January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

Aww daisies, Max is gorgeous! What a little cutie he is. We make cute babies here that's for sure!

Married, I'm glad they gave you some antibiotics but I've not got a single clue what your supposed to do with that swab mind 😂😂 how bizzare!

Soph, ive been the same and got told the same but again, like you, it's next to impossible to slow down sometimes when you have another one at home. Lloyd's "you'll sit and do nothing" hasn't even lasted a week. I do all the feeds - including night, cook all the meals, wash and sterilise all the bottles, shower/bathe Logan so on so forth... He takes Harley in the morning so I can get a bit of extra sleep and he does some housework whilst I'm there but it's absolutely nothing like the "you'll be sat doing nothing whilst I do everything" that he insisted it would be.

Today's been a better day, had my Pico dressing off - nurse didn't want to take it off as she had never seen one before but I threatened to take it off myself and that was enough to make her do it. She refused to take the sutures out though as she won't do it before 10 days. Rang the midwife who is coming out to do it tommorrow morning as it is supposed to be done between 5- 7 days.

We were going to have a newborn photoshoot done, I have a good friend in Bournemouth who's a fantastic photographer but truth be told, with me dropping to maternity allowance, we can't afford to pay him to come down so we're making do with pictures were taking ourselves lol
Woken up this morning the first time in over a week without that blooming annoying noise in my ear!!! Amoxocillin you are my new best friend!!!

It's due date day!! It's like Christmas but someone forgot to bring you the presents so you just pretend you're happy about it and sulk that the main attraction never showed up....:haha:

You better not keep me waiting much longer baby...I'm going to make it extremely uncomfortable on my cervix for you believe me!

We won't have newborn photos taken by anyone but me as I'm actually an experienced newborn photographer ;) don't get me wrong....will be blooming hard work without the advantage of turning up bright eyed and bushy tailed without my womb falling out of me....i think this will be a whole new experience for me for sure after 10 years doing this. I also know it's going to make me 10 times better than I've ever been too so I'm very excited. I'm not into all those newborn poses...getting them to prop their head up on their hands....lay in a basket with silly hats on etc. I just enjoy natural photos with close ups of those little yawns, wrinkly fingers and flaky feet.

I'd come do all your photos for the price of a cuppa ladies! But my hands will hopefully be full at some point this week!

Well I can keep dreaming!
Yes! This married i dont wany my baby is those weird unnaturally squished poses either. I jusy want some nice ones of my two looking at each other and maybe a close up one of Aus holding onto Bs finger or something. I am going to get a nice throw laid out this afternoon and will try to get a couple of nice ones for my wall as ill get them made into a canvas.

Think this weekend or next we will head to the ceramic cafe and get a hold of both the kids hand prints. He will only be a week old so not sure if i should leave it another week or two.

Midwifes here today to take my stitch out and to do Aus' heel prick test. I may cry. Other than that no plans and no visitors i dont think yah!!!!
That's the type of pictures I love too. The squishy newborn is beautiful enough without propping them up in silly poses imo. How fortuitous that your a newborn photographer married! Please share a couple of images with us when little one is here and been photographed!

Aww Jessy hope that the stitches removal and heel prick goes well, I've got mine out today too. Little lady cord fell off this morning but it looks a little herniated there so going to ask them to have a little look whilst I'm there.

I hope Aus's heel prick goes well. I was dreading it for Harley as Logan was awful with it. I'm not sure who cried more, me or him but Harley slept through it 😂

Besides that not much on, Logan's home sick as he was vomiting yesterday and isn't 24 hours clear yet and Lloyd's in bed poorly with flu symptoms. Yay!
Just have a lot of natural light if you can Jessy and your photos will turn out great! Have fun!

I've been out for a couple hours to get a couple bits, my mum got me some maternity pads from asda as I'm not confident with Boots' brand...anyone recommend a type?!! These asda ones say ultra slim and winged...I'm now not certain about the ultra slim bit I just want maximum no accident potential! Lol. Anyway got home and found my dog running about with the squishy soft square pack in his mouth :haha: what a goon!

I had SUCH bad cramps for two hours this morning wow...was seriously like...is this it??? They were kinda painful but more like grimace and breathe deeply. Anyway they're pretty much gone now so panic over! But fingers crossed this picks up in the next few days as it's the first time they lasted that long over the last three days!

Off to start a little craft project now for the baby, I'll post it here when it's done ;) enjoy your squishy babies everyone!
Aww you’ll have amazing newborn photos then married! They’re the photos I like, natural ones of their squishiness. I see lots of people sharing the ones in funny poses on Facebook and they’re not for me.

I hope the cramps are the start of something for you & happy due date!

For maternity pads I think mine were from Superdrug - they were fine. Only used for the first couple of though as my bleeding is now fairly light. I can recommend Always infinity pads for when it lightens up a bit - they’re nice and thin but do seem to hold plenty, stay in place & don’t leak, feel fairly comfy too (as much as a pad can!)

Seems like there’s bugs everywhere lately, hope it leaves your house soon Sarah. My dh has tonsillitis (and don’t we know about it!) just hoping it doesn’t spread!

Hope Aussie was ok for the heel prick this morning Jessy. We’ve got Max’s tomorrow- so annoying though- they’ve just said they’ll be here between 9 & 4 so we’re potentially waiting all day!
Ahh thanks daisies! I've just opened the asda ones they're really ultra slim...slimmer than normal pads for a regular period so I'm like...what.... :haha: so I think I'll need to stick to the Boots ones which look industrial sized :haha: I just want to avoid the inevitable bed sheet ruining phase but if I'm up every two hours doing feeds then may not be a problem ;)
He cried his heart out. Thankfully i had just made a bottle of milk so he had some of that a cuddle and he was fast asleep again for 2.5 hours. He has a bit of a red bum though. He seems to do tiny little bits of poo alot so it feels like he is constantly being wiped and dried. I am using a tonne of metanium and it seems touch wood to be working.

I am shattered and feel like i am looking forward to bedtime but the day and night are merging into one at the moment so bedtime isnt as much fun as it used to be :haha:
Happy Due date Married!!

Checking in to say hi!
We have had a few visitors today so it’s been hard to get time to log in.
Tomorrow i shall get a picture or two posted of Matilda.

So far so good... she’s a good sleeper which is great. Hope I’m not speaking too soon!!

I got my maternity pads from Asda too.
I used the slim line ones before I went into labour incase waters broke etc.
But since the birth I’ve been using the thick Asda ones and i have to say they are bloody comfortable!!
The slim ones as you say as very slim... I have a couple in my handbag for when I’ve been out and about but as you say they are slimmer than a normal maternity pad so won’t do a lot.
I can recommend their thicker ones though!

I also like the natural photos... nothing better!
Adams cousin’s best friend is a photographer and has asked if she can take some pictures of Matilda for her portfolio. In return she will give us a bunch of free photos.
I was in two minds about it... mainly because I’m also not a fan of those kind of photos but then on the other hand, it’s free! And she said I can request a couple of shots if I like. So I said yes I would do it. So that will be Happening in next couple of days.

Is anyone expressing? Breastfeeding is killing me!!
I said I won’t get upset about it, which I won’t....
Have decided to be open minded and try a bit of expressing for two feeds and formula for the others - But I didn’t really realise how long expressing takes?! Painfully slow...
I expressed for the 3 days i was in hospital after having my first and i found it ok purely because i was tied to a bed for the most part anyway and i had midwives around to help whenever needed. I can imagine it is a bit of a pain in the arse to do it at home. I would imagine if you dont have a baby in your arms you are attached to a pump. I had to stop as the pump eventually ripped my nipples and made me bleed alot. I definitely admire women who can continue doing it for weeks/months. It must be draining so well done you for doing it! Dont beat yourself up for whatever decision you make though.

I am having a bit of an ugh oh moment. Aus seems to get hiccups alot and sneezes alot. At first i just thought it was his tiny little tibe trying to clear themselves etc but now i am having a bit of a panic that it will turn into reflux. God i hope not.
Ahh London didn't even think asda did a different kind as I sent my mum to get them for me she can't have seen anything different! Bummer! If I happen to pop in I'll look myself but I was saving myself a 6 mile trip to get there. I'm so lazy these days lol.

Oh totally go for the photos if they're free! It's good practise so good on her she's experimenting with that style and it's hard to start out/learn different things and your style without offering it up for free! It's what I did and just made me decide to move away from trying to do it. I'm sure they'll be gorgeous! You can just see some really over the top newborn photos sometimes. For instance dressing up your new baby like a farmer, putting them in a metal bucket with loads of hay in the scene i personally just dont like :haha: I don't know where I saw that but it just always made me go 'hmmmm do I want that on my wall' lol. Getting your baby to hold their head up with tiny fists is a trick of editing and always fun to ask a parent to help you do. I never had a baby let me go that far and the best I got was a laying down pose with a fist by their face lol.

Up in the middle of the night..pee pee pee all the blooming time yay. I had to tell at the dog it's the third time in a week he's pooped in the house. Totally unlike him but it's driving me mad now. Whyyyyy now. We started feeding him more often so I guess that was a bad idea! Makes me so mad when he's fully house trained that he's not asking to go out *sigh*

Anyway, night time poo picking up winge over! Now I'm awake wondering when this little one will surprise us with their appearance...
If you are planning to express there a plastic suction thing I ordered which collects the milk let down from opposite side. I got it from Amazon and it’s great because it increases the amount you get without you having to do anything. I was expressing on top of breast feeding because midwife told me to when he was slow to gain weight/jaundice, but it just led to oversupply and bags of wasted milk!!!!
This little thing right?!! Heard great things about it so got it on my wishlist in case I find I need it down the line!!


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I’m feeling like a crap Mum today. Dropped Lucas off at nursery - we all went as dh hasn’t taken him before so didn’t know where to go/what to do. As we left he was in floods of tears and he never ever cries when I leave him.

On top of that I decided last night to move onto formula. We were up all night till 4am feeding, and the pain in my boobs is ridiculous - either I’m doing something really wrong or he has a tongue tie, but I just don’t have it in me to try and find out what the issue is. I knew I wouldn’t be a long term breastfeeder, but hoped to do a couple of weeks, but it’s just too hard.

Mummy guilt is killing me this morning. Dh has gone off to get some formula so we can start with that at his next feed. We’ve got the midwife coming today to do his day 5 check & heel prick test and I just hope it’s my normal midwife as I really like her - I don’t want some stranger coming and giving me judgement for moving to formula.

Jessy - I’m sure it’s not reflux. I’ve noticed Max sneezing and hiccuping a lot too - they’re only new and teeny, I bet it’s just new things tickling their little noses and their bodies getting used to breathing, eating etc causing the hiccups.

Married - sounds like your dog is doing his bit to get you ready for the long nights and nappy changes with the baby!
Haha Daisies! Perhaps he's attention seeking! I made him sleep shut out of access to our room after that incident and when DH got up at 5.30am to open the door the poor mite came running in to see me...broke my heart poor guy! But when baby comes that's it he needs to stay out until baby leaves our room. I refuse to step on a dog every few hours!

Don't feel bad for stopping breastfeeding! I do think it's important to talk about it bit I totally understand it will be something you want to avoid as these midwives and health visitors notoriously make women feel guilty. Breastfeeding ladies need a kind of therapy if you ask me at this stage! I've read it should never be painful and if it is it's because baby isn't latching correctly. Like you say could be tongue tie but if you're happy with your decision then that's it. No one should make you change your mind :) plus how great will it be to have someone else feed the baby?!!! Amazing!
I must say no one has made me feel guilty for not breastfeeding but i can totally understand the need to almost justify yourself to people. I did it with B alot. Not so much with Aus though. You need to do whats best for you and your family. I, like you wanted to make it to 6 weeks then see how i got on but i barely made it 6 hours.

I havent taken any painkillers today and feel pretty good. Will take a couple of paracetamol in a bit to keep on top of it but think in another couple of days ill be off them completely.

How are you getting in Sarah and London? X
Daisies I am in the exact same boat as you!
We have the midwife coming tomorrow and right now my main concern with no longer breastfeeding is telling her!
I don’t want the judgement!
The other day when she came I was still breastfeeding and she offered to watch me to make sure I was doing it right. I declined because I didnt really want her watching and at the time I was fine.
I keep thinking tomorrow she is going to offer to watch or help but my mind is made up. I’ll express what I can then formula for the other feeds.
I got two feeds out last night, I’m going to try again soon and see what I can get out today.

Married I’m cracking up at the little farmer pose for the photos hahahaha. I should hope she’s not into that!! I’ve checked out her portfolio on FB and I think I’m safe ha.
Yes marriedlaydee that’s the one! It’s fantastic and definitely worth buying.

Oh my goodness do not feel any guilt for using formula! At the end of the day when they all start school can anyone tell who was breast fed and who had formula? If it’s not working for you and you are unhappy then that’s more than enough reason to stop.
London, I’ve just had our midwife visit and there was no judgement whatsoever. I told her that we have moved him onto formula today and she asked why. I said that I always anticipated moving onto formula at some point, and that I’ve found it painful and difficult & so myself and dh have decided to move him now. She just said we have to do what is right for our family and what keeps me feeling well - no real conversation about it, and definitely no judgement. So please don’t worry, I think just be confident in your decision when telling her so she knows your mind is made up.

It’s so frustrating how breastfeeding is encouraged and made to seem like an easy decision when it is really bloody hard. We all have to do what is right for us, and our families but it’s sad that we feel there would be a judgement. Maybe that’s just the perfectionist in me thinking that there would be though.

Anyhow, Max has taken to bottles just fine so far and I am already feeling a load better for making the switch. My boobs though- my god they are so full, hard & uncomfy!

Question for perfect prep users - what do you do at night? Take the machine to bed or walk downstairs to get a bottle? And what are you doing when out & about to make up a bottle? It’s only 2 years since my son finished on bottles but can’t get my head around what I need to do when out!

Oh and one of my friends gave me a naturebond sillicone pump - they really are good, it’s amazing how much you get just from attaching while feeding from the other boob!

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