriously starting to think id rather go into my section on my own than have him there too. He is that man who genuinely doesnt understand how uncomfortable it is to be heavily pregnant and basically always goes on about these women who work up until the day they go into labour or just go in and give birth without a moan or groan.

Ugh as you can tell he is doing my head in today!
Jessy felt your pain my husband drove round the roundabouts way too quick tonight, really hurt my pelvis and didn't help the extreme agony my chest was in. Luckily for me he slowed down and peed everyone off by doing 40mph :haha: so embarrassing!

I dunno why my mother In laws roast dinner has upset me so much. Like i said before was in so much pain in my upper back and chest it felt like indigestion. So took an antacid to move any trapped gas which helped but then wow...TMI it made me wretch and next thing I knew I was throwing up the dinner i ate just 2 hours before. Then the pain went away entirely. Weird! It's 1am and suffering real actual acid reflux now. I think she's inadvertently poisoned me :haha: oh but I dunno why. It's made me scared about what I eat though! :( really unpleasant stuff. Im loving that im acting like a complete wuss...it'll either toughen me up for labour or it's a sign of bad coping to come :haha:
Married - you’re totally right on 2 counts - 1. This is all going to be nothing compared to full on labour. 2. Bodies definitely are weird. As if being sick solved your rib pain!

Sarah - I guess the are some benefits to not getting dates till 38 weeks - they should have a more accurate idea of who will be in so less likely to have to change your date and sometimes I think having a definite countdown date to something makes it seem further away as you are focused on it. Not long away though really now.

Jessy, I’m hoping you’re right I really am, but I have a feeling that this is all just getting me excited for nothing. I just want to get on with it now and get baby here!

Totally agree with how frustrating men can be at times. I’m telling myself that hubs is saving his compassion for when it’s really needed. The other night he really thought baby was coming and he was absolutely brilliant - I guess as long as he is there as a good support when it’s essential I can forgive him for being a pain in the ass the rest of the time!
Jessy, you have the patience of a saint because if my other half came at me with that kind of attitude, I'd be inclined to have an 'accidental' kick in the spuds lined up to help him understand... All joking aside though, that must be incredibly frustrating for you, and I can understand why you would be contemplating going the csection alone, some men just can't emphasize at all, they have to have gone through it themselves to understand and in this case, they can't. Not long to go now though and it will all be over.

Married, oh bless you I had horrendous indigestion with my son, not anywhere near as bad with this one. The best thing I found, wasn't gaviscon but Peptac, I stocked up on it from the doctors this time around as I thought I'd be the same but I'm not. I would recommend maybe asking for a prescription if it carries on though because it is awful and your so close to the end now it would be a shame for you to be worrying about food and things on top of imminent labour!
Ladies it'll all be worth it when we see their faces as they hold our babies....I can't wait to see that look! :haha:

However right now I could happily smother him as he's snored every night for the last week cos of his darn dry cough he can't shift. #saveme

Hurrah, 37 weeks and officially full term! I know this monkey is gonna keep me waiting for at least 4 weeks!!!
39 + 1 today!
Finally feel like I’ve got a proper bump!
Midwife tomorrow.

Hubby is also hopeless and drives like a maniac! But as with you ladies hoping he is useful when I really need him haha.

Off for my morning swim then going to go shopping, need a couple of bits so may as well go while feeling energetic!


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afternoon ladies, I'm still here and still pregnant!

Had a bit more leakage last night but then nothing really today. Also had an upset stomach and what I think were BH's but again I've been ok today apart from pressure pain... I just want this little one out lol

Daisies - I don't really have a plan if I go into labour...what I said to the consultant was i'd like to try but if baby is back to back then I want a section so depends on how he is if I went into labour if that makes sense...I don't want them attempting to turn him as that's when everything went wrong with my DD's birth.

I really do think he's gonna hang in there until the section though as I think hes so darn comfy!

London - nice bump! Cant believe you're still swimming etc. I only have to walk up the stairs and you'd think I've run a marathon :haha:
Sorry wills hun my memory is horrific now, when is yout c section booked for is it 12th or am i making it up in my head!?

I didnt speak to my OH all last night and he has been texting me at work today being super nice. Hopefully he realises he was being a douche!

Had yet another lazy day in the house. My DD starts school nursery on monday (she was in private before but took her out over christmas) i imagine lots of tears but its only 4 hours a day 4 days as week so hoping to finish my hospital bag next week. I need to pick up some more maternity pads breast pads, and then pack the babies clothes and my clothes for leaving hospital.

Still need a baby monitor but think thats it!

The car is getting cleaned next tuesday then we will get the car seat base and seat fitted into the car!
close Jessy lol its Thursday 11th and yes I'm counting down the days! I don't remember feeling this tired and rough on DD so maybe I carry girls better but I want him out now, my hospital bag is ready and waiting!!

Thanks for the reminder about the monitor though...I was looking a few weeks ago and couldn't decide and had forgotten about it so might have a nose about for half hour online now.

I too need to wash the car and put isofix base in ready, infact I think that may be my plan for tomorrow and I'll put my pram together too as I've not done that yet.

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