January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

Well this is what is throwing me off. Because I didn't take any tests that month, and I tested when i would have been approx 4 weeks - before missed AF for may. Was no reason for the testing, I just... Had a feeling that I was. And it turns out I was right.

I'm convinced im 9 weeks but hey, it's a fun little game to keep me occupied until my scan next week I guess!

She didn't feel any part of me besides my arms to take my blood and I'm a plus size lady so for me to find anything would be quite hard to be brutally honest.

I feel very full down there though, as I did with my son when I was around 12 weeks if my memory serves me correctly.

So I'm taking bets...

9 or 13... Winner gets a pat on the back haha
I think 9 weeks!

Also, it shouldn't matter if you are plus size. If you lay down and feel from
Your pubic bone upward you may feel a large hard area, that would be the baby. But if you try, be very gentle because it's really tender at this stage.
I'm gonna guess 11 weeks.... going for the middle between 9 and 13 lol.

Ahh I see what you mean now, I've just done that and I do feel a hard area, but I wouldn't consider it to be large so that's just confusing the situation more 😂

Haha so we have a 13 and a middle ground 11, excellent!

I've just had my first brutal sporadic sickness episode btw, not enjoyable!

Cooked a lovely slimming world curry, one of cooked a dozen times and enjoyed... Got halfway through and my body just said nopppppppe don't eat that. 3 mins later, it came up to say hi again in front of my horrified fiance and brother 😷 not good. I hope that doesn't continue! Didn't get that at all with my son!
Oh you poor thing. Sickness is horrible isn't it?

I hate it when you make a food which you think is going to be great and your body thinks otherwise. I've wasted many dinners this way.
Sickness is the worst...it kills me when we've paid for a meal out and the whole lot comes back up...not fun!!
Hope everyone is doing good today!
I'm now off work for 17 days Hurrah!!!

We travel to Finland on the 5th July so really looking forward to that!

Everything seems good here so far...getting more and more excited and anxious as I'm almost 10 weeks!!! Double digits ahhhhhh!!! Amazing <3

Sarah, I'm going with 9 weeks, mainly because of your morning sickness!
And yes, hippymama you bring up an excellent point, if there was such a wide range of possible dates, why didn't the midwife/nurse do a fundal height check?! Those literally take 1 minute!

That 13 week scan looked great, i can't believe how big and well formed the babies are at just 13 weeks, just amazing.

No scans for me for another 3 weeks... Im at end of month too, so everyone will be ahead of me also but that's okay.. my first baby came on the 23rd and practically everyone in my group had their babies before me, even women due after me! Seems like many women deliver early...but i actually think i may even go until February &#128513;
Annio84 &#8211; how&#8217;s it going? Did you request your appointment after?

Aussiebub &#8211; so glad to read that all the negative thoughts have gone and I hope the remainder of your pregnancy is stress and worry free.

Hippymumma &#8211; wow&#8230;that brought your due date forward a bit!! Great scan pic too &#61514;
Sarahcake &#8211; that&#8217;s quite a bit of difference between your dates, bet it shocked you a bit! FX you get an appointment soon for your scan so you know where you are! Based on your symptoms I&#8217;d guess 9-10 weeks.

Marriedlaydee &#8211; I&#8217;m jealous about the 17 days off!! Hope your break is nice and relaxing

Swampmaiden &#8211; I&#8217;ve not got my scan until 6th July&#8230;it seems so far away! I also think they will put me back by about a week if my private scan measured correctly but will have to wait and see. Due to prev issues I&#8217;m likely to have to have an elective c section so should know exactly when the baby will be born!

Hows everyone else doing? The group seems to have gone really quiet?!
I&#8217;m doing ok although the nausea has been horrendous the last few days, I even took a half day from work on Friday to come home and lie down as I felt that bad! Also have slight anxiety as I&#8217;ve been unable to find the baby&#8217;s HB on my doppler for the last few days&#8230;hoping everything is ok but the not knowing is horrible. I&#8217;m praying the baby has just moved as my pregnancy has progressed a bit and that because of my tilted uterus that it&#8217;s just in a harder position to find whilst it&#8217;s still relatively small. Am just counting down the days to my scan to find out for sure x
Thank you lovely :) I'm going to ring first thing tomorrow from work and ask for a Tuesday appointment if possible. I have no idea what time their last scans are so I may end up with one tommorrow if it's after we finish work. But Tuesday is the ideal.

This is the reason why I don't have a Doppler as I ended up making myself quite sick with worry when I couldn't find my son on there and I just know I'll do the same this time too.

Having a tilted uterus will defo impact finding them though, it always did with me and my midwife didn't even want to try until my 16 week appointment because of that reason so please don't panic, everything is fine it's just so hard to pick them up at this gestation without a tilted uterus let alone with one x
I'll be 12 weeks on Tue and sickness has got worse!! Hopefully will stop soon. I've had my dating scan, but need to go back on Thu for nuchal fold measurement. Can't believe we are so close to 2ndtrimester.
wills - when is your scan?? don't worry too much. I've heard its really hard to find a HB at this stage. When I went in for my appt at 10w4d, even the tech lady had a really hard time finding the HB!
It really drags doesn't it :( I need to ring and arrange my scan today, I'm guessing they would open at 9am? Hoping they can get me in :-/
wills - when is your scan?? don't worry too much. I've heard its really hard to find a HB at this stage. When I went in for my appt at 10w4d, even the tech lady had a really hard time finding the HB!

Its not until 6th July which is another 9 long days...My O/H keeps telling me I'm daft but I think what makes it worse is that I heard it on my doppler for around 5 days in a row and then stopped doing it everyday as i'd re-assured myself but then for some random reason I decided to look again a few days ago and I've been unable to find it which is what's freaked me out. If I hadn't of found it I'd think it was just early but the fact I did and now cant worries me.

I've constantly felt sick for the last week or so, so I'm hoping that's a good sign xx
Sorry for being awol again. I'm bloody useless.

Wills - I know it's easier said than done, but try not to worry. These little scamps have a tonne of ways to hide from us, you'd think uteruses were tardis like sometimes. However, if you're very worried call your midwife and see if you can get in at the EPU for a scan. Better to settle your mind I think, if you can.

Gosh there's a lot of us in on Thursday for scans!

Sarah I can't wait to hear the results of yours!

Afm we're going ahead and telling people after the scan. His folks know and frankly his mother has a mouth like a foghorn so we're on borrowed time anyway.

I think I'm finally starting to believe that I might get to hold this baby. It's been a long journey and so much pain to get here, but I feel really certain that this is our rainbow. No idea what's changed but I really do.
Hahaha Pink!! My father in law is the same. We have told him but said he is not to tell anyone but he's absolutely bursting to share the news because back In their day they told everyone immediately. Thankfully his brothers are both away on holiday at the moment or I am certain they would already know.

My sister is the same, I feel bad we haven't told her yet but I will do on Thursday all going well.

I assume they are going to automatically put me into a higher risk category because I'm 36?? Which will mean further tests.

I've been reading up about the NIPT / Harmony testing over the last couple of days. £400 is a lot of money but it seems safer and more accurate than the NHS testing and also you can get it immediately rather than waiting. Has anyone else thought about doing this??

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