January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

2am and wide awake on a ward...
Yep in hospital and being induced.
Jesus it really does sound like a long process, I could be here a while...

They let me go home to get my bag etc and then I got back here about 10.30pm.
They have only just inserted the pessary and said they assess it in 24 hours and go from there. Unless anything happens in the meantime but I’m doubtful.

Although the midwife said she could feel the babies head so I guess you never know!

One more hour hooked up to the monitoring machine then hopefully I can get some sleep !

Jessy - good luck with the snow!!

Ladies - some more babies this week please!
Thanks Soph!
Here’s Hoping.
As always, keep you all posted!

Must be time for some more baby pics ladies!!
Eeeeek 2:30am up for a pee and saw this LK! Good luck lovely. Lets hope your induction is quick and you have a baby in your arms in a few hours.

I am still stressing about the snow but it will just have to work out!
Eek that’s exciting London! Hope it’s speedy for you! I’m very jealous that you’ve just jumped the queue and got in before me! Hope you managed to get some rest on the ward last night.

Jessy hope you’ve managed to make a plan with the snow so that you can get everywhere you need to be. I never get why people are so excited for snow to come, it’s always a blooming inconvenience!

No change here so looks like my sweep did nothing. On the plus side though I had an amazing nights sleep last night so feeling good from that!
Sorry Daisies!! There’s still time for your little one to come and beat mine out! I don’t think she will be born until tomorrow (hopefully I’m not still waiting on Friday).
They said this first drug should take around 24 hours but they monitor me
Every 6 so we shall wait and see!

No sleep. Was horrendous! Hoping to doze on and off during the day. But as I can hear some poor woman screaming I’m not sure that’s going to happen!

Jessy good luck negotiating the snow today!! And not long now till bubs is here!

Sarah did you go home yesterday?
I got so excited for you London yay!!! But 24 hours?? Waiting in hospital??? I hope it happens quickly for you but that sounds like zero fun stuck in hospital Waiting!!! Did u at least go eat?!!! Lol (I think of the important things first :haha:)

Excuse the low quality but so excited and wanted to share with you ladies one photo taken on Sunday of me my husband and our dog :)


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Aww thats lovely married!! Cute.

Hope things are moving aling nicely for you LK. Ok so this morning has been a bit of a nightmare but i am so glad i have my mum here now. She arrived at 7:30. I got DD ready for nursery she shovelled the path got her ot nursery for 8:30 but then it took us 45 mins to drive a 10 min drive to the hospital because the traffic was horrific. Made it 30 mins late but i was the first one to arrive. Even the doctor hadnt arrived yet. Got my antenatal check everything ok and my bloods taken for tomorrow. Picked up my prescription for ranitadine and about to head to DDs school for her enrolment into p1. will then head home for lunch and to finish packing hospital bags.
Married - gorgeous pic.
Omg I have to show this to my husband!! What’s your dogs name.... he will melt when he sees this!!

Yes I got maccas! A very speedy one as had to grab all my stuff and head back here to be admitted.
It was 10x better than my cornflakes this morning!
Chicken mayo sandwich and chocolate cake for lunch - the things I have to look forward to :)
They’ve said they will assess me at 2am so after 24 hours and go from there.

Jessy sounds like a winter wonderland! But one you could do without this week I’m sure! Not long now, you must be really excited to meet your little one tomorrow!
Thanks ladies! His name is Dylan he's a husky :)

I feel so bad for you stuck there if nothing happens! Are you allowed to go bounce on a birth ball or try anything to amuse yourself? :) at least something will be happening at some point! And I would probably be making my hubby bring me in food and entertainment :haha: you'll be having your baby soon!!! Wish I could say the same I think you'll be all back in three weeks before you hear anything from me!
Oh and jessy so glad your stressful morning is over! Hope the rest of the day goes smooth. It's freezing here (I'm in Buckinghamshire so no snow) but thankful we don't have snow as I find it such a headache
Ok so my day is done now. Mum is away to pick up DD from nursery then we will have lunch play and sort my bags. My mum is going to stay overnight to avoid the stress of getting through here for 7am tomorrow in the snow!

I feel a bit calmer now everything has been ticked off the list.

Sarah have they let you out now? How are you feeling today?
It sounds like induction can be a mega long process. I’ve been out this morning and got some magazines & puzzle books for my bag, upgraded my sky package so I can download some box sets onto the iPad and got a couple of books sorted on my kindle. Maybe I should think of the potential drawn out stay in hospital as a little holiday, a chance to watch some tv & do some reading without the distraction of chores to do & a toddler to care for!

Hope things are moving along a bit for you London. Keep us updated & let me know of any must haves for induction- I’ve just packed ear plugs to try & give me a chance of sleep on a noisy maternity ward!

That’s a lovely photo Married. You should recreate it when little one is here too!

Glad you got to the appointment Jessy & got sorted for tomorrow- what time do you have to be there? Glad that you’re feeling better having got everything done that you needed to. Try and enjoy the rest of the day with your daughter and have some chill time before tomorrow!

I’m feeling rubbish this afternoon, so defeated. I can’t believe it’s looking like this induction is really going to happen. Last time I got to have a waterbirth on the midwife led unit & it was brilliant. It didn’t feel like I was in hospital really & that made me feel much better.

As it is, I’m glad to know baby is going to be here at some point this weekend, but I’m just gutted that it’s come to induction. I feel annoyed my body hasn’t done it by itself, and dreading having a prolonged stay in hospital. Ugh, no point to my ranting but needed to vent, hope that’s ok. Hormones and being a general worn out aching mess are getting the better of me today & making me feel sorry for myself!
Daisies - definitely earplugs!!
I’ve only had about 2 hours sleep since i arrived but im going to try for a nap soon as I’ve sent my husband home for a few hours.
I would prepare to be here a while. It’s def not a quick process from what I can see around me - but it may be for you as everyone is different!
There’s a lady opposite me who was moaning at midnight and she’s still sitting there moaning now 14 hours later.... I feel awful for her!! But just know that’s prob going to be me tonight.

I started cramping about two hours ago, feel like very severe period pains I’ve just given in and had two paracetamol and now I shall try sleep a bit.

They monitor you and baby every 6 hours on the machine and do blood pressure every 4.

Magazines and iPad will def come in handy!

Don’t beat yourself up too much Daisies :(
Baby just loves your belly way too much.
I feel very defeated being here but there are so many other ladies in the same boat and we need to get these babies out somehow!
I fancied a water birth which is out of the question now and certainly didn’t want to be induced but alas here I am !

Jessy sounds like you are organised for tomorrow, can’t wait to hear your news!
Hey ladies!

Omg so much is happening in such a short space of time isn't it!

Unfortunately inductions do take a while, mine took 3 days all in all so make sure you have plenty to keep you occupied, and lots of snacks too (depending on weather your nbm of course) as you'll end up spending a small fortune in hospital on food.

I'm glad they have taken you in though London and they are doing something to help get her out. Just a waiting game now unfortunately but hopefully Baba doesn't keep you waiting too long now!

Daisies, there's still time, things can turn around so quickly with our bodies and baby really can just arrive at any time. Keep your spirits up though, one way or another your going to have them at the end of it and that's the important part :) in the mean time, rant as much as you want get it off of your chest.

Jessy, so tommorrow is the day then? How exciting! How are you feeling? I was oddly calm the day before but was very nervous in the morning! You will be absolutely fine, I was so surprised and how positive my experience was. I am indeed home yes, got home yesterday around 3pm. Been out having a bimble around Asda today and met the mother in law at her work for lunch. I'm in a bit of discomfort but overall I feel pretty good considering I just had major surgery. Had a bit more blood loss than expected however since I've come home but I'm keeping an eye out and the hospital know.

Married, that photo is gorgeous <3 you look so well.

Were doing ok here, up most of last night, I did all the feeds and if OH tells me he's tired one more time I may actually strangle him but we're good! Perfect prep machine btw is a total winner!

Tried to dress Harley today in her 0-3 clothes... She's way too small for them &#128514; had to buy more baby grows at Asda!


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Aww Sarah she’s just a wee dot!!
&#10084;&#65039; Adorable

Wow you’re out and about, fair play!! As you said you’ve had major surgery so it’s amazing you’ve been out pottering around showing off your little girl to the world!

A miracle has happened and the other 3 ladies in my room have all gone so I’ve just had the most amazing 45min sleep of my life haha.
The poor woman who was making all the noise was swept off to the delivery suite so quickly bless her.

have my next lot of obs at 4pm then I shall try get some more sleep before my next lot of guests!

Prob going to buy a hospital tv card later. I think they cost a small fortune but may go mad without a bit of tv. It’s free from 8-12 so watched a little earlier today.

I’m thinking that tomorrow will kick start off the rest of the arrivals!
Do u have a tablet or laptop to watch itv or bbc on their apps?? Netflix is a godsend for me at the moment, you can sign up for a free trial at the moment so that could keep you amused with loads of box sets and movies! As long as there's Wi-Fi that's the only issue! I can't remember if that's free now or hospital charge...I imagine they charge the cheek! I think I can download before leaving so just reminded myself I should do that! I'll have to make hubby download stuff for me too if I'm induced:haha:

I'm feeling negative which is silly 6 days away from due date...I think it's just boredom and anticipation. I know when if it happens naturally I'll be in total disbelief.

Hope everyone is doing well! Harley is so cute and she has lots of room to grow into her clothes!
Glad you’ve managed to have a little bit of sleep at least London! I reckon I’ll have to buy a tv card, it’s a cheek that they charge coz it’s not like anyone is choosing to be stuck in a hospital bed is it? Although I’m going to do like Married and download a load of stuff - will get that done tonight ready actually.

And I know you’re right - some babies are just too comfy in there and need their marching orders.
I think it is just the control freak in me not liking that way I planned everything in my head isn’t happening. Which is ridiculous as I’m well aware birth is flexible and goes the way it goes, I think I just got way too easy a time of it last time round.

Sounds like you’re doing amazingly Sarah - make sure you make the most of the opportunity to get OH and others looking after you while you have baby snuggles though, there’s few chances in life where you can max out people waiting on you so go for it while you can I reckon!

Harley is mega adorable, I’m loving seeing baby pics and can’t wait for some more tomorrow!

Married - you’re right about boredom & anticipation making you feel like that. Mat leave is fab, it was such a relief to finish work, but you have so much time on your hands and are well aware that you are just waiting for this baby to arrive, and it’s a killer!

Just been working out that dh will start his paternity leave on Friday (if baby doesn’t show before) which will mean his first day back at Work will be 2nd Feb! I feel like Jan will have just flown by!
Any progress LK?

I must admit, i am bricking it now. I have to take my antacid at 10 and then 7 tomorrow. I cant eat after midnight or drink after 7am.

I am also terrified its gonna snow overnight making the 20 minute drive to the hospital a bit more traumatic. Ugh breathe Jess breathe!
Yes breathe Jess!!! :) I know you won't sleep well from excitement but try not to let snow anxiety hit you too! They'll understand if you run late and what will be will be...it'll be okay and looking forward to hearing an update in the morning!!!

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