January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

Surely there has to be more babies soon!! We have been a slow group on the arrival front. Not long to go now and they will all be here!!!

Hope everyone is feeling as good as they can be.

We are just waiting to be discharged today :)
What a pain having to get there for that time tomorrow Married. I would think at this late stage all they’d suggest is that you make some amendments to diet. Can’t see there’d be time to do anything else - not speaking from experience though.

London I’ve heard lots of people say walking up the stairs sideways which is the same principal I guess. I might try it but waiting till Saturday now to continue encouraging baby out as it’s my birthday tomorrow and ideally I want baby to claim it’s own birthday!

Soph - yey for getting discharged today. How many days have you been in? I’ve totally lost track!
Daisies I doubt they want to assume I need to watch my blood sugar as that's awfully presumptuous and clinically I guess doesnt sound good without evidence! I would have rather they said it's 1cm more than the top end but let's not worry about it lol. But maybe they could get into trouble for that too. As long As I don't have to be induced...As they'll have an argument on their hands! My baby loves it's little pool and I'm sure it's fine in there seeing as everything else looks good. I read something scary about if u have a large amount of water it can create a whoosh effect for the baby's head and could compromise the cord??? No idea how true that is!

Sophie enjoy your homecoming! So so exciting!!!
Ooo that's bizzare that they would bring you in for a sugars test so late on because as you say, realistically what is a few weeks going to do? I guess it's helpful info for the midwife's and medical team to know, they may not treat it actively now but they may make sure your topped up on snacks and high energy things in labour to keep your sugars from crashing. Glad the scan went well and little one is looking to be a more manageable weight!

I've never heard of curb walking lol I can kind of see the benefit to it actually as it gives you that little more of a work out and range of movement. Has the weather held off enough for your big walk today?

Soph how are you doing? Have they been good to you in there? Are you managing to move around ok? Hopefully discharge is nice and smooth and you'll be home before you know it. How's Babs doing?

As for me, back home from my preop and second steroid shot. Spoke to the anaethetist too who was really lovely and knowledgeable (very cute too... Not that I told OH that part!) Had a good chat about the actual anaesthetic as my epidural didn't work last time, and he was very reassuring and gave me loads of statistics and said there was plenty of options for if it doesn't work, it doesn't automatically mean knocking me out if it doesn't. Was very keen to stress that because it's elective there's no rush at all whatsoever so they can tailor everything in so it's perfect and I'm comfortable which was nice to hear. Had bloods and a full MOT done so yeah we're good to go! Will be Monday either 8:30 or 10:30 depending on who the surgeon picks to do first - only two slots a day for electives so won't be waiting forever, unless there's an emergency which is completely understandable. So yeah feeling good!
Still raining unfortunately... so I shall get out for a long walk tomorrow. I went for a swim this morning so feel somewhat active!

Got another two parcels in the post from New Zealand today. Everyone has been so generous, this baby is very spoilt already! and even better, everyone has been putting in some NZ chocolate and treats for me :)

Sarah - sounds like things are going to be perfect for the arrival of your baby on Monday! Exciting!! Are you still thinking of Harley for her name?
Married, I bet you’re right. They have their tolerances and averages and when things fall outside of that then I guess they have to follow through and do additional tests and checks even if it doesn’t totally seem to make sense at such a late stage. If nothing else, at least you know they’re being thorough and if there’s anything that needs to be done they can discuss it with you.

Like you say if baby is happy and content swimming around in there then fingers crossed everything can just continue with no induction/intervention.

I’ve heard people suggest climbing the stairs sideways to try and induce labour which I guess is the same principal as curb walking. I might give that a go come Saturday - it’s my birthday tomorrow so mission evacuate the baby is on hold until tomorrow evening at least as I’ve got plans and want baby to claim it’s own birthday!

Sounds like a good appointment Sarah. Everyone I know who has gone for a planned c section has always said it was a really chilled positive experience, as like you say, there’s no need for a rush so a totally different atmosphere. Sounds like it should all be good - and nice to know that all being well you’ll be in fairly early on in the morning with not too much of a wait!

Nice on the parcels London - I love getting surprises in the post. After ds was born we had a few people send flower deliveries or presents when they couldn’t come to see us and it was lovely to get little treats and surprises like that! I’d imagine it’s really nice to get your sweet treats from home too!
Chocolate in the mail is always a good delivery! Baby obviously has a lot of people that care very much which is nice.

We are indeed going with Harley, well Harley Ann (for my mum no longer with us, and Lloyd's mum - it's both of their middle name)

Ahh daisies that makes sense entirely. January is a minefield for birthdays in our family's and I was really worried about her sharing someone else's because everyone's been like oh, if she's born on x y z date they will match me, or my dad, or my second cousin twice removed pet gerbil 😂 like noooo I just want her to have her day!

Do you have anything planned for your birthday? Regardless of what you do, I hope you have a lovely day x

I was so pleased with the appointment to be honest, everyone has done their absolute best to make me feel at ease with this decision and I can't thank them all enough tbh.
Second cousin twice removed pet gerbil hahaha... So true though isn't it, there are a lot of birthdays in Jan!

Lovely name Sarah! Very nice to get Ann in there - very thoughtful.

My mum and my husbands mum both passed away within 9 months of each other two years ago and he really wants to use his mum's name as her middle name (Jane). My mother was Denise Joan, neither names I particularly like, my sister used Joan for her daughter Ava's middle name recently....so think we will just go with Jane, they kinda sound the same!!

We still don't 100% have a first name but my husband is pretty set on Matilda.
Shall wait and see, never know she may come out looking like a Denise :haha:

It means a lot to him to have Jane though and I think his dad will be delighted which is nice as he has been a bit of a lost cause since she passed away.
We are pretty set at the moment on Austin Finlay. My OH loves Finlay and would ideally like it as a first name but we are both put off by its popularity so my dad suggested it as a middle name and my OH thought this was a great idea. I really wanted Allan as a middle name as it was my uncles name but i dont think it flows all that well.

We both like Austin but day to day we would call him Aus or Aussie which i think its adorable.

I had a mini meltdown tonight worrying that my section might not be the best option. I am worried my OH doesnt understand it is major surgery and will be expecting me to run up and down stairs cooking cleaning etc as soon as i am home. I just want him to appreciate that i wont milk it and will be up and doing whatever i can when i can. He actually said that he thinks i have done soo well to stay so active at 38 weeks and still able to keep on top of the house and cooking meals etc every night which was nice to hear.
Love Austin! love Finlay!
Lovely names Jessy.

Yeah it must be worrying as we know how hopeless men can be sometimes. My husband really wouldn’t understand the impact of a c-section. I’d prob have to get the midwife to talk to him!!
I have to get him to read things online. Like when we had our daughter he got a cold sore on his nose, bloody typical. He didnt believe me at how serious it was for newborns until i bookmarked some things on the onternet for him to read. Now he is up to speed he is much better at understanding things i just have to spell things out to him ugh.
Jessy that's so nice to have your ability to still carry on be appreciated! I'm sure my hubby does too but I'd love to hear it aswell! He says it by sitting me down on the sofa or doing the dogs dinners etc etc. So I'll let him off :haha:

I've spent all night feeling pointy bits sticking out of me! It's up by ribs so must be either feet...thighs...bum?? I've no idea how to tell! Gently poked whatever it was and it went away :haha: I think I'm at the point now where I really will miss this weird thing happening to my body! I've always been so freaked out by it but now these movements are bigger and stronger and I'm nearing the end...well finally appreciating what my body is doing :)

We still are no nearer to picking names.... we both like Isla but it was 4th most popular registered name in 2017 so it's put me off....
Names are so hard, I do love all the suggestions so far though, you guys have got good taste!

I've got the exact opposite with my partner, he is obsessed with the idea that for 6 weeks I will be doing NOTHING. He wants me on bestest for at least a week after with minimum movement. I've told him this is very sweet but utterly ridiculous as not only is gentle exercise good for healing, bedrest with a 5 year old too just isn't doable.

He's just being protective and making sure I get the rest I need which is lovely don't get me wrong, but also incredibly annoying as I'm just not that 'sit around and do nothing' person! In reality, what will happen is he will realise just how much work the housework, looking after a school age child and a newborn actually is and after about 3 days, I'll be gradually asked to help with lightweight things which is fine lol

Insomnia strikes again, beautifully comfortable, not being kicked to death as is customary of an evening apparently, but I forgot to pick up my script for peptac yesterday and I'm dying slowly from acid reflux so it's putting me off sleeping! Typical! 3 days to go...
Sarah he's so sweet! But I think you're right, give it a few days and he will see it's a bit tough and also it'll keep you lightly active and stop you both going insane to help each other. Aahhh but so sweet of him, you're going to be well looked after even if it's things brought to you on the sofa!

I've been awake since 5am so I could take hubby to work, I need the car for the blood test and also to run some more errands. I am absolutely starving with this 12 hour fasting...can't think what breakfasty item I could possibly take with me to eat after so the Subway 1 minute away may have to be a life saving situation before I start my trawl around asda! Im feeling rather sick right now with only water to help the tiredness and dizziness. We have been very good this month only spending on what we need...I think i can stretch to a £3 sausage and bacon 6 inch....ooooooh 2 hours to go :haha:
Happy birthday daisies! Insomnia kicked in again for me. 2-4am couldnt get comfy. Had to pee 3 times, dd came into my bed and i was struggling to breath properly. Ugh. Dont feel too badly for it today though thankfully.

Girls names we were fine with it was just boys we struggled. 2 very different styles trying to agree, not easy.

Eeek sarah not long for you!

I still feel tomorrow will be the day for someone here!
Happy birthday Daisies <3 have a wonderful day today! X

He is a really excited new dad bless him, he met Logan when he was a year old so he didn't have the newborn time with him so he is super excited. Plus he's always wanted a daughter so he's absolutely giddy. He's a fiercely protective person but I've learnt to to go along with the 'ill do all this, I don't want you lifting a finger's etc as I know it will last a few days and he will, not so much get fed up, but he will begin to struggle. He's always been very mothered bless him so he gets used to being looked after and not doing the looking after haha. His heart is very much in the right place though and it's one of the many reasons I love him :)

I hope your testing goes well today, the fasting is a bit of a killer but absolutely treat yourself after. They give tea and toast after in most hospitals - if not all, and that is the most glorious toast you will ever eat I swear haha!

Glad your not feeling too rough for it Jessy. It's not too bad a pill to swallow If your feeling ok in the day is it lol
Sarah you are so right! my hospital gave me toast after my fainting episode of the GTT and it was THE BEST TOAST I HAVE EVER EATEN.

I have to put it in capitals to stress just how amazing it was. Mindblown haha.
Thanks ladies! We’ve been up since 5.30am and I can’t say that I really got to open my own pressies, but it’s been a lovely morning already!

Sarah that’s lovely that oh is so looking forward to being a new Dad and being so protective of you. My hub is brilliant and when he needs to care and give me attention he really does, but there is no way in this world he would ever put himself that far down the pecking order to suggest bedrest for me afterwards. He does help but in an annoying way - like saying he’ll make dinner and then asking me a million questions on what and how to do it - I think he likes me to believe he’s incompetent so I do more for him!

Insomnia night 2 for me also - why is it so hard to get to sleep? And why is my bladder so useless now?!

I thought we were set on names but not sure now. For a girl I’m still loving Matilda (great minds London!) but we can’t seem to agree on a middle name at all.

For a boy we were thinking Max, and I do really like it but just wonder if it’s enough of a name. Agh, hopefully all will be easy once baby is here!

I wouldn’t worry too much on the popularity charts though Married - if you love the name that’s what matters. I know Oliver has been at the top of the charts for boys for ages, and yet at all the baby groups, nursery, playgrounds etc we’ve been to I’ve never in nearly 3 years come across an Oliver yet! That was a contender for us when picking DS’s name and we stayed away because of the popularity charts. Hope the test all goes well today, enjoy the sandwich- you’ve made me want one!

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