January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

Ooo yeah you may well be looking at an 8lb + if they've gotten the measuring right for starters (that's a big if too) and baby has followed the half a lb a week rule. I'm excited to find out!

London, waiting is so so boring isn't it. It's all well and good people saying oh, try and take your mind off things, but it really isn't that simple is it! Keep an eye on the movements though, make sure your feeling your 10 in an hour if not, give them a call :)

My stomach has gone to bits in the last few hours. I've gone from extreme constipation to very much the other way, sorry for the tmi. The consultant im seeing tommorrow is actually pretty well educated on IBD as well as obstetrics which is quite rare but good in my case so I'll be able to have a chat to him tommorrow. I've no idea which medications are safe and I really don't want to go back on steroids if I can help it. Fun times! Still, it's not getting my mood down from being told that little miss is looking good :)
Just back from the midwife and feeling so fed up. She attempted a sweep but couldn’t as my cervix is too posterior still. Not the news I wanted to hear at all. Even though I know things can change in a second I wanted there to be some signs of things progressing.
Hey everyone I’ve not been on in a few months as I use fb more, currently very uncomfortable while waiting out baby
Ahh no Daisies :( have they made any plans for you to come back and try again?

Hey Lynnikins! Sorry to hear your in discomfort :( how have you been?
Welcome back Lynnikins !

Ah no Daisies :(
I have the midwife in the morning.
I was hoping for a sweep but I’m not sure as I didn’t see my normal midwife last week so nothing was discussed... guess i will wait and see!
Hi Lynnikins. Hope you’re doing well.

I’ve got an appointment for Monday afternoon where they’ll try a sweep again and get me booked in for induction which would probably be 19th or 20th.

I feel really low & demoralised about it all right now, sure tomorrow I’ll feel better. The talk of induction makes me feel sad. With ds I had a spontaneous labour and gave birth in the pool - all exactly as I wanted it. I just feel like I’m not going to get so lucky this time and will end up with a more bed based typical hospital birth after an induction which isn’t the way I want it at all.

Since you’re past your due date I’m sure they’ll offer you a sweep tomorrow London - good luck for it!
They should offer you one LK if your cervix is favourable.

I feel like i am breaking now, my back is in agony and every day jobs are an absolute challenge. I just want him here now. He was incredible quiet this morning and i got into a panic again thankfully he has cranked it up since about 11am. I love this little guys kicks even the ones that hurt and i get soo worried when i realise i havent felt him in a while.

The window cleaner came and the guy valeted the car too plus my OH put the babies car seat in the car now that the car doesnt look like a tip. Slowly crossing things off the list.
Aww Daisies still plenty of time for something to happen naturally and i am sure it will before 19th.
Will they offer it to me or will I have to ask??

Aww Daisies, don't beat yourself up. There is still time and I have my fingers crossed that none of us need to be induced.
I say this and i'll probably come back from the midwife tomorrow with the same disappointment!

I also don't want to have the induction conversation, I am so hoping that she arrives on her own accord - and fingers crossed for this week.

I have some period pain type cramping tonight but I'm not taking it as a sign, mainly because I don't want to get my hopes up.

Jessy - my baby was also very quiet this morning, I was getting quite concerned until I decided to eat half a block of chocolate :haha: and she started moving!
Ahh Daisies, I'm sorry to hear that your feeling so crap about it all :( tommorrow is a new day and it's not unknown for sweeps to make things happen 24, 48 hours after either. They weren't successful with me, but I know lots of people they were, it took a couple of goes mind.

Jessy im the same now, my lower back is in bits currently and I'm just well and truly fed up. The kicks are probably going to be the only thing I miss from pregnancy to be honest. That feeling that until they are out in the wide world, they are all yours and all their movements are yours.

London, I never needed to ask for a sweep it was offered to me pretty early on in the appointment.
Thanks for your support ladies, feel better for having let off steam to others who are in a similar position.

London- I’ve never needed to ask, but if they don’t bring it up and you’re wanting one then definitely mention it, I’ve never heard of them refusing it to someone over 40 weeks.

Jessy I was so excited when I got my car cleaned the other week and the seat fitted, makes it seem really real. Although ds has now managed to make a good old mess in there with muddy shoes so I should probably go and have a little tidy round tomorrow to try and keep it nice. And maybe crawling around the car will help shift baby!

I feel the same with my body, it feels totally done. Especially down there, it’s like the bones in my pelvis are bruised. If only we could share the discomfort with our other halves, it would make me feel much better!
Our still nameless little boy arrived at 12.09 and was 8 pounds 7. All went well with c section.
Yay Soph!!! Thanks for getting on and updating!!! Looking forward to a sneaky picture and update later when you've recovered and have time!!! <3
Congrats Soph!!
Hope you’re well.
Can’t wait to see a picture of your little man &#128153;
Still no name!!

Hope you are all as well as you can be this late on. Hopefully not long until the next babies.


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Still no name!!

Hope you are all as well as you can be this late on. Hopefully not long until the next babies.

Beautiful!!! Oh I've been awake a while already you're not alone! Hope you get to go home today! Eeek picking a name is so hard!!! <3
Aww Soph massive congratulations, he's absolutely beautiful! No rush on a name at all, it has to be perfect after all :) so glad to hear that the csection went well. So happy for you! Lovely picture to wake up to.

Consultant appointment today, see how that goes. Not my usual consultant but the one who is well versed in IBD so that should help.
Aahhh he’s gorgeous!!!

Sarah - hope the consultant goes well.

Midwife this afternoon.... praying for a sweep!
Ahhhhh congrats soph! How exciting!

He is gorgeous.

Nothing exciting for men got to drop my doc note into the docs surgery for some sortvof antacid to take before my section next week.

Other than that ironing and relaxing while B is at nursery
Congratulations Soph, he’s gorgeous!

Quiet day for me too, I may take myself off out for coffee & cake though with a magazine to make the most of the downtime

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