January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

I think it's just for me the 3 years to be honest, with my IBD having babies can do quite a lot of damage. I'll never be able to give birth vaginally again so it will be another csection and ulcerative colitis affects healing so it will take longer for me to be 'normal' after a section than other ladies. I'm happy with that really though as I want to get my career sorted now before I have another child.

Contraception wise, I had the mirena coil put in at the same time as my csection, just so I was sure I wasn't going to concieve and plus, people rummaging is a nope so wanted to keep that to a minimum haha!

Happy birthday Lynnikins I'm sorry to hear your having an emotional day today :( please go easy on yourself lovely and try and enjoy your day.

So pleased to hear that these babies are putting on chunk and thriving! Your all doing an amazing job and don't forget it. Midwives and health visitors can get as stroppy as they like about your feeding choices but sod them, your babies are gaining weight and doing amazing so give yourself a pat on the back and close your ears off to their negative remarks.

Married big hugs to you, not long now and you'll be as annoyed as we are about health visitors and things haha
Still waiting here, no real surprise. Hormones are doing a right job on me today which sucks as its my birthday and I've spent far too much time crying today. Either 2or5 days over 40 weeks now depends on which dates I use

Happy birthday lynnikins! And yay for joining us here, I felt like the only one still waiting for her January baby! I'm now 7 days overdue....the joys! Lol.

Nothing is shifting this baby today, everything's been quiet, not so much as a stitch! I really wish it would like to get out now :haha:

I've had three messages today so far, one straight out 'any movement yet' from my dad so sent him this link:


The other two said 'how you feeling' ....seriously??!! Do one :haha:

Oh then my gran very early this morning said 'any sign of baby yet

My husband told me to stop being so mean, they care etc etc...Yes very true but EVERYDAY. :haha:

The how are you feeling question is crap...pure crap...please at least start a conversation about something interesting in your life if you're fishing for wondering if I'm in hospital yet or not...then if I reply you secretly satisfied your curiosity :haha:

If someone else asks me like yesterday 'any baby yet' I'm seriously considering ignoring it. I just have no reply for it lol.
Lynnikins - pregnancy hormones are rubbish, I feel for you. I was 5 days overdue on my birthday and I was so fed up of all the aches and pains and just wanted my baby here. Hope baby comes along for you soon now! Happy birthday though!

Married I started ignoring messages for a couple of hours just to give them some excitement only to crush it back down when I replied to say no bubs! 😂 is it this weekend you’re booked in for induction if baby hasn’t come?
Daisies yes on Sunday! Call at 8.30am to find out when they can have me in! So excited about it now haha!

I have the midwife Thursday...not keen on her doing a sweep I don't even think she will offer! I complained about her at the hospital and when I told the lovely midwife there who I see...her face! Very sympathetic towards me :haha: she's not a bad person...just so quiet and very little personality :( I have to beat information out of her. I darent officially say anything...I feel like I should for her own development but if I get pregnant again it would be mortifying if I am lumbered with her lol....

Omg Sunday can't come soon enough! Will be heading out Saturday afternoon to stock up on snacks though...can't be trusted for them to survive now if I buy them :haha:
Married I hope baby comes soon!

Yes stock up on snacks.... if you’re spending a bit of time at the hospital they can add up quickly.

You could always get people to drop you stuff like my husband... his friend bought him Nando’s when I was in labour!! Men haha.

Matilda had her hearing test this morning, all was fine!
London....Nandos?!!!! I would not be impressed if I couldn't eat that too the cheek of It! :haha:

Glad the hearing test passed with flying colours!

9 days over now, three more sleeps until the last time in my bed with no sleeping/crying baby next to me!! I really don't see this baby arriving before I go in on sunday!

I've just got back from the doctors as my ear infection got worse despite being on antibiotics. On a different type now so I got to remember to take 8 day for a week.....good luck to me :haha:

It's been a really boring week. Did some more cleaning...husband goes to work soon so once I'm done at the midwife at 2pm it's back home for me to crack on with the fresh pile of washing up...joy!

Then I need to find another way to kill time but ive been pretty off balance and dizzy because of my ear so I'm in turtle mode today
Oh my goodness marriedlaydee 9 days seems like such a long time! Do you have a bump pic? I feel like we’ve not had any in ages! How are you feeling physically?

We managed to find a childminder to have toddler from 10-3 on a Thu so I feel like s free woman!!! I keep getting a fright thinking I’ve lost one of them its so peaceful and quiet. Husband is away to work for a month so bedtime was fun last night!!!! We all ended up in bed together in the end.
Soph I feel fine physically tbh! Had bad back pain yesterday which isn't there today so I'm getting off really lightly. Getting in and out of bed is no worse than it was 15 weeks ago so can't complain there either! Still wish this baby would come out on it's own...would be nice to experience natural labour but it has 72 hours at most to decide to come out alone!

How nice to have a little bit of time today where it's not so crazy for you! It's way too quiet here I wish I had something interesting to do! Currently munching on an entire pineapple...I hate cutting then up fresh but giving the real thing a try! I hear you need to eat 5 but I'm not doing that!

Bump picture included ;)


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Wow gorgeous bump Married.... hurry up baby! :)

I think I’m going to give up expressing. I only got 40ml yesterday and today after expressing for 45mins. Seems hardly worth it?!
I feel bad as I think anything I give her is better than nothing but it’s time consuming for the little amount I’m getting out ! :(
Finally posting pics of Matilda!


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2weeks old on Saturday x


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Beautiful pics London!

How often are you pumping? Every two hours? I can only imagine how hard it is. From the research I've done it's a long hard process the first few weeks but do what's right for you!
London - glad Matilda passed the hearing screening, such a relief when that is complete. And she is so gorgeous, what a cutie!

Everything I’ve read into about expressing sounds like it’s a real hard slog. Do whatever is best for you - it’s a long time to be taking out of your day so only do it if you’re totally happy with it. Otherwise she will be perfectly fine fully on formula.

Soph I admire you doing it all on your own with 2 kids already. If you all end up in the same bed then at least you’re all still in bed, you just have to go with it I guess. I bet it’s a nice bit of respite though to have your eldest off at the childminder those hours.

How are things going Married? Induction tomorrow! Baby could still arrive of their own accord though.

Max is now 2 weeks old! Where does the time go? Feel so bad for him though as he’s got his first cold (big brother bringing home all the germs!). He’s all snotty and congested so last nights sleep wasn’t great and I’ve pretty much been up since 4.45am. Today will be fuelled by caffeine I think!
Oh daisies we had a bad day on wednesday thinking Aus had a cold from his sister. I got saline drops and then by thurs he was back to his usual self so i am not sure if it was just congestion or an actual cold. Anyway Aus was a bit grumpy on wed so i totally feel your pain. Its horrible seeing someone so small all bunged up. Hopefully iy doesnt last long. My DDs cold didnt really come to much either thankfully.

My OH is only off until wednesday so starting to panic thinking about doing it all by myself! Has anyones OH gone back to work already and how are you doing with it all yourself.

How are you doing married, tomorrow is the big day isnt it!!!! How exciting.

Do you think we should start a new thread or keep this one?
Oh my...yes tomorrow is the big day!!!

I feel some disappointment as every morning wake up up thinking 'oh I didnt go into labour overnight'....but at the same time I am excited that tomorrow we start doing something that should work. That's also mixed in with dread that all of Sunday I'll be sat in hospital with nothing happening whatsoever! I've been trying to read what I can about induction. How quick it 'could' work, if it doesn't work how to pass the first few hours while stuck in hospital etc etc. Oh my....I know it'll all be ok we just have to go with it.

I am going to make OH park what's just a little over 5 minutes walk away somewhere free though! He will habe to go home if nothing is happening to check on the dog and make sure he's let out etc. Unfortunately he doesn't get on if strangers walk in the house so we are a bit stuck. He's a good dog though and has waited 10 hours in an emergency before. Poor mite! I'm sure my husband will have an opportunity to get back and check on him though!

I'm still in bed as this antibiotics really isnt blooming working. Right now the dizziness and ringing is back in my ear. Obviously tomorrow I'm going to mention it whether its better or now but I expected it to get better. All last night I couldn't hear anything my husband said clearly at all unless I turned my other ear to him. Not great!

I did wonder if you ladies wanted to move to another thread out of the pregnancy group? I'd be happy to join . There seems to be a smaller group of us now with with the other January lot MIA. But whatever the majority decide!

Right I guess i better get up. Today was my last lie in as im up at 8.30am tomorrow to make that phone call. Bye bye glorious sleep! :haha: actually you weren't glorious anyway being up every two hours to pee or with an aching hip but the best sleep I know I'll have for a little while! :D

Oh, and it's so weird that you all have these little 2 week olds. But i guess the advantage is I can come and get all the tips from you guys right? Lol :haha:

Just went to the loo and it's like the first day of my period, yay?!!!! That was a surprise!!! Now What...nothing...doesnt mean anything will happen right???? My my!

Was just about to go to the shop aswell...by myself for the first time in over a week. Damn it...shall not be doing that now! I think I'm getting excited for no reason though????
ooh Married, exciting!

I know that everyone is different, we all have different bodies that work in mysterious ways....

But with me....

I had that on the Friday afternoon (after the 4th time I was induced) and Matilda arrived very early Saturday morning.

I hope that this is the start of something for you!!

Maybe going to the shop will be good for you, having a wander helps. Just take your phone!!
I’m happy for us to move the group.

Married that’s exciting! I didn’t have anything like that this time but with my first I had a bloody show around 8.30am and contractions started around 9.30am. I’d be tempted to have a little pop to the shop to try and encourage things along - I did that with my first then came home and mopped the kitchen floor and contractions really got going! Keeping everything crossed that this is it for you!

Jessy it really is so sad. He’s been full of it since Wednesday as is big bro. Been giving Max the saline drops and using one of those snot suckers (can’t think of the really name! 😂) and he throws an absolute fit when I use that. Hopefully it will clear off soon, and hopefully we all get a better sleep tonight.
Sorry, I never commented!
Also happy to move the group or we could do a facebook one... whatever works for everyone!
Nothing yet everyone! Went for a shower but nothing else showing. It's only been an hour and a half though so may take everyone's advice to go for a wonder or potter around the house! Oh i hope something happens. Being 41+4 I'd assume that this is a good sign that things are not far off. Fingers crossed!

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