January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

Bathroom is on my list for tomorrow too Married.
This afternoon I cleaned out the kitchen cupboards and switched a few around, put some baby bits downstairs so I don’t have to keep going upstairs when she’s here.
I squatted the majority of the time while cleaning... not sure it’s helping baby along but I now have a sore back! :haha:

Husband is home from work and can tell I’m not in the best of
Moods after the midwife so is taking me out for Greek for dinner.
Might be grumpy more often ;)
Defo pays to be grumpy in that case! I may try it and see what I get 😂 cleaning is honestly great for bringing on labour because your so focused on what your doing, your not really realising how much exercise your actually doing!

It is because of the ibd yeah, I have Ulcerative Colitis and proctitis. Basically the flare ups make my stomach spasm in a manner similar to contractions which can stress the baby. That and the loose bowels I have, it makes it very easy for myself and baby to become dehydrated without me realising. Not under the nicest circumstance but I'm glad that they've taken me and my condition seriously.
Definitely! Glad they are taking that into consideration and bringing it forward. Must be difficult to live with at the best of times but to do when incredibly uncomfortable heavily pregnant cant be much fun.

Are you all sorted now for Monday anyway? I handed in my prescription for my antacid and picked up some highly unattractive giant pants for after surgery.

Someone will definitely give birth this weekend, i can feel it. :haha:

20th Jan how far overdue will you be then LK? Lets hope she pops out before then!
On the 20th I’ll be 12 days over...

I so hope you’re correct and I’m one of the lucky ones that you’re predicting!! 😊
Ah London, I totally sympathise! It really does make you feel really shitty and fed up though. Let’s hope we don’t make it to our next appointments - we’ll be booking my induction at my next one on Monday too if I get there!

I’m sure that Sarah & Jessy are going to get babies before me. My midwife suggested induction would be 19th or 20th, and I just feel like that’s the way it’s going to go! We need some more babies in this group soon though!

It is strange that they’ve not measured your bump Married - they’ve measured mine every appointment since 28 weeks.

I’m now very envious of the Greek food!
The Greek was delish!! I ate far too much but oh well !

Daisies I totally agree with you... I just feel like I will be induced next weekend, end of story.

When you go in on Monday will they attempt another sweep? I have to say it’s pretty unpleasant given I got nothing out of it!!

Fingers crossed both our babies arrive over the weekend!!

Anyone got any suggestions on how to get her out?!
Yes they’ll try again to do a sweep. I’ll probably go for it because if there’s a chance of doing something to shift baby along then I want to try it, but I feel like it might end up in the same situation and then I’ll feel even more fed up.

I’ve tried loads - bouncing on my ball, spicy food, clary sage oil, sex! None of it is working for me.

If anyone has any other suggestions I’d be up for hearing them!
Tried all those also...
Plan to just keep being active in the hope she might slip out over the coming days :haha:

I think I’ll go for the 2nd sweep myself but I think I’ll be incredibly disappointed if she can’t do it again :(
I’ll prob tell myself that’s going to happen so I’m not too disappointed when I’m there.

Hurry up baby!!
I get a ball to bounce on this Friday so looking forward to trying that next week! We don't want to try get this baby out just yet.. hubby has work to do on his car and if baby comes he will keep putting it off lol. I really hope he gets it mostly done this weekend!

I've been walking a lot this week, 9,000 steps a day which is a far cry from the 15,000 pre pregnancy but I'm proud of that considering I haven't broke 5k steps for the whole 2nd and 3rd trimester! Baby has definitely moved down...the pelvic pain is horrible today...it's very prolonged and painful right in my groin...so baby is heading out soon! Maybe I should lay off the long walks or it'll be here before hubbys chores are done :haha:
Good work on the steps married!
I was thinking earlier that tomorrow when my husband is an hour away from home I might set off on a journey and get him to pick me up on his way back... you can only walk around the block so many times before you get bored. Reckon I could get quite far in an hour!
Good plan London! Just have your phone on you in case you go into labour teehee. I wasn't worried about that when out walking at all. Was nice to be alone actually and clear my head!

I ended up cleaning the bathroom tonight lol :haha: still plenty to do tomorrow! Should see my list arghhh.
That's not a bad plan, London. An hour of walking will get you a fair distance and if it's not all samey you won't notice how far you've gone. Defo make sure you have your phone on you though! And maybe look at having a nice hot bath when you get in just to help any aches that may happen.

Bloody pregnancy insomnia is killing me. I've been wide awake since 2:30, just tossing and turning, not able to get comfy and when I am comfy, I'm giving myself a headache with trying to force myself to sleep. I'm going to pay for this the remainder of the day I can see it coming...
Insomnia here too 🙋🏼
I thought I shall check in, maybe there’s been another baby born!

Sleeping is a bit tough now, I did get a pregnancy pillow but I hate it! I basically roll up the side of the duvet and shove that under my bump and sleep on my side. Comfy enough!

The pregnancy pillow was far too big when my husband was in the bed also.

One of my close friends has one that she uses every night and LOVES it. Oh and.... she’s not even pregnant haha!
Insomnia for me too last night, was awake until around 2am - had to kick hubs out into the spare room around midnight and still couldn’t drop off. Then feel like I’ve just napped for the few hours from 2 until ds came in at 6.20am. Now have a splitting headache and feel totally worn out.

Thank god for playgroup this morning - I can take him there and drink coffee while he has a nice time playing.
My DD got up at 6:20am this morning too. I dont mind though as gives me longer to get us bith ready for nursery.

Last night was the best i have slept in ages and i think its because i didnt go to bed until 10:30! I am usually in bed for 9 these days but then awake from 2-4am most mornings.

Good for you london. I most certainly couldnt walk for an hour. It takes me 8 mins or so to walk to nursery then the same home and that near kills me!
Ugh sorry to hear you ladies have had issues with sleep too last night, going to be a long day for us I think!

Except for you Jessy, excellent that you managed a decent night for a change, you know how pregnancy goes through, you'll likely still be knackered later 😂

Don't feel too bad at the moment, up doing the school run with Lloyd as he has the day off to come hospital with me but I bet I start to doze off when I'm sat in a warm - too warm, waiting room 😂
I didn't get up once in the night for the toilet...it's a miracle!!! Bump for the first time ever felt in the way and too heavy last night- I do the same and roll up the duvet a bit and tuck it under. Pregnancy pillows take up far too much room and find them too firm or annoying.

Got our ultrasound at 9, then gotta get home quick for a shower and wash and dry my hair before we have some family photos taken at 12. It's gonna be another busy one!

Hope you tired lot take it easy today :)
Okay so baby is measuring 7lb 15oz because they've found 9.1cm of fluid which is over the max 8cm. So baby will be smaller than that. Phew!

However means I have to go for a fasting blood test tomorrow morning 8am waaaaah. So much for a lie in!

Anyone any idea when at 38 weeks if they discover high sugars what they'll do??? I don't see anything being done! I think baby just likes it's swimming pool lol :haha:
Healthy size Married, and much smaller than you were expecting!

I'm not sure about the sugars now, 38 weeks seems quite late to be able to implement anything but I guess they know best and will be able to give you all the information tomorrow. Hopefully your test comes back fine anyway!

Of course its raining today so I'm not sure about my big walk. I have been for a swim and hope the rain buggers off this afternoon.

My friend in New Zealand gave me a recommendation today that she swears put her into Labour - Curb Walking. I had not heard of it before and as stupid as I may look i'll give it a go when I get out for my walk! You basically walk with one foot on the curb and the other the road (yes walking in the gutter haha) and the lopsided walking is supposed to help.
However I can help but think, it is not the same as walking up and down the bottom step sideways.... hmmm! Anyone heard of this?!
I've seen this in vlogs on you tube London! However I couldnt do it as my poor pelvis needs to stay level and not tilted like that :haha:

Yes I'm so happy about that weight, I was convinced he or she would be near 9lb phewwww!

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