January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

Not long now then wills :D how exciting! I've heard a few people now say that carrying a boy is harder, I had a rough time last time but I feel a lot better this time around. Still want it to be done now though lol

Nesting has officially set in today, I have cleaned clean dirt, sorted my son's wardrobe - got rid of the clothes that don't fit anymore, cleaned his room from top to bottom, tidied his toys and rearranged his books, tackled clothes mountain (clean washing that has piled up) taken the Christmas decs down (well, the ones I can reach!) Cleaned the kitchen and washed and put away the last of little miss's clothes.

I'm sat in bed now having an early night watching TV with the other half and I still have this incredible urge to get up and start washing down windows and window sills of all things! Logan is back to school tommorrow so that will probably be on the agenda whilst I have some peace!

I'm not someone who does housework for the love of it, my home is clean because it has to be but I've really enjoyed today lol what's happening to me!
I have only had one day where i properly felt like i was nesting. Haha. I loved how clean everything was but today has been about doing whats necessary so washing and ironing making tea, tidying up toys and playing endless games with DD.

So we have section dates 9th for Soph 11th for Wills and 18th for me unless we all go into labour early! Sarah let us know when you know your date too.
I’m envious of you ladies who know that you have a definite end date. A c section is by no means an easy route I’m sure, but I’m sure it must be nice to have that end date and be able to plan for it. Due date for me is on Sunday, but knowing that they would probably leave me till 21st before induction is killing me. I’m thinking positive in that every day baby stays inside, it’s birthday is that bit further away from Christmas which is nicer, but I don’t want to be pregnant any more!

I’m so done with feeling rubbish. I’ve got a shocking cold so between pelvic girdle pain, heart burnt, these Braxton Hicks/contractions - whatever they are, having to get up to wee multiple times a night and then the cold on top, I feel rotten! (Can you tell I’m feeling sorry for myself!)

Ds is at the childminder tomorrow. I’m off to get my nails done and then plan on coming home and getting back into bed and having a total chill day. I have plenty of jobs I could be doing but tomorrow I’m thinking of me first and putting my feet up!

I’ve had a couple of days where nesting has kicked in and I’ve got loads done, but isn’t it frustrating that everything is then a mess again a day or two later!
I’m due on Monday...

And like you said Daisies, it’s nice for their birthday to be a bit further away from Christmas but I’m quite happy for her to come anytime now as I am going back to work in summer so I guess every extra day counts.

My hospital said they induce 7-10 days after due date so I guess she will be here by 18th at the latest.

Midwife tomorrow morning for me!
All we have is an audio monitor...really want one with the sensor pads and video and room temp display...but so expensive! Hubby said to just get it cos it'll put our minds at rest but £140 for the angelcare one...well I just don't want to spend that much as our total fund is about £2000 now and that's got to cover my salary shortfall until end of August. I've been looking on places line eBay and Facebook marketplace but £60-£80 for one that I have to then drive to collect from FB Marketplace seller...well I can't be bothered and still can't commit :haha:

I got our isofix base from FB Marketplace person though! £45 rather than £100 brand new. Had a good look at it, no damage and she said it was use maybe 5 times in the grandparent's car. We put it in the car on Saturday and so much happier with it now compared to it being seatbelt secured! It was worryingly wobbly despite no slack in the belt.
As soon as I get my date I shall update, although by that point, I would imagine that you all would already have your babies as I'm due last I believe!

My day has been very different to yesterday so far. I feel like death warmed up, sick, dodgy tummy, didn't sleep at all last night so much get up and go has well and truly gone, and I have quite bad backache. I must have overdone it a bit yesterday.

Logan is back at school however so it's been a good day for me to feel like this as I've not had to play endless games with him - which I know sounds awful but sometimes you just need peace!
Midwife soon and she will try and do sweep. I’m only 39+1 and having no symptoms so I doubt she will be able to do it but worth a try. Really nervous because I didn’t have any of those last time due to early CS. Not used to having people fiddle about down there!!!!!
Just been to the midwife - no sweep for me (39+2)
Booked me in for another appt next weds if no baby by then.

She said her head is very low and she’s in a good position so guess I’ll just keep waiting :)
Ah London and Soph how exciting! Try to keep busy even if it's only mentally and not physically :haha:

Just been to asda to pick up a couple things. Knackered now! Also woke up with a crick in my neck so I'm miserable for the rest of the day now lol
Well I’m 1-2cm dilated so she managed sweep easily. I doubt it’ll come to anything but worth a try. Everything is all signed for c section on Tue and pre-op appointment is booked for Friday! Feeling more organised now I know what’s happening.
I had a scan this morning due to reduced movements last week. He is measuring 8lb 6oz at 37 weeks! Cord flow was good and fluid level was within their normal range for this stage of pregnancy but it has got me worrying. Its 3.9 atm and the range is between 3-10 apparently so only just above normal. I cant help worry but just gonna have to keep an eye on movements and drink loads. 2 weeks tomorrow is my date for section. Meant to have a midwife app this avo but was told to cancel it as they did all my obs today at the hospital.
How exciting Soph!!
You'll prob have the first bubs.... I'm not sure i'll be going into labour before then, although I've always thought that this baby will come on her due date (if she takes after her organized mother of course!).

Jessy, try not to worry... I'm sure that all will be fine. I have my notes beside me as was at the midwife earlier. I had a scan at 37+2, baby was measuring 6 pound 9 and the fluid was 4.1 which they have written on the notes is normal?? (although I have no knowledge so just have to believe what they say!).
You are growing a healthy baby in there I'm sure! And not long until you get to meet each other :)
and now ive just googled amniotic fluid and google tells me that 4.1cm is NOT normal!!

But my notes say:

Hmmm should I be worried?!!!!???

Ok so after a lot of frantic googling I think I’m “normal”
My notes say the ‘deepest pool is 4.1cm’ and apparently 2-8cm is normal!


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Oh god londonkiwi i am so sorry i worried you aswell. Yeah mine says 3.9 normal but when she said normal was between 3-10 i instantly started to panic! I think it is normal but i am a worrier so without even thinking i start to google!
Soph that sounds good, if you’re 1-2 already and been having no symptoms then that might just get everything going. Not pleasant though are they!

Jessy, don’t worry about the fluid. If it was of concern to them they’d have booked you back in for sometime soon to re-check. I think sometimes all the info we get is actually a negative - if someone told me all was good I’d believe it, but if they gave me a range and where I fell in it then I’d read loads into it. Like you say, just keep an eye on movements, I’m sure he’s doing great.

Google is dangerous - I always scare myself when researching things like that!
Haha google is def my best and worst friend!!
So helpful..... except when you’re worrying!

I think Daisies is right... if they were concerned they would prob check it more regularly.
I’m in again Friday for the growth scan due to my small bump so I shall ask them about it.

Now.... I just need to block google from my phone :haha:
Exciting! Interesting the differences in what midwife's will and won't do in different areas though, one will do a sweep, another won't do it. I didn't find them to be of much use last time but I know of plenty of people that it really kick-started things for!

Honestly Google is the absolute worst when it comes to things like this. Mine from my last scan at 34 weeks says normal fluid deepest pool 5.5cm so it seems there's quite a broad spectrum of normal. If it really plays on your mind, give your midwife a call and talk to them. There is so much information online though and that's not always a good thing as it's so easy for fact to get mixed in with people's experiences and then you end up with all kinds of differing opinions and things.
Is everyone planning on breastfeeding or ia anyone sure they are going to bottle feed. I tried with my DD but she wouldnt latch for love nor money so i am preparing for the same to happen again. I had a perfect prel machine last time and it was a life saver but since then i have read awful reviews on them so i am gonna steer clear this time. The whole making up a bottle freah every time is daunting especially with a screaming baby wanting his bottle. I am gonna try the flask of freshly boiled water and a jug of cold boiled water in the fridge and do the whole hot water add powder then top up with the cooled boiles water to get it to temp. Still feels like alot of faff i just hope i can breastfeed this time haha cheaper and easier!!
I breastfed my son initially. Did the first couple of weeks and he was doing amazingly, hardly dropped any birth weight and was really piling on the weight!

I however was just an emotional mess. Breastfeeding is really bloody hard. You’re the only one who can feed the baby, and that ended up making me feel a bit resentful & frustrated if I was just off getting ready and my husband was coming to me with a crying baby wanting to be fed.

I think I’d probably gone into it a bit naive thinking it’s natural, therefore got to be easy, and the dependence on me really wore me out so after 2 and a bit weeks we moved him into formula.

This time I plan to start breastfeeding and see how we go. I can see definite advantages to breastfeeding while having a toddler to take care of too - no bottles to prep, and a free hand to play with the toddler while baby feeds.

Overall though I just want me & my family to be happy and content. I’m not pressuring myself in any way, whatever happens with feeding happens.

Interesting that you’re avoiding the perfect prep this time Jessy. We didn’t have one last time but I’m thinking of getting one this time round if we move to formula.

I’ve heard bad reviews too, but surely if you’re cleaning it all out regularly and using as per the instructions it should be fine?

I can’t help but wonder if the whole hype against them has been put out there by the breastfeeding hardcore mob?! Controversial thought!
I'm thinking the same as you Daisies... whatever happens with feeding happens.

I plan to try and breastfeed (I have massive boobs so hopefully she wont feel suffocated lol) and maybe the odd bottle at night so my husband can do some late feeds.

We got the perfect prep machine as recommended by friends. Funny as I only got it out of the box today and was reading all the instructions and reviews etc.

It says to replace the filter every 3months so I will do that to avoid any issues... I had heard they got a bit of a bad rep lately. But my husband insisted on getting one as all his male friends said they were a life saver.

So yeah... plan will be to do a bit of combination feeding but I shall see what happens when she gets here :)

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