January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

3 days is not long at all! From the sounds of it though, it's going to be an interesting 3 days of seeing weather that baby is going to come out of their own accord!

Are you happy to go into labour on your own being as you have the section booked? I'm in two minds, I know they would prefer that I try if I was to go into labour in the next week and part of me actually wants that to happen as the recovery I know is easier than a section but the thought of labour after last time petrifies me. But then it would be different as it's not an induction.
I never even thought to ask what would happen if i went into labour before my section date. It cant come quick enough now. I am sore everywhere! I did the food shop this morning while OH took DD to look at the toys. That way he was there to help pack the bags at the end. Got a toothbrush (an old one haha) and cleaned all the windows and sills. My OH has cleaned out the car ready for the guy coming on tuesday to valet it. Pretty much packed my hospital bag except my clothes now gotta get tea on. Ugh i am exhausted and want to sleep!
Ah I’m so envious Wills, 3 days is no time! Due date for me & having the shittiest day. Baby is showing no signs of making an appearance- meaning I am fed up, uncomfy & miserable.

I really wanted to get out as it’s been a nice day here so me, dh & ds went to a park we like, the plan was playground, walk round the pond and then bacon sandwiches for lunch.

Reality was 2 year old moaning he’s cold, moaning we had no bread for the ducks, moaning about leaving the playground even though he wasn’t playing, just being a pain.

In the end we said let’s go home, and by that point I’d lost my rag. Marched him up to the car with him yelling the whole way, so I ended up full on yelling back at him in the car park. I’ve never wanted to be yelling at my kid in public, so that was a low point of the day.

Hubs in now in a pain in the arse mood and seems intent on just mooching around in a mood leaving me to the toddler.

That was a lot of me sharing my boring crappy day - sorry! All in all I feel hormonal, fat, fed up, a useless mum and like I want to punch my husband in the face! What a great day!
I'm honestly not sure Sarah, on one hand I want a normal birth as the recovery is supposedly quicker and easier but on the other the pains I have now can be pretty bad and I'm not convinced they are full on contractions!! The safe guard I do have is that they will only let me labour for 4 hours due to my missing history from DD's birth so even if I did go into labour on my own it would only be for those 4 hours so that's some comfort.

You're brave Jessy, I switched to online shopping after my last trip to Sainsbury's. Its just being on my feet for the 2 hours solid never mind the actual packing and stuff that hurt!

Daisies - didn't realise it was your due date! Things can happen quickly so you never know. My waters went on DD and bam within an hour I was having 3 to 4 min contractions and full on labour so you still might make your due date yet - try and keep us informed. As for your day out don't feel bad, 2 YO's are notoriously difficult when when you don't have pregnancy hormones raging around your body! I'm sure he'll have forgotten about being shouted at by tonight! As for your OH, tell him you have back ache and need a lie down and leave the little un with him!
Happy Due date Daisies.
Sorry to hear you’ve had such a crap day :(

Yep Wills my due date is tomorrow.

I don’t have a clue If anything is going on in there.... last night I had quite a few tightening feelings. But as this is my first I’m not even sure what I’m looking out for?! Hurry up little lady!!

Went for a 45min Drive to the beach today, was sooooo Cold!
Then went for an hour walk when I got home. It was freezing but I am hopeful that gravity might get things moving.

Also having a curry tonight.... not sure about all these wives tales but I actually fancy something spicey to eat.

Have the midwife on Weds - if nothing happens before then so guess they will give me a date for a sweep / induction then.

Still hoping she arrives tomorrow on her due date :haha:
Ahh daisies :( I know exactly how you feel. I make these plans that in my head sound like a lovely day and I just end up yelling and feeling like shite at the end of it. Today we just cancelled Logan's swimming lessons. Were paying £40 a month for him to learn to swim and despite constant talkings to, he's messing around to the point it's dangerous to him and other children. Today me and OH just saw red as he dragged another child under AFTER us explaining yet again why he can't do that, so we took him out of the pool, and told him he's not coming back. Queue screaming 5 year old, pissed off heavily pregnant mum and dad that just was fuming at the whole situation.

I feel like a total failure right now. If I can't make one listen to things, what business do I have, having a second child.

This parenting stuff is really tough sometimes. So I totally sympathise with your crappy day :(

That makes sense Wills, 4 hours is a good amount of time to get a gist on how things are likely to go, a lot can happen in that time frame.

How has due date come around so quickly for you ladies, unreal how fast that feels like it's happened!

Jessy you sound so organised! I've been saying for 3 weeks now that I'm going to sort my bag, and it's still not done lol after a stressful few hours, I think I may take some time to myself to do that in a minute actually.
Sarah, that is exactly how I feel today. A failure. Even though rationally I know today is just one bad day, it’s not stopped me feeling like rubbish all afternoon, and wondering why we ever thought we were capable of having 2 children when we can’t manage to have a nice time all together when there’s just 1 kid there!

Not helped at all by dh walking around with a face like a slapped arse!

That’s frustrating with the swimming lessons, I can see why you were mad. Why do kids insist on pushing our buttons so much?!
Aww Daisies, rough day. I have had a few of them with my DD recently.
I hope tonight is the night for you.

Did you go overdue with your son?

Yes i say every weeks wills i am gonna do an online shop then sunday rolls on and we have no food in the house. We tend to go to asda as can do scan as you go but i am skint until pay day so it had to be an aldi shop today! I have spent a small fortune in the last few days on baby monitor, lamps rugs lunch out cinema etc.

My DDs first day of new nursery tomorrow and i am dreading the fuss getting her ready and in the door. There will be tears and lots of them. Got midwife at 11 so assuming she lasts all morning i actually get to go on my own for once hahaha
Yep I went 4 days over with him. I don’t remember feeling this fed up though, but I had a mega easy first pregnancy - minor sickness, no aches and pains- just breezed through it. This time hasn’t been bad compared to how rough some people have it, but the aches and pains these last few months have been shocking, so I think I’ve just mentally got to the point of enough a lot sooner.

Good luck for your daughters first day at nursery tomorrow. And enjoy going to the midwife solo - I quite enjoy going when it’s on my own!
Been in bed since about 9pm just watching TV with the OH, laid down to go sleep and have this sudden, horrible "dodgy tummy" feeling starting from the top of my bump and pushing down. It's coming and going but nothing that I can time, feels like I need to have a massive clear out but nothing is happening. I just know, at present, I feel bloody awful out of absolutely nowhere. I remember this feeling from when my labour first started with Logan. Tummy just felt, off and crampy, like if I've been suffering with diarrhoea over the past few days. We shall see what happens. Gonna chug me some peptac as I have brutal indigestion also, and try and get some sleep. Will let you know if anything comes of it!
Sarah - how do you feel this morning?? Is baby on the way? ��

Happy Due date to me!
Baby is not on the way lol.
Agggh I totally would’ve loved a due date baby and I guess there is a still 16 hours left of today but I feel like she’s stuck in there for the time being.

My husband keeps saying, well every day she’s still in there is a day further away from Christmas so she has a special birthday. Listen buddy - I took the tree down in late 2017, Christmas is well and truly over - she needs to hurry up haha.

Heading for my morning swim now and will go for a long walk again today too.

We will def be welcoming some babies into the World this week though which is super exciting!!
Eeeek happy due date LK! Hopefully she gets a move on!

We have already had tears from DD this morning at the thought of nursery. Its frosty as hell outside so also dreading the walk down incase i slip. All in all not a wonderful start to the morning!
No baby here sadly :( the pains actually carried on until 4am this morning. I questioned weather it was an UC flare up but I havnt had any bowel action so it can't be, I would have by now.

Either way, it's completely gone now so no baby for the time being here!

Happy due date London :D at least from.this point you know that there will be a plan being made, they won't let you go too far over, every area has their own guidelines on how far overdue they will let you go. She's coming, just awful having to wait isn't it!

Jessy, crap start here too, Logan has been a non listening nightmare this morning so I'm dreading what I'm going to hear when I pick him up from school later. I hope that DD has a lovely day though and so do you, go home and relax :)

37 weeks today, full term hurah! Scan tommorrow morning and consultant Wednesday, see if little miss has caught up on her growth. Hospital bag all packed now just in case...
Well girls. She went in without a tear. I played silly games with her all the way to nursery and told her mickey mouse (her stuffed teddy that she took with her) was super excited to see her nursery and play with her all morning so she got really excited about it and ran onto the climbing frame when she arrived and said bye mummy.

The walk wasnt too bad either but i imagine by next week will be limping back up the road!

Yeah Sarah 37 weeks!!! Soph are you here? How are you feeling baby will be here tomorrow how exciting!

Then Wills yours will be here on thursday eeeeek. Super exciting.
Hello ladies. Sounds like there’s definitely some promising symptoms and babies might make an appearance soon!!!

I’ve just been praying I go into labour but absolutely no sign. I’m on another group on a different website and it’s driving me crazy how many women due after me are going into labour or having their babies. I know they all come when they are ready but this one had a deadline! Go in at 7.30am to wait for section tomorrow.

At hairdressers today getting my highlights done so that’s been nice for some peace.
Soph I feel your frustration!! So annoying isn’t it.

Everyone knows today is my due date and I’ve been getting so many messages today.
The more I get the more frustrated I’m getting because of course she isn’t bloody here or I would’ve told them!
And it’s just a reminder to me that she’s not here!!

And... doesn’t appear to be any sign of her showing her face today either.

I hope for one day this week - fingers crossed!!
Happy due date London! I know how you’re feeling about all the messages from people, drove me mad yesterday too.

Glad your little girl went to nursery with no issues Jessy, and hope it turns out that your son had a good day too Sarah - I know my little boy is often a terror for me in a morning and then an angel at the childminders/nursery!

Enjoy your day getting your hair done and having some down time Soph. I think the babies on this group are all just far too chilled out!
Thank you <3 sat up the school waiting now as I had to get a bit of shopping and I'm so not up to lone shopping trips with a demanding child so figured I would get it done first. Only it didn't take that long so now I'm super early &#128514; good job my car's comfy!

I think your totally right Daisies, we do have some really chilled out babies here. I remember when I was in a due date group with my son and pretty much none of them wanted to hold on and they were popping out at all times!

It must be so frustrating London, I made the mistake of telling people when I was going in for my induction last time, I got so many is he here yet messages that it just pissed me off so I can totally sympathise! They mean well but it is just a reminder isn't it.

I'm glad she went in well Jessy, I hope she's had a good day, as have you :)

Defo enjoy getting your hair done Soph, nice treat for you is always good :)
That&#8217;s it, people do mean well so I need to remember that.
One of my sisters is driving me up the wall in particular!
She is whatsapping me at every opportunity but has now given up asking about the baby - she&#8217;s now asking me what I&#8217;m up to every minute of the day! Thank god she lives in Aussie so is in bed now so has stopped messaging. My other sister is in New Zealand and just leaves me to it which is nice, she was over due with both of hers so think she understands.
Where as Aussie based sister had hers at 34 weeks so never had anyone ask her!

Soph - eeeekk tomorrow!!! How super exciting!!
Daisies - hopefully it will be us soon too.
Jessy - glad you made it without falling over!
Sarah - yay to being full term!! If you get a scan pic tomorrow, upload it! That way we can see both yours and Sophs babes &#10084;&#65039;&#10084;&#65039;&#10084;&#65039;
Wills - mind blank.... when are you due to have bubs?
Married - hope the itching has subsided!
London, my mum is being pretty similar. I guess it’s understandable and more tolerable as when we have to go to the hospital she will be having ds, and so it’s probably on her mind all the time now as to what’s going on and if she’s going to have to leave work early etc. Nevertheless though, she’s driving me a little mad - I had a text from her about 8am, then another at lunch and then she’s called as she’s left work to see how I am.

I love her to pieces and I’m so grateful to have her and for her to take ds when it comes to, but she needs to just chill a tiny bit and know that the second I need her I’ll call.

London - how long have you been in the UK - are all your family in NZ & Aus?

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