January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

We aren't intending on a gender scan it's going to be so hard to stick to our plan when I want to see if I was right! :) I just think it's so much nicer to not know and have that shock/elation at the end of what for many of us is a scary and amazing 40ish weeks of not believing how lucky we are to have finally conceived!

If it's a girl I know I'll be filled with so much warmth by the shock and realisation of a mini version of myself :D how amazing it would be to make someone in your own image, boy or girl! *gushes with love*
Lovely scans, ladies!

Had my first scan today too, and they found a nice fast flickering heartbeat. The tech wouldn't tell me the heartrate as they prefer waiting until the next appt in 4 weeks for that... and they couldn't date it very accurately either because she couldn't get a clear picture so for now I'm due anywhere between Jan 27 to Feb 3 lol

Everything else was good though, the little sac was mounted nice and high smack in middle of fundus and she looked at my ovaries too, no cysts thank goodness

Because I'm high risk due to multiple mcs, I get an u/s every appt so I go back in 4 weeks for another look.

And those of you that can't imagine having a girl... they are just as rough and tumble and running around as any boy! Im not sure how I'm getting through each day with feeling like crap and nauseous and tired with a 2 year old but here I am ... Im glad my husband has a few weeks off right now too so he can start helping more by taking her out to the park so i can curl up and try to not feel like puking... ugh

My ms has been worse this second baby, i hear regardless of gender, subsequent pregnancies tend to have stronger symptoms ... but i think it might be a boy! Got about what, 2 more months before i can find out for sure? Two very long months, theres no way i could be a team yellow. 😅
Believe me as time moves on it's going to be so hard to not find out! But that's half the fun lol.

It's just gone midnight here but my back is aching so much I've ended up staying up reminiscing about seeing that scan and flicker today <3 <3
Definitely is hard! With my first, we found out immediately but made the family and friends wait until the baby shower, and even that was hard... it almost would've been better not to know because its so easy to let it slip... i think i gave it away to my in laws by talking about how nice a granddaughter would be... :headsmack:

Are most ladies in UK? Im in California... my phone doesn't show the info on left of ppls profiles the way the computer does but im guessing since most the time stamps are around midnight my time that everyone's in UK
UK here :)

And as much as I would love to be team yellow, I'm farrrrrrr too impatient for that!

2:27am and I'm awake with a brutal tooth ache. I had a root canal done on a dodgy tooth a few years back and I was eating an apple a few days back and the back has snapped right off it leaving it totally exposed inside. I was hoping I could wait to go dentist until my maternity exemption card was here which I will get after seeing the midwife at booking in next week but I don't think I can so it's gonna be an expensive trip for me :S fun times!
Oh man Sarah, tooth pain is the worst... i had a failed root canal a few years ago and it was awful!

Australia time is nearly aligned with California in some ways... seems their active morning is our active afternoon.. just on two different days lol
I've been so lucky with my teeth that I don't really get issues, but this one tooth has been plaguing me for years. I should have just had it taken out to be honest but thought I'll try and save it. Gonna call up today and see if I can get it whipped out I think. I can handle pain well, but I'm a right wimp with tooth pain haha
Jcliffe I am so so pleased for you &#10084;&#65039;

I'm super glad to see so many positive scans too! It's great to come on and read such happy stories. Won't be long until we're all having the nuchal scans.

I can't wait to find out what you're all having, living vicariously since I'll be team green. Haha. My symptoms all scream girl (since I'm only ever sick with my girls, and never even get nauseous with my boys) but I'm conversely pretty convinced that this babe is a boy. Go figure.

Had my booking apt yesterday, midwife has plastered home birth in big letters all over my notes haha! Had bloods taken etc and have my date for my 16 week apt. Nuchal scan is 13 days away which seems super close all of a sudden. No doubt I'll be scrutinising that nub to see if I can guess what it is &#55357;&#56834;
I've finally updated the front page, If you're still not on please feel free to poke me in the eye (and leave dates so I can add you)

There's so many ladies originally added that don't seem to come here anymore, I hope they're all ok.
I am due feb 1 but will have a c section on the 26th :)
Back from an emergency dental appointment. They were so good with me, I'm very lucky that my dentist is so understanding.

They can't pull the tooth until baby is born so will need to be periodically filled and topped up until then. On antibiotics and I'm having a night time gum shield made for me as I'm grinding my teeth in my sleep weakening them.

I told them I didn't have my maternity exemption card yet and I was worried about the cost so they ticked the box saying 'seen proof' and asked me to bring it in when I get it which really is top of them tbh.

Baby wise, feeling nauseous but my boobs arnt as sore today. Hoping it's just a bit of a relief rather than anything else.
Had my booking appointment today which was rather boring tbh haha. I guess the 16 week one might be more interesting and subsequent ones!

I was however told I'll receive more scans than normal for growth after 20 weeks I assume. This is because I had a positive smear test in December. Luckily I had treatment in January but won't be able to have the 6 month smear next month and further treatment if they didn't get it all. Fingers crossed all is good when I have a smear in February but I guess because of the procedure I had it increases the risk of an incompetent cervix. So more scans it is!
Marriedlaydee – such a cute little smudge :kiss:
Glad all is well :flower:
I can’t believe you are gonna wait to find out though…I would love to be able to do that but I know I can’t! I’ll need to know so I can buy and plan accordingly!

Swampmaiden – Congrats on your scan and a healthy heartbeat. I’m so jealous you’ll get to have so many u/s!! I agree with girls being just as rough and tumble…whilst my DD loves dresses and stuff she also loves anything to do with dirt/bugs/animals… you name it. She’s even got a ride on tractor on our farm like daddies!!
I’d love to live somewhere like California! Sadly, I’ll have to make do with South Wales in the UK!

Sarahcake – hope that tooth sorts itself out, I think toothache is the worst! Especially when we can only really take paracetamol!!

Pinkmonki – will this be your 1st homebirth? I have to take my hat off to you as I know I wouldn’t be able to do it either mentally or medically. I suffered a bad tear on my uterus on my DD and had an ECS and a 2hour operation to repair my uterus so my MW has pretty much told me it has to be another CS this time and I’m gutted :cry:

Hope everyone else is doing ok. I'm still pretty much the same, odd nausea, occasional sore boobs and my sense of smell has changed a lot but other than that I'm good. I'm also finding baby on doppler after a few minutes and its quickly becoming one of my fav things to do when I get in from work! Am looking forward to my dating scan now but I still don't have a date yet :wacko: I was going to ring them today but forgot so will ring on Monday and see what's going on as its been 2 weeks today since my referral.
Yeah you should defo chase that up, 2 weeks is a long time for a referal for a dating scan. By the time you get it, you'll be having your NT scan lol

Toothache is the one pain I just can't cope with, stomach pain - ok, headache - can function hell, even standing on Lego - I can deal with it but toothache turns me into a right baby. Been up 3/4 of the night and now I'm off for a 12 hour shift which is likely going to be completely understaffed and full of stress. Woohoo! Happy Saturday ladies haha
Yeah you should defo chase that up, 2 weeks is a long time for a referal for a dating scan. By the time you get it, you'll be having your NT scan lol

Toothache is the one pain I just can't cope with, stomach pain - ok, headache - can function hell, even standing on Lego - I can deal with it but toothache turns me into a right baby. Been up 3/4 of the night and now I'm off for a 12 hour shift which is likely going to be completely understaffed and full of stress. Woohoo! Happy Saturday ladies haha

Will def be chasing Monday if a letter doesn't arrive this morning!!

I'm with you on the toothache pain...I'm not sure if you can use it when pregnant but when I last had a problem I used Oragel which was in a red tube. it numbs the area and once it starts to work it takes the pain away - warning though...it tastes vile :sick:

Thankfully I don't work weekends but I live on a farm so I never get a weekend off either!! Hope your shift goes fast x
Ahh oragel is a good shout, I'll look that up thank you :) once the antibiotics kick in I imagine it won't be too bad, just waiting on those!

Farm work is intensive, make sure your not overdoing it you! I'm very lucky, whilst we are short staffed and it's not a nice place to work right now (staff morale is at an all time low) my staff look after me and don't let me do any lifting or anything so I'm likely on medication and paperwork duty today!
it is good stuff but if you use it try not to get it on your tongue as it will numb it! Ideally if you have a hole or gap squirt the tube directly into it and literally within a minute or 2 you will start to feel it working! its great stuff!!

Thankfully we have finished lambing on the farm and most of our cattle are out for the summer so I only really look after our chickens and ducks though I do have the dreaded task of mowing our lawns today. Then I might put up DD's paddling pool as its supposed to be quite warm here this weekend.
Wills... So funny, Id trade California in a heartbeat for the UK... its been so hot lately.. mid 90s which I think is like 40C? Thankfully we have a pool, which is where ill be tomorrow with my DD while DH is at an all day seminar on a Saturday... im just hoping tomorrow isn't a bad nausea day... today wasn't so bad but yesterday was brutal. Seems the days i exercise are mild nausea and days i don't move much the nausea is bad... And tomorrow I'm not planning on moving much lol so fx no bad MS!

Pinkmonki, my est due date is Jan 30th... i didn't realize i wasn't upon the board yet!

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