January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

Yup just me Sarah :cry: I wish some of the other ladies on this thread had stayed regular to the group, curious to know who else is waiting and how they got on!

Had some period pain again this morning on and off...not had that for a couple of weeks now. This could go on and on I know...but I can always hope that in a few days it'll get worse! Not that I'm looking forward to that...I haven't missed the menstrual cramps at all so it's a stark reminder :haha:

Hope all the babies are doing well! And Sarah definitely stay away from everyone! Yucky :)
Yes Jessy, my big boy is Lucas - good combo I think!

Some lovely names for the beautiful babies in this group.

Sorry to hear the sickness bug has got your house Sarah, hope you & Harley escape it!

Married - I was just thinking this morning that I’m not looking forward to periods again! The after pains this time are pretty nasty, not enjoying that at all!
Is paracetamol the only thing I could take for cramps after baby is here if breastfeeding?? Just curious...Maybe I need to go stock up now!
You can have ibuprofen as well Married. Get stocked up, I’ve been taking 2 of each when I need them - making the most of being able to take pain relief!
I've never liked paracetamol always been an ibuprofen person so luckily got loads of it in kitchen unused!! I'll restock though :haha:
Yup paracetamol and ibuprofen. I take 2 of each at a time and I find it to be very effective :)

Today's rant of the day... Bloody visitors.

So OHs mother has been here pretty much solidly since I came home, under the guise of being here to help, only her help is taking Harley off me and insisting on feeding every bottle.

That's a nice break I hear you cry, not exactly no. I litterally want to scream at her because every baby has their little quirks when it comes to feeding. For example, Harley likes to be laid pretty much flat, only a small angle whilst being fed a bottle. If she isn't, she will fuss and spit it all back out. With me, she's been drinking 3oz every 3 hours really well, no issues, giving me her wind perfectly.

With her, she sits her up at a right angle - refuses to listen to me say otherwise (I've had 3 babies I know what I'm doing...) And as a result, Harley gets pissed off with spilling it all down herself, she takes 1oz all in all - after stopping to wind her about 6 times among this 1oz so each oz takes an hour to give, so she just falls asleep. There she stays for about 2-3 hours as I'm scolded from waking her by picking her up (something which I am now ignoring and doing anyway) when she wakes up - she insists on doing another bottle and then it ends up the same.

That's brilliant... But last night she drank 5oz with me before bed because she's bloody starving did a massive poo because not much else has hit her stomach all day and then proceeded to have me up on the hour, every hour for a top up. Completely throwing her routine out of whack. I've woken up this morning a blubbering emotional wreck because I'm exhausted from it.

Lloyd sent me off to sleep, and I'm ok - not feeling down or anything just absolutely shattered but guess what has happened today, yup, the same fucking thing. So I've got another shit night ahead of me.

I love mother in law to death and normally she can do no wrong in my eyes but this is ridiculous. It's trying to solve it now without causing massive offence because she just wants to be involved but fuckkkkkk am I tired and pissed off right now.
Oh Sarah you need to be brutally blunt for yours and Harley's sake!! Seriously that's really out of line to take over like that...Just say no and deal with her nose being out out of joint. Baby hogging is not cool especially when it's not asked for and she won't listen and implement your routine. If you don't do anything it'll explode and come out even worse.

Totally understand how hard it must be and you want to keep everything nice and no arguments...a quiet life is easier! But it's obviously not working and she is not considering the difficulties she's now caused you and the baby. She will probably not accept she's wrong but this is your time and your partner should also be supporting your routine and maybe ask her to listen and either implement it with you or back off and stick to nappy changing.

I'm glad boobs aren't detachable...if it goes well for me I guess I'll be lucky that I won't have your problem!! Probably deal with a lot of 'why aren't you bottle feeding then we can all help' and a whole host of other interfering things! So I won't pretend yet that I won't have something similar happening!

Good luck!! I'm sure it'll all resolve itself really soon. Deep breaths!!! Things can seem huge right now just remember to be kind to yourself :)
Hey Ladies,

Wow what gorgeous baby names we have in this group.... Married, cant wait to hear about your little one!! What day are you due again?

Sarah - that Is well out of order. She means well and probably doesn't realise that her way of helping is actually not helping - But Harley is your baby, you need to set your own routine and boundaries and unfortunately that means she needs to back off! Maybe Lloyd could say something to her??

Matilda is such a chilled out baby, I think I've been really lucky. She's sleeping and feeding well and she's super cute too! The hospital let us come home last night, wasn't sad to see the back of that place after being there for 4 nights!!

So as you know I went in on Tuesday for a bit of monitoring and they basically said I wouldn't be going home... Put the pessary in that night and I was to wait 24 hours then get the first lot of gel. There were a lot of delays in the process of the gels and checking me 6 hours afterwards, I got a total of three 6-hour gels and one time I waited over 3 hours for them to assess me. All the while sitting on a 'Imminent baby arrival' ward with ladies in labour all around me so no chance of sleep. I started contracting on Thursday evening - I was told my last set of gel would be checked that night and i'd be going to the delivery suite at 1.30am Friday morning as they had a bed for me where they would hook me up to the drip to intensify my contractions and deliver Matilda
Friday morning I was waiting all morning all the while the contractions were getting worse and worse and all were occurring in my back only. Was horrendous and the waiting didn't help... So bearing in mind that I was supposed to be moved at 1.30am Friday, when I was taken over there around 3pm Friday I was really annoyed but I could see the light at the end of the tunnel knowing she would be born soon enough.

They assessed me and the third lot of gels did bugger all, I was still only 2cm so they started throwing around the idea of a C-section. They decided to break my waters that evening and said id need to go for a 2-hour walk around the hospital then i'd get hooked up to the machine.

Well when they broke my waters it was full of meconium and an internal revealed that she was back to back hence my intense back contractions.
Consultant was called in and said she wanted this baby out asap and said I was not to walk around the hospital that she was sending the anaesthetist down to give me an epidural and they would put me on the hormone drip for two hours, if nothing happened i'd be going straight to theatre.

Mobile epidural in, was lovely! ha. You self administer so didn't want to overdose, gave myself enough that my back was pressure rather than pain and so that I could still walk to the toilet etc...

A while later I said to my two midwives that it felt like I needed to push, i'd gone from 2cm to 10cm and they said if I don't want a c section I have to deliver back to back so I started pushing, Matilda turned herself around (yay thank you!) and she was out 40mins later.

Was all a bit surreal!!

Then It was back to the Ward around 3.30-4am and was allowed home around 6pm last night.

Matilda was 7 pound 2. No stitches required and I already feel basically back to normal which is great!

So much nicer being home and having a proper shower!
now to try upload a picture!
For some reason its saying the files are too big... ive not had this issue before?! :(
Thanks ladies, just read it back and I really was having a proper moan 😂😂 I think I've just hit the wall and baby blues set in today, hormones are raging and I keep crying. Defo not Pnd as I'm very happy and I'm 100% in love with my girl and our little family, but I feel a hormonal wreck today.

If it happens again I will be saying something. I've let it go the last 2 days because it's happened whilst other members of the family are visiting (and behaving!) For the first time so I didn't want to cause a scene but I will be speaking to Lloyd tommorrow. Its currently 10pm, and in the last hour she has had a 2oz bottle, 1oz of my expressed milk and is about to finish another 2oz bottle. 5oz because she's playing catch up from today which means im likely to have a crappy night like last night again. I am not doing this again.

London you poor sod you really have been though it Jesus wept. I'm not surprised at all that you are glad to be home!! I would be too!

You did fantastically well though, no tearing and back to back labour. I've been there, it bloody hurts - like, really hurts. Well done you. Thank you for sharing your experience with us and I'm so pleased that your feeling reletively normal now!!

The file too big is a common problem, grab a resizing app and try that or just upload to imgur or photobucket and paste a link here instead :)
Sarah I hope tomorrow is a much better day, I'm sure it will be!

London that's a story and a half...really feel for you I do not know how you stayed sane through that experience, but glad to hear you are home now!

Baby is due Tuesday!!! So one day left! Hmmmm :haha:
Thanks for the photo tip Sarah I shall do that tomorrow and try show you ladies a photo or two of Matilda.

Exciting married!! Not long now :)
Enjoy tomorrow and do something nice for you, baby will be here so soon!
So woken up with the hum in my ear progressing to a tingling sound...and dizziness.

Well more like feeling off centre. So I've stayed in bed hoping this goes away for the doctor appt at 3.20. Midwife said that it's probably just an ear infection nothing to do with baby but to go see the doctor for antibiotics. Last thing I want is to leave the house but this slightly spinning head won't go away now.
Oh married, hope it goes away with a little more rest.

OH has taken DD to nursery. I managed to get Aus fed, bottles washed and sterilised, DD dressed hair done, teeth, bag sorted for nursery and a load of washing out on before 8am. Phew! Thankfully Aus slept the whole time i was doing that else i dunno how im gonna manage in a couple of weeks completely on my own. Eeek.

I am so in love with little boy, am feeling quite emotional this morning though that every day is the last time he will this age, sounds pathetic but i saw him and thought you'll never be 3 days old again and wanted to burst into tears.

I stupidly dropped my pains meds too early so was in a lot of pain yesterday afternoon. Managed to get back on top of it but the sitting down getting up is still quite a challenge. Reckon ill be feeling loads better by the weekend. Well i hope so as we are planning on trying to get out for the first time as a family of 4 at the weekend.

The midwife has been coming every day since we got out. She is not meant to come out today but will do to give me my blood thinners injection as i cant bring myself to do it. A was 8lb 13oz yesterday so dropped 5oz since birth which they said is only 2/3% so they were happy with that.

How is everyone doing?
The clexane injections arnt very nice are they :( I'm that accustomed to them now that they don't bother me but the did and I had to get Lloyd to do them as I couldn't bring myself too.

Funnily enough I dropped my pain meds at day 3 and I felt it the next day, make sure you stay on them for a few more days but it does get rapidly easier, day 7 and ive not taken pain killers for two days now. Pico dressing off today and hopefully sutures depending on what is under the Pico.

So many emotions running high, I've been the same, set off crying at the drop of a hat lol today is better though don't feel so emotionally unstable!!

Ahh married bless you hope your feeling better soon, ear problems are awful, can throw your balance and all sorts out so be careful please x
Wow JessyG you are superwoman!!

I kept taking my painkillers until they ran out so day 11 I think. My bleeding has been terrible the last 3 days. Sat night I soaked 3 maternity pads during the night and have had clots and more gushes today. The midwife came to weigh baby and said to do less but that’s hard when you have a toddler.
Hope you’re feeling better soon Married, it’s awful when your heavily pregnant and ill.

I know what you’re all saying about being emotional. The midwife came and weighed Max today and said he had dropped to 8lb 8oz. But that is what we were told by the midwife at the hospital that he weighed. Checked the conversion and he was actually 8lb 14oz, they converted it wrong at the hospital (it was a student midwife) and it made me want to cry a bit because he was bigger than I thought - how ridiculous!

Max is doing well though and is now 8lb 8oz, meaning he’s dropped I think she said 4.5% of his birth weight which she said is fine.

London - that’s a real old birth story! I can’t believe how much of a wait you had to get her here but well done to you - you must have been shattered by the time it came to deliver her.

Soph hope you’re doing ok, it is easier said than done to take it easy when you have a toddler. Get some chill time where you can though.

That’s a busy morning Jessy, go you! I was annoyed at dh this morning. I had about 1 hour sleep last night and Max fell asleep at about 6 just as Lucas came in our room. I dropped off to sleep but when the alarm went off to get Lucas ready for the childminder dh just stayed in bed with him chilling until I woke up and got him ready! Sometimes he’s amazing, and sometimes he drives me mad!

Hope you’re all having good Mondays!
Let’s see if this works - my little man!


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Ahhh daisies....adorable!!!

After a veryyyy long wait i finally came away with antibiotics for an ear infection. Hopefully it's gone in the next 5 days! She gave me swabs too if the antibiotics don't clear it up before I go into hospital...Not entirely sure what I'm supposed to do with these swabs...??? She didn't explain herself very well just said to use them if I go into labour before the infection had cleared up but she may as well have given me a bunch of bananas and told me to do nothing with them lol
:haha: sorry married that did make me laugh. I have visions of someone looking very confused walking out of the doctors surgery holding a bunch of bananas. I mist admit, no idea what you have to do with the swabs either!

Aww daisies, Max is adorable.

My day has been prety uneventful. B got back from nursery had lunch then OH took her to her gymnastics class. My mum popped over while they were out and then left shortly after they got home (they made a detour to argos to pick up a double laundry basket i ordered.....its going to be needed in this house!) So B was quite upset she only got to see grandma for 30 mins or so but my mum has said she will come through next week and take her out for lunch. Just the two of them which is lovely.

Other than feeding changing and washing bottles not a lot has been happening.

Been trying to include Aus in Bs bedtime so we all sit together on our bed and read stories. Hoping it will be something we all do together when he gets bigger too.

Anyone got anything planned this week. Anyone doing a newborn photoshoot? I thought about it but i quite like taking pics myself so i am just gonna try set up a wee display and take a couple myself with the two of them.

OH is taking B swimming on Friday morning so i am hoping the snow and ice have melted outside and i feel well enough to take Aus out for a nice stroll.

LK are you home now?

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