January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

Hi all,

Happy it’s Friday! Means I have my husband home, he’s been on call for work all week so hardly seen him.

Just had my final scan (39+4) and all measurements are looking very normal apart from her excessively long legs which are measuring almost in the 95th percentile!

Estimated weight today was 7 pound 4

Back to waiting for this little lady to show her face!
My mum has convinced me to get a prep machine but i insisted it must be black so it goes with my black and chrome kitchen accessories :haha:

I am sooo glad its saturday tomorrow as my OH is around. We are going to see despicable me 3 at the cinema then to pizza hut for lunch. Looking forward to it. Sunday i intend to chill completely then monday my DD starts her new nursery at 8:30am so i need to be much more organised. I have a midwife at 11:20 then pick her up at 12:30 (assuming she has settled in ok for the full 4 hours)

Impatient hopefully you dont have long to go. I am due so late in the month if i wasnt having a c section id prob not give birth until 31st Jan! With a 10lb baby the way this lad is going!

Oh my mum brought over my pram. And i love it soooo much!

We went for the bt baby video monitor 3000. Think its about 80 normally but we got it for 50ish
Haha Jessy I’m the exact same!
I had to get a black prep machine so it went with everything.

Our pram is still in the box 🙈 guess we should get it out and set it up, give us something to do this weekend!
Thanks for the concern ladies :)
I got home and took some paracetamol as suggested and it's not really done anything, but on the other hand, it's not getting any worse so I decided to stay at home. I will absolutely call if it gets worse in the night however but I just didn't see the point for my current level of pain. It could be something, but it's more likely to be nothing so we shall see :)

Aww I'm glad all is looking good for little miss, London. That's a good weight right there :)

Sounds like you have a good day planned Jessy! Enjoy yourselves. All my kitchen goods are white so I insisted that our prep machine was white 😂 funny the things that you must have isn't it haha!
Strep B was something I found out about through my friend in America...out there it's a routine test. In the UK the NHS refuses to pay for it as they believe (if you translate) it's a waste their money because they dont believe there's enough of a risk. That may be true but if a woman has strep B it can be very serious. Instead it's monitored when you go into labour and after birth to check for the signs. So I decided I wanted to pay for the private test to ease my worries as my friend in America had it. Meant she went straight onto antibiotics when labour started so that strep didn't get passed on.
If I'd been positive they tell my doctor to make sure antibiotics is administered when labour starts.

My midwife never spoke to me about it and I read up that that they're supposed to actually tell you about the risks of it! This made me a bit angry because clearly not many midwives across the country talk about it. I think it's always best to be informed about it. I'm not saying anyone should worry because they seem confident that they look for the signs anyway...but when I realised I should have been told about it...some of the trust went and I personally felt better knowing i don't have it. Considering 1 in 5 women have it it made me feel better (if you have strep B you don't always pass it on through the birth canal it's just a possibility) I'm a little bit extra paranoid after having abnormal cells last year on my cervix so this was a good choice for me to feel better.

Anyway, I have midwife Tuesday morning..an hour before my physio for the pelvic girdle pain, dentist on Wednesday and ultrasound Thursday...I think I need to take it easy this weekend in prep for a lot of energy being spent next week :haha:
Morning ladies,

How's everyone doing today, any new signs/symptoms?

Not sure if things are starting to happen for me or whether I'm being a drama queen lol Since about 11pm last night the pressure pain has ramped right up, I've got constant back ache and I think I'm having infrequent contractions. I say think as the pain is low down (roughly belly button downwards) and everything I've read says contractions start at the top of the uterus/stomach? I'm also not sure if I'm starting to lose my plug as I've had streaky discharge this morning - if I am maybe its this causing the pain?! I just don't know as I never lost it on DD lol all I do know is when the pain comes on it hurts to sit/stand even breathe...why cant Thursday be closer lmao I'm such a wuss!!!

Married - I too did a bit of googling about strep B and it seems that if you have a section you are given a broad range of anti-biotic which would combat this so maybe that's why they haven't spoken to me? At least for you its given you the peace of mind you needed and so was worth the money x
Lol busy week for you next week too...I def agree you should rest up in preparation!

London - 7lb 4oz is a good weight, not too big and not too little. Just a tip as not sure what size clothes you are taking into hospital for LO. My DD was 7lb 8oz when she was born and I'd taken 0-3 as I was expecting a bigger baby and they were way too big so just incase they have the weight wrong take something newborn too...not too much as you could always grab a few bits once you know babies size but I was totally unprepared last time lol
That said, I've just come to the realisation I've only packed 0-3 this time... admittedly they've estimated my LO at 9lbish but I think I'd better go and put a newborn baby grow in my bag as well :haha:

Jessy - great saving on the monitor! I wanted one where I could have 2 parent units like I had with DD so I could have one permanently in LO's room and then one downstairs that can move about with me (for when LO is a bit older...) and ended up getting the angelcare AC401 movement and sound set. It retails about £130 but I managed to get it from somewhere called pramworld (online) for around £98 with free next day delivery so not too bad. It also comes with the breathing mat things but I don't think I'll use that - would frighten the life out of me if it went off incorrectly!

Right, I'm off for a lie down with a hot water bottle as I've had about 6 bouts of pain whilst typing this message! Will check in on you all a bit later xx
Wills would be great if something was happening!!
I am due in 2 days and I feel like I'm so far from having a baby, I don't even feel pregnant today!!
Been swimming every day this week and plan to go on a long walk this weekend so trying to get things moving.

Funny you mention it Wills, I was quite confused when packing my hospital bag as she seems 'normal' weight but she has really long legs so I wasn't sure about sizes so I put in 4 baby grows... one new born, one up to 1 month and two 0-3 months so hopefully I have all bases covered for her! Then if need be I can send my Husband out to buy something, the hospital is literally next door to a huge shopping centre.

A friend is coming to visit for lunch today and we were contemplating the cinema tonight... Think we'll play it by ear.

Have a nice weekend ladies!
We had a movement monitor with DD and she was such a deep sleeper (when she was eventually asleep..not very often!) And thevalarm went off alot. I stopped using it around 6 months as she moved about too much at that stage.

We went to see despicable me 3 at the cinema today with DD, had a pizza hut lunch then popped to dunelm to get a lamp for our living room (we have two but one corner is still quite dark) ended up getting DD a wee cheap lamp even though she has one AND a new rug! We always talk about getting a new rug but never do. Both my OH and I are quite impulsive when it comes to jusy splurging cash on stuff. Its not a great idea!
It's great to hear feedback about movement monitors...maybe we should stick with our audio only for now, DH badly wants the video one lol! Don't see much point until past 6 months though?

I've been having the rib, back shoulder blade pain and menstrual cramps again today. Just taken some paracetamol and seems to be helping. Ive done so well not taking anything for 9 months now I popping them like my life depends on it :haha: (not really, only the two today) it's been like this since Monday now but not everyday. I'm sure it'll start to be more frequent by next week. I did have proper intense 'contractions' last night for a little bit! I know it was just the practise run but that's been the strongest so far.

I know someone who was due the same day as me in 17 days...had her baby on Thursday! She's so cute I can't believe I have a baby in me right now just as perfect and fully formed :)
I’ll have a look at that monitor Jessy, I have absolutely no idea where to start with looking at them, so just knowing of someone else who has picked one is a good start.

My midwife has never mentioned strep b to me either. I bet they avoid the topic so that it doesn’t turn into a conversation about what they do (or don’t!) to detect it.

Wills hope it is happening for you! Good advice on the clothes. Ds was 8lb 9oz and I’d packed newborn and 0-3, fully expecting to only use the 0-3, but he needed newborn. I think in part because they’re so curled up when they’re new that the 0-3 stuff just drowned him!

I’ve got an urge to go to dunelm & Ikea, we’ve recently decorated our living room and now the Christmas decs are gone it looks a bit bare and in need of some accessories.

Married I was saying the same thing to dh earlier. Even though I’m clearly massively pregnant and due to pop, I’m almost not realising that there’s a little person in my belly. So surreal to think that any time now he or she will make their arrival and I’ll get to see who’s been there all this time!
Girls how much did you pay for your prep machines?
Thats a great price! Its 69.99 most places at the moment. I dont want to leave it incase it goes back up to 100+ but also hoping it may go in sale further but seeing as i have less than 2 weeks left i dont have much time! :haha:
I think Tesco are having a baby event this month so maybe it might go down again??
But yes Sod’s law if you don’t get it now, when you need it then it will be back to a normal price!!
I think a few places have got baby events coming up, I’m sure Aldi have got one too soon so they may all be around the same time so some good offers might come up.
Honestly, we bought ours from a family friend who had used it twice for £10. Bought a new filter for it and some bits to clean it even though it's pretty much brand new for another tenner roughly. Both Asda and Tesco have baby sales on at the moment however, I believe that Asda has them for £60 at the moment.
I’ll have a look at that monitor Jessy, I have absolutely no idea where to start with looking at them, so just knowing of someone else who has picked one is a good start.

My midwife has never mentioned strep b to me either. I bet they avoid the topic so that it doesn’t turn into a conversation about what they do (or don’t!) to detect it.

Wills hope it is happening for you! Good advice on the clothes. Ds was 8lb 9oz and I’d packed newborn and 0-3, fully expecting to only use the 0-3, but he needed newborn. I think in part because they’re so curled up when they’re new that the 0-3 stuff just drowned him!

I’ve got an urge to go to dunelm & Ikea, we’ve recently decorated our living room and now the Christmas decs are gone it looks a bit bare and in need of some accessories.

Married I was saying the same thing to dh earlier. Even though I’m clearly massively pregnant and due to pop, I’m almost not realising that there’s a little person in my belly. So surreal to think that any time now he or she will make their arrival and I’ll get to see who’s been there all this time!

Ahh I love that last bit, 'see who's been in there all this time' :baby: :wave:

Ok officially excited again! Spent the last two hours awake itching all over and bad heartburn so that's a good cheer-me-up lol.
Nothing says happy Sunday morning like heartburn and itching lol I hope that goes away for you soon married!

Bit tmi... Had a constipated bowel movement last night and after had some pink CM. Not sure if the pushing had irritated my cervix or not but I've had more of a greeny cm this morning, no more pink tinged. Sorry, bit gross but I didn't have any of this random cm stuff last time! Do we think I may have just... Overexerted myself or is that a sign that things are moving?
Hey ladies, just checking in and on one hand am sad to say I'm still pregnant lol but on the other I know it wont be too long! I'm still having the pains etc and like you Sarah have streaky CM every time I wipe so I think things are definitely happening. TMI alert but I even felt it coming out earlier similar to a period...was quite weird :haha: I spoke to my sisters MIL yesterday as she is a retired midwife and she said its likely my body is dilating but I'm not in active labour just yet...she did say though that the minute my waters go or I have stronger more frequent pains to get myself to hospital as a 2nd baby can come really quickly! I guess its just a waiting game to see if baby is ready to come out before my section next Thursday however I'm taking comfort that at worst I only have another 3 full days before my section and I'm hoping then I'm the first one down to theatre!!

Jessy - I got mine in Asda for £50 about 4 months ago as they periodically reduce them. I know both John Lewis and Kiddicare have them on offer for £70 with free delivery at the moment as it came up on my Facebook ad section!

London - any signs with you? Its your due date tomorrow isn't it?

Cant believe how close we all are now, its so exciting.

Married - I totally get what you mean about thinking of a fully fledged little person in there and also forgetting about being pregnant. then I go to move or do something and then I'm like yep, I'm pregnant!!

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