January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

Oh Married I feel for you!
Those messages drove me nuts!! To the point that I wished i had told everyone I was due two weeks later so no one asked!

Soph I have been told with your second that there isn’t as much interest. Surely your friends and family are interested? I hope that it’s not upsetting you too much.

We had friends over today and I cooked a huge roast lamb and Veges got everyone. Just tidying up a bit as we have a lot of visitors tomorrow. Mainly Adams family that were pestering me before Matilda was born... now they are pestering me to see her haha.
Oh Soph that's rubbish :( an eye opener though, I should moan less as thats not a nice feeling. The people who matter care so I hope those closest have been kind to you and taken an interest...if not we'll I'd be fuming!

I have a so called friend who I was there for through her whole pregnancy....she's not asked once after the baby most I've heard from her is this week asking how I'm doing....9 months too late tbh and I don't expect her to take any interest after baby is here. *sigh*
I’m impressed Londonkiwi!! I’ve not managed to cook for anyone yet...apart from husband & toddler who don’t count.

Aww no marriedlaydee feel free to moan. That’s so disappointing about your friend. It hurts when you’ve put the time and thought in for someone else and don’t get it back. I think people forget how special a pregnancy/new baby feels for the person going through it.

Is everyone who has had their baby still bleeding? I’m 19 days after c section and still need several pad changes a day.
I am a bit exhausted now after all the running around after people today but my friends were great,one peeled the Veges, one kept the wines topped up and they all shared Matilda for hugs.

Soph I’m a week after Matilda’s birth and I’m on the thin pads now. Which I do change frequently. I’m assuming that everyone is different and there is no normal with these things. Hopefully we all make a quick recovery though, it’s not very pleasant is it!!
I'm tired of waking up every morning worrying something is wrong. I'm taking it as a normal reaction to being overdue...just worrying why he is she is still in there..will they be ok....It's worse until I feel some movement which can be a while after im up and about. Even then I spend the rest for the day praying for labour to start which is even worse just sitting there waiting.

To make things worse I definitely still have this ear infection...went away for two days and bam...It's back. Now What?? Back to the doctor? Urgh.

I'm just tired of being anxious and disappointed every morning now. Deep breath :(
Married I know how you feel, I felt the exact same. It’s only natural to worry.
When do you see the midwife again? I know it’s hard not to overthink things but I’m sure baby is fine. But if you have any worries whatsoever about movement contact your fetal assessment unit and maybe get bubs monitored for an hour.

Baby is cosy in there.... the amount of times I heard that haha. But I believe it’s true. They come when they are ready to meet the World, baby is happy still cooking away.

I’m sure you’ll still have a January baby! Have my fingers crossed for you x
Thanks London...midwife isn't until Thursday I was really hoping this baby would come over the weekend I was certain of it! Now that midwife appointment seems so likely of happening which is a crazy thought.

We just went for a 45 minute walk...holy cow that was the most uncomfortable thing ever!!! The muscles in my stomach were so tight! :haha: came home and it's taken me a good 20 minutes to recover lol. Long gone are those days I'd run 6 miles in 45 minutes, come home and go straight to work!
Aww marriedlaydee really hope it happens soon and goes smoothly. You must be so fed up!! Pregnancy is lovely in lots of ways but also so hard on your body and emotions.

I know it’s just hormones but I keep thinking about having another one already!!! We will need to wait about 12-15 months to start ttc so we definitely have our first in school and the 15 free nursery hours for our second though.
Hey ladies, sorry I've been a bit quiet, just been a busy few days!

Just been discharged by the midwives, Harley is thriving and she is now 7lb 5oz - her birth weight was 6lb 13oz so she's going in the right direction.

My csection scar is still not in a good place but it's been monitored by the gp now after having swabs taken. To answer the question about bleeding, I'm two weeks on from the section today and I'm still bleeding. I had nothing for 2 days and it came back with a vengeance last night :-/

Married I can't believe there's still no baby here :( I've got my fingers (and toes!) Crossed that it won't be long now. Pregnancy is an amazing wonderful thing but it really does just get to the point where enough is enough.

I oddly miss being pregnant however...and I'm thinking about number 3 already... I've been told not to for 3 years though so that gives me plenty of time to battle through the rose tinted 'aww look at the baby' mood that I'm in now 😂
Definitely no more for me. 2 is quite enough. I will have the implant put in soon i think. I almost 2 weeks pp and still bleeding but not too heavy now.

Health visitor has been and given us Austins red book etc. Still waiting on the midwives coming to weigh him and discharge us. No idea when that will be though! Had hoped they'd be here by now.
I’m 3 weeks post section and still bleeding but it’s definitely calmed down. The midwife really pushed the coil when she mentioned contraception but there’s no way I would get it. I think pill again!

Sarahcake was there a reason for 3 years? No one mentioned a time frame not to conceive in and I hadn’t even thought about it. They did say I would be fine for another as scarring hasn’t been too bad. We would definitely be done after 3!
Midwife had her last visit here today also.
Health visitor coming Thurs.
We got our red book before we left the hospital last Saturday.

Matilda has put on 100grams so far.

Contraception will be a must for me - need to discuss with the doctor as had endometriosis prior to conceiving so period pains were horrendous. Now I’m not trying to conceive I shall see what all my options are then decide what’s best and fingers crossed the endo stays away!

The midwife was “ok” about me no longer BF’ing when I told her on Friday but today she suggested BF’ing support groups so I’m kinda glad she’s not coming back, she made me feel pretty crappy today!!
We’ve been discharged by the midwife today too, and Max is now weighing 9lbs little chunk! Health visitor is coming to us on Wednesday - can’t say I’m looking forward to it, I never find the appointments very useful but will be good to get it ticked off the list.

My hubby is adamant that there are no more kids for us, but I’m not yet at the point where I’m ready to rule it out forever. I’m very torn though, one half of me would love a third, but we’d need to have around a 3 year age gap to be able to afford another and that would be a 6 year gap between oldest and youngest and I don’t think I’d want that.

I’m thinking of getting the copper coil - after being on the pill since 17 I really don’t want to be putting hormones in me any more. Is there any reason why you say you wouldn’t get it Soph? Have you had it previously? I don’t know anyone who has so I’m going to it on a little ignorant really.

London I can’t believe the midwife was suggesting BF groups after you’ve told her you’ve switched - at least you’ve been signed off by her now and don’t have any more appointments with them. Please don’t let her make you feel crappy though - you’ve made the right decision for you, baby & your family - she knows none of you so is really not best placed to judge!
Londonkiwi don’t listen to her she’s clearly an idiot if she’s made you feel bad! Fed is best andit doesn’t matter how that happens.

Daisies11 totally don’t want to put you off because my MIL swears by it and has had one for years with no issues! The two horror stories were one girl who it wasn’t inserted correctly into and it got lost and she needed surgery to remove it. Then another, again incorrect insertion, and she was also hospitalised. However that’s two out of the thousands and thousands it’s worked perfectly for. I’m just a total wimp and too scared. I think the fact I’ve not given birth vaginally/been in labour pufs me off because I’m not used to people rummaging around down there!
I was on the pill from age 16 to 21...no contraception since 21 to now at 29....I'm a little scared of going back to thinking about it...It's been 8 years of not preventing it's crazy!

I have PCOS which I worry the pill didn't help with so I have a fear of it. The coil I heard stories about too (again thousands work so it's silly to worry!) But I do need to think about it. I could easily do family planning and give myself a few months after breastfeeding stops to work out my ovulation again but while I'm breastfeeding hmmm...(well if it works for us!!) I'm not too sure!

It's kinda nice to think about it lol. It's the next step in the process but let's get this baby out first :haha:
😂 at ‘rummaging’ Soph!

I’ve heard those sorts of stories and they do concern me too, but I started on the pill at 17 (now 31) and since then have been off it for just over 2 years in total when ttc & being pregnant, and I just don’t want to be throwing fake hormones down my neck any more. I’ve never had any issues with the pill really but I do feel like it affects my mood and I just want to be me without the pill (although it’s a good excuse when you’re having a snappy day!)

My hubby would be all set to run off and get the snip right now, but I’d rather go with the coil and then we’ve got that period of grace time where if we decide we do want a third we can. I’m very doubtful that will happen - I have hesitations but could talk myself round to it, but hubs is dead against it.
I wish mine would get the snip but he wont. Not because he wants anymore kids he just doesnt like the idea of a procedure on his balls :haha:

Id have happily had my tubes tied but forgot to ask when in surgery. Health visitor said they wouldnt do it anyway cause i am too young but i am not really 31 with 2 kids i think i should be allowed.

Anyway ill go for implant i reckon. It gave me weird irregular periods last time but other than that it was fine.

Aus has bern discharged by midwives now. At 11 days old he now weighs 9lb 6.5oz so has surpassed birth weight by 4.5oz woohoo.
My hubs must be really desperate for no kids then because he’s surprisingly never mentioned any concern over his bits if he goes for the snip.

When we saw the midwife yesterday for us to be discharged she was asking what we’re planning on doing contraception wise and if we’ve got any condoms ready just in case. We both came away feeling like school kids who’d been spoken to by a teacher about sex! 😂
Yes they asked me too. I responded with 'abstinence'! She laughed but i was only partly kidding :haha:

Did/has any of the babies (or first babies for those who have too) show signs of colic/reflux and what were the signs.

My DD didnt scream for hours every night but was quite unsettled in the evening for weeks she was a very windy baby and didnt burp easily. Aus winds much easier but i am worrying about him having colic or reflux i thinl becauseit starts to show around 2-3 weeks abd we are approaching 2 weeks now.
Still waiting here, no real surprise. Hormones are doing a right job on me today which sucks as its my birthday and I've spent far too much time crying today. Either 2or5 days over 40 weeks now depends on which dates I use

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