January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

I can imagine it must be nerve wracking tonight Jessy but do your best to get some sleep, or if nothing else just chill out watching something you enjoy on the TV. Just think, this time tomorrow you should be laid up in bed holding your boy - that will be amazing!

Fingers crossed there are no snow issues, but as Married says, what happens with that happens, you can’t control it.

So looking forward to at least one more baby pic tomorrow - hoping we get one from London too!
Jessy so hard not to feel anxious about it all.
But focus on the end product - a brand new baby!

I’ve just been watching the news and they said about the snow... I hope it doesn’t hinder anything travel wise for you or any of the hospital staff! Fingers crossed all goes smoothly!

So I’ve just had the midwife give me and my husband a run down on the process of events. Mainly so he doesn’t feel so bad going home to bed.
I’m being checked at 2am and if favourable they will wait till a room on delivery suite is ready and break my waters. If not, they insert a gel and after that process starts again, can they break the waters? If not.... another 6 hours of gel.

So..... all going well she will be here tomorrow - I hope so! I don’t want to be in the hospital any longer than I need to be :)
But I’m thinking late tomorrow. Shall keep you in the loop!

Jessy - good luck for tomorrow!
And daisies - you may still go into labour, there is time!
Good luck tomorrow JessyG! I honestly found my elcs so so calm and positive. The worst bit was getting prepped for surgery and I just kept trying to breathe deeply and stay calm. The actual surgery was so calm, quick and straightforward. It was such a different experience than emcs. Really hope you have a good experience.
C section booked for next Wednesday if baby doesn't make appearance before that. Starting to get nervous.
Morning all,

JCliff - you must be excited to know you have an end date in sight. Hope the anxiety goes soon, I think hearing lovely c section stories like Sarah’s Must help!

I’ve been deciding whether or not to post an update as I don’t want to freak you out Daisies... but I’m still here and waiting... and not a lot has happened internal wise. I hope you have more luck than me!

At 2am They took the pessary out and checked me, I’m still only 1cm dialated with a posterior cervix. They said all these other stats which went way over my head! I spent a lot of time pacing the hospital and bouncing on that bloody ball for nothing!

Anyway they did the first round of gel at 3am but to be honest I’m not sure what that’s going to do. The midwife seemed hopeful that it will move things along and it’s certainly more uncomfortable but I guess we just have to wait and see.

I had another screaming lady opposite me last night and I mean a screamer! She totally left her dignity at the door haha.
Thank god they took her to the delivery suite about an hour ago.

On a positive note even though I’m not able to use the birthing pool they have a bath here which they run for me last night, was amazing!

Need to catch up on some sleep now....let you know how this gel goes.

Jessy - GOOD LUCK!! Can’t wait to see your little One! x
Jessy - good luck for today! Hope they get you down nice and early to see that little man.

Jcliff - your turn very soon then. If baby makes it’s own way before will you go for a vaginal birth or will it be in for a c section still?

Don’t worry about posting London - it’s nice to hear what the process is. Don’t know about anyone else but when they booked me in for my induction it was just a case of “go to x ward at x time” nothing else given info wise, so I’ve had to do my own research to find it what it entails at our hospital, and so it’s nice to know how it’s going for you.

Sorry to hear that nothing more has happened so far, but still loads of time for it all to get cracking yet. Fingers crossed the pessary has done some prep work for the gel to be more effective. If it’s feeling uncomfortable that can’t be for no reason - I’m sure today will be the day you meet your baby!

I’m hoping to not have any screamers around but it’s sounding unlikely based on your experience. I’m glad to have packed my ear plugs!

Hoping you get some rest while the gel kicks in. And hope things start speeding up for you this morning!
What a horrible night's sleep...wind was howling here..seriously was a little scared about waking up to damage consistent with a tornado it was bad! But still...better than snow! I really hope you made it there ok Jessy!

A few light period type cramps waking up today. Nothing major but all you ladies being on your way to having your babies is really making me impatient now! I kept hoping for contractions or my waters to break all night haha. I think I'm going to stay in bed a bit longer, not like there's anything much to do!

Sorry nothing has happened for you London I'd be going mad especially with crazy labouring ladies around me you poor thing!!! :(
Well i am in hospital! Made it ok, roads were fine. There are 3 electives due today but one lady is more of an emergency than us two so she is about to go down shortly. I suspect i may be 3rd on the list which would hopefully mean early this afternoon.

Will keep you all updated but had all my obs and things and spoken to all the dotors so just a bit of a waiting game now. Least DD is in nursery and my mum is at our house to look after her if my OH has to stay a bit longer.

They have even said i can have a little drink since there is a bit of a delay today which i am glad about as its so hot in here.
Thats good that you have an end in sight jcliff!

How is everyone else doing?
Jessy I was third on list and he was born at 12.09 so light not be too long a wait.
I am 3rd (lost a coin toss!) but the other lady hasnt been taken yet. Will be in the next hour. Absolutely starving!
Oh jessy! Hang in there! You'll have a baby by tonight yay!

I went for a brisk angry walk as husband annoyed me (not worth mentioning he's just an ass lol) and my poor back! Walking isn't easy how depressing! I also suffered intense muscle cramps in my stomach in the 10 minute walk back home and not contractions. Sat at home now with 'period pain' so something better happen in the next few days! Maybe I should try another walk tomorrow??? Hmmm...
Lucky number 3 Jessy.
Pleased to hear you made it with no snow issues.

Well all I’ve been doing this morning is wait wait wait.
They were supposed to assess me at 9am and were nearly 3 hours late.
I really feel for the midwives as they are run off their feet, work long shifts and then come into such unpredictable days at work.

Nothing has changed since last night.... I’m still only 1cm - edging more and more towards a c section if this next gel doesn’t work. So it’s in for another 6 hours so those 3 hours mattered to me :( but what will be will be!

They also mentioned that sometimes if the first round of induction doesn’t work that they leave you for 24 hours and start again. I actually want to cry at the thought of that :nope:
And of course as an inpatient I’ll have to stay the whole time.

On a good note my midwife is lovely and she’s said if it comes to that she will try find me a side room somewhere as she knows I’ve had no sleep.

I’m hoping and praying that this gel sets something off but even the midwife wasn’t overly hopeful so we shall see.

Feeling very deflated!! Esp given she said the c section wouldn’t be today and unlikely to be tomorrow.

Sorry for the moan!!

Jessy, good luck! Can’t wait to see a pic ❤️
Oh jessy! Hang in there! You'll have a baby by tonight yay!

I went for a brisk angry walk as husband annoyed me (not worth mentioning he's just an ass lol) and my poor back! Walking isn't easy how depressing! I also suffered intense muscle cramps in my stomach in the 10 minute walk back home and not contractions. Sat at home now with 'period pain' so something better happen in the next few days! Maybe I should try another walk tomorrow??? Hmmm...

Keep walking and bouncing Married!! You’ll prob give birth before me at this rate!!
Oh London, so sorry to hear it’s not going as you would like. Baby really is super super cozy in there.

Keeping everything super crossed for you that this next gel gets things going for you.

At least the midwife has acknowledged you’ve not had any decent sleep - if they do have to keep you in then speak to whoever you need to in order to get in a side room for a night so that you can have some sleep, you need to get your rest!

And Married, def try another walk tomorrow! I think walking definitely helped get me in labour last time. I’ve just not been able to do as much of it this time with having pelvic girdle pain and a toddler who hates the cold!
Oh London I do not know how you are holding it together! Must be hard for your partner too! :( I am grateful I am at least at home with nothing occurring as I'm sure you'd rather be in my shoes right now if no baby is going to come until Sunday! :( but my fingers are tightly crossed that the next gel does something!!!

Husband was disappointed when I told him he had to go to work just now :haha: told him period cramps are nothing and I would text if anything regular happened. It's just like a dull ache at the moment. Had a bit of rest after that taxing walk so now I'm bouncing as London advised ;)

Hope we have some more babies arriving before the weekend!! I need to see more squishy pictures of your lovelies :) :)
Omg Im sorry to hear that things arnt progressing too quickly there London, they cant leave you in that position for long though surely? Your body can only take so much and it's not fair to expect you to carry on with no sleep especially seeing as a newborn is going to be thrown into the mix soon to add to the tiredness :( I really hope they make some form of decision and action it soon for you lovely, I feel terrible for you.

Jessy, I'm hoping you've gone through theater and your on the other side now problem free. I checked earlier and saw you were 3rd on the list, hoping that your done now and recovering with your little Baba! Can't wait to hear some news!

How are you getting on Daisies? I hope all is well?

Married, absolutely try another walk in the morning, keep active and hopefully it will develop and be soon! There's a lot of babies that are just too comfy here though!

As for me, midwife came out to see us today on my request. Noticed little lady is looking a bit yellow around the gills today. She's come out and confirmed that she is jaundiced, but not bad enough to require treatment, just a ride it out affair. She's eating well, nappies are good and she's beautifully alert a good portion of the day so we're happy with that. She's lost 120g off her birth weight making her 6lb 9oz now but she is well within normal weight loss parameters so no concerns. In the hospital Saturday for her heel prick test and check up. Apparently it can take 2 weeks for jaundice to go through the motions and dissapear.
Sarah I hope that jaundice clears up before you know it! Great to hear she is doing so well though!

London and jessy, I hope you're both having babies or getting some needed sleep!

Still bouncing over here :haha: cramps have gone bloooooo :haha:
He is here! Arrived at 14:55 weighing 9lb 2oz! Durgeon said c section went well but that it was a tight squeeze getting him out.

The section itself was very relaxed and OH got to hold him straight away and cut his cord which was lovely.

Oh has had to go home now to let my mum go home so its just me and Aussie now. Will be interesting how this goes semi paralysed!

LK how are you getting on?
Congratulations Jessy!!! Eeeek how exciting cannot wait to see a picture later ;) hope you both get through the night okay and that you can go home sooner rather than later!

Hope all is going well London!

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