January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

Hey Ladies,

Just checking in to see how everyone is doing...Spiffy, Jessie and Jcliffe I am truly sorry to read your posts and my thoughts are with you :sad:

Aussiebub - so glad you are feeling a bit better today :flower:

I've been reading this group but not really posting much as I wasn't sure how much I could be a part of it as I was really uncertain about my own pregnancy....I've got a babysonic doppler and have been searching for a HB for around a week and cannot find one and was really worried, so much so that I searched online and found a company called precious moments baby scans who offer a reassurance scan for £55. Literally just a 10 min ultrasound with 4 pics but it was enough to put my mind to rest. I had the scan today and have a very healthy little bean measuring 8 weeks 5 days so 6 days behind based on my LMP but I'm so relieved! Makes the wait for my dating scan so much easier.

I also found out that after a C section they sew your uterus back in at a higher position and generally more towards your back to prevent a prolapse and as you can see from the pic (not the best but you can roughly make out head, body and an arm!!) the baby is very near my back hence why I cant hear a heartbeat just yet. the lady said it would probably be another 4 or 5 weeks before I can hear it from the front due to location and babies size...thought id share this info incase anyone else is struggling with a doppler that had a previous C section.

I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for all of us that everything continues on ok x

I've got a scan at 8w 3d your photo wasn't what I expected because I've been watching You Tube ultrasounds some show the foetus so big at 8 weeks! I think every machine is different so I'm glad I've seen yours before my scan so I know what to realistically expect to see from what might be cheaper machines! Bet the ones I saw online are flashy expensive machines or something!!!

So happy you are reassured! Only scans I found are £89 and I'm lucky I'm having two early scans otherwise I'd probably have caved by now and spent the money I really can't afford! It's such a nerve wracking time.

Aussie I'm so glad you opened up. It's important to not bottle this up and have someone out in the real world who now knows everything...it feel less lonely as I know after sharing with my DH. I also know I made him really nervous and scared but as much as I feel guilty I'm glad we are both on the same page and feel the same anxiety about the blob now.

Yes it shall be called blob or blobba because calling it a baby is just weird still!

Also have any of you ladies downloaded the Bounty app? You get a free gift set to pamper yourself then other sets open up once you've hit a certain date. You go to Boots to collect the first one but I feel weird going in and stranger's knowing when I ask for it that I'm pregnant haha. I can't even say that I'm pregnant yet! :haha:
Hey Ladies,

Just checking in to see how everyone is doing...Spiffy, Jessie and Jcliffe I am truly sorry to read your posts and my thoughts are with you :sad:

Aussiebub - so glad you are feeling a bit better today :flower:

I've been reading this group but not really posting much as I wasn't sure how much I could be a part of it as I was really uncertain about my own pregnancy....I've got a babysonic doppler and have been searching for a HB for around a week and cannot find one and was really worried, so much so that I searched online and found a company called precious moments baby scans who offer a reassurance scan for £55. Literally just a 10 min ultrasound with 4 pics but it was enough to put my mind to rest. I had the scan today and have a very healthy little bean measuring 8 weeks 5 days so 6 days behind based on my LMP but I'm so relieved! Makes the wait for my dating scan so much easier.

I also found out that after a C section they sew your uterus back in at a higher position and generally more towards your back to prevent a prolapse and as you can see from the pic (not the best but you can roughly make out head, body and an arm!!) the baby is very near my back hence why I cant hear a heartbeat just yet. the lady said it would probably be another 4 or 5 weeks before I can hear it from the front due to location and babies size...thought id share this info incase anyone else is struggling with a doppler that had a previous C section.

I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for all of us that everything continues on ok x

I've got a scan at 8w 3d your photo wasn't what I expected because I've been watching You Tube ultrasounds some show the foetus so big at 8 weeks! I think every machine is different so I'm glad I've seen yours before my scan so I know what to realistically expect to see from what might be cheaper machines! Bet the ones I saw online are flashy expensive machines or something!!!

So happy you are reassured! Only scans I found are £89 and I'm lucky I'm having two early scans otherwise I'd probably have caved by now and spent the money I really can't afford! It's such a nerve wracking time.

Aussie I'm so glad you opened up. It's important to not bottle this up and have someone out in the real world who now knows everything...it feel less lonely as I know after sharing with my DH. I also know I made him really nervous and scared but as much as I feel guilty I'm glad we are both on the same page and feel the same anxiety about the blob now.

Yes it shall be called blob or blobba because calling it a baby is just weird still!

Also have any of you ladies downloaded the Bounty app? You get a free gift set to pamper yourself then other sets open up once you've hit a certain date. You go to Boots to collect the first one but I feel weird going in and stranger's knowing when I ask for it that I'm pregnant haha. I can't even say that I'm pregnant yet! :haha:

Marriedlaydee - the machine they used says Voluson expert on the pics so I don't know if that's a good machine or not! (I'm in UK maybe pics/video's you saw are from US so might be different types of machines like you said?)
If you turn my pic so its upright the lady explained the wand was on my stomach (the very small curve at the top) so as the baby was quite far down it would be quite a bit towards my back. Not sure if this explains why the baby looks small but when I was in the room she did the measurement from head to and it came up at 8+5 so i'd assume whilst it looks smaller it measures the size accurately... I'll wait and see when I have my dating scan in a few weeks if the measurements add up and let you all know!! that said I'm sure when I had my scan with my DD the pictures were zoomed in a lot more so the pic was just the baby and its protective bubble! This may also explain why it looks so small as my pics have a lot of non baby stuff in them lol

Right well I had better get dressed for work or I'll be late...will check in on you lovely lot later :thumbup::flower:
Oh yes definitely not thinking the baby is small just the zoom in the screen but maybe because it's abdominal too because I hear sometimes at I weeks they do transvaginal so maybe the videos I saw were that instead so it gets a bit closer??

I'm in the UK so I imagine I'll get the same photos :) maybe I can ask her to zoom I really want to see the little stumpy arms and feet haha :haha: my sonographer last time didn't really seem fussed about the detail or showing it to me but these at each early weeks I need to appreciate how hard it must be to see that blob!
I had an early scan at 9 weeks with my son, and I have a retroverted uterus too ( found out at that scan) so exteranally, they couldn't see much. Internally however they saw a lot more and were able to do their measurements.

I've attached my 9 week scan from back then which is pretty clear compared to externally but that was only because it was internal. Externally you could barely see a thing x


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On the screen itself, we could clearly see his heart beating and him waving his little arm and leg nubs around. Cutest thing I've ever seen.
I had an early scan at 9 weeks with my son, and I have a retroverted uterus too ( found out at that scan) so exteranally, they couldn't see much. Internally however they saw a lot more and were able to do their measurements.

I've attached my 9 week scan from back then which is pretty clear compared to externally but that was only because it was internal. Externally you could barely see a thing x

That's so so useful to know! Seriously if you go in You Tube and look for 8 week Ultrasound they look huge on there but I guess it's just the photos! I'm just being paranoid about not seeing much tomorrow at 8w 3d. At least I know to prepare for trans scan again as I wasn't sure what they'd do this time. They'll probably try both again I imagine?
I think a lot of the scans and things you see online are American ones and generally, because they pay a fortune for their healthcare, the equipment is far newer and better quality. So they get decent pictures.

They would try both I imagine, I would defo mention to them that you get a better picture through an internal scan of the external one doesn't give the results you need. My 12 week was external last time and that was fine then as Logan was a bit bigger by that point but anything prior to that for me is an internal one.

Like I say, I was only just past what you are now and I was able to see a lot on the scan, heartbeat, movement ect so there's no reason why you wouldn't be able to aswell :)
I went for private scan at 8 weeks and am in UK and they only did abdominal and didn't mention internal. Really couldn't see much at all apart from a blurry blob but did see heartbeat. I don't think scans are really clear until later. I had one at 9 weeks 3 days and you could see leg/arm buds and it was very clear.
Hey Ladies,

Great to see everyone's scans!

I had some serious doubts as I've had ZERO symptoms, not an ounce of morning sickness or nothing.
I was worried so I booked another early scan which I had today. To be honest I think £89 for peace of mind is worth it.

My first one was around 6 weeks they did an abdominal scan and vaginal. The clinic said they always try the abdominal first before vaginal. They saw the sac on the abdominal but did the vaginal to see the fluttering of the heart beat.

According to my LMP I'm 10 + 2 today so they only did an abdominal because they could see everything very clearly.

One very wriggly little baby with a healthy heartbeat, they have dated me at 9 + 5 but said that will prob change at the 12 week scan. I am just lucky to have no symptoms (she said it's more common than people think)

The scan is def not as clear as the ones online but you can make out the body parts !
Green is the cord
Blue is the arm
Pink is the leg



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London Kiwi - great looking scan, congrats!
I agree that for peace of mind if you have the money the scans are great. its just a shame our NHS ones aren't until 12-14 weeks for those who don't have the cash to spare :-(
A few people have said I should be relishing the lack of symptoms but I struggle with how different this pregnancy seems to be from my DD. I'm just waiting on a date for my dating scan which I'll hopefully receive by the weekend but i'm definitely feeling a lot better now.

Aussie - how you doing today?

Marriedlaydee - be sure to let us know how everything goes tomorrow! x
Hey Ladies,

Great to see everyone's scans!

I had some serious doubts as I've had ZERO symptoms, not an ounce of morning sickness or nothing.
I was worried so I booked another early scan which I had today. To be honest I think £89 for peace of mind is worth it.

My first one was around 6 weeks they did an abdominal scan and vaginal. The clinic said they always try the abdominal first before vaginal. They saw the sac on the abdominal but did the vaginal to see the fluttering of the heart beat.

According to my LMP I'm 10 + 2 today so they only did an abdominal because they could see everything very clearly.

One very wriggly little baby with a healthy heartbeat, they have dated me at 9 + 5 but said that will prob change at the 12 week scan. I am just lucky to have no symptoms (she said it's more common than people think)

The scan is def not as clear as the ones online but you can make out the body parts !
Green is the cord
Blue is the arm
Pink is the leg


That photo is quite clear for sure! I guess at 12 weeks we will all undoubtedly see a fully formed happy baby and not these strange blobs lol.

I have my scan at 2.30pm UK time so I'll update once I'm home. Fingers crossed all is fine! I'm hoping to ask for a photo but I doubt they'll let me seeing as I'm not paying for it! I'll be at the EPAU (early pregnancy assessment unit) I have this feeling they may be funny about that sort of thing or just not have the facility to print and take money. We will see!
Hey Ladies,

Great to see everyone's scans!

I had some serious doubts as I've had ZERO symptoms, not an ounce of morning sickness or nothing.
I was worried so I booked another early scan which I had today. To be honest I think £89 for peace of mind is worth it.

My first one was around 6 weeks they did an abdominal scan and vaginal. The clinic said they always try the abdominal first before vaginal. They saw the sac on the abdominal but did the vaginal to see the fluttering of the heart beat.

According to my LMP I'm 10 + 2 today so they only did an abdominal because they could see everything very clearly.

One very wriggly little baby with a healthy heartbeat, they have dated me at 9 + 5 but said that will prob change at the 12 week scan. I am just lucky to have no symptoms (she said it's more common than people think)

The scan is def not as clear as the ones online but you can make out the body parts !
Green is the cord
Blue is the arm
Pink is the leg


That photo is quite clear for sure! I guess at 12 weeks we will all undoubtedly see a fully formed happy baby and not these strange blobs lol.

I have my scan at 2.30pm UK time so I'll update once I'm home. Fingers crossed all is fine! I'm hoping to ask for a photo but I doubt they'll let me seeing as I'm not paying for it! I'll be at the EPAU (early pregnancy assessment unit) I have this feeling they may be funny about that sort of thing or just not have the facility to print and take money. We will see!

FX you'll get to see a bubbly baby and will be given a fab pic too. I'll look forward to reading your update tomorrow :flower:
Marriedlaydee id take some spare change along with you. Id like to think that if they don't give you one they would have the facilities to be able to offer you one to buy. Hope so! Would love to see a pic of your little bean.

I'm now feeling a lot more relaxed knowing all is ok so far! Now roll on the end of this trimester so we can all chill out a bit more
My visit to the EPAU I got the photo I linked here, I didn't expect to get one and I didn't take money as it was kind of a last minute thing (sporadic bleeding) but I was very surprised that they just handed me one. I hope they do the same with you tommorrow :) looking forward to seeing a scan pic if you get one.

Were all coming so close now to the end of this first tri and it does end faster than you think it will, before we know it, we will be complaining that our baby's are hurting us with their movements lol
Haha exactly Sarah - my scan showed a VERY wriggly baby... I'm so surprised I'm not feeling sick, that baby was going nuts today!
My visit to the EPAU I got the photo I linked here, I didn't expect to get one and I didn't take money as it was kind of a last minute thing (sporadic bleeding) but I was very surprised that they just handed me one. I hope they do the same with you tommorrow :) looking forward to seeing a scan pic if you get one.

Were all coming so close now to the end of this first tri and it does end faster than you think it will, before we know it, we will be complaining that our baby's are hurting us with their movements lol

Ahh that was nice of them! They certainly didn't offer or ask when I went for the 6 week one but this time I'll pull a cheeky smile and ask if it's possible :D

Fingers crossed!
I am officially the worst page starter ever, I'm sorry. Could the ladies that aren't yet on the first page leave their edds below for me so I can lazily not have to go through a billion pages for them...

Speaking of lazy, omg.. I need a kick in the backside. I'm so unmotivated. I feel like a sloth! I am however *touch wood* vomit free for four days now. Hallelujah! Babe is fine, lovely strong heartbeat on Doppler so I'm hoping im simply over the worst.

Marriedlaydee hope your scan goes well.

The gorgeous scan pictures are making me jelly, feels like forever since mine and I have another two weeks to wait for the nuchal. Blah, so much waiting.
Hi pinkmonki - I've got an EDD of 13th Jan at the moment so I'll go with that until I have my dating scan!

I'm really happy this morning, I finally found my little beans HB and at 162bpm its spot on for where I should be ��
I'm definitely gonna try to just enjoy my pregnancy and not worry so much.

Hope everyone else is doing ok.

Marriedlaydee- looking forward to reading your post about your scan later. Ask for a pic...if you don't ask you might not get!!!

Defo ask for it! You never know until you do :D

I'm not sure if I'm on the front page but my EDD is 26th Jan.

Ahhh wills that's awesome. I think I may try and find my Doppler - when I can be assed that is, my get up and go has thoroughly got up and gone!
Defo ask for it! You never know until you do :D

I'm not sure if I'm on the front page but my EDD is 26th Jan.

Ahhh wills that's awesome. I think I may try and find my Doppler - when I can be assed that is, my get up and go has thoroughly got up and gone!

It's worth a try but don't get stressed if you can't find it. I've been looking everyday for about 20mins for the last week. Found it this morning for about 2 minutes and waited another 5 but baby had moved! Was just about to turn doppler off and baby came back. Mine is right above my pubic bone and slightly to the left. I also had my doppler facing upwards rather than down due to having a slightly tilted uterus after a previous c section!

Good luck and let me know how you get on x

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