January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

When out and about i used to take the ready made cartons and a sterilised bottle. Super easy but gets expensive if you are out alot plus its not warm. My DD still drank it no worries but i wasnt out all that much to be honest. I assume i will do the same this time.

I have been going downstairs to use the prep machine but i sort of have to wake my OH up so he can keep an eye on Aus while i am away. I know lots of people take them upstairs though.

I am thinking of getting a cold water steriliser as its doing my head in having to resterilise after i take a bottle out to use. The only thing is i have heard they make the bottles taste a bit yuckam and i am not sure if Aus will appreciate that when he is used to the way i currently do it. What steriliser is everyone using?

What bottles are you using daisies?
Married I have seen that one before and I've heard good things but I could never find it again! I'm totally buying that come payday!

Daisies, please don't feel bad lovely, at the end of the day, fed is best. BF is a hard road to travel it really is, especially when you have another little one at home because it just takes so much time and it can be really painful at times. I'm expressing one bottle a day at the moment and the rest is formula and I've had no judgement at all for that decision. I did with Logan so I was expecting it this time but nothing but support from the midwives so far.

Had my stitches out yesterday, and had the midwife back out today to check as part of it has opened back up and looks angry as hell. She's stuck a dressing on it and taken swabs so we shall see. Besides that, all good. Lloyd is still dying of the flu so I'm knacked doing everything ATM but on the plus side Harley got registered today and is now an official little person!

We have the prep machine upstairs in what will be her room all the time, I would rather walk upstairs to get a bottle when I'm awake than go downstairs when I'm half asleep lol

We use the ready made bottles too when were out for longer than 2 hours otherwise we just make a fresh bottle before we leave the house and countdown 2 hours on it.
We’ve got all tommee tippee stuff - steriliser and bottles - used them for Lucas no probs so got them again. A lot of my friends have gone for the mam self sterilising ones though so I did consider them.

While dh is off work I’ll probably send him on bottle runs in the night, will see that happens when he’s back at work though and might have to do it differently then.

The ready made stuff is convenient but like you say not the cheapest. It’s like a military operation planning an outing with a baby!
So midwife was interesting...

I told her about the extra fluid and GTT retest but she was surprised no one had contacted me two weeks ago to follow up. So she rung the hospital and told them and I've got to go in tomorrow morning to see the consultant. So the hospital are already cr*p...How can they be so ignorant? I tried to not be annoyed too much. But she then told me that if my waters break I need to call the ward straight away to tell them and go straight to hospital because extra fluid can cause cord to be compressed. She said it's rare but that's not the point. I should have been told this two weeks ago. So not too sure what this consultant is going to do or tell me tomorrow but sounds like catch up work to me if they've messed up by not following up in this extra fluid situation.

Anyway everything is fine. Induction is booked in for next Sunday 4th February. Really hoping to not get that far...absolutely dreading delayed labour and being stuck in that place like poor London! That would drive me crazy....

Come on labour, hurry up and get a wiggle on!
Eeekk Married - you have an end date!! Baby will def be here by end of next week :)
I hope you have baby before then!
I wouldnt want you to be in hospital being induced after what happened to me but i have to say that all my friends that have been induced baby has arrived pretty quickly.
Anyway you will deliver before then - I’m sure of it! Maybe this weekend :)

A friend bought me the tommee tippee travel flask for being out and about but it’s quite clunky... and being close ish to London a lot of the pubs and restaurants provide these. But over summer we go for weekend picnics with friends etc so it will come in handy when I can’t get heated water.
Otherwise it will also be the little pre made ones. I took those to the hospital Incase I needed them, I used them over the past few days - so handy!

Matilda has slept all evening... wonder what that means for me tonight :haha:
London I really hope baby comes in the next 5 days...I'm going crazy over here waiting! I can only pray if I have to be induced afterall that it is quick....holy cow I will go mad having to stay in that boring hospital with nothing happening! And like you said before, all the other women around you labouring and complaining...well I think I'd be drawing the curtains and sulking! Fingers firmly glued crossed that this baby wants out soon! I still want a January baby ;)
Ahh bless you, least one way or another you have an end in sight, got my fingers and toes crossed that you go off by yourself before then though. That's not good about the fact that they should have contacted you before now though, I'd be annoyed about that too.

We use the tommee tippiee stuff too here, I had it with Logan and it was received well by him so no real reason to differ. Although I did enter a competition to win a nuby bottle which came yesterday out of the blue as I was completely oblivious to winning so will try that and see if she likes it.

Health visitor due any minute now. Dreading it as I had a bad experience with Logan's. I got a safeguarding report for owning 2 cats - which got scrapped off for being ridiculous as it was, but I have 2 cats this time too and I'm waiting to see what happens.

Little miss had me up every hour last night wanting feeding, I think she's having a bit of a growth spurt.

Please excuse the comically inflated boobage on display but this is an accurate portrayal of my evening 😂😂


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Married I hope baby comes for you soon now - the waiting is awful! But like others have said, at least you have an end date now, that made me feel loads better.

That’s so bad about the fluid and tests though - as if they’ve just sat on that info all this time and done nothing! We all know the NHS are stretched, but surely someone should have been doing something to contact you with that info, mad!

Sarah - hope the health visitor goes well. I find the whole process really annoying. I’m sure there are situations where it is needed and they are able to identify concerns & issues to be worked on, and I know a friend had them out for her newborn who was able to really help with some behavioural issues with her toddler, but generally I find it all a bit judgey, and whenever I’ve asked a direct question/for advice they’ve just batted it back to Doctors or midwife which hasn’t been helpful. The cat thing is ridiculous though - what do they think will happen?

We had an amazing sleep last night - including one 4 hour stretch. I’m feeling so much better for it!
Waited 2 hours to see consultant only to be told she made a mistake and should never have told me to take aspirin. Told her I'll let her off seeing as it only cost me 60p a pack :haha: bloody hell seriously. Was a waste of a visit basically, she isn't concerned with the extra fluid as it's only 1cm. If it had been more then that's when to be concerned. Oh. My. God. Seriously :haha:

Offered to do a stretch and I said I'll pass thanks. When she explained what it was I almost threw up haha! Just been feeling a bit off today I said I'll decide next week with midwife about it.
I havent seen our health visitor yet but she is the one i had with B and she was lovely although i was pretty miserable after having B that i worry she will assume i am struggling again this time.

We also had a decent 3 hour stretch of sleep followed by a 4 hour stretch! He was pretty unsettled between 2-4 though so i am glad i managed a little extra sleep in the evening too.

OH and I walked down to Bs nursery to collect her at lunch time and she was over the moon. I hadnt told her i would be there as i didnt know how long the midwives would be out but they literally just came in to stab me with fragmin and leave so i made it to collect her. I feel pretty sore after the walk though so taking a break while the wee man sleeps and my DD is playing a game on her tablet. Gonna make marshmallow top hats in a bit with her and i really want to do bedtime with her tonight as i miss doing it. I miss my big girl and feeling incredible guilt over it all. I know everyone says its normal but it makes me want to cry thinking she feels at all pushed out by her brother. She is soo lovely though as adores him completely which helps
Oh jessy I think it's totally natural to feel that way and a sign that you're a great mum! Being conscious of the time you spend with your children means you are doing your very best and making time where you can! Just remember it will get better once proper routines are in place and soon perhaps you can go for a mother daughter time out together for a few hours! Soft play or milkshakes or cinema :) just keep your goals in sight!

No baby still! Only third day overdue. Had a very hot delightful curry last night. Nothing. Doesnt even affect my digestive system unlike my husband this morning *queue evil laugh*

Back on the ball bouncing this morning! May try a walk later....im just so bored I'll do anything to amuse myself!
Jessy I’ve been feeling the same. Lucas has shown no signs of jealousy and seems to adore his brother, but it’s awful feeling torn between them - I’m sure in time everything will settle back to a normal level of Mum guilt!

Married - I sympathise I was trying it all to no avail. I think that the biggest things are that baby decides it’s ready and you are relaxed. My biggest fears when pregnant were that I would go into labour and there would be no one to care for ds and dh wouldn’t get back from Work in time as he has over an hour drive to get back & I had a pretty speedy labour with Lucas. In the end max came once both those fears were dealt with - at least for me I think my mind has more control over my body than you realise.

We’ve been up at the hospital this morning for Max’s hearing screen which he passed - so relieved to get that done. They did it when he was a few hours old but he failed. She said today it’s totally normal for that to happen due to fluid in their ears when they’re new, just glad that all came back ok today.
Great that the hearing test came back all clear daisies! I hate it with anything when you have a little bit of doubt and concern for someone, you can't help but think the worst! So hurrah!

I think if I'm worrying about anything it's that the baby will get too big...It's silly I know. But it's always in the back of my mind and it's horrible worrying baby will be too big to come out or something silly like that.

Husband came home from work early so he's done with work until 2pm Monday. Doesnt help that we both always have in the back of our mind about how nice it would be that he doesn't have to go back to work cos the baby is coming! Luckily he's about a 15 or 20 minute drive away from home...I couldn't imagine an hour or more crickey! That is scary.
That was totally one of my fears too! I reckon that’s pretty normal - it’s a small exit and babies are pretty big! You just have to trust that your body will only make a baby that is the right size for you.

That would be nice if your baby came along sometime this weekend! Have a little chat and see if you can convince them to come along!
Thats great Max passed his hearing test. At the hospital, the lady doing Austin's said that all the other babies that day had failed in at least one ear so i think its pretty common.

We took a stroll to the park today. There is another park slightly further away but i was struggling a bit with the walking so went home early with Aus and OH took B to the bigger park for a bit then came home.

We had to put the car into the garage and the bill came back at 750!!! Great for January huh! It was only in for 2 tyres and a service but they said it was dangerous to drive due to some corrosion on the brake dics !?!!? I have no idea about cars but told OH to have it fixed as it scares me to think the car is unsafe and we will have two kids in there. We thought about taking it to anothet garage because we have been told arnold clark will try to rip you off but we dont really have time to be without our car for a day or two again.

Hope everyone has had a nice day. Has anyone else lost track of the days. I genuinely thought it was saturday when i got up this morning and kept having to ask OH what day it was. Its all just becoming one long day to me at the moment :haha:

I have an app to get my hair done next friday so looking forward to that but worrying about leaving OH on his own with the two kids.

I desperately want to have a nice long bath but not sure if i have to wait longer since having a c section. I am hating the way my body looks now. I am 11 stone and need to lose 2.5 to be back to my happy weight. I have lost a stone since having Aus but thats not surprising considering how big he was! My stomach is beyond gross but thankfully the swelling in my legs has gone so i have ankles again!
Haha Jessy I’m totally with you... I don’t seem to know what day it is. I thought Thurs was Friday and have made that mistake a couple of Times now.

Ouch about the car costs!! :( last thing you need.
But as you said, you need a safe car so just do it for peace of mind.

I also got a bill in the post yesterday for £800
It’s a tax bill and I’m almost certain that Ive paid it already just need to check through all my emails and bank statements to find it. I also don’t want to be forking out that sort of money in Jan.

Married... I hope your little one arrives soon! :)
We had a £1200 car bill three weeks ago! No way are we paying that so DH is doing the repairs himself as that was a joke! January is the cruelest month!! Lucky for us I'm not at work so he can drive my car to work while we leave his off the road for the year anyway. It's another stress I didn't want on my mind though as it'll still cost us about £500 to do it ourselves. Blah.

No signs of bubs yet. I was up every two hours last night, good training lol
Feeling crap today. B and OH are sneezing and feel like they may be getting a cold so i am so stressed baby Aus will get it. He fed at 9pm, 12am, 4am top up at 6am then 9am so his feeds/sleep are great but i am worried about when OH goes back to work and I cant get that extra couple of hours in bed in the morning. As you can tell i am just having a panic about everything today.
Ah jess sorry it's felt like a stressful day!

I have five messages from friends asking how I'm feeling/doing/I've not been on Facebook/Instagram lol. Ignored them so far cos it's driving me up the wall. Not quite sure how to respond I'm bored of saying 'I'm fine' it's not a proper conversation and just feels like they're being nosy lol

I've stayed off Facebook and Instagram deliberately since Tuesday as I feel like I haven't got much to share anyway, and didn't want anyone to comment asking that annoying question you know? Seems not being on social media just makes it worse :haha:
I’m the opposite marriedlaydee I’m getting annoyed at the lack of messages asking how we are doing. I feel a bit neglected this time round and that no one is really interested in baby 2.

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