January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

Amazing daisies!!!! Congratulations

What a long haul it’s been for you Londonkiwi!!! Hopefully baby will appear today.

Good news you’ll get home JessyG. Is that just one night you’ll have been in?

I’m super tired but baby is so calm and peaceful. Breastfeeding is getting slightly easier but now have an oversupply problem due to expressing so have bags mounting up in the fridge. Stressing about how I’ll manage baby and toddler when my husband is back at work.
Just a quick one as off to do the school run very soon, but congratulations Daisies!! So happy for you <3 that's a lovely short labour! He must have been just ready to come out :) lovely. Enjoy these precious newborn moments x
Had our baby last night! 7lb13oz 6 days early but perfect! Liam John
Congratulations jcliff!!! Darn left me on my own but so happy for you! :haha:

I've damn near killed my back cleaning and lifting for 2 hours...but nope, no baba! :haha: hope you're all enjoying soaking in your babies and cannot wait to see photos here later in the week or next week!!!
Congrats to you both Daisies and JCliff! So is that 3 babies born on 18/1/18. Its a pretty cool birthday to be fair!?!

London, you are awesome. I hope she is here now though.

Yes only the one night. Just waiting on my meds from pharmacy then will be off.

My OH is pretty terrified of the newborn wobbly head and people keep asking if its his first cause i have to remind him to hold his neck so it doesnt flop forward etc. He is brilliant with him but he is sooo worried about hurting him he doesnt realise its worse not to have a hold of his head properly. Bless him.

Had a shower and feel pretty decent and not too sore. I have to inject myself with fragment every day for the next 5 days......ehhh dreading that.
Sorry no Daisies you said today so 19/1/18 which is mathematically still a pretty cool birthday (sad ex maths teacher in me talking!)
Jessy have you had the 'too scared to pull arms and legs through clothes' yet?? I can imagine thats a big anxiety point too! He will get into the swing of it really soon I'm sure!!
Congrats jcliff !! Hope you are both doing well!

Awww Jessy I hate the injections. I had 10 days worth and finished the last one yesterday, thank god!

Wow sarahcake I am very impressed you are out and about doing the school run already. I have to admit I haven&#8217;t left the house much yet.

Aww marriedlaydee hopefully you&#8217;ll be next and baby will come very soon.
Jessy, Aussie is absolutely adorable - well done you, what a cutie!

Sarah - lol at Pammy with milk patches! &#128514; I remember that day from last time and I’m not especially looking forward to it!

Married, it was mad how quick it happened. Woke at 2am and went to the loo. Got back in bed, couldn’t get comfy. Had an uncomfortable feeling down below, not painful as such, just uncomfy in between my legs. This went on for about an hour, realised the discomfort was coming in waves, so had a bath & it didn’t stop. Called birth centre and they said come in. This was about 3.45am Hospital is normally a 30 min drive.

Set off, and along the way had an urge to push - while on a country lane! Hubs told me we were nearly there and I held on till we got there. Got in the hospital I would imagine around 4.10am and he was born at 4.18am! Crazy. I still can’t believe it!

Soph - try not to stress, when does he go back? You’ll find your way and be amazing I’m sure!

Jcliff - massive congratulations, we’ll done!

18 Jan would be a cool birthday although I can see what you’re meaning Jessy about the 19 being a good one too!

This really has been the week of the babies. Married, yours will be here before you know it!
Oh and London, I really hope that they’ve got you into delivery suite now and that baby is here or on the way!
Daisies that's quite a story wow! I'm glad the hospital is only 10 minutes for us but the walk to labour ward is quite long :haha:

London I'm hoping baby is here safe and sound we cannot wait to hear from you when you're ready :)

I'm going to keep busy this weekend, few more jobs to do around the house then my friend is back from London for the weekend so hot chocolate together then we are going to hobby craft to buy some wool for crocheting with so I can keep busy for a few days while I wait! SO exciting...not :haha:
After 97 hours in hospital, 4 inductions, a narrowly missed c-section we had the speedy delivery of Matilda Jane
arriving at 1.41am this morning (20/01) weighing in at 7 pound 2.

Quite the story behind my lovely ordeal at the hospital which started on Tues but I’m so tired I need to catch a few hours sleep then I’ll tell you about the birth.

One very content little girl! &#127872;&#10084;&#65039;
Annoyingly it won’t let me upload a pic but I will do later when I have rested my brain haha.
Congratulations LK it sounds like quite an ordeal but so glad Matilda is here now safe and sound.

Will they keep you in overnight?

How is everyone settling in with their newborns?
Congrats London! So glad that you're finally holding your baby and sights of home are on the horizon, yay!

So many babies this week!!
Well done London! Glad she’s here - enjoy!

Our little man now has a name - Max Arthur. When he’s chilling he’s so content, when he eats it’s for hours at a time. This morning from about 8am until 1pm with very little respite in between. Hoping he may calm down a little when my milk comes in.

Loving being at home with my boys, it is so tiring though! They say you forget the pain of childbirth, you also forget the tiredness of newborn days!
What a lovely name daisies. So we have an Ethan, Harley, Austin, Liam, Max and Matilda. Awwwww!

Daisies do you also have a lucas. A girl i know had a max and lucas too but her max came first! Great minds!
Aww ladies! Jcliff and London well done, I'm so happy for you both!

I'm so glad baby is finally here London, you've really been through it havnt you :( so sorry it's been a rough ride getting her but she will be completely worth it - as I'm sure you have already realised!

That's a load of cute names right there &#128525;&#128525; just married left now right? Hopefully soon lovely, I've got my fingers crossed.

Sorry I've been so quiet and not able to respond properly, sickness bug in the house ATM, me and Harley not affected but we've basically quarantined ourselves away from it &#128514;

Much love to all of you and your beautiful squidges x

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