January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

I am going to keep up all the healthy eating myself Married.
I have had a lot of people tell me that I look healthier pregnant than when I'm not -I'm sure there is a compliment in there somewhere hahaha

I need to weigh myself this week but when I did about 10 days ago I had only put on 2kg which is a miracle!! But I think it was due to not drinking wine (love a drink!) healthier eating, going swimming most days and a small bump.

No word from Daisies today.... I pray she's had her baby, there's hope for me yet! :)

Just been for a walk and I'm contemplating washing the windows. They are filthy and I've run out of other things to clean haha
I'm too scared to weigh myself...I think I could do it but figured I should wait another week, see how big I am then feel good when the water and baby weight come off haha. Then I can do the hard work. I got down to a size 6 at 10 1/2 stone in 2013...when I got pregnant I was back up to my original 14 stone :( I can't imagine me at 16 stone but I must he tipping that. Surprisingly all my jeans from being 14 stone still fit me 6 months into my pregnancy and the only reasons my tops didn't was because of my expanding boobs! Lol. So I haven't done too bad. This is why I'm hoping breastfeeding really does help get the baby weight off quicker.

I have already batch cooked and frozen a few meals but want to do more next week. We have now pretty much run out of all the junk food on the house so probably the perfect opportunity to do a small food shop and stop buying biscuits and bad food! It's so so hard though...and I'm fully anticipating I will find it so item times harder with a baby when all I'll want to do is eat something quick and convenient. It takes a lot of organising to make sure fridge nibbles are healthy things!

Hoping it's also quiet because some babies are being born right now! We just got back from our photography session. She showed me a couple I'm so happy! Will have to wait about a week for them though. Eeek.
Today's quiet day has turned into being taken for a carvery by my lovely father in law, emptying out the dreaded toy cupboard under the stairs, tip run and rearranging the front room 😂 it's made the day go pretty quick in fairness. Just spending some quality time with Logan now as he's staying with mother in law tonight as she's taking him school, then next time I'll see him I'll be a mum of two :O

And don't even get me started about my weight 😂 I was doing ok, on slimming world, but that went to pot when I discovered I was pregnant 😂
Sarah any diet kind of has to though! And we have to be kind to ourselves with newborns too I'm not expecting miracles...doughnuts may be the only thing to get me through a sleepless night so I won't be depriving myself!

And good luck tomorrow!!! So so excited! Been bouncing on my ball hoping I can join you all with a January baby still!
Oh wow its tomorrow sarah!!! How freaking exciting is that.

Anyone realising they still have stuff to buy! Haha i never did buy the prep machine so ordered it today! Aldi also have a cute little buggy organiser with elephants on it for 4.99. I also have my handbag which could be used as a changing bag, a blooming gorgeous changing bag from when i had DD and a mini yummy mummy so really i dont need it but i cant help myself!!

We were also looking at holidays. Been to center parcs last 2 years so thought we'd do it again before DD starts school and we are restricted to school holidays which are horrifically expensive.
Thank you ladies <3 I'll be sure to update as soon as I can. Sat down now, watching TV chilling out - starting to get nervous now, and I know I won't sleep at all tonight &#128514; ranitadine at 10pm, then attempt to sleep haha!

I'm sure I'm going to get there tommorrow Jessy and think CRAP, IVE NOT BOUGHT XYZ item lol that's normal I think as we've all got so much stuff on our minds!

I've never been to centre parcs but it looks lovely there, defo give that a look before the school holiday planning has to factor in because it really does cost an absolute fortune :(
Yeah we are going in May so before the holidays. We have been twice before but both timea in September so will be nice to go in May and hopefully some decent weather. Last time i was there i was about 24 weeks pregnant and couldnt do all the walking. I also hate swimming but my OH and daughter love it so they have said i must go in this year cause ill at least be able to stay in the baby bit with the wee man while they go down the flumes eeeeek!
Hey, just checking in to see if any babies have arrived. Mine has not. 41 weeks today!

Been quiet as I have an awful sickness bug - was up all last night throwing up and I am just attempting to eat a little bit of something now, praying it stays down!

Good luck for tomorrow Sarah, can’t wait to hear a baby announcement!
That sounds like a good excuse to mooch about in the nice warm kids bit with little man to me Jessy, sounds relaxing!

Ahh daisies no :( sorry to hear your feeling arse like that. Little sips of water here and there, keep yourself hydrated but don't overdo it. Awful at the best of times, let alone 41 weeks pregnant poor bugger. I really hope you feel better very soon.

Thank you very much :) x
Aww Daisies, sorry to hear you feel so crap.
In the same boat as you.... 41 weeks tomorrow and no baby!

I did have some bad cramps last night but no sign of anything like that today. Absolutely nothing!

Sarah - ALL THE BEST for tomorrow, cant wait to hear that Harley has arrived, make sure you post a pic!!
Yes sarah all the best for tomorrow. Cannot wait to here the happy news.

Daisies that sucks. Poor you. Maybe its not a bug though and the start of something? I was convinced someone would give birth this weekend and damnit we still have 2.5 hours left of the weekend :haha: in a seriousness i hope you manage to keep the food down and feel better tomorrow.

I had a nap today! Felt soo good to just lie down for an hour completely uninterrupted. Back to the usual tomorrow, up and to nursery for 8:30. Gotta pick up my ranatidine or whatever it is called from the docs and the nothing until i have to pick up DD at 12:30. It sounds wild outside rain and wind so hoping thay dies down before the morning!
Jessy id happily give birth in the next 2.5hours!!!
But she’s not ready to meet the World yet - come on Baby!!!
A final good luck Sarah! Cannot wait to hear tomorrow!

Daisies so sorry you've been ill, hope it passes with ease by tomorrow!
41 weeks today...

TERRIBLE sleep last night, not sure you can call it sleep!
I woke about 2am and that was me for the night, managed to doze off again around 6 for half hour.
No discomfort or anything, pure insomnia.

If I’m going to be up all night atleast if the baby was here I’d have a good excuse!!
Good news though LK is they will definitely induce you this week wont they? So you will have your baby by the end of the week! Silver lining and all that. Obvs made it super comfy for her in there.

How are you feeling today daisies?

Sarah good luck again, ill be checking back regularly for an update.

AFM not long back from dropping DD at nursery. Plan on doing sod all until i need to pop to docs and pick up my prescription then DD from nursery and back home for lunch. May set up the moses basket if i can face tidying up our bedroom first!
You’re totally right Jessy! I have been telling myself that I should make the most of the week as she will be here before i know it.
I think they will induce me on Friday or Saturday.
I’m in two minds about calling my midwife today to see if I can get my next sweep (not that I want one after last week haha) moved to today or tomorrow but they are incredibly busy so I’ll prob need to wait until my appointment on Weds.

I haven’t set up the pram yet and was thinking about doing that today. It’s still in the box!
So much waiting omg. Slept like arse last night as predicted and I was actually first on the list this morning, been gowned up and ready to go since 7am lol apparently though it's manic and there's been a few emergencies, nothing I can do about that but I'm so impatient.

Lloyd is currently munching tea and toast in his scrubs (which by the way, look great on him &#128514;) and I'm starving &#128514; all is well though, good spirits and were being made to feel really comfortable and welcomed :) hope your all ok x
Super excited for you Sarah!
Keep us posted.

Can’t wait to hear your news!!
Thats what i am expecting on thursday too Sarah. I have to be there for 8am but i fully expect it will be lunch time or afternoon before i am actually taken.

Glad its all very nice and relaxed though.

My back is in agony today, getting shooting pains in my lower back. Just set up the moses basket and it near killed me just going up the stairs. Ridiculous or what!
Ahh hope things are moving forward now Sarah! Waiting is the worst your anticipation must be through the roof! :haha:

Sorry to say I had a nice long sleep and just woken up lol. It was interrupted though, twice to go to the toilet, a bunch more cos hubby is snoring and yet again I habe fluid build up in my ears...which is so annoying as it's pretty noisy and distracting. Thank God for just being able to hang out and drift off in bed I guess! I'll enjoy it while I can but I've had enough of the ringing noise so time to get my butt up!

Can't wait to hear of more babies born this week!

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