January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

My OH wants me to buy a perfect prep machine but i want to wait it out a bit. Once i have had my first break down in the middle of the night (and it will happen hahaha) i may reconsider.

I want to be prepared for formula this time. I even have those little instant bottles for taking to the hospital incase it doesnt work again.
I also got the instant bottles just incase, they are in the hospital bag ready to go!
Great minds. I remember being handed an sma bottle on day 2 when she wasnt feeding and i couldnt express anymore. It hurt but i am prepared for it this time and want to use cow and gate thsi time as SMA didnt agree with my DD and we endes up on aptimal
I got the cow and gate also.
Cow & gate and Aptimal are actually made by the same company (my Brother in law works for them) but Cow & Gate are cheaper so it was an easy decision made :)
Were planning to try and breastfeed here, but I'm not pressuring myself. Last time, due to a traumatic birth, my body just shut up shop on the milk production front and it just wasn't enough. Midwife's had me at a pump or with baby there pretty much 24 hours a day and when I just couldn't take it anymore and swapped to formula, I was treated like the absolute worst parent in the world. It really affected me to be honest but I refuse to let it this time.

I'm going into hospital with the best intentions but I also have a 4 pack of ready made cow and gate in my bag ready, bottles and a perfect prep machine at home ready for if I just decide nope...not doing this. It is hard work, even when it does go smoothly.

London, I'm actually of the same controversial viewpoint as you, every single person I've ever spoken to that has owned a perfect prep has given it rave reviews. They love it. Yet there's all these bad reviews... I think it is the sanctimommy BF crowd that is giving them the bad reviews.

I should clarify that I don't find all BF mothers to be sanctimommys but you know the type I mean... Lol

I've just got up to do the school run and I'll be heading right back to bed after. Feel terrible today. No one thing that's bad just a culmination of lots of things that results in me feeling wiped out. Up every 30-40 minutes to pee last night, feel nauseous, crampy and dodgy lower back, slightly flu like too - like a mild sniffle but something there and I just look like arse so I'm taking some time out today to catch up on some sleep lol

Hope you ladies are all well :)
wow Soph, wont be long then. Looks like you'll def be the first one of the group to have the baby as the rest of us are seemingly plodding on lol

All this talk of fluid, just looked at my notes and there's not a single note in there about my levels so I don't know if that's necessarily a good or a bad thing - might check when I have my pre-clerking next Weds and ask them if they scan me. Its crazy to think this time next week I might have already had the baby! I will def be in the hospital waiting to go in unless he makes an early entrance (which I doubt!).

Jessy - I've chosen to bottle feed and have bought a PP machine as I've heard great things about them from friends who have used them without any issues. I'll just keep it clean and follow instructions and keep an eye for any issues. I'm also going to do the same as I did with DD when out and about. I bought the little milk tub things where you measure out the formula in advance and then I had a little flask with boiling water in...worked just fine for her and even used to do it for bed so I didn't have to go downstairs!!
I'm also following the crowd and using C&G as I tried Aptamil on DD and she was very sickly and suffered colic quite bad, switched her to C&G and she was much better. Don't your hospitals provide the little milk bottles when you're in? Mine does so I haven't bought any but I'm thinking it might be wise to grab a pack just in case now!

Ah Sarah, hope you're feeling better soon, it sucks when you're feeling ill. I've had similar issues for the last couple of days and even convinced myself at one point it was my body preparing for birth but nothing has come of it lol I'm now also down to about 2 maybe 3 hours sleep a night so I'm def ready for a new-born and overnight feeds
I was in a different town last time i gave birth and they did give little bottles of milk but they didnt ask if you had a preference and jusy handed us an SMA bottle which we later discovered didnt agree with my DD.
My hospital don't provide you with any milk.
They tell you that they are pro-breastfeeding so don't provide anything. However they make you aware that there are kitchen facilities available for anyone who would like to use formula.

I'm hoping that if I cant breastfeed they don't give me a hard time. I personally am not going to beat myself up about it, I want to enjoy being a new mum so the little instant bottles will be my back up so I'm not judged walking into the kitchen to prepare a bottle!!
I don't think mine provide anything bottle wise either. I'm not even going to have the arguements with the midwife's, just go in with bottles prepared for if it doesn't work out.

London, you do what you feel is best for you and baby. Do not let them make you feel crap for your decision. I was made to feel awful with Logan but I'm on the other end now with a 5 year old who is happy, and healthy and in no way has sufferered for a lack of breast milk in his diet as a baby. If they try and give you a hard time and even guilt trip you just think about how many thousands of children are running about right now, thriving, who were bottle fed. Fed is best, it doesn't matter in the long run how. I'm trying BF again this time because it is free, but I have zero qualms changing over!

It's rough isn't it, I'm in the same position in that I'm totally ready for a newborn. I remember I felt like I got more rest with Logan being physically here - even with the feeding in the night, than I did before he decided to vacate!!
Popped into town and bought a C&G starter pack and also a milk powder dispenser from boots and also took back the duplicate Mothercare order - apparently they have a lot of trouble with paypal orders as paypal and their system don't communicate very well so customers never get confirmation...note to self - don't be lazy next time and just pay on my card! If anyone is still looking for stuff they have a load of items in the sale. I picked up a lovely winnie the pooh bed in a bag for £27 instead of around £100! They also had perfect prep machines and stuff but I didn't look how much as I already have one x
London, at the end of the day its your baby and ultimately your decision whether you BF or not. There's always gonna be people who have an opinion one way or the other but the one that counts is yours and I'm sure YOU will do what's best for YOUR baby so don't be pressured by anyone else's opinion xx
It really annoys me with breastfeeding how people feel they have the right to be so vocal with their opinion that ‘breast is best’.

You have to do whatever is best for you and your family. If your baby is feeding, growing and developing then you are doing your job of parenting that baby. End of discussion.

Having a new baby is amazing, but it’s sad how many people you speak to who feel like the whole breastfeeding thing wasn’t what they expected and the sadness and failure they felt when they couldn’t do it, or didn’t want to do it. For probably the first 18 months my son was here I felt guilt over stopping, but like Sarah says, he’s now getting towards 3 and he’s amazing and I now see that I have done nothing wrong by him. Stopping breastfeeding when I did made me a much happier mum, which in turn has got to have made things better for him.
Thanks for your opinions ladies... means a lot!

I personally have been telling myself that I will breastfeed (if I can) and I wont be beating myself up if I cant. She will still be a healthy little girl, as you said Daisies, surely being a happier mum has a positive impact on the baby :) I also plan to do a bit of combination feeding, the odd bottle at night so I can have a little bit of a life back and my husband can help out.

Today I've hardly sat down! Went for a swim this morning, stripped two beds, washed the sheets and made them again, did another 2 loads of washing, cleaned a couple of cupboards, went to the supermarket, I'm now cooking dinner - then I can relax :happydance:
I'm not one of those people that can just sit and watch TV all day... but I think ive deserved a relaxing evening!

Husband is on call for work today so he's heading out again tonight... Bless him, he's hoping the baby comes tomorrow as he wants to avoid going to his uncles 60th tomorrow night lol.
I haven't actually at all prepared us for formula feeding when I should maybe anticipate it...if BF doesn't work there will be a mad rush to buy bottles and formula oops! I do have three bottles actually that cane with my breast pump so I guess if it doesn't go as planned when we get home it's just getting my head around formula and maybe a prep machine. They sound great! Would be nice to have help at night, I'm fully read up on the emotional and physical demand of BF so fingers crossed my body keeps up as it would be nice for 3 or 6 months to not worry about expense of formula as we are going to be quite tight unfortunately. I have absolutely no judgement for bottle or breast, it's blooming hard and circumstances can affect ability to BF! No one should ever shame anyone.

I got the all clear for Strep B today hurrah. Was worth £35 for the test as I kept thinking about it and worrying so at least that's off my mind!

I'm back in bed myself! Had an energy spurt earlier and hoovered and dusted the car ready for baby so I'm glad I got that done. Nice clean car ready for baby to come in 2-4 weeks!!!
Serious nesting going on. Thinking baby may be here next week
Oooooh excited jcliff. Did you go early with your other two?

I have been feeling utter garbage the last 2 days. I get up feeling ok then a headache and sick feeling comes over me and i need to go lie down again for a bit. Thankfully my DD is happy to lie in the bed with me and play with her babies or watch tv. After an hour or so i am feeling much better, strange.

My mum came over with my pram today eeeek i love it. It looks quite big and sturdy which i love, prefer the pushchair bit to the carrycot but then if i remember right DD was only in the carrycot for 5 months then into pushchair. Its all becoming quite real. We also ordered our baby monitor. My OH work give really good discounts on baby monitors so got a video one which i wasnt intending on doing.

His boss also called him and said he is entitled to 2 weeks full pay and he can take 1 week holiday so will be off for 3 weeks rather than 8 days which os what we thought. So so so pleased!
We'll be attempting to bfeed and see how it goes, hoping this baby will take some bottles as well better than the older two did.

That's great news about DH's work Jessy.

Jcliff fingers crossed the nesting is a sign of baby coming soon.

I've never been strep b positive before and am not looking forward to having to go in earlier this time. Is the test optional for you guys as an added cost married?

I finally started losing my mucous plug and hoping he decides to make an appearance soon.
That's fantastic about your OH's time off Jessy! That will help so much. Always nice to have that support in the very early days, I don't think men get given enough time off personally.

Oooo impatient things could be starting to move forward for you now then! That's good! I was never offered a test for strep B, not with this one or my son. As far as I was aware, it was a test we could pay extra for if we wanted it but I wasn't advised to or even spoken to about it either times.

As for me, had midwife this morning. She's a bit concerned about the back pain and tummy pain I'm feeling. Asked me to go home and take some paracetamol see if it shifts - which it's not, and contact triage to see if they can check dilation as she's not allowed to before 38 weeks.

I feel sick as a pig off and on and my belly just feels... Iffy. Girlie is moving around like crazy however so I'm not concerned there's anything up with her, just me. I'm gonna hold off calling triage as my OH isn't feeling very well as it is, he's struggling through his work day and no matter how much I tell him dont stress, I'm ok, don't panic. He will stress, panic and insist on coming hospital with me when I don't really need him to for a check over.
London - sounds like you had a mega productive day yesterday. I need to get that way myself. These last couple of days I’ve felt rubbish with a cold & lack of sleep, hoping if baby hasn’t arrived next week then I can get the energy to make the most of Mon-Weds while ds is at the childminder/nursery and get stuff done.

Married - if you’ve got the bottles and ability to sterilise them (can always boil up) then I’d not worry too much for now. There’s enough 24 hour supermarkets for someone to be able to run and get some formula if needed. Last time I just read up and looked at what I would want to get if needed (ie steriliser, bottles, formula) and was glad I had as I didn’t need to make decisions when I was a hormonal wreck, but I didn’t want to go buying stuff that I didn’t know I would need.

Jessy that’s great that your OH will be off 3 weeks. Mine is off for 2 the same as last time, and it went so quickly. I’d love for him to tag a week holiday on but can’t justify it really, he only gets stat holidays and it seems a waste for him to take a week so early in the year when he can save them for holidays and family days in the summer.

What video monitor have you gone for? We want to get one but I’ve no idea which to go for, and kind of can’t be bothered looking into them!

Jcliff did you get the nesting urge with your others? On the day I had my son I was mopping the floor while having contractions - I wasn’t sure they were the real deal and had a strong urge to get everything clean so I think it can be a sign of things starting.

Let us know how you get on if you go to triage Sarah. I’ve been having backache and stomach twinges all week and really hoping it means my body is getting ready, I want to meet this baby now!
that's great news Jessy about your OH! Also fab about the discount - as Tesco say every little helps!
Luckily for me we live on a farm which is my husbands obvious full time employment. Whilst he does contract machinery etc. to other farms Jan-April is a quieter time for us as we usually lamb our sheep between these dates so he can pop in and out whenever it suits him.

I've never been spoken to about strep B and if I'm honest I have no idea what it is? will go on google in a min lol!!

Impatient - hopefully baby wont keep you waiting too long!

Sarah - sucks you still aren't feeling too good and I know exactly what you mean when you say your OH worries, my hubby is exactly the same. I only have to have a slight gasp or something with pain and he's straight there looking at me all concerned bless him! If you have any doubt about how you're feeling though I would ring Triage even if only for advice...better to be safe than sorry but on a positive note of little miss is having a good wiggle about then at least its reassurance she's doing ok. Let us know how you're feeling in a bit x

AFM nothing to report! Still sleeping crap, still have pressure pain but no signs of losing plug etc. I'm going to go out and clean my car in a bit and install the isofix base and then will put my pram together this afternoon as I still haven't done that yet. That's about all I have planned for today :)

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