January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

Ah no Pink, that sounds awful - hope you feel better soon.

Nothing really to update from my end. 8 + 2 today and no morning sickness as yet. I've felt slightly dizzy a couple of times around bed time
But that seems to be it so far.

Had an early scan last week where I heard the heartbeat which was great.

Midwife appointment was earlier today... Just standard form filling etc.

So yeah all in all, everything is well just waiting for the 12 week scan.

Hope you're all feeling ok ladies! X
K.N. - Congrats on making it to this point in your pregnancy! Exhaustion is totally normal, so is not having many symptoms this early! The pregnancy that I did have a bunch of symptoms right away ended in Miscarriage, so as strange as it feels to not "feel" anything it is a good sign!

London Kiwi - You are so lucky to have heard the heartbeat! We likely won't hear it until our 12-14 week scan!

I am so nervous to tell work that I am pregnant again, because when I go on leave again I will only be back from my first maternity leave for 1 year! I have only been back to work for 4 months and am pregnant again. I also have to decide whether to take the 12 month or 18 month maternity leave, I am so stuck!
Hello all

Nothing more than nausea again this morning....this is very slow progressing but I'm trying to be grateful because as you all know by now I have a fear of vomit especially while working so many hours!

It's our 7+1 (LMP) scan tomorrow at 8.50am! I'm a little excited now for this to all feel more real so the fear and anxiety is taking a step back right now! Gestation should show 6+3 so if all is ok ill be high fiving myself for getting the gestation right lol

Oh my...so scared!
Good luck tomorrow! Excited for you.

Something even more reassuring than vomiting happened to me today. Out with my family when a regular customer at my OH work stopped by to chat. She's a lovely elderly lady but has never met me nor knows I'm pregnant. Anyway she suddenly stopped what she was saying, looked at me, apologised then rubbed my belly and asked if I was pregnant. Had I not been pregnant I'd have been offended but as I am, we laughed and told her I was and I looked at OH and he was beaming with pride. She was very happy for us and congratulated us before she carried on her merry way. Took me by surprise but made me feel happier knowing that someone who has never even met me can look at me and see a baby bump. It was a surreal moment lol.

So little blobba was measuring at around 6 weeks they couldn't see a heartbeat. He wa a super tiny though there was no room for anything to flicker if you ask me! They didn't seem concerned, she said itz very very rare to have expected to see the flicker at 6 weeks.

So I'm having another scan in two weeks time ! I'm staying positive because everything looked fine. Baby measures 3mm and was in the right place! A little part of me wants to be paranoid that they didn't see heartbeat but I need to remember seeing how small that little blob was. 8 weeks is a blessing to be able to not only see the heartbeat but see it grown bigger and may be see little stumps?????

Staying positive and happy that we get to see so much of our little miracle!!!
It's good that you're staying positive about it. If they're not worried, I see no reason for you to worry either. The heart will have only just started beating so no surprise that it would be hard to find with baby still so small. I'm sure in two weeks you'll see that beautiful flickering heartbeat and everything will be perfect.

The more I reminisce to the scan the more I can be assured that little bean was truly tiny tiny tiny....it was the most amazing thing I've ever seen!!! I'm so excited to see it again in two weeks all chubby and healthy!!

We didn't get to see it for very long...maybe about 10 seconds before she turned the screen away. Boooo. I suppose to them they've seen a million tiny blobs it doesnt mean much!

Thanks for your kind words Aussie :) after 7 years trying....it felt so amazing to see living proof that someone is growing there :) keep growing little bean!
marriedlaydee - Congrats!! I got to see my little bean at 5w6d and again this Tuesday at 7w3d. We did see a little heart flickering at 5w6d but not strong enough to hear. This time around we heard a strong heart beating away!! It's crazy how much they grow!!! at 5w6d, the bean was 3mm but 11 days later it was 13mm!!! I have to wait until 6/21 for my next scan and I cannot wait!!! I bet you'll see a lot more at 8weeks <3
Yay for the positive posts, welcome to the new ladies, I'm waiting to hear about a house then if we confirm it's the one we are moving too I will call the me as we are as gonna be in the same neighbourhood if we get this house!
And I'm six weeks!
Just had horrible Braxton hicks contractions during a bowel movement. Was crying out in pain and my OH could only stand on the other side of the door and listen. I got so hot i started sweating and completely stripped off. At one point I felt like I was going to faint and another time felt like I was going to throw up. Contractions came every time poop dropped out of me (sorry TMI) and I just had to sit it out. I've read that it's quite normal and nothing to worry about so I'm not stressing about it. I had no contractions before the bowel movement and none after I finished. It was horrible though and had i not already read that it's normal, I'd have been terrified whilst it was happening. Glad it's over but dreading my next BM now lol.

Aussie I had no idea that could happen!! Ive not been able to 'go' properly for three or four days at a time it's so annoying! Hope those pains pass soon and don't happen every time!!
marriedlaydee - Congrats!! I got to see my little bean at 5w6d and again this Tuesday at 7w3d. We did see a little heart flickering at 5w6d but not strong enough to hear. This time around we heard a strong heart beating away!! It's crazy how much they grow!!! at 5w6d, the bean was 3mm but 11 days later it was 13mm!!! I have to wait until 6/21 for my next scan and I cannot wait!!! I bet you'll see a lot more at 8weeks <3

Ahh so jealous that you saw a flicker!!! The bean was so so so small perhaps it could have been seen but she didn't try to knowing just how teeny it was??? I don't believe im any less than 6 weeks 1 day...i thought I was 6 weeks 3 days today but I guess I could have implanted late and that's delayed things??? I got my positive at 12dpo and I'd tested before then....hmm not much point debating it I suppose in two weeks it'll all be fine and no more guessing!!!! <3
Joining you all! I found out May 25th unexpectedly with a nice dark positive test. I have had abnormally long cycles, but not this time!! Really excited! My first appointment is going to be June 13th. Lots of changes going on. My husband and I bought our first house and move June 8 and then shortly after will be the appointment. Hoping to see the heartbeat!

Symptoms are kinda on the DL today, but have been nauseous, crampy, body is achy, and I'm SO exhausted. Tired always.

Estimated due date thus far is January 29th.
Feeling very tired... i don't remember feeling so tired so early last time..

I just got officially confirmed as pregnant yesterday, so now I'm waiting to get an appointment where they can see how everything is going so far.. im hoping if i make the appt for when im after 7 weeks they will look for a heartbeat. I heard my DD hb at about 7 weeks so maybe will get to hear this ones too. Its very reassuring to get a hb and helps with the wait until gender scan.
Hope everyone gets their hb too... these early weeks can be stressful waiting until 2nd tri
Aussie I had no idea that could happen!!

Yeah neither did I at first but a couple weeks back I looked up whether it was normal to have pressure in your uterus during a BM. I knew it was but wanted to be sure. Anyway I didn't find anything related to what I was experiencing but found multiple threads about having contractions during a BM and I read through as multiplw women said their doctors told it was normal and not to worry. At the time I shrugged it off not expecting to ever experience it and when I did yesterday, I felt relieved that I had read those threads.

Decided to post about it here in case it happens to anyone else and they get worried. It's normal and whilst painful and sucky, will pass if you drink plenty of water, juice and eat lots of fruit and fiber. I had a second BM before bed and thankfully no BH. This time however, (TMI) my BM was liquid and pouring out like a tap. My constipation had caused a big blockage and the blockage clearing had caused the BH and I've had the runs ever since it cleared as my bowels finally empty.

Anyway, sorry for the long TMI post. Thought detailing the experience might help provide insight and ease any fears if anyone else is unfortunate enough to experience it. You know, understanding what's happening and knowing it's normal may help someone in the future like it did for me.

Just poking my head in here hoping I can maybe join in. Found out a few weeks ago I'm expecting a very unexpected baby number 2! Due around Jan 20th. Hope everyone's pregnancies are going well so far &#9786;&#65039;
Ok looks like my turn to freak out, started spotting while out in town, so got my feet up now, will see how I feel later this afternoon, might have to go in and get checked later,
I am sorry you are bleeding Lynn! I have heard it is normal and a sign to slow down and relax.
Welcome Jennaxo!

I am also feeling exhausted swampmaiden! I have felt totally exhausted right from the beginning of this cycle it feels like!

I feel like I have had more food cravings already with this pregnancy than I did my entire first pregnancy!

I wish I could get a scan this early but they only do early scans here if they are unsure of LMP, so I will have to wait until 12-14 weeks!
Yeaah definitely get relaxing Lynn and no stressing. Spotting is normal so long as its not heavy red bleeding and/or sharp, painful cramping. Everything will be fine but relaxing ain't gonna hurt ;)

Everything Allgood now Lyn? Did the bleeding stop??

I had some bleeding too the night before last, bright red and pink :( and had bad cramps. So decided to call my fertility clinic - who took forever to get hold of me! So I got a midwife to fax through a referral for a scan! Just to ease my anxiety!
So I got to see the little heart flicker yesterday!! I was 6w1d yesterday, and I was measuring 6w2d. So all was ok and on track - big relief!!!

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