January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

Haha did a certain little someone open all your presents? :)

Love Max, does seem short but I guess you could lengthen it with a longer middle name?
And obviously I'm a fan of Matilda if you have a girl !

Now just to get these babies of ours out so we can see what they look like and give them a name!

My bladder is Terrible... I went to bed about 11pm last night and I went to the toilet 3x before midnight. Then I managed to get through till 5am without going again but I've already been a lot this morning. I have been drinking a lot of water, vicious cycle ;)
I know exactly what you mean with Max. I was in the exact same predicament, I loved the name but I wasn't sure if it was enough, in the end we went with Logan Max which I'm happy with and felt that was a good middle ground. I have however since then, met lots of little boys with the name Max and its really grown on me as a full first name. If you do decide it's not quite there for you though and you love it, there are loads of first names that lend well to having max as a middle name.

An example of my other halfs caving in attitude to me doing nothing, we discussed me stopping driving at around 33 weeks as my spd was starting to make it uncomfortable. That lasted approximately a day as he then realised he didn't want to go back to being the solo driver 😂 so I'm still driving, several times a day! Luckily my spd seems to have tailed off a bit now so it's not a problem but I did giggle at his resolve waivering so soon!
By the way, popularity charts really do mean nothing 😂 Logan was quite high on the list when I had him, I never met a single other Logan in the year I spent in Sunderland after his birth. As soon as I moved back home to Plymouth, it's bloody everywhere 😂 he's one of 3 in his class alone and there's another in the class next door haha! If you love a name, go for it. Just because it's on popularity lists, doesn't mean it's going to be really common in your area :)
Thanks ladies!!! 15 minutes to find a vein, threw up before I went so she said all the hard work drinking just water then expelling it made me dehydrated :haha: got there in the end though with a hand vein!

Currently sitting in M&S cafe having a sugary hot chocolate...ironic really! :haha:

I know I'll be so mad if there's no children called Isla and I missed out! So saying that you are right...plus it's taking forever to settle on a name we need to just stick with it when we are certain!

Happy birthday Daisies!!! So lovely to have all your presents opened for you, must have been like a repeat of Christmas day getting up so early lo!
My DDs name is super popular purely because its the nickname of an incredibly populat girl name. She is Bella, but most Isabellas will get Bella eventually. We call her Belle and i sort of wish id just called her Belle. At her gymnastics. She is the only Bella but there are 2 isabella one goes by Bella and the other Izzy. She was the only one in her nursery though. I definitely tried to stay away from super popular names this time but also didnt want something ridiculous or a made up random spelling of a 'normal' name. I was about to order a blanket which said Austin on it so my OH couldnt change his mind but then i realised we may have to if he doesnt look like an Austin!!!!
He certainly did, brilliant helper, I’m sure I wouldn’t have been able to manage opening them without his input!

I guess we’ll have to wait and see who arrives and what they look like - I guess I could become sold on Max all over again if it’s a little boy who seems to suit it. So hard to choose though and that is pretty much the only boys name we both agree on!

I doesn’t sound like the most fun morning Married! At least it’s done now and I hope the hot chocolate is doing you some good!

Sarah - at least he was considerate enough to have had the discussion of you no longer driving, even if in reality it’s not happened!

Keep the blanket on a saved items list Jessy - I totally feel like you have to see the baby to check your comfortable with the name your planning on before the deal is sealed. It will be something to do to sit and order it when you’re doing a midnight feed!
It's been a very busy morning! Spending £9 on batteries for this blooming rocker wasn't the highlight though...£9 for batteries! That a 5th of what I paid for the rocker! :haha: can you tell we are trying to be savvy with our spending now?!

Just about to pick husband up...haven't been home since 7.30am but we now need to go to his mum's to fetch her sewing machine. I must be mad but I really need to adjust the bedroom curtains so they're higher than the radiator before the baby moves in and needs some warmth!
I so grudge buying batteries! I feel like i spent a half the budget on all the different sized batteries for the bloody toys.

Our swing thankfully is mains powered but i think you can out batteries in too if you want.

Not much going in here today. DD isnt at nursery today. She does 4 hours mon-thurs with friday off so just been lazing about and now just made cupcakes. Yum. Looking forward to pizza for tea and a cupcake afterwards. I said to my OH i am taking today off cooking so frozen pizza for us all. Yah!!!

Looking forward to my OH being off over the weekendm definitely going to try and sort the house more and have a nap!!!!
That's the thing though isn't it.... you need batteries and they blimmin know it so charge over and above for them.

I've just got in the door, went for a 45min walk and gave this 'curb walking' a go.
I waited till it was getting dark before setting off as I knew i'd look kinda special and weird trawling through the streets lop sided :haha: Well its quite awkward and I think its done something... I think its irritated my back!! Its a bit achy where I fell on it when fainted. Jesus the last thing I want is that pain back. I shall give curb walking a miss from now on!

Think tomorrow my husband and I are going to get up early ish and head to Greenwich for a wander around the park and he's banging on about going to the café for breakfast so may well do that, he needs to be enticed by food to leave the house haha.

Hope you've had a good birthday Daisies!
Lmao so the curb walking wasn't a hit then 😂😂 ahh well, you don't know unless you try do you! Have a nice bath maybe and give that back a rest, take it as a pamper evening :)

That will be a nice day for you tommorrow, enjoy it whilst you can getting out at a leisurely pace and without it becoming a military operation lol

Today has been nesting part two. I've bleached the loo and bathroom fully, steam mopped all the lino in the house and cleaned more clean dirt 😂 think I'm gonna have a nice bath myself in a bit, my son has come home from school with a stinking attitude on him so it's been 3 hours and I'm fed up already haha!
Oh Sarah...why am I not prepared for this child to eventually grow up and not always be happy and smiling?!! I am so not ready for hormones! :haha:

Been bouncing on the ball and my nipples are leaking :haha: oh my.
I hadn’t heard of kirb walking but I tried the sideways upstairs for hours! It didn’t work needless to say.

Is anyone planning on breastfeeding? I had forgotten how painful and never ending the first days are. Cluster feeding all night!
I'm planning on breastfeeding. Been trying to read and learn as much as I can to understand and anticipate how hard it's going to be! A bit scary trying to imagine how hard it'll be...especially at night. I hope you're doing okay Soph!

Bounced on that darn ball for 3 hours last night. All it did was make my pelvis and thighs stiff :haha: oh and send the baby off to sleep, didnt get my usual movements last night
Aww Soph. Hope it all works out soon.
I also plan to breastfeed but if it doesn’t work it doesnt work. I can only try!

Thanks for the tip on stair walking. Every time I go up to the toilet I walk up sideways and was thinking of doing a fair bit of stair walking today but I won’t bother.

I’m actually starting to believe that nothing works... baby will just come when she is ready.

Heading to Greenwich for a wander in the park and the market for food.
Have a lovely weekend all!
Everytime i see a new post in here i get all excited thinking we may have a 'baby is here' or 'im on my way to hospital' post haha.

Getting loads of braxton hicks again today. My OH is taking my DD swimming. Lets hope i dont go into labour while they are in the pool!! I doubt it but would be bloody typical.

Is that you home now Soph. Have you agreed on a name yet? How has the recovery from elective section been in comparison to your emergency?
Hope you are doing well Soph, I plan on trying BF again this time but I'll not be putting myself under the same strain as I did last time. Do you have any lanisoh? It was a lifesaver for me last time because it does hurt.

Married, sadly as much as I wish they were smily and happy all the time, truth is their stroppy gits at times and I have nobody to blame but me for that because he's my double 😂

Hope you have a lovely day today London, as frustrating as it is, I think there just comes a certain point where nothing really seems like it is working and you just carry on with day to day life. That's when you'll be caught by surprise waters breaking in Asda or something though lol

Ooo keep active on the Braxton Hicks you never know it may turn into something more! I must admit im the same as you, every time I open this thread I expect to see at least one baby here!

As for me, OH let me stay in bed til 10 today as I actually slept all night and apparently baby was booting him in the back so hard this morning he gave up hope and got up and left me to it 😂😂 he did come with crumpets and coffee in bed for me which was a nice surprise.

Had to take my engagement ring off this morning however, my fingers are all swollen. Nothing else, just my fingers and I think it's just heat (heating was on fill tilt this morning) but I feel like sausage fingers haha! Quiet day for us, haircuts for Logan and Lloyd and home again as it's tipping down lol
12 days. I'm ready 😩😩😩😩😩
Yeah I’m not now convinced anything helps to tempt baby out until they are ready. I also think the sweep gave me false hope because I knew I was already 1-2cm dilated and I had bloody show and lost mucus plug. It’s so hard not to obsess over everything though isn’t it! Not sure anyone can completely relax and just wait for it to happen.

JessyG the elective recovery was so so easy and can’t even compare to emergency. The whole thing was calm and lovely. 6 hours after he was out I was Showering without assistance and dressed in own clothes. Got home 48 hours later and was changing beds and doing housework. Definitely a positive experience.
Glad to hear it was such a good experience for you Soph.

Yeah ive changed my tune a bit... think she will come when she is ready and wants to come out.

Went for a lovely walk in Greenwich park, cold but not too bad and no wind or rain which helped. Then down to the market and stuffed my face with lots of food. I feel great now :haha:
Soph you saying that is like music to my ears. I'm in on Monday for mine and I've been panicking - not about the actual procedure itself but about the recovery. I'm so pleased to hear that it's gone so well for you so far.

Glad your having a good day London! Yummy food is generally a good way for a day to become a good one haha!

We've done a grand amount of nothing really today. Boys have got their hair cuts and are looking handsome, just about to pop a film on for us all and relax on the sofa as it's absolutely chucking it down still with no sign of let up lol might keep mini Mr attitudes attention for a few minutes at least!

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