January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

I have the dentist in 45 minutes. Husband didn't get my exemption card out my car before he took it to work...Now it's raining and I'm pretty sure the umbrella was in the car too! Today is going so well :haha: anyone know if they'll either accept that I have a photo of the exemption card or let me go back later and claim the money back??? Such a pain I was so angry this morning!
My Dentist & pharmacy have never actually asked to see my exemption card. Guessing they’re taking my bump as proof. When you sign the form you have to give your NI number so presumably they can get from that that you are pregnant and entitled to free treatment?
I've always offered up my NHS exemption card but I've never been taken up on that offer. I would maybe just cover yourself and say that you've left it at home but your happy to bring it back up to them later that day. 9/10 they are going to say no but you've shown willing and offered.

IBD is in full swing today, feeling incredibly crap right now. Not helped by the fact that it's my son's first parents evening and I've just been told something that I'm going to have to make a formal complaint about.

Logan had an incident where he hurt another child, it wasn't the first time and that's something I take very seriously, I requested a meeting be set up with his teacher to discuss these incidents and plan a way forward together. The teaching assistant I was speaking too was very understanding and said ok, I'll go find his teacher but came back and said that she's sorry but she's gone home early and she would call me. She never did call but I got the parents evening appointment shortly after so I thought I would wait until then to discuss it.

I got told this morning by another parent that she was over the other side of the class when the teaching assistant went to talk to the teacher regarding this. Turns out she was indeed there and not home ill and she was quoted as saying "I can't be bothered to talk to her about this, just tell her I've gone home early and that I'll call her". I trust the parent who told me 100% so I'm fuming!

Sorry for the rant, had to get that out there. The anger from that is not helping my tummy currently.
Oh Sarah that is seriously out of order.
Last thing you need when you're heavily pregnant!
I hope it all goes well this evening.

Baby is moving around so much today. She's normally quiet at this time of the morning but she's on a mad one!
If only if was a sign that things were happening...
Mine to LK. I have been feeling him sibce i got up this morning at 7. Yesterday he was completely quiet at this point.

Dropped off my prescription, picked up a few bits for my bag, more big pants etc and a few up to 1 month sleepsuits as i just realisrd newborn may not fit him if he is 8lb plus? Doing absolutely nothing for the next 2 hours until i have to leave to collect DD. Well i may put on washing but definitely no ironing!
Thanks ladies...I got a big grin and a 'yeah don't you worry about the card' when I mentioned I didn't have it haha. I did however have the number as hubby sent me a pic of it from the car lol, so I filled the form in! Was a completely wasted dentist trip. Walked in the rain in nothing but two tops and a hoody because the umbrella also got taken to work with hubby...he looks in my mouth and at the small lump I've had for a couple months and that was it...couldnt believe it I was out in literally 60 seconds. I'm a little appalled. If I'd paid for that I wouldn't be happy at all. I go back in 6 months for another check up to see if the lump has gone after pregnancy and if not it'll be an x-ray. It's only occurred since getting pregnant so I'm not worried about it..more peeved that he looked at my gums, touched a few teeth with the metal scraper and sent me off! :haha: I'd be less grumpy if I hadn't spent all that time walking in the rain...waiting in the waiting room and walking back home again than time spent in the appointment lol. Old dentist across town was much more thorough. Nevermind! :haha:
Back from the consultant. Very impressed actually. Saw a different lady again to normal but she was brilliant.

She's pulled my csection forward so little lady will be here next week. Had to have a shot of steroids for babies lungs and I'm back for a second shot and my pre-op tommorrow and I should get what date I have next week at the same time. All of a sudden things are feeling very very real and I'm terrified now haha!

Now to contact my IBD nurse as I'm going to need her input after labour.
Eeek great news Sarah! I can't imagine what it's like having a birth date....that is too scary for me :haha: then again not knowing if I'll drop in the middle of asda is scarier :haha:
Great News Sarah, you must be so pleased!

Daisies.... what did I say yesterday?! I'll prob be in the same boat as you today!! Yep = Failed Sweep.
And I can totally understand how you feel, makes you feel really shit doesn't it!!

She explained to me that things can change any moment but I guess you don't really think that way, I just think i'll still be sitting here in the same situation in a weeks time...

She's not bothered booking me in for an induction as yet, I have another midwife appointment next Weds where she will attempt another sweep then book me in for an induction while I'm there.

It was horrendously uncomfortable and for nothing!!
Just to add she said everything else is fine, baby is where she should be.

My bump is only measuring 35 weeks but she wasn't too concerned as my growth scan last week was normal.
Oooh I've never had my bump measured. Everything is very casual with my midwife! I'm expecting a monster of a baby at tomorrow's ultrasound :wacko:
She measures each time I go there with a measuring tape.

Look forward to hearing about your baby tomorrow Married!
Ahh no London, the sweep didn't go very well then? Sorry to hear that. It is disheartening when it doesn't do much, keep active today though and it may make some difference.

The thought of knowing what day she is going to arrive pleases my control freak side but it scares me though as it's a definitive 'get your shit together, she's going to be here then' kind of deal. I'm hoping I find out the date tommorrow. She's shoving my file under the F1s nose today to get me booked in so she should know by the time I get there.
Ooo that bizzare that you don't have a fundal height measurement taken, married. I thought that was common practice.
Ah Sarah so pleased for you!!

Yes i'll try stay active today. I went for a swim this morning but I might clean out some cupboards - the house is pretty spotless, running out of things to do haha.
Gets to the point where your just cleaning clean dirt doesn't it. Especially when your used to being busy or out of the house at work ect.
So that was fast... Dr just called me, pre op tommorrow... Csection booked for Monday 15th. :O heart is racing!
Wow that was quick! Oh my goodness not long now Sarah. Is it due to your IBD they are bringing it forward. A week tomorrow for me. Still feels like ages, expecting to see lots of birth announcements over the weekend!
Sarah - wow that was super speedy!
How exciting! Not long till you have baby in your arms.

Jessy - I would love to be one of those that give birth this weekend but I feel like I’m going to be induced on Jan 20th. (She didn’t book it in but that was the indicative date she mentioned)

Baby was so active today... I thought maybe something was happening. I was wrong - frustrating!!
There's still time London, keep busy I know it's hard!

Cleaning clean dirt :haha: I know that one! My bathroom needs a good scrub tomorrow, that room is never clean arghhh.
Hmm well I get a lot of extra growth scans so maybe that's why I don't get a bump measurement? They must get measurements they want from that I guess!

Sarah that's amazing...Monday! How surreal knowing you only have 4 days left pregnant!

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